• Title/Summary/Keyword: 지역사회 사회자본

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Industrial restructuring and uneven regional development in the 1980s (산업구조조정과 지역불균등발전 : 1980년대)

  • ;Choi, Byung-Doo
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.137-165
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    • 1994
  • Structural adjustment of industry (or industrial restructuring) seems to be inherent in the process of capitalist economic development, which tends to be proceeded with shifts from one stage to another in order to overcome structural crises generated in each stage. The structural adjustment of industry is necessarily accompanied with regional restructuring, since it is not only projected on spece, but also mediated by space. Such a restructuring necessitates industrial and uneven regional devlopment through which capital can seek excessive profits over the rate of socio-spatial average. The industrial restructuring and uneven regional development in the 1980s in Korea can be seen as a process in which capital attempted with a strong support of the govenment to overcome the crises in the end of 1970s and hence to go on rapid economic growth. In this process, capital, especially monopoly capital concentrated into few conglomerates, pursued both extensive expansion and intensive development of industry simultaneously. In results, the Korean economy could eliminate some of peripheral characters and maturate the Fordist accumulation system. The extensive expansion of the Korean industry in the 1980s was stimulated mainly through the enlargement and adjustment of investment for equipment facilities which was planned to exclude or rationalize traditional light industries on some places, and to continue rapid growth of key heavy-chemical industries, especially of fabricated metal industry, on other places. In this process, keeping mainly the existing developmental axis which polarized the Seoul Metroplitan region and the Southeast region in Korea, the enhancing spatial mobiiity of capital and the further differentiating division of labour enforced a tendency of concentration of all types of industry in the Seoul Metropolitan region, and at the same time provoked the diffusion of some industries over Jeolla and Chungchong regions in a considerable extent. The intensive development of industriai structure in the 1980s was pursued through the strategic encouragement of subcontracting small firms mainly which produced assembling components, the technical enhancement and factory (semi-) automation, and the enrichment of service industries for estate management, finance, distribution and retailing which supported and complemented the production of goods. In this process, enabling capital to extend and elaborate its domination over space through the reorganization of regulating systems, the Fordist division of labour generated a socio-spatial hierarchy in the nation-wide scale that characterized: the Seoul Metropolitan region as an overmaturated (or overarching) Fordist region performing the conceptive functions of management, research and development, in which all types of industry (including service industries) tended to be reconcentrated; Kyungsang region as a maturated Fordist region with excutive branches of large conglomerates and with subcontracting firms around them which produced standardized products through the automized production processes in secialized Fordist industries or rationalized traditional industries; and Jeolla and Chungchong regions as newly devloping Fordist regions with newly migrated branches and some subcontracting small firms-in relatively older Fordist industries or partly rationalized traditional industries. From these analyses, it can be argued that the structural adjustment of the Korean industry in the 1980s, which had carried out both through the extensive expansion and the intensive deveiopment, strengthened further uneven regional development process, even though it appears to have reduced apparently the economic and regional disparity by balancing numerically large and small firms and by extending the Fordist industrial space nation-wideiy. And it seems more persuasive to see that the Korean industrial structure in the 1980s maturated the Fordist system of accumulation, but not yet transformed towards the post-Fordist (or the so-called flexible) accumulation system, even though the Korean economy in the 1990s seems to be under a pressure of restructuring towards the latter system.

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A Study on the Effect of EXPO 2012 Yeosu on the Economy of Gwangyang Bay Area (여수세계박람회의 경제적 효과 제고방안: 광양만권을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Gil-Seong;Park, Bok-Jae
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.37-55
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    • 2008
  • This paper attempts to examine the effect of EXPO 2012 Yeosu on the economy of Gwangyang bay area. Based on previous successful EXPOs, We identified four major positive effects (direct economic impact, regional infrastructure developments, redevelopment of slum areas and industrial complex, and internationalization of Gwangyang bay area). Especially, EXPO 2012 Yeosu will contribute to make the job creation of 97,842 employees and promote tourism industry. To maximize the above positive effects of EXPO 2012 Yeosu, we suggest several strategic alternatives in this paper. First of all, we need to make several plans for realizing the specialized theme of EXPO 2012 Yeosu. Second, local governments should create a more favorable business environment for foreign investors. Third, we have to make the strategic tourism programs to attract foreign tourists. Finally, local governments need to make the several communication strategies of utilizing mass media and non-mass media.

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Non-Agricultural Occupations of Korean Immigrants at the Russian Far East (러시아 극동지역 한인이주민의 직업에 대한 연구: 비농업직(非農業職)을 중심으로)

  • 이채문
    • Korea journal of population studies
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.39-77
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    • 2000
  • The paper examines non-agricultural occupations of Korean immigrants in the Russian Far East from 1860s to 1930s. First of all, theoretical perspectives regarding immigrants\` job selection and positions in the labor market such as cultural theory, segmented labor market theory, human capital theory, and ethnic enclave theory were reviewed and then how these theories can be applied to various jobs of Korean immigrants including mining, fishing, small business, service, and miscellaneous jobs was studied. Next. this article points out that those theories cannot explain both supply and demand sides of migration simultaneously, suggesting the need to integrate two sides of migration. In order to fill out this gap in the literature, this paper suggests the integrative approach which combines supply side and demand side of migration. According to this model, several factors in the non-agricultural jabs which were affecting Korean immigration in the Russian Far East. were identified and discussed in relation with existing theoretical perspectives. Finally this paper concludes that, in order to understand Koran migration in the Russian Far East properly, we have to take into consideration simultaneously both supply-sided factors of immigration including farming-oriented characteristics of Koreans, Korean socio-economic problems preceding immigration, and self-dependent tendencies of Korean immigrants and demand-side factor like the Russian migration policy to the immigrants and various regional situations in the Russian Far East.

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An Empirical Study on Successful Factor of Local Mobile App One-Person Creating Company : The Moderating Effects of Social Capital (지역 모바일 앱 1인 창조기업의 성공요인에 관한 실증분석 : 사회적 자본의 조절효과를 중심으로)

  • Cheon, Phyeong Uk;Chung, Dong Seop;Ock, Young Seok
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.201-219
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    • 2014
  • The Republic of Korea in the real economy to a knowledge economy, and a center of creativity and imagination in the creative economy is changing the paradigm. As the core of creating economic, creative industries with the technology and information play an important role in the industry individuals. In order to solve the problem of the polarization of the economy and high youth unemployment rate of Korea, to recognize the role of the creative industries, as objection part, dimensions pan-national and one creative companies in industries of Mobile Apps various policies that support has been promoted. Support these policies to be able to contribute to the establishment of the success of mobile apps one-person creating company, we performed this study targeting one-person company that creates mobile apps area, we conducted a demonstration study of success factors, and thus more effective and efficient in an attempt to seek out support measures. In this study, we derive a research 4 hypothesis about the success factors of one creative enterprise through literature discussion, a study was made on the basis of empirical data of one-person company that creates mobile apps. The results of the analysis, first, if the development rate of the mobile application technology is fast and a new competition associated product is appeared, it was possible to find a tendency to be higher at the performance quantitative companies. Second, if the founder is a founding for the benefit and rewarding work and come to terms with the risk, it was possible to discover tends to be higher achievement quantitative. Third, if one-person company select a target market with capture intensively, it was possible to find a tendency for higher qualitative results. Fourth, it could be found that the reliability of the contact frequency of the network related performance business environment these characteristics enterprise management strategy and act as a significant modulatory effect. Provision of information relating to management and entrepreneurship education to be one creative enterprise is required, these results suggest that there is a provision continuing need for the opportunity to be able to meet and network and reliable variety have. In this study, to take advantage to promote the elimination measures that can increase the likelihood of success of the company of institutions to support one company that creates knowledge-based, such as in the field of mobile application.

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SOC Project Plans and Cultural Resource Management in the North Korean Region : Suggestions for Systematic Investigation and Management of North Korean Cultural Heritage (북한지역 SOC사업 구상과 문화유산 - 북한 문화유산의 효율적인 조사·관리를 위한 제언 -)

  • Kim, Beom-Cheol
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.52 no.2
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    • pp.4-19
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    • 2019
  • Despite continuous volatility in ideological leanings, South Korean governments, conservative or progressive, have published a series of plans for aiding the economic development of North Korea. The Moon administration's plan is the paragon of such efforts. In addition, recent detente between the North Korean regime and the US government evokes much hope in its success. There is, hidden behind the veil of hope, apprehension about the crisis of management of cultural heritage in the North Korean region. It is believed that development policies may overwhelm efforts at conservation of cultural heritage, in particular that the hurrying of development projects would provoke insufficient and inappropriate investigation of archaeological sites., If these problems arise, responsibility for their resolution would be carried by South Korean archaeologists and governmental institutes. This paper reviews what the South Korean government has suggested for North Korea's economic recovery and examines what capability the South Korean archaeology sector has for investigating North Korean cultural heritage. It then discusses the scale of investigation needed, and what should beused as precedent in planning substantial excavations when development projects are performed in the North Korean region. Constructing a digital map system for cultural heritage of North Korea is suggested as one of the most urgent tasks precedent to substantial excavations. It is of great importance because we do not currently have any substantial information about the locations and current condition of cultural heritage sites and artifacts in the North Korean region. The mapping of Bronze Age sites in North Korea, conducted as a sort of pilot test, revealed that archaeological sites are densely distributed in several regions, especially Hwanghae-do and Pyoyang Directly-Administrated City, and that there is high potential of discovering new sites.

Exceptional Characteristics of Cross-border Production Networks in Dandong, North Korea-China Border Region (북중 접경지역 단둥의 대북 생산 네트워크의 예외적 성격)

  • Lee, Sung-Cheol;Kim, Boo-Heon;Chung, Su-Yeul;Kim, Minho;Chi, Sang-Hyun
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.329-352
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    • 2017
  • Since the late 2000s Korean foreign direct investors in North Korea and China border regions have gone through the closure of outward processing trade(OPT) networks and changes in their location due to UN security council resolution and Korean independent sanctions against North Korea's nuclear and missile tests. However, the introduction of new Chinese OPT policy has led to the invigoration of domestic market-based OPT networks towards North Korea. The main aim of this paper is to identify the exceptional characteristics of Dandong in Liaoning province, a North Korea and China border region by analyzing OPT networks towards North Korea. Fundamentally the establishment of OPT networks towards North Korea is likely to be based on the utilization of a plenty of low wages in North Korea. The main reasons for this are fallen into two perspectives: geo-economics and geo-politics. The first perspective is geo-economics centering on the consolidation of economic exchange between North Korea and China, and North Korean economic development. For example, the introduction of Chinese OPT in border region has enabled Chinese local firms based on domestic market to access a plenty of low wage in North Korea in formal and institutional contexts. The second is geo-politics for the stability of North Korean regime based on the means of geo-economics. As the invigoration of domestic market-based OPT networks might make North Korea possible promoting foreign money earning, it enable North Korea to be sustainable as a buffering region between capitalist and socialist regime for China. It shows Chinese geo-strategic attempts to deal with the economic and regime stability of North Korean as a buffering state. In other words, OPT networks in North Korea should be concerned with the discourse practice of geo-economics and geo-politics which might lead to various and contingent spatial economies in border region. As a consequence, North Korea and China border regions could defined as a space in which is applicable to exceptional institutions and policies, and an exploitative space in which create surplus and rents by utilizing a plenty of low wages in North Korea through OPT networks.

South-North Legal System Division: Challenge for the Integration of Legal Systems beyond the Division of Korea (남북 법제분단: 분단을 넘어 법제통합을 위한 과제)

  • Choi, Eun-Suk
    • Journal of Legislation Research
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    • no.53
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    • pp.61-107
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    • 2017
  • It has been seventy-two years since the Korean Peninsular was divided into South and North Korea. When Korea was liberated from Japanese colonial rule in August 1945, the South and North established a capitalist system and a socialist system (communism) respectively, intensifying the ideological conflict and confrontation. The division of Korea was not confined to political and economical aspects, but extended to legal system, making it difficult to find legislative homogeneity in the two. The long-term situation of the divided nation results in a social phenomenon accompanied by legal division. For instance, shortly after its liberation from Japan's colonial rule, North Korea responded quickly to secure legal stability to govern the northern part while the Soviet army troops were stationed in it. Based on Marx and Engels' historical materialism, the North drove a change in its ideological superstructure by repealing the privatization of land property which was the means of production and finally enforced land nationalization, in common with other socialist states including the former Soviet Union. The North's land reform made under the guise of fulfilling national independence and doing away with anti-seigneurial and anti-feudalistic relations, has led to a wide difference in the systems between the South and Korea. This paper focuses on the legal systems of South and North Korea and is aimed at exploring the legal characteristics and environment of the North which became secluded from the world while engaging in socialist experiments for the past seventy two years against capitalism. Ongoing studies of legal system integration will be briefly discussed. The legal status of South and North Korea as a political entity will be investigated to overcome legal system division; and the characteristics of South-North relationship in legal terms and the limitations of the North's legal system will be also examined. Moreover, the directions for integrating legal systems and the plan for resolving legal system division will be suggested.

Study on Establishment Criteria of Dam Emergency Action Plan (댐 비상대처계획(EAP) 수립기준 연구)

  • Park, Ki-Chan;Choi, Kyung-Sook
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2017.05a
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    • pp.257-257
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    • 2017
  • 본 연구는 기상이변의 영향으로 지속적으로 발생되고 있는 댐 저수지 붕괴에 대한 원인 분석과 기존의 관련 연구 및 지침 등을 비교 분석하여 현재 실무에서 적용되고 있는 댐 저수지 비상대처계획(EAP) 수립 대상 기준에서 제외되는 시설물의 붕괴 가능성 평가를 통해 EAP 수립 대상의 적정 범위를 제시하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 본 연구에서는 시설물의 붕괴 가능성에 대한 정량적 판단 기준을 각 요인별로 제시하고, EAP 수립 대상에서 제외되는 댐 저수지를 대상으로 붕괴 가능요인을 적용하여 3개 이하의 붕괴요인에 해당될 경우 저위험군, 4개 및 5개의 붕괴요인에 해당될 경우 중위험군과 고위험군으로 각각 분류하여 시설물 붕괴 위험성 정도에 따른 적절한 대응이 이루어질 수 있도록 제안하였다. 댐 저수지 붕괴 사례 분석을 통해 도출된 붕괴 가능성의 주요 요인으로는 저수용량, 제체 높이, 준공 경과연수, 우심피해 및 지진피해 잠재지역이 포함되며, 각 요인별 객관적인 판단기준은 댐 저수용량의 경우 EAP 법적 수립기준 및 과거 붕괴사례 등의 분석을 토대로 붕괴사례 61개소 중에서 약 88%를 차지하는 저수용량 10만톤을 선정하였으며, 댐 높이의 경우 댐의 파괴양상(이종태, 1987)에서 제시한 댐 붕괴부 특성과 미국주댐안전협회(ASDSO: American Society of Dam Safety Official) 학술지인 Dam Safety(2006) 등에서 제안한 기준을 기존의 댐?저수지 붕괴사례에 적용하여 댐 붕괴폭과 댐 높이의 상관관계 분석 결과를 바탕으로 댐 높이 8m 이상을 적정 범위로 고려하였다. 준공 경과연수의 경우에는 국민안전처 "재해위험저수지 댐 관리 지침" 타당성 평가기준인 '시설노후도' 기준과 한국시설안전공단 사회간접자본 노후화 기준에 해당하는 경과연수 기준을 토대로 30년 이상을 기준으로 선정하였으며, 우심피해 및 지진피해 잠재지역은 국민안전처 재해연보(2014)를 기준으로 과거 10년 동안의 우심피해 발생 지역과 기상청 국내 지진 규모 10위권 내에 포함되는 지역을 고려 대상으로 하였다. 본 연구에서 도출한 시설물 붕괴 가능성에 대한 판단기준을 국민안전처에서 고시한 EAP 수립 대상에서 제외되는 지자체 재해위험저수지 354개소에 적용해 본 결과, 저위험군 16개소, 중위험군 5개소, 고위험군 2개소로 각각 조사되었다. 저위험군은 전문 시설물 관리자에 의한 주기적인 시설물 점검 및 관찰이 필요할 것으로 사료되며, 중 고위험군에 속하는 시설물의 경우 본 연구의 결과를 바탕으로 시설물 하류지역의 실질적인 인명 및 경제적 피해 가능성에 대한 보다 면밀한 조사를 통해 EAP 수립 대상 포함여부를 결정하여야 할 것으로 판단된다.

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The Moderating Effects of Employer Trust on the Effect of Organizational Reputation (기업평판이 회사몰입과 이직의도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Yang, Jin-Ho;Park, Sang-Bong
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the the effect of organizational reputation on company commitment, turnover intention and the moderating effect of employer trust. Despite the progress of organizational reputation studies, There is a shortage of employee-perspective studies. This study considered the limitation of previous study and the help to the company. This study built a exploratory model that there is causal relationship of organizational reputatio to company commitment, turnover intention and the moderating effect of employer trust on the effect of company commitment, and turnover intention. To test hypotheses empirically, the data was collected from 239 iron and steel company's workers in Po-hang. The study showed following results. First organizational reputation had the effect on the company commitment and turnover intention significantly. a positve reputation in an organization is associate with commitment and negative reputation in an organization is associate with turnover. Second perceived employer trust played the role as the moderating variable in relation with the effect of reputation on the company commitment. The implication of these results to the union and the company, the limitation and the direction of future study were suggested.

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Application of GIS for Assessing Asset by Double Entry Bookkeeping in Local Government -Focused on Geoje City- (지자체의 복식부기 자산평가를 위한 GIS적용 -거제시를 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Dong-Kyoo;Cho, Eun-Rae;Sukhee, Ochirbat;Yoo, Hwan-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.175-182
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    • 2008
  • Local government needs to an official document to conserve and manage its assets under the control of it by performing public duties. The central government adopted double entry bookkeeping in January of 2007 is demanding that local government should make reports of asset management that are related to assets and debts by using double entry bookkeeping. It is also imperative to assess assets of local government's public facilities in order to adopt double entry bookkeeping. But it is hard to exactly inspect some facilities that are constructed underground. In case of Geoje City, this study also found out that $70{\sim}80%$ of the clauses about facilities such as road and water supply in GIS database can be applied fur assessing assets by double entry bookkeeping. Due to the weak connection between double entry bookkeeping and GIS database, local governments have to make more study in order to practically use double entry bookkeeping system.