• Title/Summary/Keyword: 지역사회 노인인식

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Analysis of Care Types in Long-term Care Facilities from the View of Active Ageing (활동적 노화의 관점에서 본 장기요양시설의 돌봄 유형 분석)

  • Kim, Hyun-Jeong
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.85-105
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this research is to analyze care types in long-term care facilities with the view of Active Ageing by using Q-methodology. In-depth interviews were conducted to grasp various thoughts on care of long-term care facilities in three areas of WHO's active aging: health, safety, and participation. 35 people participated in the interview, including the elderly living in long-term care facilities, adult children of the elderly living in long-term care facilities, the elderly living in the community, service providers, and long-term care professionals. Of the 451 Q populations, 63 Q samples were extracted, and a total of 43 P samples were used for final data analysis. Data were analyzed using the QUANL program, and as a result, three factor structures (4 types) were found to be suitable and accounted for 30.15% of the total variance. Current care types in long-term care facilities were analysed into 4 types: protection-oriented care (type 1), participation-oriented care (type 2), medical-connected care (type 3), and human-centered care (type 4). Based on the results of this study, institutional and practical suggestions and implications were presented for the qualitative change of care in long-term care facilities.

A Study on Social Efficacy of Senior Citizens in Welfare Centers in Some Areas according to Their Subjective Oral Health and Their Quality of Life related to Oral Health (일부지역 노인복지관 노인들의 주관적 구강건강상태에 따른 사회적 효능감 및 구강건강관련 삶의 질에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Hong-Ryurn;Ku, In-Young;Moon, Seon-Jeong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.1000-1009
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    • 2014
  • This study selected 582 senior citizens who used 6 senior welfare centers in 7 districts, Daegu and analyzed questionnaires for them from January 9 through June 5, 2013 in order to look into their subjective oral health, social efficacy and quality of life according to their subjective cognition of oral health and their quality of life related to oral health according to sociodemographic characteristics and drew the following conclusions: Sex was statistically significant in toothache and xerostomia; age, in oral health, dysmasesis, toothache, periodontal complications and xerostomia; the level of education, in oral health, dysmasesis, toothache and periodontal complications; and the number of family members living together, in dysmasesis, toothache, periodontal complications, xerostomia and halitosis. Their responses to the question about their social efficacy according to oral health included: 'My oral health is not good' 3.11 points; and 'My jaw crackles or hurts' 1.99 points. In social efficacy according to their cognition of oral health, their health was 2.05 points while in the quality of life, their health was 3.41 points. In the scores of the quality of life related to oral health, for their health, functional limitation was 2.13 points; physical pain, 2.53; psychological discomfort, 2.17; physical limitation, 2.31; degradation of psychological ability, 2.06; degradation of social ability, 1.81; and social disadvantage, 1.99. In sum, it is judged that senior citizens' quality of life as well as their oral health will be enhanced when active seeking for plans to prevent the progress of oral diseases is sufficiently considered through continuously providing oral health education for the promotion of geriatric oral health and developing preventive programs.

A Study on the Factors Affecting the Recognition of Age Preparation for Middle and Old Aged (중·장년 노후생활인식에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Kuk-Gwen;Kim, Jae Ho
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.189-194
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    • 2019
  • In this research, it is the research which carried out the fact-finding for the preparation of old age targeting middle and middle age. After requesting a questionnaire survey for middle-aged and elderly people, it was carried out by the method of collection. A total of 350 copies were distributed, and there were a lot of questions that were poor in response or lacking. Except for the 39 copies, a total of 311 copies of SPSS 22.0 were tried and frequency analysis, t-test and oneway ANOVA were performed. Targeting middle-aged and elderly people, we grasped the difference in regional characteristics and differences in life of old-aged people. The purpose of this study is as follows. First of all, the difference of life in old age according to the socio-demographic characteristics of middle and middle age, second middle and middle age, socio-demographic, economic, life in old age, living in physical age, or social old age It is the provision of basic materials for the preparation of old age by grasping the difference of life.

A Study on Care Worker's Job Satisfaction in the Korea and Japan: Focusing on the Gyeongsangnam-do and the Osaka city (한국과 일본 케어워커의 직무만족도에 관한 비교 연구)

  • Jang, Yu-Mi;Kang, Ga-Young;Baik, Jeong-Won;Ryu, Ki-Hyung
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.62 no.3
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    • pp.109-139
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    • 2010
  • With execution of the social care insurance for the elderly, it has been an issue of raising professionally trained care workers. The importance of building social care employees has already been emphasized in Korean and Japan. The purpose of this study is to empirically survey the job satisfaction of care workers toward workers of nursing homes and care institutions in osaka city of Japan and 150 care worker in Gyeongsangnam-do of Korea were sampled and interviewed to collect informations about the job satisfaction of care workers toward care insurance system for a questionnaire. The results of this survey as follow; basic recognition of care workers on the care insurance system change seems to be low. And then job satisfaction of care workers is high. But it was found that job stress level was relatively high. There wasn't statistically significant difference in job satisfaction and job stress than personal characteristics and job characteristics. But There was statistically significant difference in job satisfaction and job stress by nation.

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A Study on the Awareness & Preferences about the Nursing Homes (노인요양시설에 대한 고령자 인식 및 시설 내부 색채선호 경향에 관한 연구)

  • Jeong, Mu Lin;Park, Hey Kyung
    • Korea Science and Art Forum
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    • v.29
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    • pp.319-331
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    • 2017
  • South Korea has entered the age of aging society since the elderly population over 65 reached 13.1% in 2015. This increase rate is the fastest in the OECD members. as a part of the precaution, the Korean government has enforced the long term care insurance from July 2008 and the increase of related nursing homes until 2015 was 220.2% which is rapid and quantitative. It was natural that quantitative expansion leads to qualitative improvement. With regard to service environment conditions, color environment draws attention as one of the most effective measures. color environment supports nursing home's spatial functions and the aged class is subject to the research as the potential customers. This study aims to understand color environment, conduct surveys for color preference and attitude toward color environment, and suggest directions for color environment plan. The ultimate goal is to improve the quality of Korean nursing home environment. It studied definition, state, color environment and space functions of nursing homes as well as the preceding researches. With 100 people over 60s in Busan and Gyeongnam area (52 male and 48 female), the survey examined attitudes for color environment and color preference by space functions in nursing home. The research method is as follows. First, as a result of the consciousness survey on color environment in elderly nursing home, it considers service (37%), medical service (20%), and location (19%) heavily in order. color environment plan is not recognized significantly. However, the need of indoor color plan in the elderly nursing homes has "agree (32%) and "strongly agree (25%), which suggests that color introduction is required to the nursing homes. Second, the indoor coloration for the elderly nursing homes has various color preferences. The color preference order for bedroom was R, P, and G but this order changes in nursing space (program room) to G, R, and Y. The communal space such as lobby prefers R, G and Y in order. R color was preferred in general.

The Relationship between Age-friendly Environment and Life Satisfaction : A Comparison of Three Different Age Groups (고령친화환경과 삶의 만족도의 관계 : 연령집단별 비교를 중심으로)

  • Chung, Soondool;Kim, Miri
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies
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    • v.48 no.2
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    • pp.121-141
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    • 2017
  • The objective of this study was to investigate the influence age-friendly environment factors on different age groups' life satisfaction. Data were taken from "2014 Survey on the Aged Society", with total of 1,000 participants divided into three groups: 300 youth participants from age 20 to 44, 300 middle aged participants from age 45 to 64, and older adults participants from age 65 and more. Performing ANOVA and multiple regression analysis showed that age-friendly environment factors had positive correlations with life satisfaction, regardless of the participants'age. However, the sub-dimensions of age-friendly environment that affected each age group was different. Among three sub-dimensions of age-friendly environment, which were housing factor, social participation factor, and community and health service factor, only housing factor affected life satisfaction of the youth group, while both community and health service factor, and housing factor affected life satisfaction of the middle-aged and the elderly groups. The result clearly presents that age-friendly environment factors are not only beneficial for older people but for people at all ages. Therefore, various measures need to be taken in order to increase the age-friendliness of communities, and improve the quality of life.

Recognition and Attitude to Implement at ion of Service Area Assigned System of Public Health Programs among the Health Officer (공공보건사업의 지역담당제 실시에 관한 보건기관 근무 공무원의 인식과 태도)

  • Kim, Mi-Soon;Lee, Moo-Sik;Kim, Nam-Song
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.15-41
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    • 2001
  • Since medical clients and the community they live in are expected to be center of future public health and medical care system, new service programs must be developed with patients focused on in line with widening public access of information and social participation. Patients- focused service shall mean the area- oriented provision of public health service. In this study, health officers working at public health centers, public health sub- centers and medical offices in Jeonbuk- do area were taken for population in order to investigate their attitudes toward and knowledge about the service area assigning system under the public health programs. Findings from the survey to 260 health officers, divided by general category, are as follows : Government officers at public health organizations appeared to have high grade of understanding to the service area assigning system and also great appreciation for the necessity of it. Regarding the timing for the system to be introduced, they support the gradual implementation and, as for the type of service to be provided, they preferred home nursing and treatment of chronic diseases. Highly positive responses were centered on the health classes under the health promotion projects, and as far as health projects for the old are concerned, services for home nursing, for the disabled and for home- alone people are favored most. On the other hand, budgeting, manpower and reorganization are rated as prerequisite to establishment of the service area assigning system. From the viewpoint of system side, the improvement of working conditions is rendered as most urgent, while the information system for establishing the service area assigning system is conceived far from satisfactory. Proper assignment of specialists was noted as mostly important to establish the delivery system for medical service through the service area assigning system by team. As merits of the service area assigning system, it is pointed out that, through the system, health clients can better be managed and the nursing quality will be improved thank to the enhanced specialization. It is also perceived that the district health service is not well prepared to respond to the increased and diversified needs of community people and, furthermore, service programs of health centers have not been fully developed. The most serious problem standing in the way to expansion of health projects is, it is noted, uniformity (formality) of the project. Based on the results of the survey which suggest time has ripen to introduce the service area assigning system, following strategies are proposed to anchor down the system as soon as possible: First, we should introduce the system gradually, starting from the area selected, and in consideration of area specialities, refraining from the hitherto stereotyped way of providing health service. Second, we should seek to properly assign the specialists and improve the working conditions of the assigned officers by securing sufficient budget, since it is a most urgent step to lay foundation for the service area assigning system. Third, best service program should be developed to meet the satisfaction of community people by responding to their needs and solidifying the management of medical clients. Fourth, wide scope of study should further be conducted in order to help this system take roots in the central living of community residents since pilot project on the experimental base attended by specialists only can not win popularity among the masses.

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Is Civic Service the Real Antipode of Volunteer Work? - Focusing on AmeriCorps and Senior Corps in the United States (시민서비스는 자원봉사의 대척점에 있는가? - 미국의 AmeriCorps와 Senior Corps를 중심으로)

  • Ji, Eun-Jeong
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies
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    • v.45 no.2
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    • pp.31-63
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    • 2014
  • Recently interest in civic engagement and civic service is increasing. However, in Korea, few studies have focused on civic service. This might be on account of general awareness that civic service is fundamentally different from the basic spirit of voluntary work, while interest in paid volunteer work is on the rise. Thus, it is necessary to examine whether civic service is the real antipode of volunteer work. Under this kind of critical viewpoint, this study aims to analyze civic service based on the attributes of voluntary work and civic service. The major findings are as follows. Firstly, contrary to common belief, civic service has not been established to go beyond the principle of voluntary and unpaid characteristics of volunteer work. Rather, some voluntary work has broken out of principle of voluntary activities. Secondly, civic service and volunteer work might be characterized as different not due to spontaneity and unpaid service but the structural characteristics of the goal, continuity and formality. Furthermore, the reason for the soft landing of civic service in the United States is not because they have supported the reimbursement of expenses and the provision of stipends. Rather, it is because their long-term activities have promoted real community development for the purpose of finding solutions to social problems, and they have derived a sense of pride and satisfaction from social recognition and rewards for their contributions.

Familism and Welfare Consciousness in Korea (가족주의 가치관에 따른 한국인의 복지의식 연구 : 서울지역 기혼자를 중심으로)

  • Yang, Ok-Kyung
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.51
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    • pp.229-256
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    • 2002
  • This study is about the relationship between traditional familism and welfare consciousness in Korea. Traditional familism is known as the value that most Koreans share with, and the impeding value for welfare program development. Strong family solidarity and family-centered perception among Koreans influences other social values and ideology. Especially, care of the family members is understood as a family duty and responsibility. And this inhibits Koreans to develop welfare consciousness and further to develop welfare programs at the governmental level. Thus, this study purposes to explore the relationship between the two. The sample of 1,131 men and women was selected in Seoul area. As a result, traditional familism is found to be quite influential to welfare consciousness among Koreans. First, perception of welfare institution is strongly related with welfare consciousness. The respondents in high familism group showed low welfare consciousness. Second, state-friendly welfare responsibility was shown low in the group of high familism for the aged and youth. In the same context, for the disabled and the unemployed, state-friendly welfare responsibility was shown high in the group of low familism. Lastly, the relationship between familism and the welfare need was not apparent. Such results make possible to conclude that traditional familism among Korean is still influential to welfare consciousness and welfare ideology. However, although this conclusion should not be used for an excuse to avoid state responsibility but used as a tool to develop a welfare model to strengthen family function as one solid family.

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Subjective oral health perception and oral health behaviors of the elderly people in Busan and Gyeongnam province (부산·경남지역 노인의 구강보건행동과 주관적 구강건강인식도 조사)

  • Jang, Kyeung-Ae;Kim, Dong-Yeol
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study was to compare the oral health status of elderly people living in nursing home with private home in Busan, Kimhae and Jinju in Gyeongnam province for development oral healthy policy of elderly people. 253 elderly subjects aged more than 65 in a hall for the aged and special medical treatment hospital are made up questions. The date was analysed using the SPSS 13.0 program. The obtained result were as follows. 1. 39.5 percent elder people recognize that their subjective oral health is not good. In the case of above three times in brushing tooth a day, 29 percent people are less their oral health is good. As the number of times of brushing tooth decreases, the percent feeling their oral status good decrease(p<.05). 2. The respondents who have visited the dentist within one year are less than people with no visit. Also the percent having a mind that their oral health status is good is higher in the respondents having scaling than them without scaling(p<.05). The respondents who answer that their diet is not bad is most in the ratio of people feeling subjective oral health status good(p<.001). 3. The portion of people feeling their oral status not healthy is highest in the respondents without tooth(p<.05). 4. Among the respondents answering their subjective oral health is not good, the some problem of conversation due to no tooth or denture and relation with others is issued each(p<.001). This study suggests that perceived toothbrusing frequency and periodic scaling with oral health among the elderly. The finding of this study will helpful to policy makers to design plants to increase the oral health related quality of life among the elderly.

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