• Title/Summary/Keyword: 지모(知母)

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Estimation of Environmental Ecological Flow for the Aquatic Ecosystem Management in Urban Rivers (도시하천 수생태계 관리를 위한 환경생태유량 산정)

  • Kim, Keewook;Baek, Kyung Hoon;Kwon, Dong Woon;Kim, Jin Hee;Kang, Ji Yoon
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2022.05a
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    • pp.467-467
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    • 2022
  • 1990년대 후반부터 시작된 자연형 하천정비 사업은 기존의 수질보전정책 외에도 하천생태계에 대한 관심이 부각되는 계기로 작용하고 있다. 이 중 환경생태유량은 기존의 하천유지유량보다 확대된 개념으로 수생태계 건강성 회복을 위한 중요한 요소이다. 본 연구에서는 도시하천 수생태계 건강성 회복방안 마련을 위한 기초자료 마련을 위해 부산의 대표적인 도시하천인 온천천과 학장천을 대상으로 환경생태유량을 산정하였다. 환경생태유량은 하천의 물리적 특성 및 어류·유량을 조사하는 하천현장조사, 서식지적합도지수 산정의 과정을 통해 산정된다. 온천천과 학장천에서 각각 3개의 대표지점을 선정하고 각 지점별로 2회의 현장조사를 통해 각 지점에서의 수심, 유속, 하상재료, 어류 조성을 조사하였다. 조사결과를 바탕으로 붕어와 참갈겨니를 대표어종으로 선정하고 Instream Flow and Aquatic Systems Group(IFASG, 1986)에서 제시한 방법을 이용하여 서식지적합도지수를 산정한 후, 미국지질조사국의 물리적서식지모의시스템(PHABSIM)을 이용하여 하천별, 어종별 환경생태유량을 산정하였다. 온천천의 경우, 붕어와 참갈겨니 모두 약 0.7~0.8m3/s에서 가용서식지면적이 가장 크게 산정되어 일 60,000~70,000m3 가량의 환경생태유량 공급이 필요한 것으로 나타났다. 학장천의 경우, 붕어는 약 0.6~0.7m3/s, 참갈겨니는 약 0.3~0.4m3/s에서 가용서식지면적이 가장 크게 산정되어, 각각 일 50,000~60,000m3, 25,000~35,000m3 가량의 환경생태유량이 필요한 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구로부터 산정된 환경생태유량을 금번 관측유량 및 현재의 하천유지용수 공급계획량과 비교해보면 온천천에서는 일 15,000m3 이상, 학장천에서는 어종에 따라 일 7,000m3 이상의 추가유량 확보가 필요한 것을 알 수 있었다. 특히 학장천의 경우, 어종에 따른 환경생태유량의 차이가 크게 나타나 하천 구간별 유량조사를 통해 어종별 주요 서식지 구간 설정 및 관리가 필요할 것으로 판단된다.

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Jingfang's yaobian theory seen from Dasan Jeong Yagyong's view on the Book of Change. (다산역의 관점에서 본 경방의 효변설)

  • Bang, In
    • Journal of Korean Philosophical Society
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    • v.131
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    • pp.199-222
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    • 2014
  • This essay aims at clarifying Dasan Jeong Yagyong's view on Jingfang's yaobian theory. As is well known, Jingfang was a scholar of the Earlier Han period who exerted a profound influence on the theoretical development of Xiangshu School by creating the various techniques for interpreting the Zhouyi. Jingfang is also important in relation with Dasan's commentary of the Zhouyi, because some part of Dasan's interpreting techniques are thought to have their origin in Jinfang. For example, Dasan used the bigua theory of which the origin could be traced back into Jingfang. However, in this article, I did not deal with the bigua theory because I am going to write another article about it. In stead, my focus will be put on analyzing how Dasan evaluated Jingfang's yaobian theory. The main issues of my argument can be summarized as following. Firstly, in terms of yaobian, Jeong Yagyong called attention to Jingfang's annotation on the Zhouyi in which Jingfang utilized the yaobian method in three occasions, i.e., the first nine of the Qian(乾初九), the sixth nine of the Guan(觀上九), and the sixth nine of the Bo(剝上九). It seems that Jeong Yagyong set forth enough evidence about Jingfang's use of yaobian at least in relation to two cases of the first nine of the Qian and the sixth nine of the Bo, while the other evidence of the sixth nine of the Guan was not so persuasive. However, even if it is evident that Jingfang made use of the yaobain in two cases, there is no reason to equate it with that of Dasan. If one takes a close look, it becomes clear that Jingfang's way of yaobain is very different from Dasan's. Secondly, Jeong Yagyong mentioned Jiayi(賈誼) who lived about one hundred years before Jingfang, as the person who utilized the yaobian in his book of Xinshu(新書). If it is certain that Jiayi was aware of the yaobian, we can assume that the yaobian technique had been handed down from Jiayi to Jingfang. The manuscript excavated from the Mawangdui tomb also increases the possibility that Jiayi could have had the knowledge on the yaobian. In the chapter of Muhe(繆和) of the Mawangdui Zhouyi, there appears the phrase, i.e., "the first six of the qian, qian goes to mingyi," which shows exactly the same form of the yaobian in the Mr Zuo's Spring and Autumn Annals(春秋左氏傳). The burial period of Mawangdui tomb is estimated at the same year of B.C.168 in which Jiayi died. Therefore, judging from that fact, it becomes evident that the yaobain method was widely diffused around B.C.168. Subsequently, it is possible to infer that the yaobian method had been handed down from the period of Jiayi to Jingfang. If we could present the persuasive evidence to support that inference, it would also have the effect of consolidating Dasan's argument about the yaobian.

An Analysis of the Landscape Cognitive Characteristics of 'Gugok Streams' in the First Half of the 18th Century Based on the Comparison of China's 『Wuyi-Gugok Painting』 (중국 『무이구곡도』 3폭(幅)의 비교 분석을 통해 본 18세기 무이산 구곡계(九曲溪)의 경물 인지특성)

  • Cheng, Zhao-Xia;Rho, Jae-Hyun;Jiang, Cheng
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.62-82
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    • 2019
  • Taking the three Wuyi-Gugok Drawings, 『A Picture Showing the Boundary Between Mountains and Rivers: A』, 『Landscape of the Jiuqu River in the Wuyi Mountain: B』 and 『Eighteen Sceneries of Wuyi Mountain: C』, which were produced in the mid-Qing Dynasty as the research objects and after investigating the names recorded in the paintings, this paper tries to analyze the scenic spots, scene types and images in the literature survey. Also, based on the number of Scenic type and the number of Scenic name in each Gok, landscape richness(LR) and landscape similarity(LS) of the Gugok scenic spots, the cognitive characteristics of the landscape in the 18th century were carefully observed. The results are as follows. Firstly, according to the description statistics of scenic spot types in Wuyi Mountain Chronicle, there were 41 descriptions of scenery names in the three paintings, among which rock, peak and stone accounted for the majority. According to the data, the number of rocks, peaks and stones in Wuyi-Gugok landscape accounted for more than half, which reflected the characteristics of geological landscape such as Danxia landform in Wuyi-Gugok landscape. Secondly, the landscape of Gugok Stream(九曲溪) was diverse and full of images. The 1st Gok Daewangbong(大王峰) and Manjeongbong(幔亭峰), the 2nd Gok Oknyeobong(玉女峰), the 3rd Gok Sojangbong(小藏峰), the 4th Gok Daejangbong(大藏峰), the 5th Gok Daeeunbyeong(大隱屛) and Muijeongsa(武夷精舍), the 6th Gok Seonjangbong(仙掌峰) and Cheonyubong(天游峰) all had outstanding landscape in each Gok. However, the landscape features of the 7th~9th Gok were relatively low. Thirdly, according to the landscape image survey of each Gok, the image formation of Gugok cultural landscape originates from the specificity of the myths and legends related to Wuyi Mountain, and the landscape is highly well-known. Due to the specificity, the landscape recognition was very high. In particular, the 1st Gok and the 5th Gok closely related to the Taoist culture based on Muigun, the Stone Carving culture and the Boat Tour culture related to neo-confucianism culture of Zhu Xi. Fourthly, according to the analysis results of landscape similarity of 41 landscape types shown in the figure, the similarity of A and C was very high. The morphological description and the relationship of distant and near performance was very similar. Therefore, it could be judged that this was obviously influenced by one painting. As a whole, the names of the scenes depicted in the three paintings were formed at least in the first half of 18th century through a long history of inheritance, accumulated myths and legends, and the names of the scenes. The order of the scenery names in three Drawings had some differences. But among the scenery names appearing in all three Drawings, there were 21 stones, 20 rocks and 17 peaks. Stones, rocks and peaks guided the landscape of Gugok Streams in Wuyi Mountain. Fifthly, Seonjodae(仙釣臺) in A and C was described in the 4th Gok, but what deserved attention was that it was known as the scenery name of the 3rd Gok in Korean. In addition, Seungjindong(升眞洞) in the 1st Gok and Seokdangsa(石堂寺) in the 7th Gok were not described in Drawings A, B and C. This is a special point that needs to be studied in the future.

Experimental Study of GuizhiShaoyaoZhimu-Tang on the Rheumatic Pathologic Model Induced by Ajuvant in Rats (계지작약지모탕(桂枝芍藥知母湯)이 Ajuvant 투여로 유발된 풍습성(風濕性) 동물병태모델에 미치는 실험적 연구)

  • Jeong, Hyun-Woo
    • Herbal Formula Science
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.25-40
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study explain the experimental effects of Guizhishaoyaozhimu-Tang (桂枝芍藥知母湯) that have clinical efficacy in rheumatoid Arthritis. Materials of present study were Guizhishaoyaozhimu-Tang freeze dried powder (GSZT), Sprague-dawley rats (300 g or so, male), various kinds of needing experimental studis. In order to study the therapeutic effects of GSZT, this Prescription (GSZT 500 mg/kg, 1,000 mg/kg) were administered per oral to the rats with the arthritis induced by Freund's complete adjuvant ($0.2m{\ell}/kg$), several experimental items were measured and compared each other ; that is body weight, rate of edema, analgesic effect by hot plate method, WBC, total protein, TNF-${\alpha}$, IL-10 and expression and localization of H&E, COX-2 staining in synovial tissues from rat with rheumatoid arthritis by immunohistochemical staining using polyclonal COX-2 antibodies. Rats were divided into four groups. Normal group was not treated with Freund's complete adjuvant and treated with DDW 1.0 $m{\ell}$, Control group was treated with Freund's complete adjuvant 0.2 $m{\ell}/kg$ and DDW 1.0 $m{\ell}$, Sample A group was treated with Freund's complete adjuvant 0.2 $m{\ell}/kg$ and GSZT (500 $mg/m{\ell}$) $1.0m{\ell}$, Sample B group was treated with Freund's complete adjuvant 0.2 $m{\ell}/kg$ and GSZT (1,000 $mg/m{\ell}$) 1.0 $m{\ell}$. 0 was day that did not start experiment, 14 was day that confirmed rheumatism induced by Freund's complete adjuvant, 28 was day that completed experiment. The following results were obtained in this study ; Sample A group was increased in body weight, escape time and paw licking time statistical significance compared with Control group, and were decreased in edema, WBC, total protein, TNF-${\alpha}$ with statistical significance compared with Control group. Sample B group was increased in escape time with statistical significance compared with Control group, and were decreased in edema, WBC, total protein with statistical significance compared with Control group. Sample A and Sample B groups were increased in IL-10 compared with Control group, and Sample B group was decreased in TNF-${\alpha}$ compared with Control group. And, Control, Sample A and Sample B groups were showed considerable reduction of positive expression in comparison to Normal group. Especially, Sample B group was most significantly reduction of positive expression than the other groups. From above results, I suggest that GuizhiShaoyaoZhimu-Tang can be used for curing rheumatoid arthritis.

A Study on the Effect and Mechanism of Gamikyejakjimogawusul-tang Herbal Acupuncture on Induced Rheumatoid Arthritis model of DBA/1 mice (계작지모가우슬탕(桂芍知母加牛膝湯) 약침이 류마티스 관절염 생쥐에 미치는 영향)

  • Jung, Soon Hyun;Cho, Chong kwan;Kim, So Yun;Kim, Young Il
    • Journal of Haehwa Medicine
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.35-57
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    • 2016
  • Objectives : The purpose of this study is to prove the effect and mechanism of Gamikyejakjimogawusul-tang(GKHA) herbal acupuncture on induced rheumatoid arthritis model of DBA/1 mice. Methods : We check effect of GKHA extract on the AST, ALT, Creatinine, BUN of serum and cell viability of GK extract in RAW 264.7 cells to test the stability of this study. In vitro, we measure total phenol contents, total flavonoid contents, DPPH free radical scavenging activity, ABTS cation radical scavenging activity of Gamikyejakjimogawusul-tang, effect of GK extract on ROS(Reactive Ooxygen Species) production to estimate a anti-oxidant capacity, and we also measure effect of GK extract on NO (Nitric Oxid), IL-$1{\beta}$, IL-6, IL-17, IL-21, TNF-${\alpha}$, MCP-1, GM-CSF production in RAW 264.7 cells to estimate a anti-inflammatory efficacy. In vivo, we compare a rheumatoid arthritis manifestation between control and experimental group and estimate a AI. Then we check effect of GKHA on the level of WBC, neutrophil, lympocyte, monocyte in the blood to see the effect of immune cells in blood. In addition we measure effect of GKHA on the level of hs-CRP, IgM, IgG, IL-$1{\beta}$, IL-6, IL-17, IL-21, TNF-${\alpha}$, MCP-1, GM-CSF in serum. We observe effects of GKHA on imaging of cartilage degeneration using micro CT-arthrography in paw hind. And we calculate effects of GKHA that reduced BV ratio, BS/BV ratio using 3D Micro-CT. Lastly we observe effects of GKHA histopathologic examination analysis. Results : 1. The toxicity on liver and kidney was disregardable and the cytotoxicity against RAW 264.7 cells was also disregardable. 1. Total phenol contents and total flavonoid contents in GK extract were in high level. 2. DPPH free radical scavenging activity and ABTS cation radical scavenging activity were increased according to concentration of GK extract 3. ROS production was significantly decreased in GK extract (at 10, $100{\mu}g/ml$). 4. NO, IL-6, TNF-${\alpha}$, MCP-1 production were significantly decreased in GK extract(at 10, $100{\mu}g/ml$). IL-17, GM-CSF production were significantly decreased in GK extract(at 1, 10, $100{\mu}g/ml$). IL-$1{\beta}$, IL-21 production were also decreased but there was no statistical significance. 5. 25x observation after H&E and M-T staining, infiltration of immune cells and subsidence of the cartilage and damage to the synovial cells were decreased. Conclusions : This study showed that GKHA extract had anti-oxidant capacity, anti-inflammatory efficacy. GKHA extract also had inhibiting effect on the process of rheumatoid arthritis and can protect joint and cartilage. So we expect that GKHA extract can be a meaningful treatment to rheumatoid arthritis patients.

Anti-inflammatory Effect of Anemarrhenae Rhizoma on Collagen Induced Arthritis - a Model for Rheumatoid Rrthritis in DBA/1J Mice and Cytokine Production in Raw264.7 Cells (지모의 collagen 유발 관절염에 대한 소염 효과 - DBA/1J mouse 에서의 병태 관찰 및 RAW264.7에서의 cytokine 분비측정 -)

  • Jeong, Keun-Kie;Kang, Hee;Myung, Eu-Gene;Shim, Bum-Sang;Kim, Sung-Hoon;Choi, Seung-Hoon;Ahn, Kyoo-Seok
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.1416-1422
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    • 2008
  • In order to examine anti-inflammatory effect of Anemarrhenae Rhizoma (AR) alcohol extract on rheumatoid arthritis, the present study investigated the viability and TNF-${\alpha}$ production in Raw264.7 cells treated with AR and collagen induced arthritis in DBA/1J mice which were orally administered with AR prior to immunization. The results are as follows: AR extract at 20 and 50${\mu}g$/ml inhibited the viability of Raw264.7 by 35% and 79%, respectively. AR showed a significant decrease in TNF-${\alpha}$ levels from Raw264.7 cells treated with LPS. AR administration significantly decreased arthritic index in DBA/1J mice immunized with bovine collagen type II. AR administration significantly decreased spleen weights obtained from mice in 6 weeks after immunization. AR administration significantly decreased serum anti-type II collagen antibody levels compared with control group. AR administration decreased serum IL-6 levels compared with control group but it did not reach statistical significance.

Development of Shoes' Easy-Order Prototype According to Foot Types of Juveniles In On-Line 3D Virtual Reality (청소년의 발의 형태 분류에 따른 On-line 3D 가상현실에서의 신발류 이지오더 Prototype 개발)

  • Choi, Sung-Won;Lim, Ji-Young
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.6 no.11
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    • pp.182-189
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    • 2006
  • Consumers can choose suitable shoes for their feet in off-line shopping. However, in on-line shopping, because they can not wear shoes, compare to the off-line shopping, there are many problems in internet shopping. And the solution of user-oriented internet shopping is development of new type of prototype which is accessible to user and to offer visual information through 3D-virtual reality. We made this Prototype that the consumer can measure their own shoes size. And the consumer can print out their foot size in the internet database and measure their own foot size and type. And we maximized the visual experience though it is indirect and then we wanted to overcome a emotional experience in the real world. we visualized first, 'the softness' of shoes meterial, second 'the drainage' in the realtion of shoes meterial and water, third 'the close adhesion' in the realtion of shoes and consumer's their own foot and last 'the elasticity' in the relation of the shoes outer sole and surface. The result of this research can solve the problem in the existing on-line shoes' shop and it will become an alternative plan. And this prototype just will not become the localization at the on-line shoes' shop. In true sense, it will be an important example in the whole internet industry.

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Effects of Different Mulching Materials on Rhizome Yield and Crude Saponin Contents in Anemarrhena asphodeloides Bunge (피복비닐 종류에 따른 지모의 근경수량 및 조사포닌 함량)

  • Han, Seung-Ho;Choi, Byung-Jun;Shin, Cheol-Woo;Jong, Seung-Geun;Park, Sang-Il
    • Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.224-231
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    • 2003
  • In this study effect of different mulching materials on yield and crude saponin contents in Anemarrhena asphodeloides Bunge. The results of this study are summarized as follows: The rhizome yield of seed propagation type in transparent PE mulching cultivation was of which increased 16.7% more than those of non-mulching cultivation. The rhizome yield of young-plant propagation type in green PE mulching and transparent PE mulching cultivations were of which increased 29.4% and 26.5%, respectively more than those of non-mulching cultivation. The contents of methanal extract of seed propagation type in transparent PE mulching and black PE mulching cultivations were of increased each 31.0%, 15.4% more than those of non-mulching cultivation. Crude saponin contents of seed propagation type in transparent PE mulching cultivation was increased up to 30.3% compared to those of non-mulching cultivation. However, the crude saponin contents of seed propagation type in green PE mulching and black & white PE mulching cultivations were not affected by the non-mulching cultivation. Crude saponin contents of young-plant propagation type in transparent PE mulching cultivation was increased 24.0% and 15.4% more than those of green PE mulching and black PE mulching cultivations.

Wild Boar (Sus scrofa corranus Heude ) Habitat Modeling Using GIS and Logistic Regression (GIS와 로지스틱 회귀분석을 이용한 멧돼지 서식지 모형 개발)

  • 서창완;박종화
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.85-99
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    • 2000
  • Accurate information on habitat distribution of protected fauna is essential for the habitat management of Korea, a country with very high development pressure. The objectives of this study were to develop a habitat suitability model of wild boar based on GIS and logistic regression, and to create habitat distribution map, and to prepare the basis for habitat management of our country s endangered and protected species. The modeling process of this restudyarch had following three steps. First, GIS database of environmental factors related to use and availability of wild boar habitat were built. Wild boar locations were collected by Radio-Telemetry and GPS. Second, environmental factors affecting the habitat use and availability of wild boars were identified through chi-square test. Third, habitat suitability model based on logistic regression were developed, and the validity of the model was tested. Finally , habitat assessment map was created by utilizing a rule-based approach. The results of the study were as folos. First , distinct difference in wild boar habitat use by season and habitat types were found, however, no difference in wild boar habiat use by season and habitat types were found , however, ho difference by sex and activity types were found. Second, it was found, through habitat availability analysis, that elevation , aspect , forest type, and forest age were significant natural environmental factors affecting wild boar hatibate selection, but the effects of slope, ridge/valley, water, and solar radiation could not be identified, Finally, the habitat at cutoff value of 0.5. The model validation showed that inside validation site had the classification accuracy of 73.07% for total habitat and 80.00% for cover habitat , and outside validation site had the classification accuracy of 75.00% for total habitat.

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Effect of Kyejakjimo-tangkami (Guishaozhimu-tangjiawei) on Osteoarthritis (계작지모양가미방(桂芍知母湯加味方)이 골관절염에 미치는 영향)

  • Hong, Seong-Min;Oh, Min-Seok
    • Journal of Korean Medicine Rehabilitation
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.39-57
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    • 2013
  • Objectives The purpose of this study is to prove the effect of Kyejakjimotangkami(KMK) on osteoarthritis. Methods We checked antioxidant activity and measured production of $IL-1{\beta}$, IL-6, TNF-${\alpha}$ in RAW 264.7 cell after treat by KMK. Then we measured hind paw weight of Wister Rat with arthritis induced by MIA after KMK oral administration, checked Prostaglandin E2, IL-$1{\beta}$, IL-6, TNF-${\alpha}$, Osteocalcin, TIMP-1, MMP-9, LTB-4 in serum, ran histopathological test and ${\mu}CT$-arthrography. Results 1. DPPH radical Scavenging was increased depend on concentration of KMK ethanol extract in RAW 264.7 cell. 2. Production of NO was significantly decreased by KMK ethanol extract on concentration of $200{\mu}g/ml$ in RAW 264.7 cell. 3. Production of IL-$1{\beta}$ was significantly decreased by KMK ethanol extract on concentration of $200{\mu}g/ml$. And Production of IL-6, TNF-${\alpha}$ were significantly decreased KMK ethanol extract of every concentration in RAW 264.7 cell. 4. Result of checking hind paw weight when administered KMK ethanol extract to Wister Rat with arthritis induced by MIA was significantly higher than control group and similar to normal group. 5. Production of Prostaglandin E2, IL-$1{\beta}$, Osteocalcin, TIMP-1, MMP-9 and LTB-4 in serum was significantly decreased by KMK ethanol extract after administerd to Wister Rat with arthritis induced by MIA. 6. In Hematoxylin & Eosin staining and Safranin-O staining, we could find inflammation of synovial cell, infiltration of macrophage and granulocyte and degeneration of cartilage and bone were decreased in comparison with control group. 7. When checked cartilage volume to examine degree of cartilage degeneration using ${\mu}CT$-arthrography, volume of cartilage was increased in comparison with control group. Conclusions Comparison of the results for this study showed that KMK ethanol extract have anti-inflammatory effectiveness and can protect cartilage and bone. So we expect that KMK can be used as a effective drugs for osteoarthritis.