• Title/Summary/Keyword: 지리 학습

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A Study on Connection Type between Location Knowledge and Understanding the Characteristics of World Regions (중학생들의 위치 지식과 지역 이해와의 연계 유형 분석 연구)

  • Kim, Da-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.43 no.3
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    • pp.432-447
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    • 2008
  • This study is to examine and analyze the the connection types between location knowledge and understanding the characteristics of world regions which 8th grade students are recognizing. In the analysis of the relation between the location knowledge and region understanding(clothing, food, housing and living style and so on), I analyzed the relation types between location knowledge and region living figures. Absolutely understanding the region needed the efact location knowledge on the world map, the knowledge of the longitude and latitude, symbolic area and the higher ranking region and the information about natural surroundings in which I grasp the region living figures. In addition, it needed the knowledge of locational attributes for the connection formation between region location knowledge on maps and understanding the region. The relative location knowledge related to the other regions and those natural surroundings and the linkage of those region locational attributes are needed in order that the location knowledge on a map could be connected to the knowledge about the actual region living figures. So I call it 'the structured location knowledge'. In order to form the structured location knowledge, the location knowledge of region on a map have to be connected to the multiple knowledge about absolute and relative locations with the knowledge of diverse location attributes. Therefore, it would be necessary that the location teaming for getting the characteristics of region have to be systematically accomplished departments of location-climate$^{\circ}{\mathbb{S}}$geographical features-region living figures.

A Neural Network for Long-Term Forecast of Regional Precipitation (지역별 중장기 강수량 예측을 위한 신경망 기법)

  • Kim, Ho-Joon;Paek, Hee-Jeong;Kwon, Won-Tae
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.69-78
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    • 1999
  • In this paper, a neural network approach to forecast Korean regional precipitation is presented. We first analyze the characteristics of the conventional models for time series prediction, and then propose a new model and its learning method for the precipitation forecast. The proposed model is a layered network in which the outputs of a layer are buffered within a given period time and then fed fully connected to the upper layer. This study adopted the dual connections between two layers for the model. The network behavior and learning algorithm for the model are also described. The dual connection structure plays the role of the bias of the ordinary Multi-Layer Perceptron(MLP), and reflects the relationships among the features effectively. From these advantageous features, the model provides the learning efficiency in comparison with the FIR network, which is the most popular model for time series prediction. We have applied the model to the monthly and seasonal forecast of precipitation. The precipitation data and SST(Sea Surface Temperature) data for several decades are used as the learning pattern for the neural network predictor. The experimental results have shown the validity of the proposed model.

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Detection of Surface Water Bodies in Daegu Using Various Water Indices and Machine Learning Technique Based on the Landsat-8 Satellite Image (Landsat-8 위성영상 기반 수분지수 및 기계학습을 활용한 대구광역시의 지표수 탐지)

  • CHOUNG, Yun-Jae;KIM, Kyoung-Seop;PARK, In-Sun;CHUNG, Youn-In
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2021
  • Detection of surface water features including river, wetland, reservoir from the satellite imagery can be utilized for sustainable management and survey of water resources. This research compared the water indices derived from the multispectral bands and the machine learning technique for detecting the surface water features from he Landsat-8 satellite image acquired in Daegu through the following steps. First, the NDWI(Normalized Difference Water Index) image and the MNDWI(Modified Normalized Difference Water Index) image were separately generated using the multispectral bands of the given Landsat-8 satellite image, and the two binary images were generated from these NDWI and MNDWI images, respectively. Then SVM(Support Vector Machine), the widely used machine learning techniques, were employed to generate the land cover image and the binary image was also generated from the generated land cover image. Finally the error matrices were used for measuring the accuracy of the three binary images for detecting the surface water features. The statistical results showed that the binary image generated from the MNDWI image(84%) had the relatively low accuracy than the binary image generated from the NDWI image(94%) and generated by SVM(96%). And some misclassification errors occurred in all three binary images where the land features were misclassified as the surface water features because of the shadow effects.

Assessing Techniques for Advancing Land Cover Classification Accuracy through CNN and Transformer Model Integration (CNN 모델과 Transformer 조합을 통한 토지피복 분류 정확도 개선방안 검토)

  • Woo-Dam SIM;Jung-Soo LEE
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.115-127
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    • 2024
  • This research aimed to construct models with various structures based on the Transformer module and to perform land cover classification, thereby examining the applicability of the Transformer module. For the classification of land cover, the Unet model, which has a CNN structure, was selected as the base model, and a total of four deep learning models were constructed by combining both the encoder and decoder parts with the Transformer module. During the training process of the deep learning models, the training was repeated 10 times under the same conditions to evaluate the generalization performance. The evaluation of the classification accuracy of the deep learning models showed that the Model D, which utilized the Transformer module in both the encoder and decoder structures, achieved the highest overall accuracy with an average of approximately 89.4% and a Kappa coefficient average of about 73.2%. In terms of training time, models based on CNN were the most efficient. however, the use of Transformer-based models resulted in an average improvement of 0.5% in classification accuracy based on the Kappa coefficient. It is considered necessary to refine the model by considering various variables such as adjusting hyperparameters and image patch sizes during the integration process with CNN models. A common issue identified in all models during the land cover classification process was the difficulty in detecting small-scale objects. To improve this misclassification phenomenon, it is deemed necessary to explore the use of high-resolution input data and integrate multidimensional data that includes terrain and texture information.

The Relation between Regional Identity and National Identity in Regional Learning - A Case Study of Regional Textbook in Jeju Province - (지역학습에 있어서 민족정체성과 지역정체성의 관계 - 제주 지역교과서 분석은 사례로 -)

  • 남호엽;김일기
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.483-494
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the relation between regional identity and national identity in a regional textbook in Korea. In geography education, regional textbooks are curriculum materials which represent regional identity based on territorial difference from other regions. In local curriculum level, the harmony between national unity and regional identity is to be pursued as educational objective. However, this harmony appears to be distorted in the school textbook in Je-Ju Province, a case region. For example, Confucian cultural landscapes are represented as otherness in regional discourses, but togetherness in the regional textbook. Also, the regional textbook implies that the boundary of external territorialization is mainly not regions but nations, and it seems to intend that leasers get a sense of place towards their region as periphery of nation. Therefore, we argue that regional identity, which must be stressed in a regional textbook, is marginalized in a case region.

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Creative Use of College Laboratory in Nursing Education (간호교육에 있어서 창의적인 대학 실습실의 이용에 관한 고찰)

  • Lee Miok
    • The Korean Nurse
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    • v.24 no.4 s.132
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    • pp.118-130
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    • 1985
  • 실행(practice)를 위주로 하는 전문직 교육은 실지 실습이나 임상교육등이 필수적이며 중요한 것은 주지의 사실이다. 그러나 전통적으로 대부분의 간호학교가 병원에 소속되어 있어서 간호 임상교육은 그 본 목적인 학생들의 학습보다는 오히려 병원 업무를 돕는 방향으로 잘못 전개되어왔다. 간호교육이 병원에 소속된 간호학교로 부터 학문의 전당인 대학안으로 옮겨지면서 많은 뜻있는 간호교육자들의 노력과 시도로 학생들이 고용인으로 이용되는 상황에서 탈피하여 임상교육이 학생들에게 이론적인 지식을 실지로 응용할 수 있는 복합적이고 통합적인 배움의 경험이 되도록 조금씩 발전해 가고는 있지만 아직도 바라는 만큼 이루어지지는 못하는 실정이다. 현재는 임상실습에 임하는 학생들이 기능적인 일을 반복하며 주어진 시간만을 채우는 경향이 많고 배운 이론을 대학 실습실에서 응용해 보지 못한채 직접 환자 간호에 적응하려면 지나친 불안과 긴장으로 오히려 학습에 장애가 오기도 한다. 또한 환자의 입장을 고려해 보면 그들은 안전하고 완벽한 간호를 받을 권리가 있음에도 불구하고 때로 서투른 학생들의 실습의 대상으로 노출되어 불안을 느끼고 바람직한 간호를 받지 못하는 경우가 많다. 따라서 몇 뜻있는 간호 교육자들은 임상들의 실습장소로 택하는 것은 학생에게는 부적절한 학습 환경이 될 뿐 아니라 환자에게는 도덕적, 윤리적으로 부당하다고 주장한다. 본 연구는 좀 더 잘 설비된 대학의 실습실이 급선무이고 또한 교화적이고 창의적인 실습실의 이용으로 반복적인 임상 실습의 양은 줄이는 한편 학생들의 실력이나 적용 능력의 토대를 탄탄히 하는 몇가지 교육방법을 제시하였다. 물론 제시된 시법이나 작은 그룹별 학습등은 기초 간호학실에서 많이 이용된 방법이기는 하지만 더욱 잘 응용되어야하겠고 역할 재현(role play)이나 유사 상황(simulation) 조성등의 학습 방법으로 기술적인면 뿐만 아니라 대인 관계나 면담기술 및 창의적이며 논리적인 사고의 발달등도 이루어 지리라 기대된다.학생들이 적정량의 기술과 지식을 익힌 후에 좀 더 복합적이고 통괄적인 지식의 응용 및 평가가 필요할 때 실지 임상 실습을 시도하는 것이 바람직한 것이다.

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A Machine learning Approach for Knowledge Base Construction Incorporating GIS Data for land Cover Classification of Landsat ETM+ Image (지식 기반 시스템에서 GIS 자료를 활용하기 위한 기계 학습 기법에 관한 연구 - Landsat ETM+ 영상의 토지 피복 분류를 사례로)

  • Kim, Hwa-Hwan;Ku, Cha-Yang
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.43 no.5
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    • pp.761-774
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    • 2008
  • Integration of GIS data and human expert knowledge into digital image processing has long been acknowledged as a necessity to improve remote sensing image analysis. We propose inductive machine learning algorithm for GIS data integration and rule-based classification method for land cover classification. Proposed method is tested with a land cover classification of a Landsat ETM+ multispectral image and GIS data layers including elevation, aspect, slope, distance to water bodies, distance to road network, and population density. Decision trees and production rules for land cover classification are generated by C5.0 inductive machine learning algorithm with 350 stratified random point samples. Production rules are used for land cover classification integrated with unsupervised ISODATA classification. Result shows that GIS data layers such as elevation, distance to water bodies and population density can be effectively integrated for rule-based image classification. Intuitive production rules generated by inductive machine learning are easy to understand. Proposed method demonstrates how various GIS data layers can be integrated with remotely sensed imagery in a framework of knowledge base construction to improve land cover classification.

A Study of GIS Education in Secondary School - A Case study of High School (중등 학교에서 GIS 교육에 관한 연구 -고등학교를 중심으로)

  • 오충원;성춘자
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.89-100
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study is to search GIS education in High School in Korea. Firstly, Expanded Content of GIS in the 7th National Curriculum call upon increased demand of GIS education. Secondly, It is urgent to development of GIS Education Program, There is insufficient practical instruction of GIS in High School because of ill-equipped environment. For that reason we proposed GIS program. Thirdly, It is necessary to integrate between 'Instruction about GIS' and 'GIS Assisted Instruction' in School. Finally, It is necessary to systematically prepare and study of GIS Education for the future National Curriculum.

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Teaching Location Using Newpaper Articles: Venture Firms as an Example (신문기사를 활용한 입지론 수업 : 벤처기업의 입지 사례)

  • Kwon, Sang-Cheol
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.78-93
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    • 2008
  • Location is the key theme in geography and various location theories are well established for diverse economic activities. As normative theory, the logical presentation of the location theories tends to make students appraise the class difficult and lose interests. This study presents a teaching materials and inductive method for the location of venture firms using newspaper articles as an example of the knowledge and information industry. Presented are various newspaper articles about venture firms in which the locational notions are selected to find out general location factors. And then their locational preference of large cities, diseconomies of agglomeration, the possibilities of deconcentration from large cities and new establishments in peripheral regions are presented in order. The inductive way of teaching location from specific examples to general tendencies using NIE could bring students' interests and participation which is in line with the student-oriented inquiry-based teaching emphasized recently in educational methods. It could be an effective teaching method for the location theories in economic geography and other difficult subjects.

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An Analysis of Spatial Cognition and Operation in Children's Drawings (아동의 그림을 통해 본 공간인지와 조작능력)

  • Kang, Kyoung-Won
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.83-99
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    • 2000
  • This paper purposes to provide a new perspective for better development of geography texts. For this purpose, we have applied spatial cognition development theory to children's drawings. We have suggested that children's spatial operation ability has three development stages according to their age: topological space, projective space, euclidean space. This study turns out that Piaget and Inhelder's spatial concept development theory is on the right track. However, we make clear that their division according to the age is not always accurate due to children's individual differences. These findings have educational implications as the following: First, it is dubious that most children can understand pictures, pictorial maps and illustrations in the third grader's textbook. Second, current textbooks require pictorial map understanding and drawing to third grade students and map drawing to fourth grade students. However, according to this study, the placement of these tasks are not fit for children's developmental stage because both tasks correspond to euclidean space operation. Therefore, we should remove them from the textbook for children at the age.

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