• Title/Summary/Keyword: 지리학 내용

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Resident관 Cognitions and Attitudes about Urban Development Policy: A Case of Sunchon City (지방도시의 발전정책에 관한 주민의 인식과 태도: 전남 순천시를 사례로)

  • 이정록
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.23-35
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    • 2001
  • Resident's attitude and evaluation about local or urban development policies is a major factor in the process of the regional and urban 1)tanning and its practices. Therefore there are numerous studies pointing to analysis about the evaluation of the urban development policies. The purpose of this paper is concerned on the residents'cognitions, attitudes and evaluation about of urban development policy of Sunchon City in South Korea. Research area, Suncgon city, has been served as a central place of eastern Chollanamdo since 1920 and now functions as economic and commercial leading city of Kwangyang-bay area. In addition, Sunchon city is fastly growned with the influence of national development policy including the establishment of major industrial estates and the construction of container port in Kwangyang-bay area. In the overall cognition and evaluation about the quality of life of Sunchon city, most people are satisfied with the quality of life of urban living comparing with near cities such as Kwangyang and Yosu city. In particular, the level of satisfaction about education, transportation, natural environment are relatively higher than economic condition and living facilities. Most of residents have positive attitude and evaluation about the image of future urban development, and prefer to culture and education city in urban function of Sunchon city. Therefore, in order to function as a central city of Kwangyang-bay area. Sunchon city have to adopt new urban development policy including such as reconstruction of urban spatial structure, strengthening of culture and education functions, and the related facilities, restructuring of regional industrial structure. and expansion of commercial and shopping facilities.

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A Study on the Classification of Student's Bluffing on Geographical Terms (지리 용어에 대한 학습자의 블러핑(Bluffing) 유형에 관한 연구)

  • Jang, Eui-Sun
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.49 no.4
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    • pp.615-632
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    • 2014
  • This study aims to explore 'bluffing', one of the most important topics in order to ensure the objectivity, validity, reliability of scoring of constructed-response items. The author identifies the conception of bluffing, and classifies major types of bluffing on the basis of previous studies on the theoretical level. Next, the author analyzes empirically the bluffing strategies and types of learners on key terms of Korean Geography subject. Compared with the existing research reports, the result of this study shows a significantly lower average bluffing score. On the other hand, it is consistent in results of previous studies reported that average bluffing score is similar between genders and that those students who got highest grades did least bluffing. Actually bluffing types are classified into four categories: 'repeating the question' type, 'depending on a well-known or existing knowledge' type, 'applying some basic concepts regardless of understanding' type, and 'inducing scorer's basic beliefs' type. Some comments and suggestions are as follows. First, it is necessary to continue researches of the relations among bluffing and age, gender, grade, intelligence and learning styles. Second, it is required for scorers who score constructed-response items to develop and supply the scoring guide including analysis contents of bluffing types and cases, and increase opportunity for training. Third, we need to inquire the domain-specific bluffing types in geography subject based on the generalizable sample size.

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A Study on the Territoriality and the Socio-spatial Characteristics of a Commoner's Settlement in Modern Times (${\cdot}$현대 민촌의 사회공간적 성격과 영역성 - 부여군 장암면 장하리의 사례 -)

  • Jeon Jong-Han
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.40 no.6 s.111
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    • pp.613-630
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    • 2005
  • In this article, the author inquired the multi-layered sphere of a commoner's settlement of Jangha-ri in modem times to approach the territoriality and socio-spatial characteristics of it. This settlement has originated in a lineage settlement of Jinju-Gang, and has experienced socio-spatial cohesion since its making(the 17th Century). Especially, it is found that the territoriality of Jangha-ri has fluctuated in times and has obtained multi-layeredness according to the human-nature relationship, to the social relationship, and to the political relationship of villagers. As a result, it is interpreted that the socio-spatial characteristics and territoriality of Jangha-ri in modem times do not only have a physical reality, but also social, political, cultural one.

The Effects of Havruta Class on High School Students' Geographical Attitude and Academic Achievement (하브루타 수업이 고등학생의 지리학습에 미치는 영향)

  • Kang, Eung Jung;Cho, Chul Ki
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.420-436
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    • 2017
  • This study is to design and apply the Havruta class in the geography class and to investigate the effects of the students' attitude on the geography class and the change of the academic achievement through the Havruta class. As a result, it was found to be effective. The students who experienced the lessons in the class were more interested in the geography class, so they were more active in the class activity and they were useful as the class strategy to turn into the self - leading learner participation class. Through the help of Havruta class, students have been helped to understand the concept of geography, and it can be seen that their interaction with their mates has changed into an active attitude to improve their problem-solving ability and creative thinking ability. But, the students who experienced Havruta class did not get a meaningful difference in the evaluation of academic achievement after the class application. We can expect a positive effect on the application of short-term teaching, but it is necessary to give appropriate grace period to the evaluation of the cognitive domain and to develop a proper evaluation method rather than the existing selective evaluation I knew.

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Measures of Spatial Accessibility to Emergence Medical Services with a Modified Three-Step Floating Catchment Area Model : A Case Study of the Chungnam Province (수정 3SFCA 모형을 활용한 응급의료서비스 접근성 분석: 충청남도를 사례로)

  • Park, Jeong Hwan;Woo, Hyun Jee;Kim, Young Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.388-402
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    • 2017
  • This paper presents an enhancement of the two-step floating catchment area (2SFCA) method for measuring spatial accessibility between three age groups, addressing the problem of uniform access within the catchment by applying multiple impedance function to account for distance decay and by applying weights to different age groups to account for medical service preference. The enhancement is provided to be another special care of the gravity model. When applying this modified three-step floating catchment area to measure the spatial access to emergency medical services in a study area, Chungnam province in South Korea, we find that it reveals the variation of spatial accessibility patterns between cities and rural areas and delineates more spatially explicit medical service shortage areas in southern Chungnam areas, especially remoted local rural areas. Finally, this method may be used to help the health and medical service divisions and the state departments improve designation of medical shortage areas. From the discussions, it is easy to implement in planning spatial policies of medical service and straightforward to be used as a basic, but core element for health and medical strategies in the province.

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The Use of Analogy in Teaching and Learning Geography (효과적인 지리 교수.학습을 위한 유추의 이해와 활용)

  • Lee, Jong-Won;Harm, Kyung-Rim
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.46 no.4
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    • pp.534-553
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    • 2011
  • Analogical thinking is a problem-solving strategy to use a familiar problem (or base analog) to solve a novel problem of the same type (the target problem). The purpose of this study is to provide new insight into geography teaching and learning by connecting cognitive science research on analogical thinking with issues of geography education and suggest that teaching with analogies can be a productive instructional strategy for geography. In this study, using the various examples of analogical thinking used in geography we defined analogical thinking, addressed the theoretical models on analogical transfer, and discussed conditions that make an effective analogical transfer. The major research findings include the following: a) the spatial analogy, indicating skills to find places that may be far apart but have similar locations, and therefore have other similar conditions and/or connections, can provide a useful way to design contents for place learning; b) representational transfer, specifying a common representation for two problems, can play a key role in solving geographic problems requiring data visualization and spatialization processes; and c) either asking learners to compare/analyze similar examples sharing common structure or providing them examples bridging the gap between concrete, real-life phenomena and the ideas and models can contribute to learning in geographic concepts and skills. The spatial analogy requiring both geographic content knowledge and visual/spatial thinking has the potential to become a content-specific problem-solving strategy. We ended with recommendations for future research on analogy that is important in geography education.

Construction of the Honam Culture Information System(HCIS) using Web GIS (WebGIS를 이용한 호남문화정보시스템(HCIS) 구축)

  • Yang, Hea-Kun;Shin, Hye-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.291-304
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    • 2006
  • Individual culture information has been the mainstream in studies on culture information so far, and the studies have focused on zones using paper map. As a result, intuitive analysis in map and extremely restricted measuring space analysis are limited in summarizing and utilizing complicated and huge cultural materials systematically and scientifically. Introduction of GIS can be regarded as an indispensable element for solution of this problem as it can analyze temporal-spatial dynamics of culture information as a whole and to construct effective management system for regional culture information. In particular, supply of two-way information rather than one-way information becomes more and more important in the society structure where value is diversified and the culture gets faster owing to high-level information industry like today. Accordingly, this study is considered to be meaningful in that WebGIS-based regional culture information system allows temporal-spatial analysis and spatial analysis for various culture information for the users using internet. Regional culture information system like culture information system in Honam region can not only contribute to comparative study between regions and to creation of new information through analysis of statistics between culture elements but also allow easy and comprehensive approach to regional information.

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Aspects of Development Education Described in the Geography Syllabus and Textbooks in the State of NSW, Australia (오스트레일리아 NSW 주 지리 교육과정 및 교과서의 개발교육 특징)

  • Cho, Chul-Ki
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.551-565
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    • 2013
  • This paper examines the aspects of development education in the Geography Syllabus in the State of NSW, Australia and geography textbooks developed by it. The aspects of development education in the Geography Syllabus and textbooks is as follows. Firstly, Development Education is implicitly described in terms of the difference of the quality of life and aid links in Geography (Mandatory) Stage 4 and Geography (Mandatory) Stage 5, but clearly in Geography Elective. Moreover, Development Geography is one of unit to learn deeply in case of Global Challenges in Stage 6. Secondly, in geography textbooks, development education is sequenced with learning of the quality of life in everyday life, understanding of diverse meaning of development and measure of development, and the role of individuals and organizations for reducing the global inequality. The implications of the findings is as follows. Firstly, geography curriculum needs to be consist of the difference of the quality of life in the middle school, and development geography in high school. Secondly, the major concepts of development education like development, measure of development and the aid etc. need to be described in the different views. Thirdly, development education needs learners to learn the interdependence and practice the global citizenship through learning of specific links of our country with others. Finally, geography textbooks should not describe the normative efforts for reducing global inequality, and treat individual practical cases as well as organizations like government and NGOs so that learners empathize with their value and attitude through individual practical cases.

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우리 나라의 감자재배 중심지

  • 이학원
    • Proceedings of the KGS Conference
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    • 2002.05a
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    • pp.77-80
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    • 2002
  • 본 논문의 연구목적은, 우리나라 감자재배지역의 분포 특징과 그 중심지를 밝혀 보는데 있다. 이와 같은 목적을 위하여 감자가 외국에서 우리나라에 전파해온 경로와 한국 내에서 의 전파경로를 알아보고, 7개 지역의 감자재배지역의 특징, 우리나라 감자재배의 생산량, 재배면적, 재배농가, 각 시기별 감자 재배지의 중심지와 남한의 감자재배 중심지를 구하였다. 이와 같은 연구내용은 주어진 자연환경에 인간이 어떻게 적응해가면서 살아가는지를 공부하는 지리학의 전통적인 개념인 자연과 인간과의 관계를 이해하는데 도움을 줄 수 있을 뿐만 아니라, 초 중등학교 및 대학에서 공부하는 한국지리 교육과정의 학습자료로서 유용하게 쓰일 수 있을 것으로 기대한다. 연구방법은 문헌연구과 1970년부터 1995년까지의 전국의 시.군별 감자재배지역의 입지계수를 구하여 연구하였다. 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 감자가 한국에 처음으로 재배된 것은 1824년(조선조 순조24년) 인데, 전파과정을 살펴보면, 안데스산지의 페루(1500년대) $\longrightarrow$ 에스파냐(1532년) $\longrightarrow$ 중국(1650년) $\longrightarrow$ 한국(1824년)순으로 전파되어온 북방전래설과 영국의 감자가 1832년 충청도의 서산으로, 일본 감자가 1920년에 수원으로 전파되었다는 남방전래설이 있다 2. 감자는 한국 전 지역에서 재배되는 중요 농작물이다 그러나 우리나라의 지형이 남북으로 깊게 뻗은 반도국이므로 위도와 지형 차이에 따라 기온과 고도가 다르게 나타나는데, 이러한 자연적인 요인의 영향이 가장 큰 요인이 되어 고랭지 여름재배지역.중산간 봄재배지역.중부평야 봄재배지역 남부평야 봄재배지역 남부해안 2기작 재배지역.남부 겨울재배지역.제주 가을 월동재배지역 등 7개 지역으로 구분되어 재배된다. 3. 우리나라(남한)의 감자 재배지의 중심지는 강원도 고랭지 여름재배지역과 제주도 가을 월동재배지역, 소백산맥과 진안고원이 만나는 부근 산지지역의 남원군.구례군 거창군.고령군과 남해안의 밀양군.양산군이다. 강원도 지역과 제주도 두지역이 전테 재배면적의 52%를 점유하여 감자 재배지의 핵심지를 이룬다. 4. 한국 감자 재배지역 중심지의 지리적 특징은, 높은 산지지역의 산록완사면에 밭작물로 재배된다는 점과 교통이 불편한 지역으로서 도시화와 산업화 지역의 그늘 지역이 대부분이다. 강원도의 감자 재배지는 감자재배에 적합한 자연환경과 화전농업의 전통, 감자 재배기술의 전파, 중앙정부와 지방정부가 지원하는 각종 연구소 분포와 영농지도, 씨감자 생산과 협동조합의 판로 개척, 도로 개설과 포장 등의 인문지리적 요인이 영농조건을 개선하고 감자 판매를 위한 시장접근을 용이하게 하여, 남한 최대의 감자 재배지역을 형성하였다. 제주도는 산지지형과 따뜻한 기온으로 2기작이 가능하고, 감자가공 공장설립과 교통발달에 따른 육지 시장과의 접근이 용이해졌기 때문에 남한에서 2번째로 큰 감자재배지역이 되었다.(요약 및 결론에서 발췌)

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Practical Knowledge of Geography Teacher in Process of Performance Assessment (수행평가 과정을 통해서 본 지리교사의 실천적 지식)

  • Ma, Kyeng-Muk
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.42 no.1 s.118
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    • pp.96-120
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study is to look into practical knowledge of geography teacher that lead the teacher's conduct in performance assessment situation. In Classroom all activity of teachers is their unique creature and the behavior which express teacher's knowledge and competency as expert. Practical knowledge can be seen as a system of understanding that guides the teacher s decision, which involves the construction of contents to teach, methods of instruction, resources to use etc. Therefore if we fully read the teacher's instruction, we have to understand the practical knowledge of teacher. As an ordinary activity of teaming and teaching, performance assessment is conducted on active learning and teaching situation and has intention to advance learning. Thus All evaluating behavior conducted by teacher can be understood through the practical knowledge of teacher. For this purpose a series of performance assessment scenes conducted by teacher were selected observed and captured the imagery, principles and rules of practical knowledge through the qualitative research method. The result supposed that practical knowledge influence the whole process of geography teacher's performance assessment activity.