• Title/Summary/Keyword: 지리정보처리

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Correlation between the Position Accuracy of the Network RTK Rover and Quality Indicator of Various Performance Analysis Method (Network RTK 품질 분석 방법론별 성능 지표와 사용자 항법 정확도의 상관성)

  • Lim, Cheol-soon;Park, Byung-woon;Heo, Moon-beom
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.375-383
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    • 2018
  • In order to apply the Network RTK (real time kinematics) technology, which has been used for positioning of stationary points, to the navigation of vehicles, its infrastructure should provide correction data with a quality indicator that can show the expected accuracy in real time. In this paper, we analyzed various indicator generation algorithms such as I95 (ionospheric index 95) / G95 (geodetic index 95), SBI (semivariance based index) and RIU (residual interpolation uncertainty). We also applied them to the raw observables from the reference stations of National Geographic Information Institute and VRS (virtual reference station) users, and then examined its feasibility to be used as a real-time performance index of the Network RTK rover. 24 hour data analysis shows that the RIU index, which can represent the non-linearty of the correction, has the strongest correlation with the Network RTK rover accuracy. Therefore, RIU index is expected to be used as a real-time performance index of the Network RTK rover.

The Extraction of Railroad Alignment Information Using Digital Imagery (디지털 영상을 이용한 철도선형정보 추출)

  • Seo, Dong-Ju;Kim, Joung-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.399-408
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    • 2006
  • Railroads have been developed as public transportation and made a great contribution to national economic growth. But after the mid-20th century, its qualities have been getting low because of focusing on the investment and development of cars and airplanes. Its role which is getting the excellent merits on the mass transportation, rapid transit, safety, state period, energy efficiency, and prevention of environmental pollution has been reconsidered. Elements of horizontal alignment are needed in the case where the existing railroad lines should be improved or moved. If its design drawing was lost or damaged, it is impossible to recover. It is not easy to repair for it as disasters. We must understand an existing railroad line to bring a function included a basic geography situation. In this study, we acquire, analyze, and process the digital images of the railroad and then reappear shape of three dimension. And we expect to be utilized to construct the facility information by extracting the alignment elements of existing railroad lines reversely.

Analysis and Experiment of Portrayal Process based on S-100 Standard of Marine Safety Information (해양안전정보의 S-100 표준 기반 표출 프로세스 분석 및 실험)

  • Kim, Hyoseung;Mun, Changho;Lee, Seojeong
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.19 no.7
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    • pp.1289-1296
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    • 2018
  • The e-Navigation promoted by the International Maritime Organization is a technology that provides marine-related information necessary for ship and shore side by electronic means for marine safety, security and protecting marine environment. The IHO S-100 standard is a geospatial standard that can express various hydrographic information. Various specifications including S-101 for electronic charts are being developed. In this paper, to help developers who are interested in implementing the technology of S-100, we not only analyze the process to portray the S-100 based data but also implement a case study on S-129 under keel clearance management. The portrayal process consists of data encoding and portrayal engine. Data encoding includes generation of application schema and data set. Portrayal engine is performed by the reform of the generated data set, the XSLT processing, and then the generation of drawing instructions.

Concurrency Control for Updating a Large Spatial Object (큰 공간 객체의 변경을 위한 동시성 제어)

  • Seo Young Duk;Kim DongHyun;Hong Bong Hee
    • Journal of KIISE:Databases
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.100-110
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    • 2005
  • The update transactions to be executed in spatial databases usually have been known as interactive and long duration works. To improve the parallelism of concurrent updates, it needs multiple transactions concurrently update a large spatial object which has a spatial extensions larger than workspace of a client. However, under the existing locking protocols, it is not possible to concurrently update a large spatial object because of conflict of a write lock This paper proposes a partial locking scheme of enabling a transaction to set locks on parts of a big object. The partial locking scheme which is an exclusive locking scheme set by user, acquires locks for a part of the big object to restrict the unit of concurrency control to a partial object of a big object. The scheme gives benefits of improving the concurrency of un updating job for a large object because it makes the lock control granularity finer.

Evaluation of Damaged Stand Volume in Burned Area of Mt. Weol-A using Remotely Sensed Data (위성자료를 이용한 산화지의 입목 손실량 평가)

  • Ma, Ho-Seop;Chung, Young-Gwan;Jung, Su-Young;Choi, Dong-Wook
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.79-86
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    • 1999
  • This study was carried out to estimate the area of damaged forest and the volume of stand tree in burned area, Mt. Weol-A in eastern Chinju, Korea using digital maps derived from supervised classification of Landsat thematic mapper(TM) imagery as reference data. Criterion laser estimator and WinDENDRO$^{tm}$(v. 6.3b) system as a computer-aided tree ring measuring system were used to measure a volume and age of sampled tree. The sample site had been chosen in unburned areas having the same terrain condition and forest type of burned areas. The tree age, diameter at breast height, tree height and volume of the sample tree selected from sample site in unburned area were 27years, 20.9cm, 9.7m and $0.1396m^3$ respectively. Total stand volume of sample site was estimated $2.9316m^3$/0.04ha, Damaged stand volume evaluated to about $16,007m^3$ in the burned area of 218.4ha.

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Monitoring Method Using Moving CCTV in Common Duct (이동형 CCTV 장치를 이용한 공동구 모니터링 방법)

  • Kang, Jin-A;Kim, Tae-Hoon;Oh, Yoon-Seuk;Choi, Hyun-Sang
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2011
  • There has been the increasing concern with the safety of seven major urban infrastructure such as road, electricity, water supply, sewerage and so on due to urban expansion and new town development. However, high technology development for the common duct which can be an alternative for the safety issue has not been completed due to the law of the national security area. Existing management method of the common duct by people could not respond to the urgent accidents adequately and immediately since it is impossible for us to get access to that in case of fire or gas leak. This study suggests to the method of installing monitoring devices and processing CCTV images with a water supply in a TestLab(a variety of the USN(Ubiquitous Sensor Network) equipment was tested in the TestLab in KICT). The suggested management method of common duct facilities make it possible to do real-time monitoring and prompt access and response to an accident inside the common duct.

Application of a Grid-Based Rainfall-Runoff Model Using SRTM DEM (SRTM DEM을 이용한 격자기반 강우-유출모의)

  • Jung, In-Kyun;Park, Jong-Yoon;Park, Min-Ji;Shin, Hyung-Jin;Jeong, Hyeon-Gyo;Kim, Seong-Joon
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.157-169
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    • 2010
  • In this study, the applicability of SRTM(The Shuttle Radar Topography Mission) DEM(Digital Elevation Model) which is one of the remotely sensed shuttle's radar digital elevation was tested for use as the input data in a grid-based rainfall-runoff model. The SRTM DEM and digital topographic map derived DEM(TOPO DEM) were building with 500m spatial resolution for the Chungju-Dam watershed which located in the middle east of South Korea, and stream-burning method was applied to delineate the proper flow direction for model application. Similar topographical characteristics were shown as a result of comparing elevation, flow-direction, hydrological slope, number of watershed cell, and profile between SRTM DEM and TOPO DEM. Two DEMs were tested by using a grid-based rainfall-runoff model named KIMSTORM with 6 storm events. The results also showed no significant differences in average values of relative error for both peak runoff(0.91 %) and total runoff volume(0.29 %). The results showed that the SRTM DEM has applicability like TOPO DEM for use in a grid-based rainfall-runoff modeling.

A Study on Monitoring the Land Surface Temperature Changes Caused by Constructions of Rainwater Villages Using the Multi-temporal Landsat-8 Satellite Images (다중시기 Landsat-8 위성영상을 활용한 빗물마을 조성 사업에 의한 지표면 온도 변화 모니터링에 관한 연구)

  • CHOUNG, Yun-Jae;YU, Ki-Kwang;LEE, Yong Ik
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.30-40
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    • 2020
  • Monitoring the urban environmental changes caused by the urban regeneration project is necessary for evaluating the effect of the various types of urban regeneration projects that have been carried out in Seoul, South Korea. However, there is few available data and professional expert for evaluating the effect of these urban regeneration projects. This research evaluated the effect of the construction of rainwater village in Jangwi-dong area, constructed through the Seoul urban regeneration project, by utilizing the land surface temperatures derived from the multi-temporal Landsat-8 satellite images through the following steps. In the first step, the land surface temperature images were generated using the multispectral bands of the Landsat-8 satellite images. In the final step, the effect of constructing the rainwater villages was assessed by calculating the seasonal LST statistics for Jangwi-dong area, its neighbor area and entire Seoul area. The experimental results led the following conclusion: the construction of rainwater villages did not have the significant effect on the land surface temperature changes in Jangwi-dong area.

GIS Application for the Analysis of Geomorphic Surfaces of Marine Terrace at Gampo, Gyeongju City (경주 감포지역 해안단구의 지형면분석을 위한 GIS의 적용)

  • Hwang, Sang-Ill;Jung, Hye-Kyung;Yoon, Soon-Ock
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.48-60
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    • 2000
  • This study is aimed to clarify the distribution chracteristics of marine terraces and extract the specific surface at Gampo-eup, Gyeongju city on the map of 1:5,000 using GIS. The effects and problems occurred on the process of using GIS were investigated for the research of marine terrace. The longitudinal profile analysis was carried out along the 12 sections on the geomorphic surfaces of the study area, and actually High higher surface(HH-surface) was found over 100m a.s.l., which has not been reported till now. And the occupancy rate could be calculated by substitution on the height between 4m and 87m a.s.l. for each mean slope degree $1-5^{\circ}$ obtained from the actual measuring along four sections. Consequently the lower-I surface was highly reliable to use as the key bed for studying marine terraces. The accurate and detail analysis about the marine terraces is able to be accomplished on the basis of meaningful actual measuring, though its general possible distribution area can be extracted from GIS with the less effort. Namely the quantified results obtained from GIS could offer the basis for the objective analysis of the geomorphic surfaces. And we can look over the landscape and investigate the surfaces with reliefs effectively in relation to the real geomorphology on the study area, where in situ approach is difficult. But the digital map with a large scale should be offered first of all in order to raise the accuracy of the analysis.

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Development of a GIS Application Model for Analyzing Site-Specific Suitability and Investment Efficiency of Major Plantation Species (주요 조림수종의 적지 판정 및 투자효율성 분석을 위한 GIS 응용모델의 개발)

  • Kim, Eui-Gyeong;Kim, Hyung-Ho;Chung, Joo-Sang
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2006
  • The objective of this study was to develop a GIS application model for analyzing site-specific suitability and investment efficiency of major plantation tree species. The model was designed to choose the best plantation species in terms of both potential stand growth and investment efficiency. Site index and IRR were used as the criteria for the potential of stand growth and investment efficiency, respectively. In the model, the conditions of forest stand management and site index are estimated as the function of site-environmental factors extracted by a series of spatial analyses of digital maps of FGIS. Based on site index values of tree species, the model screens out all the high potential tree species, in terms of stand growth, as the candidates for species selection and, then, calculates IRR for managing plantation forest stands for all the candidate tree species. The tree species of the highest IRR would be chosen as the one possessing the highest potential in terms of stand growth and profit. The model was applied to a case study for analyzing the site-specific suitability of 6 tree species in Taehwa University Forest of Seoul National University and the results are given in this paper.

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