• Title/Summary/Keyword: 중층구조(重層構造)

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Immunoelectron Microscopic Observation on the Stratified Squamous Epithelial Cello of Pemphigus vulgaris (Pemphigus vulgaris의 중층 편평상피세포에 대한 면역전자현미경적 관찰)

  • Lee, Cha-Soo;Picut, Catherine-A.;Wilkinson, J.-Erby;Lewis, Robert-M.
    • Applied Microscopy
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.1-22
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    • 1987
  • Pemphigus vulgar교의 본태(本態)를 알아보기 위한 일환으로 본질병(本疾病)의 병변조직(病變組織)을 전자현미경적(電子顯微鏡的)으로 관찰(觀察)하고 본질병(本疾病)에 관여(關與)하는 세포(細胞)들에 대(對)해 면역전자현미경적(免疫電子顯微鏡的)으로 추구(追究)하였던 바, 그 결과(結果)를 보고(報告)하는 바이다. 견(犬)의 pemphigus vulgaris의 구강(口腔) 및 식도(食道)의 점막층(粘膜層)을 전자현미경적(電子顯微鏡的)으로 관찰(觀察)하였던 바 acantholysis를 일으켜도 desmosome과 기저막(基底膜)은 큰 변화(變化)가 없었으며 세포간(細胞間)은 세포간물질(細胞間物質)의 집적(集積)에 의(依)해 확장(擴張)되고 이들 세포간강물질(細胞間腔物質)은 집괴(集塊) 또는 무구조(無構造)한 물질(物質)로 나타났다. 그리고 기저세포(基底細胞)는 기저막(基底膜)에 단단히 부착(附着)되어 있었고 dendritic cell이 기저세포층(基底細胞層)위로 분포(分布)되어 있었으며, 이들 dendritic cell 중(中)에서는 가끔 여러 형태(形態)의 퇴행성변화(退行性變化)를 볼 수 있었다. Mouse 피부유리상피세포(皮膚遊離上皮細胞)에 있어서 immunogold-labeling 방법(方法)에 의해 dendritic cell을 동정(同定)하는 데에는 post-fixation, pre-embedding immunogold-labeling technique가 좋았으며 15nm와 40nm 크기의 colloid-fold 입자(粒子)로 Langerhans cell과 Thy-1양성(陽性) dendritic cell이 표식(標識)될 수 있었다. 이들 세포(細胞)들은 세포막항원(細胞膜抗元)에 따라 monoclonal antibody의 반응(反應)에 이어 치밀한 colloid-gold 입자(粒子)가 세포막표면(細胞膜表面)을 따라 일정(一定)하게 표식(標識)되었다. 또한 이들 상피세포(上皮細胞)들을 투과전자현미경적(透過電子顯微鏡的)으로 관찰(觀察)하였을 때 초미세구조(超微細構造)가 잘 보존(保存)되었으나 Langer-hans cell내(內)의 Birbeck granule은 유리전(遊離前) 피부상피조직내(皮膚上皮組織內)의 Langerhans cell내(內)의 Birbeck granule에 비(比)해 수적(數的)으로 현저히 감소(減少)되어 있었다. 그러나 Thy-1 양성(陽性) dendritic cell에서 볼 수 있는 dense-core 과립(顆粒)은 별변화(別變化)없이 쉽게 관찰(觀察)될 수 있었다. 조직배양(組織培養)을 한 견(犬)의 keratinocyte에 대(對)해 사람 pemphigus vulgaris의 항체(抗體)로 반응(反應)시킨 후 protein-A gold(15 nm)로 표식(標識)시킨 바 제일 바깥 상층(上層)의 keratinocyte에 있어서 세포막표면(細胞膜表面)을 따라 표식(標識)되어 세포막항원(細胞膜抗元)을 나타내었으며, 이와 같은 소견(所見)으로 미루어 정상피부(正常皮膚) 중층편평상피세포(重層扁平上皮細胞)에서도 동일(同一)한 소견(所見)을 관찰(觀察)할 수 있다고 본다.

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A Study on Numerical Analysis of Selective Withdrawal from Reservoir (저수지 선택취수에 관한 수치해석 연구)

  • Kim, Young-Do;Kim, Tae-Won;Yi, Yong-Kon;Kim, Woo-Gu
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2007.05a
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    • pp.1302-1306
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    • 2007
  • 여름철의 강우시 저수지에 주로 유입되는 고탁수층은 저수지내의 수체에 대하여 밀도차와 유속차를 가지며, 난류혼합을 일으키면서 주변수를 유입하며 하류방향으로 이송 확산되어 간다. 임하댐과 같은 대형 저수지는 수심이 30 m가 넘는 관계로 여름철에 2개의 수온약층이 존재한다. 따라서 댐체에 도달한 고탁수층은 저수지내의 밀도성층으로 인하여 주로 중층에 분포하게 되며, 가을철에 발생하는 수평확산과 전도현상으로 인해 저수지 전역에 분포하게 되어 탁질입자의 분포에 따라 탁수현상의 장기화를 유발하기도 한다. 이와 같은 탁수문제의 저수지내 대책으로는 홍수기에 고탁수층을 우선적으로 취수하는 방법이 있다. 고탁수층은 이와같이 수온약층과 밀접한 관계를 가지며, 취수탑 주변의 선택취수 결과에 영향을 받는다. 형성된 탁수층을 효율적으로 선택배제하기 위해서는 취수시설에 접근하는 성층흐름을 정확하게 이해해야 한다. 본 연구에서는 3차원 CFD를 사용하여 밀도성층에 따른 취수탑 주변의 접근흐름을 수치해석하여 방류수심, 방류유속 및 밀도성층구조의 선택배제에 대한 영향을 분석하였다. 임하댐 취수설비에 적용한 결과에 의하면 상층, 중층, 하층에서 취수탑 문비를 개도하였을 경우, 취수탑 주변에서만 유속이 증가하였을 뿐 저수지 내에서는 유속이 크게 증가되지 않은 것으로 나타났다. 하지만 문비 개도구간의 변화에 따라 수심별 유속분포는 크게 변화하는 것을 확인할 수 있다. 따라서 문비를 조절하는 것은 저수지 전체의 유동을 깨뜨리지 않으면서 취수탑 인근에서 선택취수가 가능하다는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 또한 본 연구에서는 정밀한 현장조사를 수행하여 저수지와 방류수의 탁도변화를 모니터링하였으며, 취수탑 개구부 주변의 연직 유속분포를 측정하였다. 3차원 수치모의 결과와 현장에서 관측한 유속장을 비교함으로써 본 연구에서 제시한 실제 탁수배제능력을 검증하였다.를 구축하였다는데 의의가 있다.로와 접하는 건물의 경우 모서리부 광고 효과가 지배적이며 대부분 곡선돌출형이 사용되고 있었다. 그러므로 모서리 저층부를 필로티로 계획하여 보행흐름을 원활하게 하고 대신 입면을 투명하게 하여 간접광고(내부전시) 효과를 유도하는 것이 좋다. 특히 원형모서리는 건물 특화 성격이 강하므로 불가피할 경우 소형 액센트 광고 위치를 미리 벽면으로 할애하는 것이 경관 및 입면계획에 유리한 것으로 분석되었다. 불확실도 해석모형 등의 새로운 기능을 추가하여 제시하였다. 모든 입출력자료는 프로젝트 단위별로 운영되어 data의 관리가 손쉽도록 하였으며 결과를 DB에 저장하여 다른 모형에서도 적용할 수 있도록 하였다. 그리고 HyGIS-HMS 및 HyGIS-RAS 모형에서 강우-유출-하도 수리해석-범람해석 등이 일괄되게 하나의 시스템 내에서 구현될 수 있도록 하였다. 따라서 HyGIS와 통합된 수리, 수문모형은 국내 하천 및 유역에 적합한 시스템으로서 향후 HydroInformatics 구현을 염두에 둔 특화된 국내 수자원 분야 소프트웨어의 개발에 기본 토대를 제공할 것으로 판단된다.았다. 또한 저자들의 임상병리학적 연구결과가 다른 문헌에서 보고된 소아 신증후군의 연구결과와 큰 차이를 보이지 않음을 알 수 있었다. 자극에 차이가 있지 않나 추측되며 이에 관한 추후 연구가 요망된다. 총대장통과시간의 단축은 결장 분절 모두에서 줄어들어 나타났으나 좌측결장 통과시간의 감소 및 이로 인한 이 부위의 통과시간 비율의 저하가 가장 주요하였다. 이러한 결과는 차가운 생수 섭취가 주로 결장 근위부를 자극하는 효과를 발휘하는 것이 아닌가 해석된다. 이와 같은 연구결과를 통해 생다시마를 주원료로 개발된 생다시마차와 생다시마 음료가 만성 기능성 변비 증세를 개선하는 효능이 잠재적으로 있음을 확인하였다. 그러나 생약제재의 변비약 수준으로

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Institutional Evolution of Korea's International Cooperation of Science and Technology from the Viewpoint of the Historical Institutionalism (과학기술 국제협력의 제도적 진화: 역사적 제도주의의 관점)

  • Park, Se-In
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.516-551
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    • 2011
  • This study analysed the institutional evolution of Korea's international cooperation of science and technology (S&T) from the viewpoint of the historical institutionalism. For this, it examined Korea's institutions for international S&T cooperation by dividing the whole period from the Korean war to the present into five sub-periods; period of technology aids, technology transfer, mutual cooperation, expanded cooperation, and highly sophisticated cooperation, respectively. It, then, reviewed the evolving process and characteristics of each period. In this study, the structure (environment), the actor (government), the institution of higher rank (science & technology policy) were considered as variables influencing upon the institutions of the international S&T cooperation. Upon this assumption, this study analysed how and through what evolutionary process the international S&T cooperation institutions have evolved so far. This study obtained the following conclusions; First, the study confirmed the existence of the "institutional layering" in the institutions of the international S&T cooperation in Korea. The momentums for the change of the institutions of the international S&T cooperation stem from international environment and domestic economic environment. They influence upon economic policy, industrial policy, and S&T policy, which, together with the actor (the government), again brings about the institutional evolution of the international S&T cooperation. Second, the institutional evolution of the international S&T cooperation is taking place gradually. As mentioned above, the momentums for the change of the institutions of the international S&T cooperation originate from international and domestic macro environment. These momentums do not directly influence upon the institutions of the international S&T cooperation, rather they give indirect influence, through other related institutions, upon the institutions of the international S&T cooperation and make its gradual change or evolution. This is because the institutions of the international S&T cooperation have the "institutional layering".

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The Estimation of Succession Index by Community Types in the Natural Deciduous Forest of Mt. Jumbong (점봉산 일대 천연활엽수림의 군집 유형별 천이지수 추정)

  • Jin, Guang Ze;Kim, Ji Hong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.95 no.6
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    • pp.723-728
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    • 2006
  • Since the forest succession is changing process in the structure and function of a forest for the long period of time, the objectivity of the process could be improved through the development of model or statistical methodology. This study was carried out to estimate succession index based on climax index and species composition parameters, thereupon to compare the succession index with life form and species diversity so as to grasp the information of quantitative successional process for the six community types in the natural deciduous forest of Mt. Jumbong area. The results indicated that Quercus mongolica-Tilia amurensis community had the greatest succession index of 67.5, followed by Abies holophylla-Fraxinus mandshurica community with 67.4. Juglans mandshurica-Cornus controversa community was recorded the smallest value of 60.5. The succession index of overstory tended to increase considerably at the stage of steady state for all community types except Quercus mongolica-Tilia amurensis community. However, The index of midstory hardly varied as the forest succession would progress for all community types. The succession index was negatively correlated to wind-water dispersion type of life form and positively to animal dispersion type at the 5% probability level. On the other hand, the index was not significantly correlated to the species richness and Shannon's species diversity index.

Simulations of Temporal and Spatial Distributions of Rainfall-Induced Turbidity Flow in a Reservoir Using CE-QUAL-W2 (CE-QUAL-W2 모형을 이용한 저수지 탁수의 시공간분포 모의)

  • Chung, Se-Woong;Oh, Jung-Kuk;Ko, Ick-Hwan
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.38 no.8 s.157
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    • pp.655-664
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    • 2005
  • A real-time monitoring and modeling system (RTMMS) for rainfall-induced turbidity flow, which is one of the major obstacles for sustainable use of reservoir water resources, is under development. As a prediction model for the RTMMS, a laterally integrated two-dimensional hydrodynamic and water quality model, CE-QUAL-W2 was tested by simulating the temperature stratification, density flow regimes, and temporal and spatial distributions of turbidity in a reservoir. The inflow water temperature and turbidity measured every hour during the flood season of 2004 were used as the boundary conditions. The monitoring data showed that inflow water temperature drop by 5 to $10^{\circ}C$ during rainfall events in summer, and consequently resulted in the development of density flow regimes such as plunge flow and interflow in the reservoir. The model showed relatively satisfactory performance in replicating the water temperature profiles and turbidity distributions, although considerable discrepancies were partially detected between observed and simulated results. The model was either very efficient in computation as the CPU run time to simulate the whole flood season took only 4 minutes with a Pentium 4(CPU 2.0GHz) desktop computer, which is essentially requited for real-time modeling of turbidity plume.

The Homogeneous Regions and Functional Regions in the Internal Structure of Seoul (서울시 등질지역과 기능지역의 구조 분석)

  • Son Seung-ho
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.562-584
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    • 2004
  • This paper intends to identify the structure of homogeneous regions and functional regions in Seoul based on B.J.L. Berry's ‘general field theory of spatial behavior’. The structure of homogeneous regions by using socio-economic variables can explain how the structural elements of the city are arranged. It can be ssid that Seoul has shifted towards more complicated and differentiated features in terms of homogeneous regions. The different patterns are found between the northern part to Han River where old torn areas are located and the southern part to Han River where newly urbanized areas are located. Usually, the concentric pattern and the sectoral pattern coexist, which is enhanced moving from CBD to the outskirt area. The distribution of different social classes shows irregular pattern similar to the variation of living environment. The social gap is expected to be more widening between new towns and old towns. The analysis of spatial movement pattern shows no clear hierarchical order because of current shifts towards both multi-nuclear pattern and spatial dispersion. The functional regions show duplicated structure overlapping their boundaries each other. The ‘general field theory of spatial behavior’ strongly suggests that spatial interactions among sub-areas in the city are differentiated from the basic characteristics and function of each sub-area. The attributes of homogeneous regions and functional regions are interrelated in the characteristics of isomorphic nature.

The Occupational Health and Safety of Migrant Workers and the Migrantisation of Risk: A Case Study of the UK Construction Industry (이주노동자의 산업안전보건과 위험의 이주화: 영국 건설업 사례를 중심으로)

  • Julia Jiwon Shin;Junho Chae
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.18-37
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    • 2024
  • This study examines migrant workers' occupational health and safety issues through a case study of the UK construction industry, focusing on structural vulnerabilities. Migrant workers are at the bottom of the hierarchically fragmented labour market, performing outsourced hazardous work. Structural vulnerability focuses on the social structures that create hierarchies and increase risk in the workplace, rather than on individual responsibility or 'cultural' differences of migrant workers. The study considers the structural factors that perpetuate the migrantisation of risk in the UK construction industry, focusing on the structural necessity of low-wage migrant labour, precarious employment and the legal status of migrant workers, and discusses how these three factors interact to increase migrant workers' vulnerability to health and safety. The migrantisation of risk is not only a matter of occupational health and safety or universal workers' compensation, but also of the intertwining of labour migration policies with employment structures that rely on low-wage, low-skilled labour. This calls for proactive measures to address structural risks that go beyond passive declaratory policies that do not exclude migrant workers from education, training or legal systems.

Structure of a Warm Eddy off Sogcho in May 1992 (1992년 5월 속초 근해 와동류의 구조)

  • LEE Jae Chul;MIN Dug Hong;YU Hong Sun;LEE Hyong Sun;YANG Han Soeb
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.354-363
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    • 1995
  • Temporal change of a warm eddy off Sogcho was studied using satellite infrared images from January to lune 1992 and its structure was investigated by the observations in Hay. There were two kinds of event for eddy formation. IR images in January indicated that the eddy Haying a horizontal dimension of about 200km was first formed by an injection of warm water. After some deformation and cooling processes the second restrengthening event took place in late March when a warm filament began to penetrate northward and circumvented the preexisting eddy. This eddy became a complete ring-shape with cooled water arrested inside from April to May. The maximum thickness of the isothermal subsurface layer with temperature of $10.0-10.4^{\circ}C$ was about 170m. Except that the current velocity was about 80cm/sec near the axis of the last Korea Warm Current close to Sogcho, the interior of the eddy had an anticyclonic motion with overall swirl velocity of 30-50cm/sec. Velocity rapidly decreased vertically below the main thermocline.

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Mode Change of Deep Water Formation Deduced from Slow Variation of Thermal Structure: One-dimensional Model Study (열적 수직 구조의 장기 변화로부터 유추한 동해 심층수 형성 모드의 변환: 1차원 모델 연구)

  • Chae, Yeong-Ki;Seung, Young-Ho;Kang, Sok-Kuh
    • Ocean and Polar Research
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.115-123
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    • 2005
  • Recently, it has been observed in the East Sea that temperature increases below the thermocline, and dissolved oxygen increase in the intermediate layer but decrease below it. The layer of minimum dissolved oxygen deepens and the bottom homogeneous layer in oxygen becomes thinner. It emerges very probably that these changes are induced by the mode change of deep water formation associated with global warming. To further support this hypothesis, a one-dimensional model experiment is performed. First, a thermal profile is obtained by injecting a cold and high oxygen deep water into the bottom layer, say the bottom mode. Then, two thermal profiles are obtained from the bottom mode profile by assuming that either all the deep water introduce into the intermediate layer has been initiated, say the intermediate mode, or that only a part of the deep water has been initiated into the intermediate layer, say the intermediate-bottom mode. The results, from the intermediate-bottom mode experiment are closest to the observed results. They show quite well the tendency for oxygen to increase in the intermediate layer and the simultaneous thinning of the bottom homogeneous layer in oxygen. Therefore, it can be said that the recently observed slow variation of the thermal structure might be associated with changes in the deep water formation from the bottom mode to the intermediate-bottom mode.

Species Composition and Community Structure of Castanopsis cuspidata var. thunbergii Communities (모밀잣밤나무군락의 종 조성 및 군락구조)

  • Jung, Hye-Ran;Jeon, Kwon-Seok;Kim, Jong-Kab;Moon, Hyun-Shik
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.421-427
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    • 2008
  • This study was carried out to offer a basis data for application of effective management through species composition and community structure of Castanopsis cuspidata var. thunbergii stands (Bijindo and Yokjido). The upper, middle and lower layer in Bijindo and Yokjido consisted of 10, 11 and 27 species, and 9, 6 and 28 species, respectively. The importance value of Castanopsis cuspidata var. thunbergii were highest in upper and middle layer both two studied site. The herbaceous species were 33 and 47 species in Bijindo and Yokjido, respectively. The species diversity ranged from 0.523 to 1.280 in Bijindo and 0.699 to 1.364 in Yokjido. Dominance in Bijindo and Yokjido were 0.477 and 0.242 at upper layer, 0.231 and 0.102 at middle layer, and 0.106 and 0.057 at lower layer, which showed that Castanopsis cuspidata var. thunbergii stands are dominated by a large number of species at all layer. The distribution pattern by Morisita's index showed that Castanopsis cuspidata var. thunbergii was distributed randomly in upper layer both the studied sites.