• Title/Summary/Keyword: 중요객체탐색

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Line Matching Method for Linking Wayfinding Process with the Road Name Address System (길찾기 과정의 도로명주소 체계 연계를 위한 선형 객체 매칭 방법)

  • Bang, Yoon Sik;Yu, Ki Yun
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.115-123
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    • 2016
  • The road name address system has been in effect in Korea since 2012. However, the existing address system is still being used in many fields because of the difference between the spatial awareness of people and the road name address system. For the spatial awareness based on the road name address system, various spatial datasets in daily life should be referenced by the road names. The goal of this paper is to link the road name address system with the wayfinding process, which is closely related to the spatial awareness. To achieve our goal, we designed and implemented a geometric matching method for spatial data sets. This method generates network neighborhoods from road objects in the 'road name address map' and the 'pedestrian network data'. Then it computes the geometric similarities between the neighborhoods to identify corresponding road name for each object in the network data. The performance by F0.5 was assessed at 0.936 and it was improved to 0.978 by the manual check for 10% of the test data selected by the similarity. By help of our method, the road name address system can be utilized in the wayfinding services, and further in the spatial awareness of people.

Dynamic Link Recommendation Based on Anonymous Weblog Mining (익명 웹로그 탐사에 기반한 동적 링크 추천)

  • Yoon, Sun-Hee;Oh, Hae-Seok
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartC
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    • v.10C no.5
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    • pp.647-656
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    • 2003
  • In Webspace, mining traversal patterns is to understand user's path traversal patterns. On this mining, it has a unique characteristic which objects (for example, URLs) may be visited due to their positions rather than contents, because users move to other objects according to providing information services. As a consequence, it becomes very complex to extract meaningful information from these data. Recently discovering traversal patterns has been an important problem in data mining because there has been an increasing amount of research activity on various aspects of improving the quality of information services. This paper presents a Dynamic Link Recommendation (DLR) algorithm that recommends link sets on a Web site through mining frequent traversal patterns. It can be employed to any Web site with massive amounts of data. Our experimentation with two real Weblog data clearly validate that our method outperforms traditional method.

Analysis of Undergraduate Students' Perception of the Concept of System as Integrated Theme (통합 주제로서의 시스템 개념에 대한 대학생들의 인식 분석)

  • Ji, Youngrae;Song, Jinwoong
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.77-85
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    • 2017
  • The goal of the study was to examine undergraduate students' perception of the importance of the concept of system in science. The participants are six undergraduate students in the department of science education. Data sources included interviews and interview notes. Results showed that students understood the concept of system as a group of objects, space, and boundaries, which differed from a previous research study about its details. The students also were able to explain the concept of system related with the process of problem solving. The students recognized as well the selection of system for analysis of natural phenomenon, explaining that the selection of system was determined by purpose of the observer. Lastly, the students explained that the concept of system was useful for science learning because it was strongly related with other science concepts, understanding of interactions, and learner's cognitive development.

Detecting Road Intersections using Partially Similar Trajectories of Moving Objects (이동 객체의 부분 유사궤적 탐색을 활용한 교차로 검출 기법)

  • Park, Bokuk;Park, Jinkwan;Kim, Taeyong;Cho, Hwan-Gue
    • Journal of KIISE
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.404-410
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    • 2016
  • Automated road map generation poses significant research challenges since GPS-based navigation systems prevail in most general vehicles. This paper proposes an automated detecting method for intersection points using GPS vehicle trajectory data without any background digital map information. The proposed method exploits the fact that the trajectories are generally split into several branches at an intersection point. One problem in previous work on this intersection detecting is that those approaches require stopping points and direction changes for every testing vehicle. However our approach does not require such complex auxiliary information for intersection detecting. Our method is based on partial trajectory matching among trajectories since a set of incoming trajectories split other trajectory cluster branches at the intersection point. We tested our method on a real GPS data set with 1266 vehicles in Gangnam District, Seoul. Our experiment showed that the proposed method works well at some bigger intersection points in Gangnam. Our system scored 75% sensitivity and 78% specificity according to the test data. We believe that more GPS trajectory data would make our system more reliable and applicable in a practice.

Object Replication Methods for High Availability in DHT based P2P Computing System (분산 해쉬 테이블 기반 피어 투 피어 컴퓨팅 시스템에서 가용성 향상 객체 복제 기법)

  • Son, Young-Sung;Jung, Il-Dong;Kim, Kyong-Sok
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.11 no.8
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    • pp.1535-1543
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    • 2007
  • Recently, there are many researches for P2P network. P2P network technologies are a good solution about making a wide spread distributed computing in the internet environment. The recent algorithms developed by several research groups for the lookup problem present a simple and general interface, a distributed hash table (DHT). In this paper, we also introduce new schemes that enhance the available rate of an object in the MagicSquare network. Replication scheme is to replicate an object with many replicas and save them to several nodes. Fragmentation scheme is to divide an object into several fragments and save them to several nodes. Replicated Fragmentation scheme is to mix replication scheme and fragmentation scheme. We will show result of simulation for our the proposed scheme.

Automated Construction of IndoorGML Data Using Point Cloud (포인트 클라우드를 이용한 IndoorGML 데이터의 자동적 구축)

  • Kim, Sung-Hwan;Li, Ki-Joune
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.38 no.6
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    • pp.611-622
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    • 2020
  • As the advancement of technologies on indoor positioning systems and measuring devices such as LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) and cameras, the demands on analyzing and searching indoor spaces and visualization services via virtual and augmented reality have rapidly increasing. To this end, it is necessary to model 3D objects from measured data from real-world structures. In addition, it is important to store these structured data in standardized formats to improve the applicability and interoperability. In this paper, we propose a method to construct IndoorGML data, which is an international standard for indoor modeling, from point cloud data acquired from LiDAR sensors. After examining considerations that should be addressed in IndoorGML data, we present a construction method, which consists of free space extraction and connectivity detection processes. With experimental results, we demonstrate that the proposed method can effectively reconstruct the 3D model from point cloud.

Collaboration and Node Migration Method of Multi-Agent Using Metadata of Naming-Agent (네이밍 에이전트의 메타데이터를 이용한 멀티 에이전트의 협력 및 노드 이주 기법)

  • Kim, Kwang-Jong;Lee, Yon-Sik
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.11D no.1
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    • pp.105-114
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    • 2004
  • In this paper, we propose a collaboration method of diverse agents each others in multi-agent model and describe a node migration algorithm of Mobile-Agent (MA) using by the metadata of Naming-Agent (NA). Collaboration work of multi-agent assures stability of agent system and provides reliability of information retrieval on the distributed environment. NA, an important part of multi-agent, identifies each agents and series the unique name of each agents, and each agent references the specified object using by its name. Also, NA integrates and manages naming service by agents classification such as Client-Push-Agent (CPA), Server-Push-Agent (SPA), and System-Monitoring-Agent (SMA) based on its characteristic. And, NA provides the location list of mobile nodes to specified MA. Therefore, when MA does move through the nodes, it is needed to improve the efficiency of node migration by specified priority according to hit_count, hit_ratio, node processing and network traffic time. Therefore, in this paper, for the integrated naming service, we design Naming Agent and show the structure of metadata which constructed with fields such as hit_count, hit_ratio, total_count of documents, and so on. And, this paper presents the flow of creation and updating of metadata and the method of node migration with hit_count through the collaboration of multi-agent.

Estimating Impervious Surface Fraction of Tanchon Watershed Using Spectral Analysis (분광혼합분석 기법을 이용한 탄천유역 불투수율 평가)

  • Cho Hong-lae;Jeong Jong-chul
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.457-468
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    • 2005
  • Increasing of impervious surface resulting from urban development has negative impacts on urban environment. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to estimate and quantify the temporal and spatial aspects of impervious area for study of urban environment. In many cases, conventional image classification methods have been used for analysis of impervious surface fraction. However, the conventional classification methods have shortcoming in estimating impervious surface. The DN value of the each pixel in imagery is mixed result of spectral character of various objects which exist in surface. But conventional image classification methods force each pixel to be allocated only one class. And also after land cover classification, it is requisite to additional work of calculating impervious percentage value in each class item. This study used the spectral mixture analysis to overcome this weakness of the conventional classification methods. Four endmembers, vegetation, soil, low albedo and high albedo were selected to compose pure land cover objects. Impervious surface fraction was estimated by adding low albedo and high albedo. The study area is the Tanchon watershed which has been rapidly changed by the intensive development of housing. Landsat imagery from 1988, 1994 to 2001 was used to estimate impervious surface fraction. The results of this study show that impervious surface fraction increased from $15.6\%$ in 1988, $20.1\%$ in 1994 to $24\%$ in 2001. Results indicate that impervious surface fraction can be estimated by spectral mixture analysis with promising accuracy.

멀티미디어 정보시스템을 이용한 기업체 교육의 효과요인 도출을 위한 실증적 연구

  • 김병곤;이동만;박순창
    • Proceedings of the CALSEC Conference
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    • 1999.11a
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    • pp.280-293
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    • 1999
  • 본 연구는 경영학 관련 분야에서 멀티미디어 기술의 경영학적 측면의 응용에 관한 연구의 중요성이나 필요성을 많은 학자들이 인식하고 있음에도 불구하고 아직 멀티미디어에 관한 연구가 전무한 실정에서 시도한 초기연구라는데 연구의 의의가 있다. 이러한 시점에서 교육공학과 경영정보학을 접목시킨 멀티미디어에 관한 연구는 상당히 중요할 것으로 판단된다. 이와 같이 본 연구는 경영정보학 분야에서 멀미미디어에 관한 연구로서는 초기의 연구로서, 본 연구가 가지는 연구의 필요성이나 중요성에 대해서는 우리들이 충분히 인식할 수 있을 것이다. 지금까지 국내외적으로 멀티미디어 정보시스템을 이용한 교육의 효과에 관한 연구는 몇 편의 탐색적 논문이 발견되고 있으나, 멀티미디어를 이용한 교육의 효과를 구성하는 요인이 무엇인지를 밝히기 위한 연구는 거의 전무한 실정이다 이러한 상황에서 멀티미디어를 이용한 교육의 효과를 구성하는 요인이 무엇이며, 구성요인 중 어떤 요인이 기업이나 학습자에게 가장 큰 효과를 가져다주는지를 밝히기 위한 연구는 현실적으로 상당히 중요하며 의미 있는 연구로 받아들여진다. 본 연구는 멀티미디어 정보시스템을 이용한 기업체 교육훈련의 효과요인을 도출하기 위하여 문헌연구와 실증적 연구를 병행 수행하였다. 우선 멀티미디어 정보시스템에 관한 문헌연구를 통하여 멀티미디어를 이용한 교육의 22가지 효과항목을 도출하였다. 다음으로 멀티미디어 정보시스템을 갖추고 있는 국내 5대 재벌 그룹연수원의 멀티미디어 교육실에서 교육을 받은 517명의 기업체 사원들을 대상으로 약 2개월간 설문조사를 실시하여 자료를 수집하고, 통계분석 패키지를 이용하여 자료를 분석하였다. 방식을 결합한 하이브리드 형태이다.인터넷으로 주문처리하고, 신속 안전한 배달을 기대한다. 더불어 고객은 현재 자신의 물건이 배달되는 경로를 알고싶어 한다. 웹을 통해 물건을 주문한 고객이 자신이 물건의 배달 상황을 웹에서 모니터링 한다면 기업은 고객으로 공간적인 제약으로 인한 불신을 불식시키는 신뢰감을 주게 된다. 이러한 고객서비스 향상과 물류비용 절감은 사이버 쇼핑몰이 전국 어디서나 우리의 안방에서 자연스럽게 점할 수 있는 상황을 만들 것이다.SP가 도입되어, 설계업무를 지원하기위한 기본적인 시스템 구조를 구상하게 된다. 이와 함께 IT Model을 구성하게 되는데, 객체지향적 접근 방법으로 Model을 생성하고 UML(Unified Modeling Language)을 Tool로 사용한다. 단계 4)는 Software Engineering 관점으로 접근한다. 이는 최종산물이라고 볼 수 있는 설계업무 지원 시스템을 Design하는 과정으로, 시스템에 사용될 데이터를 Design하는 과정과, 데이터를 기반으로 한 기능을 Design하는 과정으로 나눈다. 이를 통해 생성된 Model에 따라 최종적으로 Coding을 통하여 실제 시스템을 구축하게 된다.the making. program and policy decision making, The objectives of the study are to develop the methodology of modeling the socioeconomic evaluation, and build up the practical socioeconomic evaluation model of the HAN projec

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The Characteristics of Visualizing Hierarchical Information and their Applications in Multimedia Design (멀티미디어디자인에서 정보위계 표출방식과 그 활용에 관한 연구)

  • You, Si-Cheon
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.9 no.spc3
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    • pp.209-224
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    • 2006
  • Hierarchy which is often named as the tree-structure is used to reduce complexity and show primitive structures of complicated information. This paper aims at explaining information-visualization methods using hierarchies in multimedia domains and prospecting the possible applications by examining how they affect the user's tasks involved in information-seeking activities. As a result, four types of information visualization methods named Treemap, Hyperbolic, Cone Tree and DOI Tree employed in multimedia domain, are presented and pros and cons of each method are explained in this paper. Another important part is defining the core tasks and other related-tasks in information-seeking activities, such as, overview, zoom, filter, details-on-demand, relate, history, and extract. Followings are major findings. Treemap uses 'overview' as the core task, which makes user to gain a overall meaning of the whole information cluster. Hyperbolic and DOI Tree apply 'Boom' task through the function of focus+context or by the function of meaningful scaling to magnify or downsize each node. Cone Tree, also, makes the information organizer to classify the patterns of information acquired in the process of users' information-seeking activities by using 'extract' task. Through this study, it is finally found out that the information-visualization methods using hierarchies in multimedia domains should incorporate the wide variety of functional needs related to users' information-seeking behaviors beyond the visual representation of information.

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