• Title/Summary/Keyword: 주상(酒傷)

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Ideas for Drawing Proper Drilling Logs (합리적인 시추주상도 작성에 관한 소고)

  • 최성순;최수철;김태욱
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2003.06b
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    • pp.13-33
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    • 2003
  • 시추조사는 설계 및 시공을 위한 기본적인 조사이며 조사자는 지층을 정확히 판단하고 시추주상도를 매개체로하여 이를 설계자와 시공자에게 전달하여야 한다. 많이 개선되었다고는 하지만 시추주상도의 내용이 작성자 또는 작성회사별로 양식과 기재방법이 다른 경우가 많아 시추주상도의 역할이 반감되는 경우가 많다. 본 고에서는 조사업계에 종사한 경험을 바탕으로 합리적인 시추주상도 작성을 위해 국내외의 시추주상도 양식을 비교하고 표준안을 제시하였으며 기재방법의 통일을 기하기 위한 개선 사항을 제시하였다.

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A Study of Columnar Joint in Goheung, Jeollanam-do, Korea (전라남도 고흥지역에 분포하는 주상절리에 관한 연구)

  • Son, Jeong-Mo;Ahn, Kun Sang
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.37 no.6
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    • pp.332-345
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    • 2016
  • The columnar joints in Goheung are developed in three places of Yuju-san area, Palyeong-san and Yongbawi area. Vertical and fan-shaped columnar joints which have maximum width 100 m and maximum heigh 50 m are developed in the Yuju-san area Columnar joints are developed next to the road near the the Yuju-san and along the coast of Jijuk-do. Thick columnar joints of maximum width 1m are developed in the Paryeong-san area. Horizontal columnar joints of maximum width 50 cm at length of polygon side are developed on dyke in the Yongbawi area. The columnar joints show high rate of rectangles and pentagons in the number of polygons. The length of polygon side of columnar joints in study area ranges from 10 to 100 cm, and 20 cm among the range appears in high frequency. Columnar joints are developed vertically to the ground from the cooling surface in Yuju-san and Palyeong-san area. Columnar joints in Yongbawi area are developed vertically to the contact of country rocks. As a result, the columnar joints began cooling from the country rock contact. And columnar joints are developed vertically to contact surface. The rocks in columnar joints is rhyolitic welded tuff in Yuju-san and Palyeong-san area, dacite in Yongbawi area. In the acid volcanic rocks flow structure well developed. The white phenocryst mineral about 2 mm size by eye, is usually feldspar, and includes some quartz. The rate of $SiO_2$ is 70wt.% or more. It is the last stage of differentiation to calc-alkaline series. The columnar joints of the Yuju-san area are expected to be distributed along a band that extends to about 1km east of the stone pit.

PSM based Price Estimating for Local Mixed-Use Apartment Development (PSM기반 중소도시 주상복합 아파트의 분양가 추정에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Jaekyung;Cho, Yongkyung;Lee, Sangyoub
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.86-94
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    • 2014
  • Since the late 1990s, mixed-use apartment, armed with high qualities and large scales with a high ratio of TFA(Total Floor Area) have been continuously provided accommodating exclusive community facilities along with high-tech securities, not to mention excellent skyline view. However, especially in mid-small cities, there have been only a few supplies. As a result, none of the mixed-use housing provided by high-end brands has ever been built in non-metropolitan area. But constructors couldn't plan the projects which aims to build the mixed-use apartment in local city, because they couldn't get the basic data or advanced research for feasibility analysis. Therefore, to suggest the useful price for mixed-use apartment supply project of local city, the PSM(Price Sensitivity Method) widely used for determining the price preferences as a market research tools has been applied. As analysis results, the estimated price of mixed-use apartment is 10.8% higher than general apartment, and mixed-use apartment has lower price sensitivity than general apartment. As price determinants, the age, education level and family size influence on UTP in significant level. It is expected that these research findings can be applied for establishing the solid marketing strategy of mixed-use apartment development project in local city.

발코니 전용면적 포함해 주상복합 양도소득세 부과

  • Im, Song-Eun
    • 주택과사람들
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    • s.191
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    • pp.84-85
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    • 2006
  • 주상복합 아파트는 외벽을 발코니 바깥에 두는 '커튼 월' 공법으로 지어진 만큼 외벽 안에 있는 발코니를 전용면적에 포함시켜야 한다는 국세심판원의 결정이 나왔다. 이에 따라 발코니를 포함한 전용면적이 50평이 넘는 수도권 주상복합 아파트 상당수는 양도 차익에 따라 양도소득세를 부과해야 한다.

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주상복합의 아파트 주거비율 상향과 향후 파급 효과

  • Park, Seong-Min
    • 주택과사람들
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    • s.206
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    • pp.36-39
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    • 2007
  • 수도권 8개 지방자치단체에 이어 서울시가 주상복합 주거비율을 90%로 상향조정 할 예정이다. 주상복합의 아파트 비율이 확대되는 것에 대한 주택업계의 반응과 문제점을 알아본다.

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Evaluation of the Stability of Ipseok-dae Columnar Joints in Mudeungsan National Park Using 3DEC (3DEC을 이용한 무등산국립공원 입석대 주상절리대의 안정성 평가)

  • Noh, Jeongdu;Kang, Seong Sueng
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.351-361
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    • 2022
  • Numerical analysis performed to predict the behavior of Ipseok-dae columnar joints in Mudeungsan National Park to understand their stability and movement. The numerical analysis technique, 3DEC, is based on the discrete element method that can analysis discontinuities. The analysis used data for material properties derived from laboratory tests, which found that average density was 2.68 kN/m3, average normal stiffness was 3.15 GPa/m, average shear stiffness was 1.00 GPa/m, average cohesion was 0.51 MPa, and the average friction angle was 33°. The Ipseok-dae columnar joints were modeled on the basis of the field survey data for 15 joints located between the observation platform and the hiking trail. The numerical analysis assessed the behavior of each columnar joint by interpreting the displacement of the edges of its upper and lower surfaces. The greatest maximum displacement was found in columnar joint No. 6, and the greatest minimum displacement was found in joint No. 11. Analyzing the movements of five discontinuities in joint No. 11 indicated that the maximum displacement occurred at the 2nd level. The other levels were ordered 5th, 4th, 1st, and 3rd in terms of subsequent greatest displacements. Considering the total displacement in the 15 studied joints, the Ipseok-dae columnar joints are judged to be stable. However, considering the cultural and historical value of Mudeungsan National Park, it is regarded that the currents slope stability should be maintained by monitoring the individual rock blocks of the joints.

신상권 트렌드를 주도하는 주상복합 상가

  • Kim, So-Jin
    • 주택과사람들
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    • s.210
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    • pp.72-75
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    • 2007
  • 상가 시장에 새로운 바람이 불고 있다. 주상복합 건물 내에 자리 잡은 상가에 고급 인테리어 숍과 유명 레스토랑, 카페들이 입점하면서 기존의 일반 상가 점포와 차별화를 선언하고 있다. 고급 주거지에 걸맞게 더욱 고급스럽고 트렌디한 점포들이 들어서면서 신상권을 형성하고 있는 주상복합 내 상가 시장의 최근 트렌드와 투자 포인트를 짚어보았다.

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주상복합 시스템 도입한 아파트로 차별화

  • Kim, So-Jin
    • 주택과사람들
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    • s.205
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    • pp.62-65
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    • 2007
  • 사업부지 내의 조경, 녹지 공간을 최대한 확보하기 위해 고층으로 건축하면 쾌적한 친환경 주거지를 만들 수 있다. 이를 위해 주상복합 건축공법을 적용하고 각종 부대시설과 철저한 보안 시스템, 첨단 설비가 결합된다면 이상적인 아파트 주거 공간이 탄생한다. 편의성과 고급화, 첨단화를 지향하고 주거생활의 편리성을 극대화한 주상복합형 아파트에 대해 알아본다.

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Field Tests on the Transfer of Lightning Overvoltages through Pole Transformer (가공배전용 주상변압기의 뇌과전압 전달특성 실증)

  • Ryoo, Hee-Suk;Kim, Dae-Kyung;Nam, Kee-Young;Lee, Jae-Duck;Park, Sang-Man;Jung, Dong-Hak
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2005.07a
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    • pp.647-649
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    • 2005
  • 가공배전계통의 주상변압기에는 직격뢰나 유도뢰에 의해 고압측이나 저압측으로부터 뇌과전압이 침입할 수 있고. 이러한 경우 침입단은 물론, 상대단에도 과전압이 나타날 수 있어, 주상변압기 자체와 고압 및 저압계통에 영향을 미치게 되므로, 주상변압기의 뇌과전압 전달특성을 파악하는 것은 절연설계와 절연협조에 있어 매우 중요한 자료가 된다. 본 논문에서는 실제 선로와 같은 구성과 규모의 실증 배전선로에서, 주상변압기에 임펄스전압이 침입한 경우의 변압기 양단에 나타나는 과전압에 패한 실증결과의 예를 소개하였다.

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A Study on the Deterioration Diagnosis Device of Pole Transformer using FFT (FFT를 이용한 주상 변압기의 열화 진단 장치에 관한 연구)

  • 윤용한;김영춘;김재철
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.97-106
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    • 2000
  • This paper proposes on-line based a deterioration diagnosis device for diagnosis pole transformers using tan$\delta$ and FFT(fast Fourier transform). We measured tan$\delta$ and temperature to diagnose pole transformer insulating oil, diagnostic results are processed by FFT. For measuring convenience, we use R/F(radio frequency) wireless data communication module operating by secondary voltage of pole transformer. We have voltage variation test and oil temperature variation test to prove usability of proposed diagnosis device. The result of this paper shows that the proposed device can be used as deterioration diagnosis device of pole transformers.

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