• Title/Summary/Keyword: 조세혜택

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Tax Subsidy and Information Effect of Future Earnings (조세혜택과 미래이익의 정보효과)

  • Byun, Sun-Young;Kim, Jin-Wook;Jung, Hyun-Uk
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.123-140
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    • 2016
  • This study investigates whether tax subsidy is associated with the information effect of future earnings (Future Earnings Response Coefficient, hereafter 'FERC'). Prior studies related with tax subsidy suggest that high- tax subsidy is associated with high-Conservatism. And high-tax subsidy is associated with low-information asymmetry. The hypothesis is tested by using sample firms listed on the Korean Stock Exchange from the year of 2002 to the year of 2009 inclusively. We followed methodology of Tucker and Zarowin (2006). We find that the regression coefficient for tax $subsidy{\times}X_{t3}$ shows a significant positive sign. Also, we performed additional test after controlling for variables related with FERC. The regression coefficient for tax $subsidy{\times}X_{t3}$ is consistent with main results. This result means that the changes in the current stock price of higher-tax subsidy contain more information about their future earnings than the changes in the stock price of lower-abnormal audit hours. The evidence suggests that investors positively understand high-tax subsidy.

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Analysis on Tax Benefits of Tax Lease Scheme for Ships (선박 조세 리스제도의 세제혜택효과 분석)

  • Cho, Kyu-Yeol;Lee, Ki-Hwan
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.63-86
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    • 2020
  • The tax lease scheme for ships is an advanced ship financing tool that generates tax benefits through accelerated depreciation of capital allowances and transferring them to the ship operator (leasee) via reductions in rental payments. The scheme was introduced by Japan in 1978 and by France in 1998 to support their shipping and shipbuilding industries. The size of tax benefits varies by country depending on the depreciation rate for ships, corporate tax rate, and the tax system on profits from the sale of ship. This study uses a virtual model of the Korean tax lease scheme for ships based on the French tax lease scheme. The size of tax benefits is calculated and compared to those in the French and Japanese tax lease schemes. According to the analysis, the size of the tax benefit was approximately 19% for France, 14% for Japan, and 12% for Korea. This is differentiated by the country's depreciation rate and corporate tax rate, which have the greatest impact on the size of tax benefits. For the Korean virtual model, if the tax benefits are distributed by the operator and the investor at the rate of 75:25, the operator is expected to enjoy tax benefits equivalent to about 9% of the ship price and the investor to enjoy 3%. Despite limited information and data regarding the tax lease scheme for ships, this study was the first attempt in Korea to design a virtual model of the Korean tax lease scheme based on some predictable assumptions. Therefore, a group of shipping, financing, and legal experts will follow up on more professional and practical reviews of the model in the near future. Hence, this study will serve as a small contribution to the early introduction of the Korean tax lease scheme for ships.

Tax Exemption Grant Proposal to Promote Green Remodeling Project Implementation (그린리모델링 사업시행유도를 위한 조세혜택 부여 방안)

  • Jung, Seoyoung;Yu, Jungho
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.66-75
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    • 2016
  • Korean Government is implementing green remodeling projects on existing buildings and structures in a way of promoting low carbon green growth. However, the current regulations and systems do not clearly define the scopes and contents of the green remodeling. Also, the lack of the inducement measure is another reason of the low engagement of the private enterprises to the green remodeling business. Therefore, this study proposes a tax exemption plan to promote green remodeling business implementation, with the consideration on practical applicability. And the proposed plan was applied to the green remodeling pilot project case in2 014 and the effect was quantitatively analyzed. The result is expected to be used as a base data to improve the tax exemption benefit system to invigorate green remodeling later.

해외자본(海外資本) 유출(流出)·입(入)에 대한 적정과세(適正課稅)에 관한 연구(硏究)

  • Mun, Hyeong-Pyo
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.251-268
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    • 1994
  • 본고에서는 국내자본(國內資本)의 해외투자(海外投資) 및 해외자본(海外資本)의 국내투자(國內投資)로부터 발생하는 자본소득(資本所得)에 대한 적정과세방안(適正課稅方案)을 이론적 모형을 토대로 분석하여 보고, 이를 바탕으로 우리나라의 현행 세제상(稅制上)의 문제점 및 시사점을 검토해 보고자 하였다. 1개국(個國)-1재화(財貨)-2기간(期間)의 일반균형분석모형하에서 정부와 후생극대화(厚生極大化)를 바탕으로, 첫째 자본유출국(資本流出國)의 경우 해외에 투자되는 국내자본에 대한 소득세율은 국내투자분에 비해 낮게 책정되는 것이 바람직하며, 둘째 자본유입국(資本流入國)의 경우 해외로부터 유입되는 자본에 대한 소득세율은 국내자본에 적용되는 세율보다 낮아야 함을 보였다. 이러한 이론적 결과에도 불구하고, 기존의 실증적 연구와 비교해 볼 때 우리나라의 경우 외국자본(外國資本)의 국내투자(國內投資)에 대환 세제상(稅制上)의 혜택(惠澤)은 너무 과다한 것으로 추정되어, 향후 외국자본(外國資本)의 국내투자(國內投資)에 대한 조세혜택(租稅惠澤)을 축소하고 중복적용을 배제할 수 있도록 현행 조세감면제도(租稅感免制度)를 재정비해야 할 필요성이 있을 것으로 판단된다.

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An Examination of FIN 48 Disclosures: Evidence from Korean Companies (FIN 48 주석사항 검토: 한국기업을 중심으로)

  • Song, Bomi;Jung, Woon-Oh;Roh, Hee Chun
    • The Journal of Small Business Innovation
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.17-42
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    • 2016
  • Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) Interpretation No. 48 (FIN 48), Accounting for Uncertainty in Income Taxes: An interpretation of FASB Statement No. 109, requires firms to evaluate uncertain tax positions and disclose information on their liabilities for these positions, unrecognized tax benefits (UTBs). We analyze the FIN 48 disclosures for calendar-year-end Korean companies listed on NYSE and NASDAQ and examine the Korean firms' tax aggressiveness utilizing the UTBs. The results suggest that stock exchange and firm size do not play a role in the Korean firms' tax aggressiveness, contrary to the matched U.S. firms and that the Korean firm in the miscellaneous retail industry is more tax aggressive than the firms in the communications, depository institutions and business services. In addition, we find evidence that the Korean firms are less tax aggressive than the matched U.S. firms. We also examine the Korean firms' tax avoidance tendencies using other measures of avoidance, leading to mixed results. Finally, we examine the association between the UTBs and other measures of tax avoidance and find a significant and negative association between the UTBs and the long-run cash effective tax rate.

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헌법이 보장하는 기본권을 무시한 '종합부동산세'

  • Ju, Yong-Cheol
    • 주택과사람들
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    • s.204
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    • pp.34-35
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    • 2007
  • 한국조세연구원에 따르면 현 종합부동산세 구조가 급격한 세 부담 증가로 이어질 수 있어 비과세 및 감면 혜택 등을 검토할 필요가 있다고 지적했다. 세부담의 급격한 상승도 문제지만, 헌법이 보장하는 기본권에 대한 침해가 사실성 더 큰 과제일 수 있다.

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Analysis of Childcare Support Policies and Fertility Rates of the OECD Countries: Focusing on Cash-support Policies, Child-care Facility Policies, and Tax Benefits Policies (OECD 국가의 양육지원 정책과 출산율 분석: 현금지원 정책, 보육시설서비스 정책, 조세혜택 정책을 중심으로)

  • Kang, Kyoung Hee;Jun, Hong-Ju
    • Korean Journal of Childcare and Education
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.197-221
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between the child care support policies and the birth rate in 33 OECD countries. In the structural equation modelling, the birth rate was the dependent variable while the cash-support policies, the child-care facility service policies, and the tax benefits policies were the independent variables. The analysis showed that the most effective factor on the birth rate was the child-care facility service policies. Regarding the effectiveness of the policy expenses, the cash-support policies showed stable fluctuation of effectiveness according to the fluctuation of cash amount, the child-care facility service policies. In conclusion, in order to increase the effectiveness of the cash-support policies, the adequate cost calculation to decrease the parents' burden for child-bearing, re-allocation of budget, and support methods and timing should be continually discussed. In addition, for the better effectiveness of the facility service policies, more various, comprehensive and high-quality facility service policies that could balance home and work, should be implemented.

세금효과가 합병전략에 미치는 영향

  • Gwon, Hwi-Il
    • The Korean Journal of Financial Studies
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.257-280
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    • 1994
  • 합병의 절세효과는 배당소득의 자본이득화, 소유구조강화의 비용철강, 합병교부주식의 액면가액과시장가치의 차이에 의한 배당소득세의 회피 가능성 등으로 발생한다. 그러나 합병에 청산소득법인세, 사업년도법인세 및 증여세 등의 증세효과도 존재한다. 순절세효과는 당해 회사의 조세상 특성에 따라 달라진다. 합병회사가 피합병회사의 이월결손금과 조세공제.감면혜택을 승계받을 수 없다. 조세적 특성의 승계단절을 우회하기 위하여 신설합병보다는 흡수합병의 형태가, 순합병보다는 역합병의 방식이 선호된다. 합병에서 임의평가증(任意評價增)의 세금효과는 여러 가지 요소에 의하여 결정되는 데. 순절세효과가 양,수일 경우는 흔치 않을 것이다. 합병비율의 조절을 통하여 소유구조변경과 증여효과를 얻을 수 있다. 합병비율조절의 유인은 증여세, 청산법인세 및 배당소득세 등의 증세효과와 원천징수의무에 의하여 감소한다. 특히, 청산법인세와 배당소득세는 실행합병비율이 1:1이 되도록 하는 요인이다. 증여유인과 증세효과로 주주집단간의 이해관계대립이 초래될 수 있다 이해갈등의 예방장치 또는 조정제도의 효율성은 실행합병비율과 공정합병비율의 괴리를 축소하는 요인이 될 것이다.

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Tax Incentives for Job Creation and Employment Retention (고용창출과 고용유지를 위한 조세지원제도의 개선방안에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Byung-San
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.13 no.11
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    • pp.133-139
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    • 2015
  • This study is aimed at suggesting the establishment strategy of human resource development through the tax support system under the "Tax incentive limitation law" provided for job creation and employment retention, by which the improvement measurements for utility maximization. The study results are briefly summarized as follows: At first, It's necessary to permit overlapping deduction of the tax favor for encouragement of job creation and employment retention, i.e. tax exemption and tax credit, and to exclude a company from the object for the alternative minimum tax application for maximization of the effect on employment inducement. Secondly, It's necessary to establish tax exemption and a tax credit on the surplus of the minimum wage standard. At last, It's also necessary to abolish, or expand the sunset period of tax support on a large scale to enhance the predictability of human resources management. These discussion are made through the convergence both employment policies and tax laws.