• Title/Summary/Keyword: 조세조약

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A study on taxation of foreign corporation's Permanent Establishment (고정사업장의 과세에 관한 연구: 플랜트 건설.판매기업의 사례를 중심으로)

  • Suh, Jung-Rog
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.71-96
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    • 2010
  • This article firstly reviewed Permanent Established(PE) concept of OECD and UN model tax treaty and compared it with that of Korean Corporate Income Tax Law(CITL). The various factors regarding profit like ways of deciding the local source profit, scope and calculation method which will be imputed to PE were also reviewed. Based on above, standard PE judgement basis and calculation method of local source profit were also studied by using actual cases in foreign corporation which performs plant construction & sales in Korea. Accordingly to properly solve the conflict regarding international tax and to protect the tax authority against the foreign corporation in Korea, by standing on equality, I now propose followings for the better concept of PE in Korea. Firstly, the article that a building site or construction or installation project constitutes a PE only if it lasts more than 6 months should be modified to reflect OECD model convention's criteria of 12 months. Second, the scope of 'subordinate attorney' which is regarded as PE under CITL is now including 'holding-delivery attorney', 'order attorney', and 'assurance attorney' as well as 'contract attorney'. This is overly limit the activities of foreign corporation. It had better be loosened only to include 'contract attorney' as OECD provisions. Third, the CITL limits the cases of preparatory and/or auxiliary place which is not regarded as PE, thus limit the foreign corporations' business by expanding the concept of PE. This had better be eased. Fourth, in deciding the amount of local source profits, the CITL stipulates to split the profits by the relevant contribution of transaction parties through 'profit split method'. To solve the conflict, the ways of profit split must be better clarified through providing object and detailed standard and basis.

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Draft Discuss ion on OECD's Tax Convention Issues related to Electronic Commerce and Korea's response (OECD의 전자상거래 과세관련 논의과정과 대응)

  • Shim, Sang-Mok
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.19-42
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    • 2000
  • 전자상거래에 과세권 적용을 둘러싼 논쟁이 치열하게 벌어지고 있다. 일부에선 국가주권, 납세의무 헌법 36조 등을 들어 과세형평의 원칙, 세수 결손 방지를 위해 전자상거래에 과세권을 적용해야 한다고 주장하는 반면 현시점에서 기술적 문제로 디지털제품에 대해서는 과세가 어렵다는 주장이다. 본 논문에서는 논란의 대상이 되는 전자상거래 관련 과세부문에 대하여 OECD의 논의를 중심으로 살펴보았다. OECD에서는 두가지 방향으로 논의하고 있다. 첫째, OECD 모델조세조약에서 사용되는 기존 고정사업장 개념을 전자상거래라는 새로운 기업활동에 적용하는 방법을 검토하고 있다. 둘째, 전자상거래의 발전이 고정사업장 개념 자체에 어떠한 변화를 필요로 하는가에 대해서 검토하고 있다. 전자상거래 국제논의에 대한 우리의 대비도 향후 1-2년이 매우 중요하다고 볼 수 있는 바, OECD등 국제기구의 논의에 민관이 공동으로 적극 참여하면서 관련 국내제도를 정비해 나가야 할 것이다.

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Thin Capitalization - The Arm's Length Approach through Blockchain

  • Lee, Jeong-Mi
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.25 no.10
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    • pp.185-191
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    • 2020
  • This article proposes the unified an arm's length price of transfer pricing for thin capitalization since the scope of permanent establishment has been enlarged under Digital Economy and the implementation of Blackchain system to resolve the drawback of finding an arm's length price. The rule of current thin capitalization runs against the non-discrimination of taxation of the tax treaties and the national treatment which deals fairly with goods, sercice and capital money within the country under the treaty of commerce and navigator. In addition, the information of comparable uncontrolled debt are not available of current system to prove the debt which is not subject to the rule of thin capitalization. The united an arm's length price of transfer pricing for thin capitalization can apply to foreign investment as well as domestic corporations, thereby resolving the problem of the non-discrimination of taxation of the tax treaties and the treaty of commerce and navigation. The availability of transaction level data through Blockchain platform to decide whether the debt can be subject to thin capitalization can resolve the issue of comparable uncontrolled debt transaction which can't be found in current business transactions. This article should shed light on the proposing of the unified an arm's length price of transfer pricing for thin capitalization and Blockchain system to prevent the income shifting. This propose provide implication for policymakers on current system of thin capitalization and arm's length principles.

A Study on the Standard for Automatic Exchange of Financial Account Information (정기 금융정보교환을 위한 조세조약 이행규정 고찰)

  • Ryu, Hae-Young;Chae, Soo-Joon
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.31-39
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    • 2017
  • Countries around the world have been engaging in automatic exchange of information to tackle tax evasion. The same goal became the basis of the enactment of the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) by the United States Congress. In order to establish a common approach to counter tax evasion among different countries, the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) released the Standard for Automatic Exchange of Financial Account Information in Tax Matters which consists of the Competent Authority Agreement (CAA) and the Common Reporting Standard (CRS). Specifically, the automatic exchange of information is the exchange of financial account information between Tax Authorities in relevant countries. The law requires this information to be collected by financial institutions around the world for reporting to Tax Authorities. Automatic exchange of Information is made up of two information sharing frameworks: The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) and The Common Reporting Standard (CRS). Under the automatic exchange of information, all financial institutions must identify accounts held by customers who are foreign tax residents or entities connected to foreign tax residents. Financial institutions must report these to the relevant Tax Authority who will then automatically exchange the account information with the relevant foreign Tax Authorities. Korean government has enacted domestic laws to require financial institutions to collect and report this information and has entered into international agreements to exchange the information with other governments. This paper analyzed the FATCA and CRS rules overall and proposed solutions for the legal and practical issues. This paper contributes to the existing literature on the automatic exchange of information by considering two information sharing frameworks.

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