• Title/Summary/Keyword: 정신생리질환

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Bioactive Substances from Ganoderma lucidum (영지의 생리활성 물질)

  • Bae Woo-Chul;Kim Yong-Seok;Lee Jun-Woo
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.75-83
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    • 2005
  • The popular edible mushroom Ganoderma lucidum was considered the most valuable medicine in ancient Asia and was belived to bring longevity, due to its mysterious power of healing the body and calming the mind. Today, Ganoderma lucidum is still widely revered as a valuable health supplement and herbal medicine worldwide, as studies (mostly conducted in China, Korea, Japan, America) into the medicinal and nutritional values of Ganoderma lucidum revealed that it does indeed contain certain bioactive ingredient (such as polysaccharide, triterpene) that might be benefical for the prevention and treatment of a variety of ailments, including diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, hepatitis, cancer, AIDS.

The Influence of Forest Experience Program on Physiological and Psychological States in Psychiatric Inpatients (산림체험 프로그램이 정신과 입원환자의 심리·생리 상태에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Min-Hee;Wi, An-Jin;Yoon, Byoung-Sun;Shim, Bong-Sup;Han, Young-Hoon;Oh, Eun-Mi;An, Ki-Wan
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.104 no.1
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    • pp.133-139
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    • 2015
  • In modern society, we are disconnected from nature and under a lots of stress. And this is cause of the various diseases. Also than in the past, People experiencing mental health problems and Psychiatric Inpatient rates appear to have increased. This study was performed to investigated the influence of forest experience program on Psychiatric Inpatients's mood and depressive state, stress responses. The subject of this study were 25 patients in the N Hospital in Naju, who were divided into an experimental group (n=12) and a control group (n=13), and experiment was conducted form 20 to March 29, 2013. Its effect was verified by utilizing the K-POMS-B and BDI, saliva. According to results of this study, there were improvements in their depressive state and degree of stress state. There was a meaningful difference(p<0.01). However, Cotrol group, these difference were not found.

Case of a 19-Year-Old Male with Nocturnal Groaning (Catathrenia) (야간 신음소리를 주소로 내원한 19세 남자 환자 1례)

  • Kang, Hyun Tag;Lee, Yun Ji;Kim, Hyo Jun;Choi, Ji Ho
    • Sleep Medicine and Psychophysiology
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.92-95
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    • 2018
  • Catathrenia is a rare sleep disease characterized by monotonous groaning sounds that appear to be related with prolonged expiration, commonly experienced during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. Catathrenia is also known as nocturnal groaning or sleep-related groaning and is currently categorized as a sleep-related breathing disorder. We present a rare case of a 19-year-old male with nocturnal groaning during non-REM sleep. We suggest that if catathrenia is suspected, polysomnography should be utilized to differentiate it from various sleep disorders such as snoring, central sleep apnea, sleep talking, parasomnia, and sleep-related movement disorders.

Factors associated with surgical polysomnography and Videofluoroscopy in patients with obstructive sleep apnea (폐쇄성수면무호흡증 환자에 있어서 수면다원검사 및 Videofluoroscopy의 수술적 인자와의 연관성)

  • Kim, Ki-Jeong;Jung, Hong-Ryang
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2015.05a
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    • pp.145-146
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    • 2015
  • 폐쇄성수면무호흡증(Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome : OSAS)은 신경근육계, 호흡계, 심혈관계의 복합적인 질환으로서 사회적, 생리학적으로 심각한 문제를 발생시킬 수 있는 질병이다. 수술적치료를 결정하기에 앞서 환자의 증상 및 징후, 신체 상태와 습관 등을 정밀검사하고, 기도폐쇄가 일상생활 및 정신건강에 미치는 영향을 고려하여 수술여부를 결정하여야 한다. 폐쇄성수면무호흡증후군의 진단에 유용한 검사인 수면다원검사와 Videofluoroscopy의 검사결과를 바탕으로 수술소견을 비교분석하고자 하였다.

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Insufficient Sleep and Visuospatial Memory Decline during Adolescence (청소년기 수면 부족과 시공간 기억력 저하)

  • Lee, Chang Woo;Jeon, Sehyun;Cho, Seong-Jin;Kim, Seog Ju
    • Sleep Medicine and Psychophysiology
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.16-22
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    • 2019
  • Objectives: The objective of this study was to investigate the correlation between insufficient sleep and visuospatial memory in adolescents using a computerized neurocognitive function test. Methods: A total of 103 high school students (26 males and 77 females; mean age $17.11{\pm}8.50years$) without a serious psychiatric problem was recruited. All subjects were requested to complete a self-report questionnaire about weekday total sleep time and weekend total sleep time. The epworth sleepiness scale (ESS) and the beck depression inventory (BDI) were administered to measure daytime sleepiness and symptoms of depression. Seven subsets of the Cambridge Neuropsychological test automated battery were examined to assess visuospatial memory. Results: After controlling for age, sex, ESS, and BDI, longer weekend total sleep time was correlated with poor performance on delayed matching to sample (r = -0.312, p = 0.002) and immediate recall on pattern recognition memory (r = -0.225, p = 0.025). Increased weekend catch-up sleep time was correlated with poor performance of delayed matching to sample (r = -0.236, p = 0.018), immediate recall on pattern recognition memory (r = -0.220, p = 0.029), and delayed recall on pattern recognition memory (r = -0.211, p = 0.036) after controlling for age, sex, ESS, and BDI. Conclusion: This study showed that increased weekend catch-up sleep time reflecting insufficient weekday sleep were associated with poor performance in delayed recall tasks of visual memory. This finding suggests that insufficient sleep during adolescence might produce a decline of visuospatial memory.

The effect of antipsychotics and antidepressants on the TREK2 channel (TREK2 채널에 대한 항정신성약물 및 항우울제의 효과)

  • Kwak, Ji-Yeon;Kim, Yang-Mi
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.2125-2132
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    • 2012
  • Fluoxetine and tianeptine are commonly used as antidepressants (AD), and haloperidol and risperidone are widely used as antipsychotic drugs (APD), and it modulates various ion channels. TREK2 channel subfamily is very similar to physiological properties of TREK1 channel which can play important roles in the pathophysiology of mental disorders such as depression and schizophrenia, therefore, the pharmacological effect of psychiatric and depression drug on TREK2 channel may be similar to those of TREK1. Using the excised inside-out patch-clamp technique, we have examined the effects of APD and AD on cloned TREK2 channel expressed CHO cells. Fluoxetine (selective serotonin release inhibitor, SSRI) inhibited the TREK2 channel in a concentration-dependent manner ($IC_{50}$ $13{\mu}M$), whereas selective serotonin reuptake enhancer (SSRE) tianeptine increased without reducing the TREK2 channel activity. Haloperidol also inhibited the TREK2 channel in a concentration-dependent manner ($IC_{50}$ $44{\mu}M$), whereas even higher concentration ($100{\mu}M$) of risperidone did not completely inhibit on the activity. This study showed that TREK2 channel was preferentially blocked by fluoxetine rather than tianeptine, and inhibited by haloperidol rather than risperidone, suggesting differential effect of TREK2 channels by APD and AD may contribute to some mechanism of adverse side effects.

The Physical and Mental Symptoms of Normal Subjects with Mild Life Stress (생활 스트레스가 경미한 일반 성인에서의 신체적 및 정신적 증상 - 종합병원 건강증진센터 내원자들을 대상으로 -)

  • Chu, Sang-Hee;Ha, Eun-Hye;Lee, Byung-Ook;Jon, Duk-In;Kim, Young-Hyun;Song, Dong-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.48-54
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    • 2002
  • Objectives : Aims of the study were to investigate the physical and mental symptom profiles related with perceived life stress in normal populations. Methods: The study subjects were 186 subjects who visited the Health Promotion Center at National Health Insurance Corporation Ilsan Hospital between July and December, 2000. We measured Life Stress Assessment Scale (LSAS), SCL-90-R (Symptom Check List-90 Revised), and Physical Health Check Questionnaires to evaluate perceived life stress for one year, and physical and mental symptoms. The physical markers related with stress were also measured. According to LSAS scores, we selected two groups from all subjects : Group I (LSAS score with lower 25 percentile) and Group II (LSAS score with higher 75 percentile). Each number of subjects was 46 in Group I and 47 in Group II. We analyzed stasistical significances of study variables between Group I and II. Results : Group II subjects showed higher scores in all subscales of SCL-90-R compared to Group I subjects. Comparing to Group I, Group II subjects complained more physiological symptoms related with anxiety and depression. But there were no statistical differences in the physical markers related stress between two groups. Conclusion: We found that past year-life stress caused various mental and physical symptoms, which didn't develop any physical illness related life stress in normal populations yet.

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Sleep Paralysis in Schizophrenia and Mood Disorder (정신분열병과 기분장애에서의 수면마비)

  • Park, Jae-Hong;Yang, Chang-Kook
    • Sleep Medicine and Psychophysiology
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.115-121
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    • 2002
  • Objectives: Although sleep paralysis (SP) has been known as one of the symptoms of narcolepsy, recently it has become recognized as occurring frequently in the general population. However, the prevalence of SP and its associated factors in patients with major psychiatric disorders remain unknown. This study investigated the prevalence of SP and a variety of associated experiences in those patients. Methods: The subjects were 160 psychiatric patients and 143 age- and sex-matched controls. The Korean version SP questionnaire as well as the Sleep-Wake Schedule, Epworth Sleepiness Scale and Insomnia Severity Index were administered to all the subjects. The patients were referred from Dong-A University Hospital and consisted of 74 diagnosed as schizophrenia (47.7%), 26 as bipolar disorder (16.8%) and 55 as major depression (35.5%). Results: Nearly 42% of the patient group and 39% of the control group had experienced at least one episode of SP in their lifetime, with no significant difference between the groups. However, the patient group had experienced SP more frequently than the control group. Among all subjects, no gender difference in SP incidence was found. The peak age of onset was in the range of 16-25 years for both groups. Over eight tenths of both groups reported hallucinations and over seven tenths of both groups experienced fear accompanying SP. Conclusion: This study shows that there is no difference in the lifetime prevalence of SP between psychiatric patients and the general population, whereas frequency of SP experience is higher in psychiatric patients. Terrifying hallucinations and fearful feelings frequently accompany SP in both groups.

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Rim1α and Neurexin3 Regulate Synaptosomal Dopamine Release (Rim1α와 neurexin3의 시냅토좀 도파민 분비 조절)

  • Lee, Sang-Kyeong;Shim, Joo-Cheol;Kim, Young-Hoon;Kong, Bo-Geum;Seog, Dae-Hyun
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.19 no.9
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    • pp.1232-1238
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    • 2009
  • Neurotransmitter release is regulated by various proteins of the active zone in the presynaptic nerve terminals. Dopamine (DA) is an essential neurotransmitter associated with the pathophysiology of diverse behavioral and mental illness such as schizophrenia and drug addiction. We measured synaptosomal DA release of knockout (KO) mice which lacked major genes related to neurotransmitter release. Synaptosomal DA uptake and release were performed and measured using [$^3H$]-DA and superfusion experiments. 3 of the 17 KO mice exhibited altered DA release compared to their littermate controls. In $Rim1{\alpha}$ KO, [$^3H$]-DA release evoked by membrane depolarization significantly decreased. Both basal (physiological buffer-evoked) and membrane depolarization-evoked DA release significantly decreased in dopaminergic conditional KO of $Rim1{\alpha}{\beta}$. Dopaminergic conditional KO of neurexin3 demonstrated a significant increase of membrane depolarization-evoked DA release. These data explain the similarities and distinctions between DA and other classical neurotransmitters such as glutamate and GABA ($\gamma$-aminobutyric acid) release. In conclusion, $Rim1{\alpha}$ and neurexin3 may be important regulators of presynaptic DA release and related to disorders of the nervous system.


  • Kim Boong-Nyun;Cho Soo-Churl
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.15-25
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    • 2005
  • During the recent decade, the new data about normal neurochemical system development have been accumulated very much. Based on these new data, the up-to-date theory and hypothesis have been developed. These development of this field results from the technological/methodological development which increase the sensitivity, specificity and validity of neurochemical research. Especially, molecular technological development support the recent neurochemical development. In this review article, the authors described the recent research findings in the field of normal neurochemical development of neurotransmitter system in animal and human. Most of child psychiatric disorder, especially neuropsychiatric developmental disorders (ADHD, Autism, Tourette's disorder, MR etc) seem to have underlying neurochemical developmental problems in the pathophysiological basis. So, the data on the normal ontogeny of neurotransmitter system can be the most valuable resources for the research on the etiology of the diverse child psychiatric disorders.

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