• Title/Summary/Keyword: 정신생리질환

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Pathological Laughing and Crying : Pathophysiology and Treatment (병적 웃음과 울음 : 병태 생리와 치료)

  • Kim, Ji Hyun;Nam, Beom Woo;Choi, Jin-Yong
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.93-98
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    • 2013
  • Pathological laughing and crying(PLC) is a condition that is characterized by episodic, brief, contextually inappropriate, uncontrollable outbursts of laughing and/or crying. It can be observed in patients with various neurological disorders. PLC often causes distress in interpersonal functioning and activities for patients and their families. PLC can be recognized easily with proper understanding of the condition and its nature. Also it generally shows good response to various pharmacological treatments. This review aims to encourage the diagnosis and treatment of PLC by providing definition and clinical presentation of PLC, analysis of its pathophysiology and various current treatment options.

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A CLINICAL STUDY OF THE TYPE OF DISEASE AND SYMPTOM ACCORDING TO SASANG CONSTITUTION CLASSIFICATION (체질진단분류(體質診斷分類)에 따른 질병(疾病) 및 증상유형(症狀類型)에 관한 임상적(臨床的) 연구(硏究) II (문진표를 중심으로))

  • Kim, Young-woo;Kim, jing-weon
    • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.119-135
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    • 1999
  • The object of this study is 196 patients who had been treated in the Oriental Medical Hospital at Dong Eui Medical Center during 33 months from January 1996,3 to June 1998,11. We proceeded the judgment of Sasang Constitution by 'Questionnaire of Sasang Constitution Classification(I)' and 'Questionnaire of Sasang Constitution Classification II(QSCCII)'. The following conclusion were made in comparison with Sasang Constitution and Questionnaire about disease and style of symptoms. 1. The subject of "increase of the weight of a body(gain weight), sweatier, the body swelled out, a lame pain, more like fat food, more like salty food", has significant differences in sasang constitution classification. The frequency of Taeeum group is more than that of Soeum group and Soyang group. 2. The subject of "the complextion is bas, uncomfortable feeling in the throat, insomnia, loss of appetite, apt to be fatigued easily, gastralgia what is not connected with food, diarrhea, headache, menorrhalgia, less like fat food, more like fresh food", has significant differences in sasang constitution classification. The frequency of Soeum group is more than that of Taeeum group and Soyang group. 3. It has not significant differences, but the frequency of Soyang group is more than that of Taeeum group and Soeum group in the subject of "the cough in the disease of the respiratory organs, hypomotility of the joint in the disease of the musculo-skeletal systems, menoxenia like menorrhagia and menostaxia and itching sensation of genitals in the disease of the gynecological organs, itching or boil in the dermatological disease", and fewer in the cardio-vascular disease, urinary disease and hematic disease. The frequency of Soeum group is more than that of Taeeum group and Soyang group in the subject of "the general disease of the digestive organs, uncomfortable feeling or pain of the throat in the disease of the respiratory organs, the general hematic disease, numbness or pain of the musculo-skeletal disease, psychical disease in the psychoneurotical disease, menorrhalgia, a lump of the breasts, leukorrhea in the gynecological disease, eruption or urticaria in the dermatological disease, the general visual and auditory disease". The frequency of Taeeum group is more than that of Soyang group and Soeum group in the subject of "a hoarseness in the disease of the respiratory organs, A lame pain of the musculo-skeletal disease, neurotical disease in the psychoneurotical disease, eruption or urticaria in the dermatological disease", and fewer in the the gynecological disease.

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Rhythmic Control and Physiological Functional Significance of Melatonin Production in Circadian Rhythm (주기적 리듬 조절에 의한 멜라토닌 생산과 생리적 기능의 중요성)

  • Kim, Min Gyun;Park, Seul Ki;Ahn, Soon Cheol
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.23 no.8
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    • pp.1064-1072
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    • 2013
  • Circadian rhythm is controlled by hormonal oscillations governing the physiology of all living organisms. In mammals, the main function of the pineal gland is to transform the circadian rhythm generated in the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus into rhythmic signals of circulating melatonin characterized by a largely nocturnal increase that closely reflects the duration of night time. The pineal gland has lost direct photosensitivity, but responds to light via multi-synaptic pathways that include a subset of retinal ganglion cells. Rhythmic control is achieved through a tight coupling between environmental lighting and arylalkylamine-N-acetyltransferase (AANAT) expression, which is the rhythm-controlling enzyme in melatonin synthesis. Previous studies on the nocturnal expression of AANAT protein have described transcriptional, post-transcriptional, and post-translational regulatory mechanisms. Molecular mechanisms for dependent AANAT expression provide novel aspects for melatonin's circadian rhythmicity. Extensive animal research has linked pineal melatonin for the expression of seasonal rhythmicity in many mammalian species to the modulation of circadian rhythms and to sleep regulation. It has value in treating various circadian rhythm disorders, such as jet lag or shift-work sleep disorders. Melatonin, also, in a broad range of effects with a significant regulation influences many of the body's physiological functions. In addition, this hormone is known to influence reproductive, cardiovascular, and immunological regulation as well as psychiatric disorders.

A Comparison of the Effects between Eye-Mask and Light-Off Conditions on Psychiatric Patient Sleep (야간 조명 하 안대와 소등의 수면에 대한 효과 비교)

  • Shin, Juyong;Lim, Kyoung-Ok;Cho, Seongnam;Jang, Soyeong;Cha, Seung-Min;Han, Songyi;Kim, Moojin
    • Sleep Medicine and Psychophysiology
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.27-33
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    • 2021
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study is to investigate the difference in the effects of eye-mask and light-off on sleep status according to a commercial fitness tracker and a sleep diary of psychiatric in-patients in correctional facilities where nocturnal light is compulsory. Methods: This study was conducted over 3 consecutive nights. In-patients of the National Forensic Psychiatric Hospital (n = 29) were assigned random subject numbers and slept as usual in the light-on condition on the first night. The subjects slept with eye-masks in the light-on condition on another night and without an eye-mask in the light-off condition on the other night. Subjects were asked to sleep wearing a commercial fitness tracker and to keep a sleep diary. The order of these changes in bedroom lighting condition on the second and third nights was assigned randomly to participants. Results: In comparison of the sleep variables between the light-on condition and the eye-mask condition, the Wakefullness After Sleep Onset (WASO) was shorter and sleep satisfaction was higher in the latter.(respectively, Z = 3.66, p < 0.017 ; Z = 2.69, p < 0.017) In comparison of the sleep variables between the light-on and light-off conditions, the WASO was shorter and sleep efficiency and sleep satisfaction were higher in the latter (respectively, Z = 2.40, p < 0.017 ; Z = 3.02, p < 0.017 ; Z = 3.88, p < 0.017). However, there were no differences in the sleep variables between the eye-mask condition and the light-off condition. Conclusion: Subjective improvements in sleep variables were noted in sleep diaries of institutionalized psychiatric patients under either the 'eye-mask' or 'light-off' condition. However, there were no significant differences between the 'eye-mask' and 'light-off' conditions. Therefore, we suggest that psychiatric patients in correctional facilities use eye-masks when sleeping.

Melatonin in Psychiatric Disorders (멜라토닌과 정신과 질환)

  • Lee, Jin-Seong;Kim, Sung-Gon;Kim, Ji-Hoon;Jung, Woo-Young;Park, Ji-Hoon
    • Sleep Medicine and Psychophysiology
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.5-10
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    • 2015
  • The secretion of melatonin exhibits a circadian rhythm entrained with the sleep-wake cycle. An alteration of this secretory rhythm has been found in various psychiatric disorders. This review summarizes the regulation of melatonin and its relationship to the circadian rhythm, major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, seasonal affective disorder, Alzheimer's disease and autism. The review also looks at the effect of melatonin and melatonin agonist on sleep and symptoms of depression, bipolar disorder and seasonal affective disorder. In Alzheimer's disease, the circadian rhythm alterations are associated with the change of melatonin levels and melatonin receptors. It has been reported that melatonin and melatonin synthetic enzyme levels decrease in autism spectrum disorder.

Analyses on Sound Effects for Soundscape Design of Healing Garden at Psychiatric Hospitals - Focused Psychological and Physiological Effects - (정신병원 치유정원의 음경관 디자인을 위한 소리효과 분석 - 심리적 및 생리적 효과를 중심으로 -)

  • Ahn, Deug-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.82-95
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    • 2015
  • This study is intended to obtain a guideline for creating a therapeutic garden soundscape in a psychiatric hospital by analyzing the psychological and physiological effects of auditory components on mental patients. The subjects were 27 inpatients at a psychiatric institute located in Jeollabuk-do. They were recommended by their doctors and had been diagnosed with mild cases of schizophrenia. The survey was carried out in October 2011. With regard to the study, the subjects listened to single sounds(the sound of flowing water, birdsong, wind chimes and music) and 4 sounds composed of some of these, and then Electroencephalography(EEG) and psychological effects were measured. The moving water sound was perceived as pleasing and revitalizing and the birdsong as sonorous and delightful. When designing a healing garden in a psychiatric hospital, the vitality of sound should be considered. In comparison to other single sounds, water sounds were highly preferred and had greater effects on psychological vitality. Music sounds had a significant effect on enhancing tranquility while water sounds affected on both psychological vitality and tranquillity. When comparing single sounds with combined sounds, single sounds such as running water for vitality and music for tranquility had a greater psychological effect than combined sounds. In terms of combined sound preferences, the combination of water and bird sounds had higher preference rates. Generally, combined sounds including water tended to have higher preference rates. The physiological effects of single sounds showed that music had a greater therapeutic effect than natural sounds such as water sounds and birdsong in promoting tranquility. As for combined sounds adopted to enhance physiological tranquility, it is most appropriate to combine music and birdsong or music and water sounds. However, a single music sound is more effective than combined sounds. Overall, analyses of both psychological and physiological reactions showed music and water sounds to be most calming while water sounds promoted the greatest vitality.

P3 in the Auditory Event-Related Evoked Potential of Schizophrenia(I) -P3 in the Schizophrenics- (정신분열증의 사건관련유발전위에 대한 연구(I) -정신분열증 환자의 사건관련유발전위-)

  • Oh, Dong-Jae;Chang, Hwan-Il
    • Sleep Medicine and Psychophysiology
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.87-98
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    • 1994
  • Objectives: To examine a defect in inhibitory gating of auditory evoked response in schizophrenics, to compare P3 latency and amplitude in negative and positive schizophrenics, and to assess the association of P3 with family history of the psychiatric disorders, electroconvulsive therapy, and clinical features. Methods: 54 schizophrenics(male 31, female 23) and 75 controls(male 33, female 42) were tested with event-related potential paradigm designed to elicit P3 response and Frankfurter Beschwerde Fragebogen. Results: In schizophrenics, the latency of P3 was significantly more delayed and the amplitude of P3 was significantly more reduced than in the controls. Significant differences in P3 latency and amplitude between negative and positive schizophrenics were not found. And significant difference in the P3 latency and amplitude between schizophrenics with family histories of psychiatric disorder and those without family histories of psychiatric disorder was not found also. The P3 latency and amplitude was not significantly related with electroconvulsive therapy and other clinical features such as age, duration of illness, onset of inllness, number of admission, and doses of antipsychotics etc. Conclusion: These results suggested that schizophrenics had a dysfunction in the process of selective attention and that P3 was not significantly related with family history of the psychiatric disorders, positive and negative symptoms, electro1convulsive therapy, and clinical features in schizophrenics.

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Comparing Quantitative EEG and Low Resolution Electromagnetic Tomography Imaging between Deficit Syndrome and Non-Deficit Syndrome of Schizophrenia (정신분열병의 결핍증후군과 비결핍증후군에서 QEEG와 sLORETA를 이용한 비교연구)

  • Lee, Sang-Eun;Yim, Seon-Jin;Lee, Mi-Gyung;Lee, Jae-Won;Han, Kyu-Hee;Lee, Jong-Il;Sim, Min-Young;Yoon, Hai-Joo;Shin, Byoung-Hak
    • Sleep Medicine and Psychophysiology
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.91-99
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    • 2010
  • Objectives: Deficit schizophrenia (DS) constitutes a disease separate from non-deficit schizophrenia (NDS). The aim of the current study was to compare the quantitative EEG and low resolution electromagnetic tomography (LORETA) imaging between DS and NDS. Methods: This study was performed by 32 channels EEG for 42 schizophrenia patients who we categorized into DS and NDS using proxy instrument deficit syndrome (PDS). We performed the absolute power spectral analyses for delta, theta, alpha, low beta and high beta activities. We compared power spectrum between two groups using Independent t-test. Partial correlation test was performed with clinical parameters. Standardized LORETA (sLORETA) was used for comparison of cortical activity, and statistical nonparametric mapping (SnPM) was applied for the statistical analysis. Results: DS showed significantly increased delta and theta absolute power in fontal and parietal region compared with NDS (p<0.05). Power spectrum showed significant correlation with 'anergia' and 'hostility/suspiciousness' subscale of brief psychiatric rating scale (BPRS)(p<0.05). sLORETA found out the source region (anterior cingulate cortex/limbic part) that delta activity was significantly increased in DS (p=0.042). Conclusions: DS showed different cortical activity compared with NDS. Our results may suggest QEEG and LORETA could be the marker in differentiating between DS and NDS.

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Psychophysiological Characteristics of Insomnia Patients Measured by Biofeedback System (바이오피드백을 이용하여 측정한 불면증 환자의 정신생리적 특징)

  • Huh, Sung-Young;Lee, Jin-Seong;Kim, Sung-Gon;Kim, Ji-Hoon;Jung, Woo-Young
    • Sleep Medicine and Psychophysiology
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.70-76
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    • 2015
  • Background and Objectives: Insomnia is the most prevalent sleep disorder in the general population and is considered to be a disorder of hyperarousal. The aim of this study was to measure the psychophysiological responses in insomnia patients using a biofeedback system, and to compare them with results from normal healthy subjects. Materials and Methods: Eighty patients with primary insomnia (35 males and 45 females, average age $49.71{\pm}12.91years$) and 101 normal healthy controls (64 males and 37 females, average age $27.65{\pm}2.77$) participated in this study. Electromyography (EMG), heart rate (HR), skin conductance (SC), skin temperature (ST), and respiratory rate (RR) were recorded using a biofeedback system during 5 phases (baseline, stress 1, recovery 1, stress 2, recovery 2) of a stress reactivity test, and average values were calculated. Difference in values between the two groups in each corresponding phase was analyzed with independent t-test, and change in values across phases of the stress reactivity test was analyzed with paired t-test (all two-tailed, p<0.05). Results: Compared to normal controls, insomnia patients had higher EMG in all 5 phases (baseline : $7.72{\pm}3.88{\mu}V$ vs. $4.89{\pm}1.73{\mu}V$, t = -6.06, p<0.001 ; stress 1 : $10.29{\pm}5.16{\mu}V$ vs. $6.63{\pm}2.48{\mu}V$, t = -5.84, p<0.001 ; recovery 1 : $7.87{\pm}3.86{\mu}V$ vs. $5.17{\pm}2.17{\mu}V$, t = -5.61, p<0.001 ; stress 2 : $10.22{\pm}6.07{\mu}V$ vs. $6.98{\pm}2.98{\mu}V$, t = -4.37, p<0.001 ; recovery 2 : $7.88{\pm}4.25{\mu}V$ vs. $5.17{\pm}1.99{\mu}V$, t = -5.27, p<0.001). Change in heart rate across phases of the stress reactivity test were higher in normal controls than in insomnia patients (stress 1-baseline : $6.48{\pm}0.59$ vs. $3.77{\pm}0.59$, t = 3.22, p = 0.002 ; recovery 1- stress 1 : $-5.36{\pm}0.0.59$ vs. $-3.16{\pm}0.47$, t = 2.91, p = 0.004 ; stress 2-recovery 1 : $8.45{\pm}0.61$ vs. $4.03{\pm}0.47$, t = 5.72, p<0.001 ; recovery 2-stress 2 : $-8.56{\pm}0.65$ vs. $4.02{\pm}0.51$, t = -5.31, p<0.001). Conclusion: Psychophysiological profiles of insomnia patients in a stress reactivity test were different from those of normal healthy controls. These results suggest that the sympathetic nervous system is more highly activated in insomnia patients.

Survey of Knowledge on Insomnia for Sleep Clinic Clients (수면클리닉을 방문한 환자들의 불면증에 대한 인식조사)

  • Soh, Minah
    • Sleep Medicine and Psychophysiology
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.23-32
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    • 2019
  • Objectives: Insomnia is not only the most common sleep-related disorder, but also is one of the most important. Knowledge of the comorbidities of insomnia is essential for proper treatment including pharmacological and non-pharmacological methods to prevent disease chronification. This study aimed to determine sleep clinic patients' knowledge of insomnia. Methods: This study recruited 44 patients (24 males and 20 females; mean age $54.11{\pm}16.30years$) from the sleep clinic at National Center for Mental Health. All subjects were asked to complete a self-report questionnaire about their reasons for visiting a sleep clinic and about their knowledge of treatment and comorbidities of insomnia. Results: The reasons for visiting the sleep clinic were insomnia symptoms of daytime sleepiness, irregular sleeping time, nightmares, snoring, and sleep apnea, in that order. Of the responders, 72.7% had a comorbidity of insomnia, and 22.7% showed high-risk alcohol use. In addition, 70.5% of responders chose pharmacological treatment of insomnia as the first option and reported collection of information about treatment of insomnia mainly from the internet and medical staff. More than half (52.3%) of the respondents reported that they had never heard about non-pharmacological treatments of insomnia such as cognitive behavioral treatment (CBT-I) or light therapy. The response rate about comorbidities of varied, with 75% of responders reporting knowledge of the relation between insomnia and depression, but only 38.6% stating awareness of the relation between insomnia and alcohol use disorder. Of the total responders, 68.2% were worried about hypnotics for insomnia treatment, and 70% were concerned about drug dependence. Conclusion: This study showed that patients at a sleep clinic had limited knowledge about insomnia. It is necessary to develop standardized insomnia treatment guidelines and educational handbooks for those suffering from insomnia. In addition, evaluation of alcohol use disorders is essential in the initial assessment of sleep disorders.