• Title/Summary/Keyword: 정서적경험

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Development and Construct Validation of the Achievement Emotions Questionnaire-Korean Middle school Science(AEQ-KMS) (한국 중학생의 과학영역 성취정서 질문지(AEQ-KMS) 개발과 타당화)

  • Jeon, Jiyung
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.34 no.8
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    • pp.745-754
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    • 2014
  • Students experience a variety of achievement-related emotions during the process of learning the science curriculum. The purpose of this study is to develop an achievement emotions questionnaire for Korean middle school science curriculum to measure the achievement emotions that middle school students experience during study of this curriculum, and verified its validity. The Achievement Emotions Questionnaire-Korean Middle School Science is based on the English version of the Achievement Emotions Questionnaire, developed with reference to Korean middle school science curriculum and the characteristics of science study, from the perspective of the control-value theory of achievement. It has 232 questions, configured to measure nine achievement emotions across three types of academic settings. The questionnaire results can be treated with a high degree of confidence according to the result of our validation, which also verified that the achievement emotions of these students are configured with four internal criteria (learning strategy, achievement motivation and course grade), as suggested by the control-value theory; this in turn verifies that the nine achievement emotions are sufficiently distinctive across study situations. Last, it was verified that the questionnaire has sufficient external validity based on a comprehensive examination of the relation between science achievement emotions and the four criterion variables for each student. This suggests that through the development and implementation of this quantitative questionnaire, basic ground was provided to understand the achievement emotions experienced by middle school students learning the science curriculum.

The Relationship of Emotional Burnout on Hospital Nursing Workload (간호사의 업무 부담에 따른 정서적 소진)

  • Kim, Yu-Jin;Kim, Chul-Woung;Im, Hyo-Bin;Lee, Sang-Yi;Kang, Jung-Hee
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.9
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    • pp.93-102
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    • 2019
  • This study examined the nurse's emotional exhaustion and influencing factors, and the relationship between emotional burnout and hospital nursing workload using multilevel logistic regression analysis. The study subjects were 3,083 nurses of 65 hospitals, who participated in the training conducted by the Healthcare Industry Trade Union in 2010 and responded to the questionnaire. First, 71.6% of nurses experienced emotional exhaustion, and the average score of emotional exhaustion was 33.53. Second, the 'non - nursing work experience' showed a significant effect on emotional exhaustion. Third, the 'sufficient nursing staff' variable increased the emotional exhaustion. Fourth, the nursing grades were correlated significantly with emotional exhaustion compared to those with more than four beds per nurse. Fifth, in the case of working in the internal ward, the shorter the clinical career, the higher the emotional exhaustion. In other words, higher emotional exhaustion was associated with more nursing work experience, more perceived insufficient nursing staff, more nurses per bed, the department of internal medicine, and a shorter clinical career.

Effect of Verbal Abuse Experience, Coping Style and Resilience on Emotional Response and Stress During Clinical Practicum among Nursing Students (간호대학생의 폭력경험, 대처양식 및 회복탄력성이 정서반응과 임상실습스트레스에 미치는 효과)

  • Jeong, Yun-Hwa;Lee, Kyung-Hee
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.391-399
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    • 2016
  • This study aimed to investigate the effect of verbal abuse experience, coping style and resilience on emotional response and practical stress. 261 nursing students participated in this study. The Data were collected using self-report questionnaires from Dec. 1 to Dec. 20, 2014. We found a positive correlation among verbal abuse experience, emotional coping style and stress during clinical practicum; a positive correlation among problem coping style, emotional coping style and resilience; a positive correlation among emotional coping style, emotional response and stress; a negative correlation among resilience and emotional response; a positive correlation among emotional response and stress during clinical practicum. The highest impact factors affecting the emotional response was emotional coping style(${\beta}=.422$). The highest impact factors affecting stress during clinical practicum was verbal abuse experience(${\beta}=.283$). Future efforts should be focused to provide interpersonal relation training and communication skills training for a safe environment of nursing students.

The Influence of Maternal Childhood Experiences, Parental Reflection and Parental Role Satisfaction upon Mother's Reaction to Negative Emotions of Preschoolers: Mediated Moderation Effect Verification (어머니의 아동기 수용경험, 부모성찰, 부모역할만족도가 유아의 부정적 정서에 대한 어머니 반응에 미치는 영향: 매개된 조절효과 검증)

  • Oh, ji hyun;Choi, a young
    • Korean Journal of Play Therapy
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.427-448
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    • 2018
  • The study examined the mediated-moderation effect of parental reflection levels from maternal childhood experiences by the parents to mother's reaction to negative emotions of their preschoolers by examining it through the lens of parental role satisfaction. The participants in this study were 327 mothers who and their infants aged 3-6 years. They completed questionnaires on the maternal childhood experiences scale, parental reflection scale, parental role satisfaction scale and mother's reaction to negative emotions of their preschoolers scale. The results of the structural equation model analysis are as follows. First, a mediating model revealed that the relationship between maternal childhood experiences by parents and mother's reactions to negative emotions of their preschoolers was mediated by parental role satisfaction. Second, the results revealed the moderation effect of parents reflection levels on the relationship between maternal childhood experiences by parents and parental role satisfaction. Finally, parental reflection levels were also seen to have a mediated moderation effect of parental reflection level from maternal childhood experiences to mother's reaction to negative emotions of their preschoolers through parental role satisfaction. These results indicate the importance of parental reflection and parental role satisfaction.

A Basic Study on the Development of a Mobile Data Sampling Method based on ESM to Examine Child-care Teachers' Emotional Experience (ESM기반 보육교사 정서 연구를 위한 데이터 표집기술 개발에 관한 기초연구)

  • Kim, Soojung;Lee, Yungil
    • Asia-pacific Journal of Multimedia Services Convergent with Art, Humanities, and Sociology
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    • v.7 no.6
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    • pp.199-206
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    • 2017
  • The experience sampling method (ESM) is an innovative research method to study the immediate real emotional experience experienced in real life through the immediate reaction of research participants. ESM, which has received significant attention in recent, is considered as the research method particularly for child care teachers' emotions and happiness. This method has been shown to be able to overcome the limitations in current research methods, based on teachers' recall or surveys, in assessing child care teachers' emotional states or stress levels. Despite the expectation that the need for further research on the increased stress and negative emotional experiences of child care teachers and its appropriateness as the alternative research method to study child care teachers' immediate emotional experience, ESM has deficiencies in that research participants need to have their pencil-and-paper survey packages on hand whenever their electronic beepers randomly beep. Furthermore, ESM demands much more researcher energy and efforts to handle the voluminous data collected from each participant in effectively creating a database. In this paper, in order to apply ESM successfully to the study of child care teachers' emotional experience, we aim to develop a software program that uses mobile communication technology. Given that traditional types of data collection methods in social science research can prove too burdensome to encourage participation in surveys in the first place or ensure the return of completed surveys, the present study adopts a convergent research approach to develop a software program that is able to obtain ESM participants' answers immediately on their personal smart phones. This study deals with system construction and prototyping for software development as a basic research and evaluates the research results through indepth interview with experts.

Effect of the Elderly-related Experience of College Students on Ageism (대학생들의 노인 관련 경험이 노인 차별주의에 미치는 영향)

  • Jang, Kyeung-Ae;Heo, Seong-Eun
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.185-194
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    • 2020
  • This study conducted a survey to investigate the effect of the elderly-related experience on ageism in college students in Busan and Ulsan area. The total score of ageism was lower in the students with the experience in living with the elderly (p<.001), taking elderly-related classes (p<.01), and volunteering for the elderly. The effect of the experience in the elderly on the emotional avoidance was significant in the students with the experience in living with the elderly (p<0.001), volunteering for the elderly(p<0.01), and taking elderly-related classes (p<0.05). The effect on ageism was significant in the students with the experience in living with the elderly (p<0.001), volunteering for the elderly (p<0.01), and taking elderly-related classes (p<0.05). Therefore, taking elderly-related classes and volunteering for elderly to build social, physical, and emotional empathy will have a positive effect on the attitudes and the point of view on the elderly.

The Effects of Adolescents' Truancy Experience on Self-awareness and Emotional Problems - Based on the Data of Korean Children and Youth Panel Survey(KCYPS) - (청소년의 무단결석 경험이 자아인식과 정서문제에 미치는 영향 - 한국아동·청소년패널 자료를 중심으로 -)

  • Jeon, Gu-Hun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.369-379
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study was empirical verification of the effect of adolescents' truancy experience on the self-awareness and emotional problems. For this, using the data of 2016 in the Korean Children and Youth Panel Survey(KCYPS), we compared and analyzed using t-test and multiple regression analysis the self-awareness and emotional problems of adolescents who experienced truancy and adolescents who did not. As a result of the analysis, adolescents with truancy experience had relatively low self-awareness, and statistically significant but low scores in self-identity and career identity. However, there was a clear difference in emotional problems, and truancy adolescents scored high in attention, aggression, physical symptoms, and depression. This proved that adolescents with experience of truancy were more exposed to emotional problems, and it was necessary to develop a support system and program for this.

A Phenomenological Study on Emotional Experiences of Adult Women with Childhood Trauma (아동기 트라우마 성인여성의 정서적 경험에 관한 현상학적연구)

  • Kim, Heung;Kim, Hyun Jin
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.8 no.5
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    • pp.341-349
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    • 2022
  • This study explored in-depth emotional experiences influenced by childhood trauma of adult female survivors. For this purpose, in-depth interviews were conducted with married adult women who experienced trauma in their childhood. The collected data were analyzed using Colaizzi phenomenological research method. As a result of the study, 7 categories were derived: 'children who cannot protect themselves', 'childhood trauma,' 'insecure attachment and good child syndrome,' 'difficulties in interpersonal relationships,' 'difficulties in raising children,' 'somatization symptoms,' 'finding myself who is lost.' In addition, this study aims to understand the psychological experience of children in the family and the relationship between parents and children and the growth experience of healing them by comparing and contrasting the two cases of trauma. The foundation for healthy ego-resilience and emotional well-being has been laid through the research results on negative and maladaptive emotional experiences reflected throughout the life of adult women who suffered childhood trauma.

The Effect of compassion experienced by social workers on Affective Commitment - Mediating Effect of Positive Psychological Capital and Moderating Effect of Organizational Identification - (사회복지사들이 경험하는 컴페션이 정서적 몰입에 미치는 영향 - 긍정심리자본의 매개효과와 조직 동일시의 조절효과 -)

  • Ryu, In-Ae;Ko, Sung-Hoon;Moon, Tae-Won
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.43-61
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    • 2019
  • It is true that there are not enough empirical studies on the companionship to social welfare workers until now. Thus, this study has reduced the need to demonstrate the causal relationship between compassion experienced and outcome variables by social workers. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the impact of the compassion experienced by social workers in social welfare facilities on positive psychological capital, and to the psychological effect formed by the psychosomatic concentration. Third, the purpose of this study is to verify the effect of positive psychological capital on the relationship between compassion and affective commitment, and fourth, the relationship between positive psychological capital and organizational identification. For empirical research, the hypothesis was verified after a survey of 369 social workers at social welfare facilities in Seoul and Gyeonggi Province. The study showed that the compassion experienced by social workers had a positive(+) effect on positive psychological capital, and that positive psychological capital had a positive(+) effect on affective commitment. In the relationship between compassion and affective commitment, the effect of the mediation of positive psychological capital has also been proven to be significant. In addition in the relationship between positive psychological capital and affective commitment, it has been noted that organizational identification has also been proven to be significant. Therefore, this study has theoretical implications for the mediating effect of the positive psychological capital and the moderating effect of organizational identification in relation to the compassion. This study will have practical implications for enhancing social workers' behavior to be more compassionate in their attitude to customers.

The Role of Student Immediacy in a Technology-Mediated Learning Context (기술 매개 커뮤니케이션 환경에서 학습자 즉시성의 영향: 비대면 수업을 중심으로)

  • Hyejin Moon;Yumi Yi
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.47-58
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    • 2024
  • This study aimed to investigate the role of student immediacy in learning-related positive affective experiences in the technology-mediated education context. In particular, perceived social presence was expected to mediate the relationship between student immediacy and positive affect. Moreover, we hypothesized the moderating role of technology readiness in the relationship between student immediacy and perceived social presence. To test this hypothesis, a survey of approximately 500 undergraduate students who have attended non-face-to-face online courses was conducted. The results revealed that social presence fully mediated the relationship between immediacy and positive affect. That is, students who scored high on the immediacy scale tended to experience a greater level of social presence during online classes; consequently, they tended to demonstrate more positive affect. As expected, technology readiness moderated the relationship between immediacy and social presence. Unlike previous studies that mainly focused on instructor immediacy, the present study contributed to immediacy literature by empirically testing the positive effect of student immediacy on learning. Furthermore, this study revealed the potential importance of communication competence and its progress in predicting student participation and satisfaction, which could have been changed since the COVID-19 pandemic.