• Title/Summary/Keyword: 정보교과 교육

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Study of Perception on Programming and Computational Thinking and Attitude toward Science Learning of High School Students through Software Inquiry Activity: Focus on using Scratch and physical computing materials (소프트웨어 활용 탐구 활동을 통한 고등학생의 프로그래밍과 컴퓨팅 사고력에 대한 인식 변화와 과학 학습에 대한 태도 조사 -스크래치와 피지컬 컴퓨팅 교구의 활용을 중심으로-)

  • Hwang, Yohan;Mun, Kongju;Park, Yunebae
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.325-335
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    • 2016
  • Software (SW) education is guided by the government to operate not only computer subject matter but also related subject matter. SW education is highlighted in the 2015 Revised Curriculum and Guide for Operating SW Education. SW education is related with science education. For example, education on algorithms employing SW and activities using sensors/output control can be an effective strategy for scientific inquiry. The method can also be applied in developing Computational Thinking (CT) in students. In this study, we designed lessons to solve everyday scientific problems using Educational Programming Language (EPL) SW and physical computing materials and applied them to high school students. We conducted surveys that were modified from questionnaires of Internet application capability and based on the standard of accomplishment of SW education as well as elements of CT to find out the change in perceptions on programming and CT of students. We also conducted a survey on students' attitude toward science learning after an SW inquiry activity. In the results, perceptions on programming and CT of students were improved through lessons using unplugged activity, EPL SW, and physical computing. In addition, scores for interest, self-directed learning ability, and task commitment were high.

WBI Courseware Design and Implementation for Learning of Problem Solving on the Subject Science in the Elementary (초등학교 사회교과 문제 해결 학습을 위한 웹 기반 코스웨어의 설계 및 구현)

  • Suh Seung-Hee;Lee Young-Wook
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.10 no.2 s.34
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    • pp.31-38
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    • 2005
  • The web is expected to cause the lot of its utilizing as a means of computer instructed learning and recently the applying instance on the web is more increasing in the education. From educational perspectives. the web-based instruction is much superior to any other medium in the view of interaction and greater to the amount of transmitted information. The various learning contents of WBI program can make students feel more excited and interested in learning activities. Also the creative talent and application abilities of the learner are able to be developed by mixing various sorts of multimedia materials up such as moving pictures. graphics and sounds. In this study, a WBI courseware learning program for the problem solving was designed and Proposed on the base of the theory of constructivism for the subject of social science in the 6th grade of elementary school. The experimental results showed that the learning accomplishment of an experimental class was much better than that of an existent class.

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A Study on the Development of Liberal Arts Subject Related to Public Libraries: Knowing Public Library as a Commons (공공도서관 관련 교양과목 개발에 관한 연구 - '우리 모두의 장'으로서 공공도서관 알아차리기 -)

  • Mahnsoung Han
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.33-57
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    • 2023
  • The main purpose of this research was to discover the characteristics of the 'commons for all' related to public libraries as much as possible, design the learning content, and finally to demonstrate whether the contents meet the general education requirement of universities. The public library is a study hall for multi-literacy, a common place for lifelong learning without discrimination, a place for experiencing digital sharing culture, a place for practicing public architectural design for community regeneration, a workshop for the maker movement and finally, a hub for forming local communities. In short, it has all the characteristics appropriate to being a commons. This subject titled "Sharing Culture and Local Libraries" is designed and composed with various literacy understanding, information ethics of information literacy, community consciousness and multicultural understanding, public consciousness, cooperative spirit and computer utilization ability, interdisciplinary knowledge, and integrated perspective. In a situation where the regional and public crises are increasing, this kind of general education subject about public library, is expected to contribute greatly to raising the awareness of the library and further enhancing the local community togetherness spirit by spreading the value of the library widely to students and inducing them to actually experience various library services.

A Study on the Analysis of Characteristics of School Library Services Using the Repertory Grid Technique (레퍼토리 그리드 기법을 통한 학교도서관 서비스 특성 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Byeong-Kee Lee
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.54 no.3
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    • pp.249-270
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to identify the characteristics of school library services using the RGT (repertory grid technique), and to examine whether there are differences in the perceptions and internal experiences of school library services between human resources (librarian teachers, subject teachers, and librarians). I used indicators such as element intensity, construct extremity, discrepant constructs, and implicative dilemmas to analyze the characteristics of school library services. The elements of the repertory grid were set to 9, and 14 constructs were set through focus group interviews with 3 librarian-teachers. The GRIDCOR 6.0, which can be accessed online, was used to complete the repertory grid for 30 graduate students of the College of Education, and 6 of them were selected and analyzed, considering the demographic characteristics. From the perspective of element intensity, it was found that the following school library services are important and influential: resource management, teacher-librarian collaboration, and reading and information counseling services. The clarity of one's role, the actual performance, and self-regulatory ability were ranked high from the perspective of constructs intensity.

International Comparative Study on the Science Curriculum Concepts Continuity - Focus on the Concepts of Moon and Rock cycle - (과학과 교육과정에 제시된 개념의 연계성에 대한 국제 비교 연구 - 달과 암석의 순환 개념을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Hyonyong;Kim, Jin Sook;Park, Byung-yeol;Jeon, Jaedon
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.677-689
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study is to derive suggestions and implications to strengthen the science curriculum continuity of Korea through comparative analysis with focus on the continuity of science curriculum in six countries (Taiwan, the United Kingdom, Finland, the United States, Canada, Korea). Original and Korean translations of the national curriculums of each country gathered from NCIC comparatively analyzed the contents of the 'Moon' and 'Rock cycle' based on features of curriculum configuration, vertical, and lateral connectivity. As a result, it was found that the concepts of Big Ideas or Cross-cutting Concept was utilized internationally to strengthen the linkage between grades or subjects. In particular, dealing with the aspect of the system was important. In the comparison of countries for the content, Korea deals with the most frequency on the 'Moon' and 'Rock cycle'. The contents of the chapter about the moon were simply repeated from elementary to high school levels with some variation. Korean science curriculum holds different perspectives and contents about the Rock cycle compared to other countries. In conclusion, Korea's curriculum requires appropriate tools to strengthen curriculum linkage and by doing so, it will be able to take advantage of the systems approach. Moreover, it is important to constitute the curriculum based on a sufficient understanding of the learning development of students according to their grade levels for the effective application of the curriculum.

Development of a Family-Based Art-Science Convergence Educational Program about Biodiversity (생물다양성을 주제로 한 가족형 예술체험기반 과학융합교육 프로그램 개발)

  • 정찬미;백경미;최규리
    • School Science Journal
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.181-202
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    • 2019
  • The visible decline of biodiversity, today, demands a more extended role for education in dealing with diverse and complex environmental problems-not only in drawing attention to the issues, but also in encouraging participation in problem solving. This study aims to expand the role of science museums, as a creative learning space, to be more responsive to growing social demands, by attempting to develop a family-based art-science convergence educational program about biodiversity. To determine the essential learning contents needed to develop a pilot program, biodiversity-related content and convergence activity of art and science textbooks were reviewed. Then, by selecting photography as a method of artistic experiences, it developed 'Photographers fall in love with Nature', a pilot program consisting of 'invitation to questions', 'exploration', and 'creative expression', considering key stages in convergence curriculum and aesthetic experience curriculum. The developed program was applied to the classes offered three times at a university's museum of natural history over the winter vacation (January 2019). The final version of the program was developed based on the results obtained from analyzing diverse forms of data, including questionnaires, observations, and interviews, that were collected during the pilot program. Lastly, the study discusses the need to broaden the educational role of science museums to become a site for an art-science convergence learning experience, and it proposes follow-up studies for proliferation of these programs.

Analysis of the impact of learner characteristics on the achievement of programming (학습자 특성이 프로그래밍 성취도에 미치는 영향 분석)

  • Yu, ByeongGeon;Kim, JaMee;Lee, WonGyu
    • The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.15-24
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    • 2014
  • It has been reported that programming education has a positive effect on 'improvement of problem solving skills' within the domain of information subject. Improvement of problem solving skills through education programming was confirmed through various variables, such as gender and programming method. This study aims to investigate the proper programming method of each learner by dividing the characteristics of learners according to their characteristics. To achieve our goal, we chose 62 S high school students enrolled in a programming class as the subjects of our study. The results of this study conveyed that project preference and gender can affect the achievement of the individual, whereas programming experience can affect the achievement of the team. This study provides suggestions of how to pursue a programming class according to learner characteristics as well as indicate which characteristics we should take into account.

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Validation of a Self-instructional Foodservice Inventory Control System Module (집단 급식소 재고 관리 시스템에 관한 자기학습식 Module의 타당성 검증)

  • 양일선
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.77-86
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    • 1991
  • 본 연구의 목적은 1) 집단 급식소의 재고 관리 시스템에 관한 자기학습식 Module (Self-instructional Module)을 개발하고, 2) 비동등 통계 실험연구 디자인 (Nonequivalent Control group research design)을 사용하요 자기학습식 재고 관리 시스템 Module의 교육적 효과를 평가하여, 3) 교육기관 및 집단 급식소에서의 교육용 교재로서의 타당성 여부를 검증하고자 함이다. 집단급식소의 재고 관리 시스템에 관한 자기학습식 Module을 개발하기 위해서 현재 미국 전역의 가정대학 내의 식품영양 및 급식경양학과에서 재고 관리에 관련된 교과목을 위하여 채택되어 사용되어지고 있는 주요 교과서들의 내용 분석과 급식경영학 전공 교수 3인의 판단에 기초를 두어 재고관리에 포함되어야 할 내용이 분석되었다. 포함되어져 있는 내용의 목차는 반입(receiving), 저장(storing), 출고(issuing), 재고통제(inventory control), 재고의 자산적 가치(inventory valuation) 및 재고관리 시스템의 자동화(inventory control computer system)등이다. 실험 대상은 Iowa 주립대학에서 급식정보관리 (Foodservice Management Information System) 과목을 수강하였던 88명의 학생이며, 강의를 통해 수업을 받은 통제집단 46명과, 자기 학습식 Module을 사용했던 실험집단 42명으로 구성되었다. 모든 실험 대상에게는 사전검사(Pretest)와 사후검사(posttest)를 실시하였으며 자료의 처리는 SPSS PC Package를 통계법으로 분석하였다. 연구결과는 강의 중심의 통제집단과 자기학습식 Module을 사용했던 실험집단 간의 통제 후 평균 값(posttest adjusted mean score)사이에는 유의적인 차이를 보였으며 (p<0.05), 자기 학습식 Module 그룹에 속해 있던 학생들이 더 높은 통제 후 평균값(adjusted mean score)을 보여 주었다. 그러므로, 이 실험을 통하여, 개발된 집단 급식소 재고관리 시스템에 대한 자기학습식 Module은 학생들에게 재고관리 시스템에 관한 개념과 내용의 습득력을 향상시키는데 있어서 적어도 강의식 교수법과 동일하거나 더나은 교육적 효과를 가져왔다고 판단되었다.

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Practices of Teaching Methods based on the Type of Knowledge in Geography Education (지식의 유형에 근거한 지리과 수업 방법의 실제)

  • 심광택;김일기
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.197-215
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this study is to show practices of teaching method based on the type of knowledge in geography education. The results of examining the type of knowledge according to the five themes in guidelines for geographic education in america are as follows: the empirical-analytic knowledge-centered contents are suited for designing concepts inquiry-centered teaching. The historical-hermeneutic knowledge-centered contents are suited for designing problem solving-centered teaching. The critical knowledge-centered contents are suited for designing decision-making-centered teaching. In this shsdy, 1 emphasized teaching method based on the type of knowledge in Ceographv Education according to the responses of students and academic achievement. However, in practice l propose that teachers construct their lesson plans according to their various spheres of interest.

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The Effect of Anchored Instruction on Elementary School Students' Problem-solving in Algorithm Learning (앵커드 수업을 통한 알고리즘 학습이 초등학생의 문제해결력에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Seo-Kyung;Kim, Yung-Sik
    • The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2012
  • The flow of computer education in modern knowledge and information society contains the computer science courses to cultivate the higher-level thinking abilities such as logical thinking skills, creativity, and problem-solving ability of learners. The purpose of this study is to recognize the need to promote the algorithmic thinking power to improve the problem solving ability of learners, to design the algorithm class based on the anchored instruction strategy for elementary school students and to verify the effectiveness. Anchored instruction model and cases are added to the class. Elementary school students were subjects and divided into a control group in which the traditional algorithm teaching method was conducted and an experimental group in which algorithm class was conducted applying anchored instruction. As results, an experimental group has shown improvements on problem solving compared to a control group.

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