• Title/Summary/Keyword: 정량 뇌파

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Quantitative Recognition of Stable State of EEG using Wavelet Transform and Power Spectrum Analysis (웨이브렛 변환과 파워스펙트럼 분석을 통한 EEG 안정상태의 정량적 인식)

  • Kim, Young-Sear;Park, Seung-Hwan;Nam, Do-Hyun;Kim, Jong-Ki;Kil, Se-Kee;Min, Hong-Ki
    • Journal of the Institute of Convergence Signal Processing
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.178-184
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    • 2007
  • The EEG signal in general can be categorized as the Alpha wave, the Beta wave, the Theta wave, and the Delta wave. The alpha wave, showed in stable state, is the dominant wave for a human EEG and the beta wave displays the excited state. The subject of this paper was to recognize the stable state of EEG quantitatively using wavelet transform and power spectrum analysis. We decomposed EEG signal into the alpha wave and the beta wave in the process of wavelet transform, and calculated each power spectrum of EEG signal, using Fast Fourier Transform. And then we calculated the stable state quantitatively by stable state ratio, defined as the power spectrum of the alpha wave over that of the beta wave. The study showed that it took more than 10 minutes to reach the stable state from the normal activity in 69 % of the subjects, 5 -10 minutes in 9%, and less than 5 minutes in 16 %.

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Evaluation of Driver's Psychophysiological Load at Freeway Merging Area (고속도로 합류부에서 운전자의 심리.생리적 작업 부하 연구)

  • 김주영;장명순
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.69-79
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    • 1999
  • This study evaluated the chance of driver's Psychophysiological load of occipital lobe at freeway merging area and compared with basic driving section. Ten persons of 8 men and 2 women were investigated at 3 basic section and 3 merging areas on the Youngdong freeway. It is found that driver's load in acceleration lane before merging is 2.21 times higher than the basic driving section. Further, driver's load for merging was maintained fur 4 seconds after merging. Particularly, driver's highest loading point in merging behavior was found to be 80m from the gore area.

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Measurement of Electrophysiological Changes Caused by Electromagnetic Radiation Absorbed in Biobody (전자파에 노출된 생체의 전기 생리적 변화의 측정)

  • Ju-Tae Park
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.353-362
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    • 1996
  • In this paper, SAR distribution is calculated according to the rabbit's head using approximation of its medium three layers model. Our experiment was classified 5 groups dependent on the power intensity of 2,450MHz microwave to measure EEG(Electroencephalograph) of rabbit, which was checked in left frontal lobe before and after irradiation of microwave. In results, mean total power of EEG was slightly decreased and mean composition percentages of $\theta$, $\delta$ and $\beta$ wave were increased after irradiation in observation. It means to decrease of elect- rophysiologic activity and trend of fast wave in brain after irradiation of its microwave. We analyzed the electrophysiological effect of the biobody quantitatively using measured EEG and estimated MPE (Maximum Permissible Exposure).

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Basic ]Requirements for Spectrum Analysis of Electroencephalographic Effects of Central Acting Drugs (중추성 작용 약물의 뇌파 효과의 정량화를 위한 스펙트럼 분석에 필요한 기본적 조건의 검토)

  • 임선희;권지숙;김기민;박상진;정성훈;이만기
    • Biomolecules & Therapeutics
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.63-72
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    • 2000
  • We intended to show some basic requirements for spectrum analysis of electroencephalogram (EEG) by visualizing the differences of the results according to different values of some parameters for analysis. Spectrum analysis is the most popular technique applied for the quantitative analysis of the electroen- cephalographic signals. Each step from signal acquisition through spectrum analysis to presentation of parameters was examined with providing some different values of parameters. The steps are:(1) signal acquisition; (2) spectrum analysis; (3) parameter extractions; and (4) presentation of results. In the step of signal acquisition, filtering and amplification of signal should be considered and sampling rate for analog-to-digital conversion is two-time faster than highest frequency component of signal. For the spectrum analysis, the length of signal or epoch size transformed to a function on frequency domain by courier transform is important. Win dowing method applied for the pre-processing before the analysis should be considered for reducing leakage problem. In the step of parameter extraction, data reduction has to be considered so that statistical comparison can be used in appropriate number of parameters. Generally, the log of power of all bands is derived from the spectrum. For good visualization and quantitative evaluation of time course of the parameters are presented in chronospectrogram.

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  • Shin, Dong-Won;Yook, Ki-Hwan;Jon, Duk-In;Kim, Kyung-Hee;Min, Sung-Kil;Song, Dong-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.218-226
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    • 1998
  • This study aims at investigating the effects of psychostimulant on functional cerebral localization during the attentional tasks in ADHD. Inclusional subjects were 13 boy between 6-12 years old who met the DSM-IV criteria for ADHD. In each patient, there was a drugfree period(without methyphenidate) and a drug-loaded period(with oral methylphenidate administration), and within each period there was a resting state and a stimulated state with TOVA. Comparisons were made by measuring the amplitudes of four bands(${\alpha}$, ${\beta}$, ${\delta}$, ${\theta}$) of quantitative EEG to see if there were any differences between the drug-free period(resting and stimulated) and the drug-loaded period(resting and stimulated). In the resting state, there was no difference between the drug-free and drug-loaded periods. In the stimulated state with TOVA, the presence of methylphenidate induced significant changes in the theta to beta ratio(${\theta}/{\beta}$) in the right frontal, right parieto-occipital, and left temporal-parietal areas in contrast to the drugf-ree period. These data suggest that methylphenidate shows electrophysiological influences on cerebral topographical activities during the attentional tasks in ADHD.

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A Study on the Electrophysiological Response of the Cerebral Cortex by Olfactory Stimulation: Alpha Activity (후각자극에 의한 대뇌겉질의 전기생리학적 반응에 대한 연구: 알파 활동도)

  • Kang, Ji-Hyuk
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Laboratory Science
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    • v.51 no.4
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    • pp.462-467
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    • 2019
  • Many studies in recent decades have revealed that olfactory stimulation by perfume or malodor inhalation exerts various psychological and physiological effects on humans. The most recent studies have examined the electrophysiological response of olfactory stimulation on the activity of human cortical nerve cells. The purpose of this current study is to quantitatively analyze what changes occur in the alpha activity in healthy participants (N=12) on olfactory stimulation using two types of odors (acacia and butanol). Exposure to the odor of acacia perfume was associated with a significant increase (66.7%) in alpha activity when compared with that of the no-odor background EEG. Exposure to the odor of butanol was associated with a significant reduction (33.3% to 41.7%) in EEG alpha activity when compared with that of the no-odor control. The results of this study demonstrated the potential to alter the cerebral cortex activity by olfactory stimulation. The results also suggest that olfactory perception has stimulatory effects on the function of the nervous system. In other words, it could be concluded from this study that inhalation of olfactory stimulation affected brain wave activities and mood states. Further research is needed to completely understand and describe the electrophysiological effects of different odors on the central nervous system.

Changes of the Prefrontal EEG(Electroencephalogram) Activities according to the Repetition of Audio-Visual Learning (시청각 학습의 반복 수행에 따른 전두부의 뇌파 활성도 변화)

  • Kim, Yong-Jin;Chang, Nam-Kee
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.516-528
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    • 2001
  • In the educational study, the measure of EEG(brain waves) can be useful method to study the functioning state of brain during learning behaviour. This study investigated the changes of neuronal response according to four times repetition of audio-visual learning. EEG data at the prefrontal$(Fp_{1},Fp_{2})$ were obtained from twenty subjects at the 8th grade, and analysed quantitatively using FFT(fast Fourier transform) program. The results were as follows: 1) In the first audio-visual learning, the activities of $\beta_{2}(20-30Hz)$ and $\beta_{1}(14-19Hz)$ waves increased highly, but the activities of $\theta(4-7Hz)$ and $\alpha$ (8-13Hz) waves decreased compared with the base lines. 2). According to the repetitive audio-visual learning, the activities of $\beta_{2}$ and $\beta_{1}$ waves decreased gradually after the 1st repetitive learning. And, the activity of $\beta_{2}$ wave had the higher change than that of $\beta_{1}$ wave. 3). The activity of $\alpha$ wave decreased smoothly according to the repetitive audio-visual learning, and the activity of $\theta$ wave decreased radically after twice repetitive learning. 4). $\beta$ and $\theta$ waves together showed high activities in the 2nd audio-visual learning(once repetition), and the learning achievement increased highly after the 2nd learning. 5). The right prefrontal$(Fp_{2})$ showed higher activation than the left$(Fp_{1})$ in the first audio-visual learning. However, there were not significant differences between the right and the left prefrontal EEG activities in the repetitive audio-visual learning. Based on these findings, we can conclude that the habituation of neuronal response shows up in the repetitive audio-visual learning and brain hemisphericity can be changed by learning experiences. In addition, it is suggested once repetition of audio-visual learning be effective on the improvement of the learning achievement and on the activation of the brain function.

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A Preliminary Evaluation of NeuroGuide and IVA + Plus as Diagnostic Tools for Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (주의력결핍 과잉행동장애의 진단 보조도구로 뉴로가이드와 IVA + Plus의 유용성에 관한 예비연구)

  • Yang, Jung-In;Kim, So-Yul;Kim, Young-Sung;Lee, Jae-Won
    • Korean Journal of Biological Psychiatry
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.45-52
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    • 2012
  • Objectives : This study was designed to investigate the usability of IVA + Plus (Continuous Performance Test) and Neuro-Guide [Quantitative electroencephalography (EEG) normative database] as an auxiliary diagnostic tools for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Methods : The scores of IVA + Plus and resting EEG were obtained from 34 elementary school-aged children. Also, the Korean ADHD Rating Scale (K-ARS) and the Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children version IV (DISC-IV) was done for the parent of them. From the result of the DISC-IV, we divided them into three groups, ADHD Not Otherwise Specified (NOS), and Normal Control (NC). Using NeuroGuide, the z-scores of relative power for delta (1-4 Hz), theta (4-8 Hz), alpha (8-12 Hz), and beta (12-25 Hz) were calculated. Then the correlation and variance analysis were done to investigate the differences between three groups. Results : The scores of IVA + Plus were negatively correlated with the K-ARS. IVA + Plus have successfully discriminated the ADHD from NC and NOS. The z-scores of relative power of delta and theta were positively correlated with the K-ARS. The z-scores of relative power of alpha and beta were negatively correlated with the K-ARS. Conclusions : The IVA + Plus and NeuroGuide QEEG test are expected to be used as the valuable tools for diagnosing ADHD accurately.

Sequential Nonlinear Recurrence Quantification Analysis of Attentional Visual Evoked Potential (집중 시각자극 유발전위의 순차적 비선형 RQA 분석)

  • Lee, Byung-Chae;Yoo, Sun-Kook;Kim, Hye-Jin
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.50 no.11
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    • pp.195-205
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    • 2013
  • The analysis of electroencephalographic signal associated with the attention is essential for the understanding of human cognition. In this paper, the characteristic differences between the attention and inattention status in the brain were inspected by nonlinear analysis. The recurrence quantification analysis was applied to the relatively small number of samples of evoked potential having time varying characteristics, where the recurrence plot (RP), the color recurrence plot (CRP), and mean and time-sequential trend parameters were extracted. The dimension and the time delay in phase transformation can be determined by the paired set of extracted parameters. It is observed from RP, CRP, and parameters that the brain dynamics in attention is more complex than that in the inattention, as well as the synchronized brain response is stable in the mean sense but locally time varying. It is feasible that the non-linear analysis method can be useful for the analysis of complex brain dynamics associated during visual attentional task.

The assessment of anesthetic depth by quantitative electroencephalography in intravenous anesthesia by intermittent bolus injection (간헐적 일시 정맥주사 마취에서 정량적 뇌파분석을 이용한 마취 심도의 평가)

  • Lee, Soo-Han;Bae, Chun-Sik;Noh, Gyu-Jeong;Bae, Kyun-Seop;Kim, Jin-Young;Chung, Byung-Hyun
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.131-137
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    • 2005
  • To assess anesthetic depth using quantitative electroencephalography (q-EEG), we recorded processed EEG (raw EEG) till 100 minutes in beagle dogs anesthetized for 60 minutes with tiletamine/zolazepam (n=5, TZ group), xylazine/ketamine (n=5, XK group) and propofol (n=5, PI group) by intermittent bolus injection. Raw EEG was converted into 95% spectral edge frequency (SEF) and median frequency (MF) through fast fourier transformation (FFT) method. 95% SEF value of TZ group was significantly higher (p<0.05) than the XK group from 10 minutes to 100 minutes. 95% SEF value of PI group was significantly higher (p<0.05) than the XK group from 10 minutes to 40 minutes, and significantly low (p<0.05) than XK group at 90 and 100 minutes. MF was significantly higher (p<0.05) in TZ group from 60 minutes to 100 minutes. Based on these results, using dissociative agent with ${\alpha}_2$-adrenergic agent is more potent in CNS depressed than using dissociative agent alone, and low doses of propofol has a disinhibitory effect on CNS.