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Sexual Reproduction in Unicellular Green Alga Chlamydomonas (수염녹두말속(Chlamydomonas) 단세포 녹조의 유성생식)

  • Lee, Kyu Bae
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.100-121
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    • 2017
  • The sexual reproduction of the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas is reviewed for a comprehensive understanding of the complex processes. The sexual life cycle of C. reinhardtii is distinguished into five main stages: gametogenesis, gamete activation, cell fusion, zygote maturation, and meiosis and germination. Gametogenesis is induced by nitrogen starvation in the environment. C. reinhardtii has two mating types: mating type plus ($mt^+$) and mating type minus ($mt^-$), controlled by a single complex mating type locus ($MT^+$ or $MT^-$) on linkage group VI. In the early gametogenesis agglutinins are synthesized. The $mt^+$ and $mt^-$ agglutinins are encoded by the autosomal genes SAG1 (Sexual AGglutination1) and SAD1 (Sexual ADhesion1), respectively. The agglutinins are responsible for the flagellar adhesion of the two mating type of gametes. The flagellar adhesion initiates a cAMP mediated signal transduction pathways and activates the flagellar tips. In response to the cAMP signal, mating structures between two flagella are activated. The $mt^+$ and $mt^-$ gamete-specific fusion proteins, Fus1 and Hap2/Gcs1, are present on the plasma membrane of the two mating structures. Contact of the two mating structures leads to develop a fertilization tubule forming a cytoplasmic bridge between the two gametes. Upon fusion of nuclei and chloroplasts of $mt^+$ and $mt^-$ cells, the zygotes become zygospores. It is notable that the young zygote shows uniparental inheritance of chloroplast DNA from the $mt^+$ parent and mitochondrial DNA from the $mt^-$ parent. Under the favorable conditions, the zygospores divide meiotically and germinate and then new haploid progenies, vegetative cells, are released.

Occurrence and Cenesis of Perlite from the Beomgockri Group in Janggi Area (장기지역 범곡리층군에 부존되는 진주암의 산출상태와 생성관계)

  • Noh Jin Hwan;Hong Jin-Sung
    • Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Korea
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    • v.18 no.4 s.46
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    • pp.277-288
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    • 2005
  • Perlite, a hydrated volcanic glass, occurs mainly as a bed-like body, and is distributed intermittently along the unconformity surface between the Beomgockri Group and its lower formations, viz. Janggi Group. The perlite is intimately associated with surrounding pumiceous welded tuff and rhyodacites in space and time. Compared to the typical perlite, the perlite is rather silica-poor and impure, and thus, includes lots of phenocrysts and rock fragments. Nearly the perlite is compositionally rather close to a pitchstone than a perlite in water contents. Petrographic comparison between perlite and associated volcanic to volcaniclastic rocks indicates that pumiceous welded tuff and rhyodacite seem to be Protolith of the Perlite. A Zr/$TiO_{2}$-Nb/Y diagram and field occurrence of perlite and their protolithic rocks also conforms the above interpretation. Kn addition, remnant vesicles in perlite strongly reflect that the precursor of perlitic glass appeared to be pumice fragment as well as volcanic glass. The perlite was diagenetically formed by way of a pervasive water-rock interaction at the deposition of the Manghaesan Formation in lacustrine environment. During perlitization, $SiO_{2}$ and alkali tend to be consistently depleted. Preexisting system of the Beomgockri Group based on the perlite formation should be corrected, because the perlite was formed diagenetically without lateral persistence in its occurrence.

Life History of Bothriocephalus opsariichthydis(Cestoda ; Pseudophyllidea) Parasitic in Common Carp, Cyprinus carpio (Linne) (잉어에 기생한 촌충, Bothriocephalus opsariichthydis의 생활사에 관한 연구)

  • KIM Jong-Yeon;CHUN Seh-Kyu;KIM Young-Gill;PARK Sung Woo
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.155-168
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    • 1986
  • In Korea, lots of Israeli carp (Cyprinus carpio) are cultured by means of net cages in dams and lakes, but many carp have been subjected to heavy infestation of the cestoid, Bothriocephalus opsariichthydis. Nevertheless the parasitic state and life history of the cestoid are not yet reported. This reason led the author to study the parasitic state and life history of B. opsariichthydis parasitized in the carp in order to take effective control measures against its damage. Israeli carp were sampled from two fish farms, in Taech'on and Kyongch'on. After dissection of the specimens, the cestoid were obtained and the parasitic rates were examined. After taking the eggs from adult worms, the development of the eggs were observed. Coracidia were exposed to four kinds of crustaceans in order to investigate the infection rate and development of the larva. Finally, tile development of the larva in the final host was investigated. The fully mature eggs were in the cleavage stage, when they are released, and the size ranged 47.5 to 55.0 $(50.9){\times}30.0$ to 32.5 (31.1) um, in the state of under-developed coracidia and blastomeres. The parasitic rate of the cestoid in Israeli carp from Taechon was $55.5\%$ in 1984 and $21.6\%$ in 1985, that from Kyongchon was $64.7\%$ in 1984, and color carp from Kusan was $14.9\%$ in 1984. The eggs were hatched to coracidia within 48 hours under 26 to $28^{\circ}C$. The cestoid showed a strong affinity to Thermocyclops hyalinus and Paracyclops fimbriatus and the infection rates were $93.5\%$ and $75.5\%$, respectively. At 14 days after the infection to Thermocyclops hyalinus and Paracyclops fimbriatus, the larvae of the cestoid grew into fully developed procercoids; 207 to $226 (214){\times}90$ to 102 (94) um in size. Sixty days after carp have ingested the Thermocyclops hyalinus infected with the fully developed procercoids, the larvae of the cestoid matured into adult worms in the intestines of the carp.

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A Study of the Model Christian Familial-Spiritual Education for The Era of Covid-19 (코로나19 시대의 기독교적 가정영성교육 모형: 비블리오드라마를 중심으로)

  • Choi, Eun Taek
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.63
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    • pp.91-120
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    • 2020
  • This study suggests a spiritual education for the Christian family as a strategy to cope with the risky situation of the Korean Church during the Covid-19 pandemic. Today, we live in a chaotic epoch since the rapid development of the science caused the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Covid-19 pandemic gave rise to a wide array of changes throughout the society. Korean Church in these circumstances is required to have relevant responses to the kaleidoscopic changes. Especially, not to mention the face-to-face public worship service, in the situation where the congregation members even find it difficult to meet one another in a small group, it becomes a crucial issue how Christians maintain their faith and community in the healthy spirituality. As such, viewing that Christian education within the family will become much more important, this study conducts research for familial-spiritual education. For the research, this paper, first of all, attempts to understand the era of Covid-19. It is to see what the Novel Corona Virus is and what the feature of the epoch of Covid-19 might be. Based upon the understanding, this research discusses what Christian spirituality is asked for and the orientation towards which Christian education should go on. It is particularly to say that a spiritual education for the family becomes integral. The education for the family might be possible through Bibliodrama so that this study establishes a specific model of Christian education employing Bibliodrama. The discussion above shows three academic significances. First, this paper, within the domain of Christian education, suggests an alternative research which is to solve Korean Church's diverse problems caused by Covid-19. Second, this research attempts an analytical understanding of the Covid-19 period within the Christian education area. Finally, when specific and practical research for the field of Christian education during the Covid-19 pandemic is required, this study considers that Christian education within the family is overarching, thus proposing a specific model for familial-spiritual education hiring Bibliodrama.

Chemical Mass Balance of Materials in the Keum River Estuary: 1. Seasonal Distribution of Nutrients (금강하구의 물질수지: 1. 영양염의 계절적 분포)

  • Yang, Jae-Sam;Jeong, Ju-Young;Heo, Jin-Young;Lee, Sang-Ho;Choi, Jin-Yong
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.71-79
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    • 1999
  • As part of an on-going project investigating flux of materials in the Keum River Estuary, we have monitored seasonal variations of nutrients, suspended particulate matter (SPM), chlorophyll, and salinity since 1997. Meteorological data and freshwater discharge from the Keum River Dike were also used, Our goal was to answers for (1) what is the main factor for the seasonal fluctuation of nutrients in the Keum River Estuary? and (2) are there any differences in nutrient distributions before and after the Keum River Dike construction? Nitrate concentrations in the Keum River water were kept constant through the year. Whereas other nutrients varied with evident seasonality: high phosphate and ammonium concentrations during the dry season and enhanced silicate contents during the rainy season. SPM was found similar trend with silicate. During the rainy season, the freshwater discharged from the Keum River Dike seemed to dilute the phosphate and ammonium, but to elevate SPM concentration in the Keum Estuary. In addition, the corresponding variations of SPM contents in the estuarine water affected the seasonal fluctuations of nutrients in the Estuary. The most important source of the nutrients in the estuarine water is the fluvial water. Therefore, the distribution patterns of nutrients in the Estuary are conservative against salinity. Nitrate, nitrite and silicate are conservative through the year. The distribution of phosphate and ammonium on the other hand, display two distinct seasonal patterns: conservative behavior during the dry season and some additive processes during the rainy days. Mass destruction of freshwater phytoplankton in the riverine water is believed to be a major additive source of phosphate in the upper Estuary. Desorption processes of phosphate and ammonium from SPM and organic matter probably contribute extra source of addition. Benthic flux of phosphate and ammonium from the sediment into overlying estuarine water can not be excluded as another source. After the Keum River Dike construction, the concentrations of SPM decreased markedly and their role in controlling of nutrient concentrations in the Estuary has probably diminished. We found low salinity (5~15 psu) within 1 km away from the Dike during the dry season. Therefore we conclude that the only limited area of inner estuary function as a real estuary and the rest part rather be like a bay during the dry season. However, during the rainy season, the entire estuary as the mixing place of freshwater and seawater. Compared to the environmental conditions of the Estuary before the Dike construction, tidal current velocity and turbidity are decreased, but nutrient concentrations and chance of massive algal bloom such as red tide outbreak markedly increased.

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Acid Drainage and Damage Reduction Strategy in Construction Site: An Introduction (건설현장 산성배수의 발생현황 및 피해저감대책)

  • Kim, Jae-Gon
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.40 no.5
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    • pp.651-660
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    • 2007
  • Acid drainage has been recognized as an environmental concern in abandoned mine sites for long time. Recently, the environmental and structural damage by acid drainage is a current issue in construction sites in Korea. Here, the author introduces the type of damages by acid drainage in construction sites and emphasizes the importance of geoscience discipline in solving the problem. Metasedimentary rock of Okcheon group, coal bed of Pyeongan group, Mesozoic volcanic rock. and Tertiary sedimentary and volcanic rocks are the major rock types with a high potential for acid drainage upon excavation in Korea. The acid drainage causes the acidification and heavy metal contamination of soil, surface water and groundwater, the reduction of slope stability, the corrosion of slope structure, the damage on plant growth, the damage on landscape and the deterioration of concrete and asphalt pavement. The countermeasure for acid drainage is the treatment of acid drainage and the prevention of acid drainage. The treatment of acid drainage can be classified into active and passive treatments depending on the degree of natural process in the treatment. Removal of oxidants, reduction of oxidant generation and encapsulation of sulfide are employed for the prevention of acid drainage generation.

A Conceptual Framework for One Source Multi Use Strategy of Culture Content (브랜드 아이덴티티 기반 문화콘텐츠 OSMU 전략 연구)

  • Kim, Young-Jae
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.28
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    • pp.155-180
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    • 2012
  • This article is to propose a conceptual framework for the One Source Multi Use (OSMU) strategic model of culture content. In this study, OSMU is defined as a series of marketing activities to increase the value created by culture content. The framework of brand equity strategy is applied to develop the strategic model of OSMU, as both share the same goal - maximization of long term value created by brand or culture content. This article suggests the brand identity-based OSMU strategic model, in which the brand identity of culture content guides, integrates, and coordinates every decision-making of OSMU activities. For the maximization of brand equity value of culture content, the copyright holder of original content should decide the content's brand identity, which should provide the criteria of all decision makings regarding window strategy, adaptation of content to other genre, and merchandising. This brand identity-based OSMU strategic model can not only contribute to the sales of OSMU content, but also the creation of high equity culture content in the long run. Also, the model allows monitoring and evaluation of content's brand equity, which can be used for the strategic adjustment for the sake of long term value of the content. This study is differentiated from previous study on OSMU and expected to invigorate the further discussion on OSMU in several points. First, it broadens the scope of OSMU discussion as it views OSMU as a series of process including feedback. Second, this study points out the need for integration and coordination of various OSMU activities. Third, the strategic focus is laid on the value maximization of the original content, not 'multi used' content. Fourth, the suggested model emphasize the strategic role of copyright holder who takes the charge of the content brand management. Fifth, the model requires discussion on the components of marketing communication in addition to the content itself, which means the model includes the prospects, not only the content consumers, as the major future source for value creation.

Nutrition Teachers (Dietitians)' Perceptions of Barriers to Implementation of HACCP System in School Foodservices in the Gyeongnam Area (경남지역 학교급식 HACCP 시스템 적용 장애요인에 대한 영양(교)사의 인지도 분석)

  • Hwang, Hye-Ok;Kim, Hyun-Ah
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.41 no.10
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    • pp.1475-1485
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    • 2012
  • This study was conducted in order to understand nutrition teachers (dietitians)' perceptions of barriers to implementation of HACCP system in school foodservices in Gyeongnam, Korea. Questionnaires were distributed to 350 nutrition teachers (dietitians) from November to December of 2009, and 214 were collected and analyzed. The results of this study were as follows. First, nutrition teachers (dietitians) recognized the following as barriers in implementing the HACCP system: 'the status of facilities and utilities'> 'monitoring'> 'work satisfaction'> 'foodservice employees'> 'cooperation of HACCP team'> 'cooperation of persons concerned besides foodservice employees'> 'understanding the HACCP system'. Second, total working experience was found to be the factor most affecting 'cooperation of HACCP team (p<0.01)', 'cooperation of persons concerned besides foodservice employees (p<0.01)', 'foodservice employees (p<0.05)', and 'work satisfaction (p<0.05)'. Further, 'the status of facilities and utilities' was significantly affected by 'construction/reconstruction of kitchen (p<0.01)', 'division of kitchen area (p<0.01)', 'existence of preliminary preparation room (p<0.01)', and 'existence of dishwashing room (p<0.01)'. Third, dietitians perceived the following concerning hindrance factors of the HACCP system according to CCP stage: 'CCP 1'> 'CCP 3'> 'CCP 2, 'CCP 6'> 'CCP 4'> 'CCP 8'> 'CCP 7'> 'CCP 5'. In conclusion, this study showed that nutrition teachers (dietitians) in the Gyeongnam area recognized 'the status of facilities and utilities' from HACCP areas and 'CCP 1 (menu planning)' from CCP stages as the greatest barriers to implementing the HACCP system in school foodservices. To implement the HACCP system successfully in school foodservices, facilities and utilities should be properly equipped, and menu planning training for nutrition teachers (dietitian) should be conducted.

Concentration of Formaldehyde and Acetaldehyde depending on the Time of Storage into Mineral Water (먹는샘물의 보관 기간에 따른 formaldehyde 및 acetaldehyde의 농도 변화)

  • Lee, Youn-Hee;Lee, Jun-Bae;Park, Ju-Hyun;Choi, Ja-Yoon;Ahn, Kyung-Hee;Ahn, Hye-Sil;Kwon, Oh-Sang;Kim, Tae-Seung;Han, Jin-Suk
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.281-287
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    • 2011
  • BACKGROUND: According to Korean regulations, bottled waters (BWs) can not be treated with chemical disinfectants like chlorine, so UV and ozone disinfection is applied. During the past several years, chemicals were detected in some BWs, and the public was concerned about the safety of BWs. METHODS AND RESULTS: Mineral waters were stored for 180 days at $25^{\circ}C$ and $50^{\circ}C$, tested acetaldehyde and formaldehyde by HPLC. When mineral waters were put in a PET bottles, the formaldehyde level ranged from 5 to $66{\mu}g/L$ during 180 days at $50^{\circ}C$. While the acetaldehyde level ranged from 31 to $221{\mu}g/L$, it was low than $16{\mu}g/L$ in glass bottle. CONCLUSION(s): This result showed that formaldehyde and acetaldehyde were detected higher in PET bottles than glass bottles, these also increased depending on the time of storage. Concentration of formaldehyde and acetaldehyde could be significantly influenced by the time of storage and temperature.

Effect of Surface Area of Soybean Oil and Lard on the Thermooxidative Stability (대두유와 돈지의 가열산화 안정성에 미치는 표면적의 영향)

  • Kim, In-Hwan;Kim, Young-Soon;Choi, Yang-Moon
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.781-786
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    • 1998
  • To assess effect of surface area on the oxidative stability in thermooxidative system, soybean oil and lard with different surface area $(0.04{\;}cm^2/g,{\;}0.08{\;}cm^2/g,{\;}0.12{\;}cm^2/g{\;}and{\;}0.16{\;}cm^2/g)$ were heated 8 hrs/day at $185^{\circ}C$. The iodine values of soybean oil heated for 64 hrs with surface area of $0.12{\;}cm^2/g$ and $0.16{\;}cm^2/g$ were 113.1 and 116.9, while those of the oil heated for the same length time with surface area of $0.04{\;}cm^2/g$ and $0.08{\;}cm^2/g$ were 126.4 and 125.9, respectively. The same trend was observed in lard, but less markedly than in soybean oil. The polar lipid content, dielectric constant and refractive index of soybean oil and lard heated with surface area above $0.12{\;}cm^2/g$ significantly increased as the heating time increased, while those of the oil heated with surface area below $0.08{\;}cm^2/g$ slowly increased as the heating time increased. On the other hand, the conjugated diene content of soybean oil heated with surface area above $0.12{\;}cm^2/g$ oil increased as the heating time increased while ratio of linoleic acid to palmitic acid decreased as the heating time increased. However, the conjugated diene content and ratio of linoleic acid to palmitic acid of lard were not significantly different depending on the surface area. The results obtained from this investigation indicated that the thermooxidative stability of oil heated with surface area below $0.08\;}cm^2/g$ was better than that of oil heated with surface area above $0.12{\;}cm^2/g$ (P<0.05).

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