• Title/Summary/Keyword: 접근성공간

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An Associative Class Set Generation Method for supporting Location-based Services (위치 기반 서비스 지원을 위한 연관 클래스 집합 생성 기법)

  • 김호숙;용환승
    • Journal of KIISE:Databases
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.287-296
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    • 2004
  • Recently, various location-based services are becoming very popular in mobile environments. In this paper, we propose a new concept of a frequent item set, called “associative class set”, for supporting the location-based service which uses a large quantity of a spatial database in mobile computing environments, and then present a new method for efficiently generating the associative class set. The associative class set is generated with considering the temporal relation of queries, the spatial distance of required objects, and access patterns of users. The result of our research can play a fundamental role in efficiently supporting location-based services and in overcoming the limitation of mobile environments. The associative class set can be applied by a recommendation system of a geographic information system in mobile computing environments, mobile advertisement, city development planning, and client cache police of mobile users.

Visualization methods of Terra MODIS and GPM satellite orbits for Water Hazrd Information System Monitoring (수재해 정보시스템 모니터링을 위한 Terra MODIS, GPM 궤도의 시각화 방안)

  • PARK, Gwang-Ha;CHAE, Hyo-Sok;HWANG, Eui-Ho;LEE, Jeong-Ju
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2016.05a
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    • pp.318-318
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    • 2016
  • 위성은 준 실시간으로 국토 전체의 관측과 미계측/비접근 지역의 관측도 가능하여 가뭄, 홍수 등 수재해와 관련된 분석 자료로 활용되고 있으며, 위성 기반의 수재해 모니터링 적용성에 대한 연구 또한 수행되고 있다. 위성에서 관측된 자료는 NASA, JAXA 등의 위성 관리 센터에서 알고리즘을 적용하여 인터넷으로 제공하고, 최근 K-water에서는 수자원분야의 위성활용을 위해 위성 자료 수집 시스템을 갖추어 Aqua/Terra MODIS, GPM, GCOM-W1 등의 위성 자료를 수집하고 있다. 위성 자료는 5분~16일 등의 다양한 주기로 제공되고 있으며, 자료 타입, 측정 시간 등의 간단한 정보만 파일명으로 표시되어 위성의 위치(경위도) 및 해당 지점의 위성 자료를 얻기 위해서는 위성 자료를 확인해야만 하는 번거로움이 따른다. 본 연구에서는 순차적으로 관측된 위성 자료의 시 공간적 속성정보를 추출하고 해당 정보를 영상과 함께 맵핑하여, 시간의 흐름에 따른 위성 궤도의 시각화 방안을 제시하였다. 위성 궤도의 시각화 방안으로 사용된 위성 자료는 Terra MODIS의 'MOD02SSH', GPM GMI 센서의 'GPROF' 자료 타입을 사용하였다. 'MOD02SSH'는 5분 동안 5km의 공간해상도로 측정한 자료가 1개의 파일이며, 'GPROF'는 5분 동안 4km의 공간해상도로 측정한다. 공전 주기의 검증을 위해 케플러의 제3법칙을 적용한 Terra 위성의 공전주기는 98.75분으로 계산되며, 위성 자료의 공전주기는 98.87분으로 나타난다. 검증 결과 약 0.12초의 오차가 발생하며, 정확한 위성 고도와 높은 해상도의 위성 자료를 통해 오차의 감소가 가능하다. 이를 통해 시각화 된 동적 시계열 이미지는 시간에 따른 위성 궤도의 정보를 추출 할 수 있다. 이는 수재해 정보시스템의 모니터링을 위해 사용 가능하고, 시간에 따른 위성 궤도 정보를 통하여 필요한 시간대의 위성 위치 정보, 해당 지점의 관측 자료를 효율적으로 수집하여 자료 수집을 위한 시간 단축이 가능하며, 사용자 또는 관리자를 위한 모니터링 수행 또한 효율적인 운영이 가능할 것으로 사료된다.

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Application Research on Obstruction Area Detection of Building Wall using R-CNN Technique (R-CNN 기법을 이용한 건물 벽 폐색영역 추출 적용 연구)

  • Kim, Hye Jin;Lee, Jeong Min;Bae, Kyoung Ho;Eo, Yang Dam
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.48 no.2
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    • pp.213-225
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    • 2018
  • For constructing three-dimensional (3D) spatial information occlusion region problem arises in the process of taking the texture of the building. In order to solve this problem, it is necessary to investigate the automation method to automatically recognize the occlusion region, issue it, and automatically complement the texture. In fact there are occasions when it is possible to generate a very large number of structures and occlusion, so alternatives to overcome are being considered. In this study, we attempt to apply an approach to automatically create an occlusion region based on learning by patterning the blocked region using the recently emerging deep learning algorithm. Experiment to see the performance automatic detection of people, banners, vehicles, and traffic lights that cause occlusion in building walls using two advanced algorithms of Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) technique, Faster Region-based Convolutional Neural Network (R-CNN) and Mask R-CNN. And the results of the automatic detection by learning the banners in the pre-learned model of the Mask R-CNN method were found to be excellent.

Autonomic Responses Related to the Floor Plan Configurations of One-room Units: Focus on 10 Types of Floor Plan Configurations (원룸 평면 구성에 따른 자율신경계 반응: 사례조사 기반의 10개 평면 유형을 중심으로)

  • Myung, Jee-Yeon;Kim, Kyu-Beom;Jun, Han-Jong
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.101-108
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    • 2019
  • The aim of this study was to verify differences in autonomic responses that are affected by the configurations of one-room type units using an electrocardiogram (ECG). Accordingly, 43 one-room units that were collected randomly were classified into ten different types of floor plan configurations mainly according to the location of the bathroom and kitchen. An ECG was subsequently measured for each plan type and the average ratio of the LF/HF (Power in low frequency range/Power in high frequency range) was calculated to measure the comfort level of each space. The results revealed a significant statistical difference between the average LF/HF ratio between the plan types (p < 0.05) and provided compelling evidence suggesting that the configuration of the plan may affect the quality of one-room space. This approach appears to be effective in counteracting stress that may exacerbate psychological disorders in single person households.

Metaverse Platform to Improve Immersion of Online Video Conferencing System (온라인 화상 회의 시스템의 몰입 개선을 위한 메타버스 플랫폼)

  • Yoon, Dong-eon;Oh, Am-suk
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2022.05a
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    • pp.35-37
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    • 2022
  • Online video conferencing systems such as Zoom and Discord are mainly used for non-face-to-face work due to their good accessibility and lack restriction of space. However, most online video conferencing systems are difficult to interact in both directions, and problems such as difficulty in communication and lack of immersion are emerging in participants who use them. On the other hand, Metaverse, which has attracted attention with the development of spatial computing, enables smooth interaction like the real world in the three-dimensional virtual world by utilizing hearing, visual, and touch information. In this paper, we propose a method of utilizing the metaverse platform to improve the problem of lack of immersion in the existing online video conferencing system. Through the proposal method, platform users can share and check each other's work screens in a virtual space and exchange various data. In order to improve participants' of immersion, the environment and improvement plan of the metaverse platform were constructed and compared with the existing online video conferencing platform.

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A study on Furniture Design as Object by Fusion Approaching with Wood and Ceramics (목재와 도자 소재의 융합적 접근에 의한 오브제 기능의 가구 연구)

  • Chung, Yong Hyun;Choi, Kyung Ran
    • Korea Science and Art Forum
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    • v.19
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    • pp.601-612
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    • 2015
  • Postmodernism has blurred the line between design and art. We would like to suggest a design case that took diversity in the modern era that harmonizes functionality and shape of the top board of a furniture and trend of the role of furniture and objet into consideration. This study aims to project a new role into space via convergence of objet that has aesthetic function and furniture design that plays practical role in space. Thus, furniture design attempts to combine ceramic and carpentry and demonstrate the value and potential the combination possesses. By creating a distinct design from previous furniture that had visual limitations with ceramic bridge that adopted existing piling method in ceramic design, we expect a fresh blend of furniture and space that encompasses a different sensation from color and texture of soil and glaze, unable to attain from simple wood.

Memorial Design for Relocation Site of Steam Locomotive in Jangdan Station on Kyong-Eui Railway (경의선 장단역 증기기관차 이전지 기념공간 설계)

  • Park, No-Chun;An, Seung-Hong
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.51-61
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    • 2012
  • Kyong-Eui Railway used to be one of the major cross-country railways connecting Busan and Shineuiju. Being the central axis of logistics and transportation in Korea, it also signifies a symbolic meaning of the people's desire for the unification of divided Korean peninsula. A steam locomotive that had stopped in Jangdan Station was bombed out during the Korean War. The locomotive has been neglected and covered with rust in DMZ over a half century, and now is becoming a historic reminder of divided Korea. The initial design approach was based on the three main perspectives of the relocation plan of the steam locomotive in Jangdan Station which is designated as the registered cultural asset no. 78: historical significance, role of a monumental space, and influence on and from the local culture and tourism. Three design subjects were especially highlighted which would represent the identity of the cultural asset, the stream locomotive. First, a vertical watching deck was installed to provide various view points toward the locomotive while ensuring the security of visitors as well as the cultural asset. Second, the Dokgae bride area has good design potentials being on the railway. However, the site is too narrow. Thus, a new ramp and a stairway were placed responding to the existing topography so that the pedestrian environment could be secured last, to respect the local context where the locomotive was originally located, mulberry trees in the locomotive were transplanted as well. Flowering plants were planted around the display area for better ventilation to minimize the negative impact on the locomotive.

A Study on Environmental Cognition Patterns through Discourse Analysis Regarding the Cheonggyecheon Restoration (청계천복원관련 담론분석을 통한 환경인식 지형연구)

  • Lee, Mi-Kyung;Kim, Han-Bai
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.36 no.6
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    • pp.102-114
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    • 2009
  • Urban discourse can be used to create a better living environment through open thinking, understanding and discussion. It raises both physical and social issues surrounding the urban environment. It can encourage the participation of citizen groups and lead the way to develop a community-oriented urban environment through inter-discourse agreement. The urban space of Cheonggye Stream has produced a wide range of urban discourse from 2003 to the present. Discourse regarding the Cheonggye Stream restoration project has been approached by fields including landscape architecture, ecology, urbanism, architecture, politics, and economics, among others. This discourse has reduced a variety of issues and ranges of debate. This study has classified these discussions into related fields and ideological attitudes, analysed their content, and interpreted their meaning. In order to examine the mutual relationships existing among these discourses by different ideological groups, an analytical framework was established byputting classified versions of discourses into a coordinate diagram. The overall topography showing the present status of Korea public awareness regarding the urban environment could therefore be determined. As a result, it was found that the disciplines of landscape architecture took a middle ground between groups with practical and radical ideologies regarding the Cheonggye Stream project and was a mediator for both poles to find a point of contact. However, participatory discourse requires the disciplines of landscape architecture to participate more actively in the discourses on urban environment and take a more active stand corresponding to the zeitgeist and people's sense of public justice.

An Exploratory Study on Urban Parks and Green Space System in Terms of the Open Space Network - Focused on the City of Daejeon - (오픈스페이스 네트워크 측면에서의 도시공원녹지체계에 관한 탐색적 연구 - 대전광역시를 대상으로 -)

  • Lee, Shi-Young;Lim, Byong-Ho;Shim, Joon-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.37 no.5
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    • pp.53-63
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    • 2009
  • This study aims at presenting a plan to build an open space network system in the city of Daejeon, assuming that parks and the green space system as a broad concept are to make a network by connecting open spaces such as parks, green spaces, squares, pedestrian roads, historical spots, etc. In the case of old downtown in Daejeon, this study examined the possibility of applying an open space network in the city of Daejeon and categorize them according to the findings from examining the case area, which enables to make a plan for building an open space network system in Daejeon. As a result, public offices and business buildings as an active open space have public open spaces in front of buildings and these front public open spaces are connected to pedestrian roads(gray open space). Since these pedestrian roads are consequently connected to large parks and rivers(green or blue open space), this overall spatial sequence can form an open space system. In addition, parks and green spaces, which have been fundamental elements so far, exist in relatively small and scattered areas at the center of the city. Hence, more parks and green space are needed to improve a park and green space system. However, it is very difficult to create new parks and green spaces in downtown, especially in old downtown areas. Therefore making an open space network system which spreads out over the whole city will form a healthy open space network in the downtown area.

Contents Construction of Learning a Region through the Analysis of Local Textbook, Social Studies Inquiry : Life in Seoul (지역화 교과서 분석을 통한 지역 학습 내용 구성 방안 -"사회과 탐구: 서울의 생활"을 중심으로-)

  • Yoon, Ok-Kyong
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.220-233
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    • 2007
  • In the context of region reconceptualized as a learning framework, using the Seoul region as an example, this paper focused on the debate and the condition of regional social studies curriculum in elementary schools, It means that regionalization of curriculum is the decentralization of power to develop and manage curriculum In that case, region is understood to he a resource used to connect the subject matter to children's experience, Furthermore, region is interpreted as Heimat, community and world around, Heimat is intended to be understood, loved and belonged to, Community is the resource for learning and the space of communication, participation and action, World around is the typical example to be searched, compared and explained by the concept and theory. On the base of the regionalization debate and the classification of learning a region, I analysed the local textbook, Social Studies Inquiry: Life in Seoul and suggested the framework of learning a region. In this paper, I tried to pick out the spatial demension of Seoul. It is classified into the space of experience, participation and inquiry, In conclusion, the region-specific materials and approach laying stress on the issue and topic in the geographical context of the region will determine that a proper regionalization occurs through not only methods hut also content.

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