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Effect of Mechanical Peeling Time on Yield and Quality of Paeonia lactiflora Pallas Root (작약근(芍藥根)의 기계박피(機械剝皮) 시간(時間)에 따른 품질(品質) 차이(差異))

  • Kim, Ki-Jae;Park, Chun-Hong;Shin, Jong-Hee;Kim, Se-Jong;Park, So-Deuk;Choe, Boo-Sull
    • Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.27-30
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    • 1999
  • This experiment was carried out to determine the adequate machine peeling and retting time of peony roots, which are used as medicinal resources in Korea. When the roots were peeled for $10{\sim}30$ minitues in the peeling machine, the epidermis of root was removed, and higher yield was obtained and paeoniflorin content as compared with roots which were peeled for longer time. The paeoniflorin content of root varied with the different parts of root. The highest content was recorded in the upper part and the lowest in the middle part. The loss of paeoniflorin increased in the roots processed for expanded peeling and retting time. Lightness of peeled root was higher and ${\Delta}\;E$ was lower in the roots which were peeled by machine for longer time.

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Follicle Cell Death during Ovarian Atresia in the Rat (Rat난소폐쇄에서의 난포의 사망기전)

  • ;;A. J. W. Hsueh
    • Korean Journal of Animal Reproduction
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.385-393
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    • 1997
  • 다세포 생물에서 몸의 효율적 생존을 위한 각 기관의 homeostasis는 세포 증식과 사망에 의해 조절된다. 따라서, apoptosis라 명명된 세포사망은 정교한 기전에 의한 능동적이고 자발적인 사망기전으로써 몸의 정상적 유지를 위한 필수적인 현상이다. 발생기 세포나 신경세포 또는 흉선세포 분화 동안 과다한 세포의 제거가 apoptosis의 대표적인 예이며, 각종 호르몬에 의해 그 기능이 조절되는 난소세포에서도 apoptosis가 활발히 일어난다. Rat난소에는 태어날 때 수십 만개의 난포를 지니고 있는데, 이 중 단지 1%만이 배란에 사용되어질 뿐이고 나머지는 모두 사망하게 된다. 이러한 난포사망은 난소의 적절한 세포 수를 유지하기 위한 필수적 과정이며, 인위적으로 apoptosis를 억제하는 유전자인 bcl-2를 과다 발현시키면 난소암이 발생하는 연구결과가 이를 입증해주고 있다. 이처럼 중요한 난포 사망기전은 apoptosis라는 개념이 정립되면서 최근 들어 점차 그 연구가 활발해지고 있다. Apoptosis의 특징 중 뚜렷한 점은 DNA가 일정한 간격으로(180∼200 bp)잘려지는 DNA fragmentation현상으로, 이를 이용하여 DNA3'-end 부위에 방사선동위원소를 label한 후 이를 전기영동으로 분리하면 apoptosis를 손쉽게 측정할 수 있다. 난소의 기능은 시상하부호르몬인 LH와 FSH 뿐만 아니라 난소에서 분비되는 각종 난소국부호르몬들에 의해 조절된다. 특정한 발육단계의 난포는 특정한 호르몬에 의해 그 기능을 조절 받는데, 이러한 난소기능 조절기작은 매우 복잡한 경로를 지니고 있다. 이러한 복잡한 기작으로 인해 초기 연구에서첨 생체 내에서 밝히려는 연구 시도는 어려움에 부딪치게 되었다. 생체내 실험은 난소가 다양한 발육단계의 난포를 동시에 지니고 있어 특정한 발육단계의 난포 사망기전을 연구하기 어렵다. 또한 난포는 생체 내에서 다양한 호르몬을 동시에 분비하기 때문에 특정한 난소국부호르몬이 사망기전에 미치는 영향을 조사하기 힘든 점이 있다. 최근 들어 난포체외배양이 다양하게 개발되면서, 이러한 어려운 점을 극복할 수 있게 되었다. 본 논문은 각 발육단계의 난포를 절단해 체외배양하면서, apoptosis DNA 절단 현상을 이용하여 각종 난소국부 호르몬들이 난포발육단계별로 사망기전에 미치는 영향을 요약해 보였다. 난포는 발육하면서 점차 복잡한 호르몬 경로를 생존을 위해 필요로 한다. Prevulatory난포생존에 필요한 난소국부호르몬들은 early antral 단계의 난포에서는 그 미치는 영향이 감소되다가 preantral단계의 난포에서는 영향을 전혀 미치지 못했다. 단지 예외는 cGMP처리로써, 세포내 cGMP수준을 일정하게 유지시켜주는 것이 난포발육단계에 무관하게 생존에 중요한 인자로, 장래 연구는 난포 세포내의 cGMP수준을 조절하는 기작을 규명하는데 있을 것이다.

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Perianastomotic ulceration presenting with long-term iron deficiency anemia and growth failure: A case report and review of the literature (장기간의 철 결핍 빈혈 및 성장부전으로 발현된 장문합부위 궤양 1예)

  • Kang, Kyung Ji;Kim, Eun Ha;Jung, Eun Young;Park, Woo-Hyun;Kang, Yu-Na;Kim, Ae Suk;Hwang, Jin-Bok
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.53 no.1
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    • pp.89-92
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    • 2010
  • Perianastomotic ulceration (PAU) rarely occurs after small bowel resection in infancy. Since the understanding of its pathogenesis is incomplete, an effective method of treatment has not yet been discovered. We report the first case in Korea of a 10-year-old girl with chronic iron deficiency anemia (IDA) and growth failure who was diagnosed with PAU at colonoscopy. Seven years were required to identify the cause of IDA. After surgical resection and revision of anastomosis, a close follow-up is being conducted due to the risk of recurrence. Here, we also review reports on 25 pediatric patients with PAU derived from a search of the English-language literature and describe the clinical features of PAU along with the results of treatment.

A Foreign Body Found in the Pulmonary Artery of a Traffic Accident Victim with a Chest Injury and Near-amputation of the Upper Extremity - A case report - (흉부 손상과 함께 우상지에 절단에 가까운 열창을 입은 교통 사고 환자에서 발견된 폐동맥 내 이물질 - 1예 보고 -)

  • Choi, Goang-Min;Kim, Heung-Cheol;Cho, Kwang-Yun;Kim, Hyung-Soo
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.536-539
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    • 2008
  • We present a case with a foreign body in the left pulmonary artery, found in a traffic accident victim. A 52-year-old woman sitting in the passenger side of a car had massive bleeding and near complete amputation of her right forearm in addition to multiple rib fractures and a hemopneumothorax. At arrival to the emergency room, the patient had signs of shock; she was anemic, drowsy and hypotensive. A large volume of blood and crystalloid fluids were administered via the left subclavian vein with a rapid infusion device (Level $1^{(R)}$). As the lung contusion improved, a foreign body was noticed in the left lung field on plain x-rays. Pulmonary angiography was performed and revealed a 15 cm foreign body in the left basal segment of the common pulmonary artery. The foreign body was successfully retrieved using vascular forceps via the percutaneous femoral vein approach.

The Structural Design of the Bus-bar block type of electrical switch boards (전기분전반용 블록형 부스 바의 구조 설계 연구)

  • Kwon, Young-min;Hwang, Chang-yu;Kim, Kyun-ho;Han, Hee
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.378-385
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    • 2016
  • The internal circuit of the bus-bar for an electrical switch board is a prime cause of electric shock and short circuit accidents due to the exposure of live parts. Electrical fires can also be caused by animals and foreign substances in the switchboard that connect the components with a difficult structure resulting in overheating due to an increase in contact resistance. Preventing these types of accidents is a prime concern in the manufacturing process, such as cutting and bending. In this study, the cutting bus bar of a switch board contained improved modules as a flame retardant that isolates a separate blocks to prevent such problems. This was implemented as a scalable and flexible means of reducing electrical switchboard hazards to offer a safe switch board bus-bar structure of a new connecter type

Surgical Repair of the Traumatic Urethral Transection with Urethrocutaneous Fistula in a Pung-san Dog (풍산 개에서 발생한 외상성 요도 절단과 요도 피부 누공의 수술적 교정)

  • Lee, Jae-Hoon;Kim, Song-Ho;Yang, Wo-Jong;Kang, Eun-Hee;Chang, Hwa-Seok;Chung, Dai-Jung;Kim, Hwi-Yool
    • Journal of Veterinary Clinics
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.295-298
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    • 2010
  • A five-year-old, castrated male, Pung-san dog was referred to Konkuk University Veterinary Teaching Hospital with trauma and persistent hemorrhage in the inguinal region. The dog had a history of being wounded by a wild boar at 5 days prior to presentation. Rupture of the membranous urethra and urethrocutaneous fistula were demonstrated by the retrograde positive contrast urethrography. A urinary catheter was placed to identify the urethra and urethrocutaneous fistula. The necrotic tissues and damaged tissues by urine leakage around urethrocutaneous fistula were debrided. An urethral anastomosis over an indwelling catheter was performed. The dog maintained normal urination without other complications including dysuria and hematouria at the follow-up evaluation after 1 month postoperatively. A retrograde urethrogram repeated at 2 months after surgery showed no urethral stricture.

Hilbert's Program as Research Program (연구 프로그램으로서의 힐버트 계획)

  • Cheong, Kye-Seop
    • Journal for History of Mathematics
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.37-58
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    • 2011
  • The development of recent Mathematical Logic is mostly originated in Hilbert's Proof Theory. The purpose of the plan so called Hilbert's Program lies in the formalization of mathematics by formal axiomatic method, rescuing classical mathematics by means of verifying completeness and consistency of the formal system and solidifying the foundations of mathematics. In 1931, the completeness encounters crisis by the existence of undecidable proposition through the 1st Theorem of G?del, and the establishment of consistency faces a risk of invalidation by the 2nd Theorem. However, relative of partial realization of Hilbert's Program still exists as a fruitful research program. We have tried to bring into relief through Curry-Howard Correspondence the fact that Hilbert's program serves as source of power for the growth of mathematical constructivism today. That proof in natural deduction is in truth equivalent to computer program has allowed the formalization of mathematics to be seen in new light. In other words, Hilbert's program conforms best to the concept of algorithm, the central idea in computer science.

Effect of Preservative Solutions on Postharvest Vase Life of Hydrangea macrophylla 'Verena Green' (보존용액이 절화 수국 '발레나 그린'의 관상기간 연장에 미치는 영향)

  • Ji-Weon Choi;Haejo Yang;Sooyeon Lim;Il Sheob Shin
    • Proceedings of the Plant Resources Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2020.08a
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    • pp.59-59
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    • 2020
  • 수국 '베레나 그린'의 줄기하단의 엽을 제거하고 5엽 상태에서 수돗물과 0.1% 크리잘 RVB에 각각 담가 4℃에서 24시간 물올림을 하고 물올림을 하고, 줄기를 60~70cm 길이로 끝을 대각선으로 절단하여 물올림용액을 채운 물 대롱을 끼운 다음 꽃을 보호하기 위한 비닐 슬리브를 씌워 유통용 종이상자에 담아 5±1℃ 냉장차로 국립원예특작과학원으로 운반하였으며, 절화수명 및 관련 특성분석을 위해 평가실로 옮기기 전까지 유통용 종이상자에 담긴 상태로 저온저장고(5±1℃)에 보관하였다. 보존용액에 따른 절화특성 조사를 위해 절화를 평가실에 전시하기 전에 절화의 줄기길이를 40cm로 맞춰 절단한 뒤에 보존용액을 800 mL 채운 플라스틱 화병에 꽃아 절화 화관끼리 서로 닿지 않도록 배치하였으며 22±2℃ 실내에서 절화수명을 조사하였다. 보존용액으로 4% 차아염소산나트륨 용액, 1% sucrose + 250 mg/L 8-hydroxquinoline + 100 mg/L citric acid로 이루어진 용액(HQ) 그리고 시중에서 수국 절화 보존제로 판매되는 크리잘 프로 II, III와 크리잘 clear 0.5% 용액을 사용하였다. 수돗물에 물올림하였을 때 보존용액인 0.5% 크리잘 프로 II에서는 33.8일, 0.5% 크리잘 프로 III에서는 27.7~33.5일, 크리잘 클리어는 33.7일, 차아염소산나트륨과 수돗물은 각각 26.2, 28.8일이었고, HQ 용액은 49.0일로 크리잘보다 15일, 수돗물보다 20일 절화수명이 연장되었다. 수국 '베레나 그린'의 보존용액으로 1% sucrose + 250 mg/L 8-hydroxquinoline + 100 mg/L citric acid를 사용하는 것이 관상기간을 연장하는 데 효과적이었다.

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Early and Mid-term Results of Operation for Acute Limb Ischemia (급성 사지 허혈증의 증단기 수술 성적)

  • 김대환;최창석;황상원;김한용;유병하;김종석
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.37 no.9
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    • pp.787-792
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    • 2004
  • Even though there well developments in various treatment techniques for acute limb ischemia, this disease is both life threatening and limb threatening. We investigated early and mid-term results of operation for acute limb ischemia with symptoms, the combined diseases, location of occlusion, complication in our patients. Material and Method: A retrospective review was conducted in 54 patients (43 men, 11 women, mean age 67.2 years) presenting with acute limb ischemia due to arterial thrombosis or embolism between Jan. 1996 and Dec. 2003, initially underwent thromboembolectomy. Result: In 33 patients (61.1%) the timeinterval from the onset of symptom to admission was within 24 hours. Causes of acute limb ischemia were embolic occlusion (27.8%), native arterial thrombosis (66.7%), and bypass graft thrombosis (5.6%). The distribution of arterial occlusion location was at 8 aortoiliac (14.8%) and 43 distal to femoral (79.6%) and brachial (5.6%). Clinical categories were grade I in 64.8%, IIa in 24.1%, IIb in 7.4%, and III in 3.7%, All the patients were received embolectomy. Underlying diseases were heart disease (72.2%), hypertension (33.3%), cerebrovascular accident (16.7%) and diabetes (18.5%). History of smoking was noted in 96,3% of the cases. Mortality rate was 5.6% and overall amputation rate was 9.3% (5/54). The 1-year limb salvage rate was 93.62%. Postoperative complications were 1 wound infection, 1 G1 bleeding, 3 acute renal failure, and 1 compartment syndromes. The functional outcomes of the salvaged limb according to the recommended scale for gauging changes in clinical status, revised version in 1997 were +3 in 68.5%, +2 in 9.3%, +1 in 7.4%, -1 in 5.6%, -2 in 3.7%, and -3 in 5.6%. Conclusion: This study revealed 5.6% mortality and the amputation rate was 9.3%. We have retrospectively shown good results from early diagnosis & early operation. To improve outcome, early diagnosis and understand the underlying diseases, prompt treatment and operation would be appreciated.

Water Transport Resistances of Cutting (삽수(揷穗)의 수분(水分) 통도저항(通導抵抗))

  • Hong, Sung Cheon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.48 no.1
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    • pp.59-63
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    • 1980
  • The resistance to water transport were measured for the species which are easy for rooting and the species which are difficult for rooting from cutting to rooting. The experimental materials were selected as Euonymus japonica and Viburnum Awabuki for the species easy to root and Quercus glauca, Pasania edulis and Rhaphiolepsis umbellata var. integerreima for the species that are difficult to root. The results were summarized as follows; 1. As the time passed after cutting, the variation of total resistance (RT) showed a slow increase for the species easy to root, while the species that were difficult to root showed a rapid increase. 2. The stem resistance without leaves (RS) showed a rapid increase for the species easy to root but the species difficult to root had nearly constant values. 3. The stem resistance in the cross section (RC) increased noticably for the species difficult to root showed no increase. Furthermore the stem resistance in the cross section (RC) depended on the variation of the stem resistance without leaves (RS). 4. The total resistance (RT) consisted mainly of the resistance of the axil part (RL) for the species difficult to root.

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