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A Study on the Environmental Characteristics of Water Quality and Sediments in Suncheon Bay (순천만 수저질 환경특성에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Sangsook;Heo, Sung-sil;Choi, Jeong-min;Woo, Sung-won
    • Proceedings of the Plant Resources Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2019.10a
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    • pp.9-10
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    • 2019
  • 순천만은 순천시의 남쪽에 위치하여 여수반도와 고흥반도의 사이에 있는 만 지형 형태로 만 전체를 순천만이라고도 하나, 보통 고흥군반도와 여수반도 사이의 만을 여자만이라 하고 만내부에 위치한 여자도라는 섬의 위쪽으로 순천시의 해안하구에 형성된 지역을 순천만이라 일컫는다. 순천만은 순천시에서 유입되는 동천과 이사천 및 해룡천의 하류에 형성되어 있어서 육지부에서 유입되는 퇴적물과 유기물로 인하여 갯벌과 갈대등이 잘 형성된 습지로서 2003년 12월 31일 해양수산부 갯벌 습지보존지역으로 지정되어 관리되고 있으며, 2004년에는 동북아 두루미 보호 국제네트워크에 가입하였고, 2006년 1월 국내 연안습지로는 최초로 람사르협약에 "Suncheon Bay"로 등록되었으며, 2016년 6월에는 람사르습지로 지정된 국내외적으로 중요한 습지이다. 순천만습지에 형성되어 있는 갯벌($28.0km^2$)은 세계 5대 연안습지 중 하나로서, 넓은 사니질 갯벌과 갈대군락이 잘 발달되어 있는 생태계의 보고(寶庫)이자 소중한 생태자원으로서, 순천시에서는 순천만을 자연생태공원으로 지정하여 보호 관리하고 있으며, 각종 자연학습자료들과 영상물들을 갖춘 생태전시관과 갈대숲 탐방로, 용산전망대, 야생화 정원, 담수습지, 갈대정자, 갯벌관찰대 등 사계절 생태체험을 위한 각종 시설들을 잘 갖춰놓고 많은 관광객의 이용할 수 있도록 하고 있다. 갯벌은 바닷가의 넓은 벌판이란 뜻으로서 삼면이 바다인 우리나라는 갯벌의 전체 면적이 약 $2,500km^2$에 달하는데 여기에는 많은 종류의 다양한 생물들이 살아가고 있으며 어민들의 생계에 지대한 영향을 주고있다. 이러한 갯벌은 퇴적된 입자의 구성에 따라 펄갯벌, 모래갯벌, 혼합갯벌 등으로 구별되는데 이에 따라 갯벌 생태계를 구성하고 있는 생물들의 종류도 바뀌게 된다. 순천만갯벌과 여기에 조성되어 있는 습지환경에 따라 확인되고 있는 수산자원으로는 새꼬막, 꼬막, 눈알고둥, 갯고둥, 비툴이고둥, 돌조개, 접시조개, 새알조개, 가무락조개, 바지락, 우럭, 가재붙이, 방게, 칠게, 농게 등의 저서 생물들과 짱뚱어, 문절망둑 등의 어류가 있으며, 해조류로 우뭇가사리 등이 있고, 인근의 어민들의 어업형태는 꼬막 등 패류의 채취나 종패를 뿌려 일정기간 양성하여 수확하는 양식업, 육상부에서 폐염전 등을 활용한 전어나 새우 등을 양식하는 양식업, 수산물을 직접 손이나 간단한 도구를 이용하여 잡는 맨손 어업 형태가 주를 이루고 있는 것으로 나타나고 있다. 이와 같이 국내외적으로 중요할 뿐만 아니라 인근의 어민들의 생계에도 지대한 영향을 미치고 있는 순천만의 습지는 뻘층이 깊고, 분해성 미생물이 다양하게 서식하여 유기물 분해능력이 뛰어나며, 유기영양분이 풍부하여 우리나라에서 가장 질이 좋은 습지로 평가되고 있으나, 순천시 등 순천만 인근에 거주하고 있는 인간의 활동에 따른 간섭에 많은 영향을 받고 있으며, 이에 따라 끊임없는 생태환경이 변화하고 있어서 순천만의 효율적인 보전 및 지속가능한 이용을 위해서는 생태계에서 가장 기본적인 요소인 수 저질 환경의 지속적이고 체계적인 조사 및 관리가 필요하다. 한편, 오염물질의 70% 이상은 하천이나 강을 통해서 해역으로 유입된다고 알려져 있기 때문에 생태계의 보고(寶庫)라고 알려진 순천만의 지속적인 보존 및 관리를 위해서는 유입수계 하천의 수질현황 및 오염물질의 주요 배출원을 파악하고, 이에 대한 저감대책을 수립할 필요가 있다. 따라서 본 연구는 순천만의 수저질 특성과 여기에 유입되는 하천의 수질환경 현황 및 오염원을 파악함으로써 순천만의 보전을 위한 효율적 관리방안을 제시하는 것을 목적으로 수행되었다. 연구의 결과에 따르면, 순천만의 수질평가지수에 의한 등급(WQI)은 III등급으로 나타나고 있으며, 득량만, 광양만 등에 비해 비교적 높은 유기물 및 T-N, T-P의 농도 분포를 보이고 있는 것으로 조사되었다. 이는 순천만에 유입되는 하수종말처리장의 방류수와 도시하수가 유입되어 그대로 방류되고 있는 해룡천 및 연안에 위치한 어촌으로부터 직접 방류되고 있는 일부 정화조 유출수 등, 다양한 원인에 의한 것으로 판단되며 이들의 관리가 부실할 경우 순천만의 갯벌과 습지의 지속가능한 생태환경유지는 쉽지 않다. 따라서 이를 효율적으로 관리하기 위해서는 순천만 연안의 오염물질 방류를 총량관리로 전환하여 철저히 관리하는 것이 필요할 것으로 판단된다.

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Development of Smart Digital Agriculture Technology for Food Crop Production in Korea-The Path Forward Based on Expert Feedback (식량작물 생산에 대한 스마트디지털 농업기술의 발전 방향 - 전문가 설문조사 연구)

  • Song, Ki Eun;Jung, Jae Gyeong;Cho, Seungho;Kim, Jae Yoon;Shim, Sangin
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    • v.67 no.1
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    • pp.27-40
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    • 2022
  • Building self-sustainable rural infrastructure and environment through smart digital agriculture technology innovation is one of the major goals of the Korean agricultural administration as a part of the nation's 4th industry revolution. To identify areas for improving and effectively investing in the acceleration of rural development, 207 experts in the areas of crop science and smart digital agriculture technology were interviewed for their opinions and suggestions on 22 questions designed to recognize fundamental agricultural issues to be addressed and solutions to advance technology innovation and rural development. Majority of the participants expected smart digital agriculture technologies to resolve major agricultural issues and help build a better rural environment. To overcome technology gaps and resolve issues more effectively, further investment in training new technology experts and building stronger agricultural technology infrastructure is urgent, and persistent and systematic support from agricultural administration appears to be the key for accelerating the process. While the leading global groups of both public and private sectors have advanced their technologies beyond the field application stage, most of the Korean technologies remain at the early pilot stage. Aging population and lack of labor in rural areas, unknown future climate change, and challenges in sustainable rural development are expected to be resolved by smart digital agriculture technologies. Technological innovations by research institutes should be promptly deployed in the crop production field, and farm training systemically organized by local technology centers can accelerate farming revolution. Standardization of equipment and data systems is another key to the success of digitalization of food crop production and food supply chains nationwide.

A Study on the Experience of Photo graphic Activity of the Middle-Class Men in Their 50s: Based on the Perspective of Cultural Capital Theory (50대 중산층 남성들의 사진 활동 이야기 - 문화자본론의 관점에서 -)

  • Lee, Ye Ji
    • Korean Association of Arts Management
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    • no.58
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    • pp.5-47
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    • 2021
  • This paper is a story about five middle-aged men in their 50s who suddenly began their photographic activities as they reached middle age. In the perspective of Borudieu's cultural capital theory, this study observes five men in their 50s by implementing in-depth interviews about the motivation behind taking photographs, the experience of photography activities, and the rewards of these activities. The theory has undergone a theoretical revision with the criticism that factors other than the class can be influential. Based on these ideas, I have proceeded my study by preferentially grasping the notion of the 'field' in accordance with the specific history of Korean society. Therefore, this study sought to more specifically understand the various photographic activities of middle-class men in their 50s by referring Coskuner-Balli and Thompson's argument(2013), which revised 2018's cultural captial theory and proposed the concept of 'subordinate cultural capital' and 'leisure capital' who proposed by Backlund, E. A. & Kuentzel, W. F.(2013). As a middle-class men in their 50s, research participants have grown up and worked in a social atmosphere where economic capital is recognized as an individual's ability. However, they are faced with the value that the knowledge and taste towards culture and arts is one's identity. In addition to the subjective deprivation that arises from this situation, the lifespan characteristic of their age that it is on the brink of the old age appeared to have influenced them to put their psychological motivation immediately into practice. Economic capital was the main conversion terms to move form interest to practice, which includes 'time' as a resource as well as money. With the cultural practices being expanded since their creation of photographs, the reason that these expansions can be maintained more actively lies in their identity as 'cultural artist' that is consolidated in new relationships in the sharing of photographic activities. In this way, photographic activities grant a symbolic status of 'a middle-aged man who actively builds and expresses his identity' through the conversion of accumulating cultural capital and the conversion into social capital. Furthermore, the recognized scope of the symbolic capital acquired by the research participants is in the domain of the private life that is family and acquaintance. Especially, they were gaining a great psychological reward from their children's recognition that they are not just a 'breadwinner' but 'dad who cultivates himself with a culture and arts'. Accordingly, by considering that 'generation' other than class can be a meaningful discussion point when understanding Korea society from the perspective of cultural theory, this study is meaningful that a more flexible understanding of cultural theory can give a glimpse into the possibility of a more specific and diverse approach that will arise in the discussion of culture and arts education.

Performance Optimization of Numerical Ocean Modeling on Cloud Systems (클라우드 시스템에서 해양수치모델 성능 최적화)

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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.127-143
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    • 2022
  • Recently, many attempts to run numerical ocean models in cloud computing environments have been tried actively. A cloud computing environment can be an effective means to implement numerical ocean models requiring a large-scale resource or quickly preparing modeling environment for global or large-scale grids. Many commercial and private cloud computing systems provide technologies such as virtualization, high-performance CPUs and instances, ether-net based high-performance-networking, and remote direct memory access for High Performance Computing (HPC). These new features facilitate ocean modeling experimentation on commercial cloud computing systems. Many scientists and engineers expect cloud computing to become mainstream in the near future. Analysis of the performance and features of commercial cloud services for numerical modeling is essential in order to select appropriate systems as this can help to minimize execution time and the amount of resources utilized. The effect of cache memory is large in the processing structure of the ocean numerical model, which processes input/output of data in a multidimensional array structure, and the speed of the network is important due to the communication characteristics through which a large amount of data moves. In this study, the performance of the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS), the High Performance Linpack (HPL) benchmarking software package, and STREAM, the memory benchmark were evaluated and compared on commercial cloud systems to provide information for the transition of other ocean models into cloud computing. Through analysis of actual performance data and configuration settings obtained from virtualization-based commercial clouds, we evaluated the efficiency of the computer resources for the various model grid sizes in the virtualization-based cloud systems. We found that cache hierarchy and capacity are crucial in the performance of ROMS using huge memory. The memory latency time is also important in the performance. Increasing the number of cores to reduce the running time for numerical modeling is more effective with large grid sizes than with small grid sizes. Our analysis results will be helpful as a reference for constructing the best computing system in the cloud to minimize time and cost for numerical ocean modeling.

A study on inspection methods for waste treatment facilities(I): Derivation of impact factor and mass·energy balance in waste treatment facilities (폐기물처리시설의 세부검사방법 마련연구(I): 공정별 주요인자 도출 및 물질·에너지수지 산정)

  • Pul-Eip Lee;Eunhye Kwon;Jun-Ik Son;Jun-Gu Kang;Taewan Jeon;Dong-Jin Lee
    • Journal of the Korea Organic Resources Recycling Association
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.69-84
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    • 2023
  • Despite the continuous installation and regular inspection of waste treatment facilities, complaints about excessive incineration and illegal dumping stench continue to occur at on-site treatment facilities. In addition, field surveys were conducted on the waste treatment facilities currently in operation (6 type) to understand the waste treatment process for each field, to grasp the main operating factors applied to the inspection. In addition, we calculated the material·energy balance for each main process and confirmed the proper operation of the waste disposal facility. As a result of the site survey, in the case of heat treatment facilities such as incineration, cement kilns, and incineration heat recovery facilities, the main factors are maintenance of the temperature of the incinerator required for incineration and treatment of the generated air pollutants, and in the case of landfill facilities Retaining wall stability, closed landfill leachate and emission control emerged as major factors. In the case of sterilization and crushing facilities, the most important factor is whether or not sterilization is possible (apobacterium inspection).In the case of food distribution waste treatment facilities, retention time and odor control during fermentation (digestion, decomposed) are major factors. Calculation results of material balance and energy resin for each waste treatment facility In the case of incineration facilities, it was confirmed that the amount of flooring materials generated is about 14 % and the amount of scattering materials is about 3 % of the amount of waste input, and that the facility is being operated properly. In addition, among foodwaste facilities, in the case of an anaerobic digestion facility, the amount of biogas generated relative to the amount of inflow is about 17 %, and the biogas conversion efficiency is about 81 %, in the case of composting facility, about 11 % composting of the inflow waste was produced, and it was comfirmend that all were properly operated. As a result, in order to improve the inspection method for waste treatment facilities, it is necessary not only to accumulate quantitative standards for detailed inspection methods, but also to collect operational data for one year at the time of regular inspections of each facility, Grasping the flow and judging whether or not the treatment facility is properly operated. It is then determined that the operation and management efficiency of the treatment facility will increase.

A Study on the Response Plan through the Analysis of North Korea's Drones Terrorism at Critical National Facilities - Focusing on Improvement of Laws and Systems - (국가중요시설에 대한 북한의 드론테러 위협 분석을 통한 대응방안 연구 - 법적·제도적 개선을 중심으로 -)

  • Choong soo Ha
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.395-410
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze the current state of drone terrorism response at such critical national facilities and derive improvements, especially to identify problems in laws and systems to effectively utilize the anti-drone system and present directions for improvement. Method: A qualitative research method was used for this study by analyzing a variety of issues not discussed in existing research papers and policy documents through in-depth interviews with subject matter experts. In-depth interviews were conducted based on 12 semi-structured interviews by selecting 16 experts in the field of anti-drone and terrorism in Korea. The interview contents were recorded with the prior consent of the study participants, transcribed back to the Korean file, and problems and improvement measures were derived through coding. For this, the threats and types were analyzed based on the cases of drone terrorism occurring abroad and measures to establish anti-drone system were researched from the perspective of laws and systems by evaluating the possibility of drone terrorism in the Republic of Korea. Result: As a result of the study, improvements to some of the problems that need to be preceded in order to effectively respond to drone terrorism at critical national facilities in the Republic of Korea, have been identified. First, terminologies related to critical national facilities and drone terrorism should be clearly defined and reflected in the Integrated Defense Act and the Terrorism Prevention Act. Second, the current concept of protection of critical national facilities should evolve from the current ground-oriented protection to a three-dimensional protection concept that considers air threats and the Integrated Defense Act should reflect a plan to effectively install the anti-drone system that can materialize the concept. Third, a special law against flying over critical national facilities should be enacted. To this end, legislation should be enacted to expand designated facilities subject to flight restrictions while minimizing the range of no fly zone, but the law should be revised so that the two wings of "drone industry development" and "protection of critical national facilities" can develop in a balanced manner. Fourth, illegal flight response system and related systems should be improved and reestablished. For example, it is necessary to prepare a unified manual for general matters, but thorough preparation should be made by customizing it according to the characteristics of each facility, expanding professional manpower, and enhancing response training. Conclusion: The focus of this study is to present directions for policy and technology development to establish an anti-drone system that can effectively respond to drone terrorism and illegal drones at critical national facilities going forward.

International Comparative Analysis of Technical efficiency in Korean Manufacturing Industry (한국 제조업의 기술적 효율성 국제 비교 분석)

  • Lee, Dong-Joo
    • Korea Trade Review
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    • v.42 no.5
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    • pp.137-159
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    • 2017
  • This study divides manufacturing in 18 countries including Korea, China, Japan and OECD countries into 11 areas and estimates and compares the technological efficiency of each industry. The traditional view of productivity is to increase production capacity through technological innovation or process innovation, but it is also influenced by the technological efficiency of production process. A Stochastic Frontier Production Model (SFM) is a representative method for estimating the technical efficiency of such production. First, as a result of estimating the production function by setting the output variable as total output or value-added, in both cases, the output increased significantly in all manufacturing sectors as inputs of labor, capital, and intermediate increased. On the other hand, R&D investment has a large impact on output in chemical, electronics, and machinery industries. Next, as a result of estimating the technological efficiency through the production function, when the total output is set as the output variable, the overall average of each sector is 0.8 or more, showing mostly high efficiency. However, when value-added was set, Japan had the highest level in most manufacturing sectors, while other countries were lower than the efficiency of the total output. Comparing the three countries of Korea, China and Japan, Japan showed the highest efficiency in most manufacturing sectors, and Korea was about half or one third of Japan and China was lower than Korea. However, in the food and electronics sectors, China is higher than Korea, indicating that China's production efficiency has greatly improved. As such, Korea is not able to narrow its gap with Japan relatively faster than China's rapid growth. Therefore, various policy supports are needed to promote technology development. In addition, in order to improve manufacturing productivity, it is necessary to shift to an economic structure that can raise technological efficiency as well as technology development.

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A Study on the Quality of Life of Elderly People with Dementia and the Environmental Factor of Facilities (치매노인의 삶의 질과 시설 환경 요인에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Sejeong;Kim, Hangon
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.1361-1381
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    • 2009
  • There have lately been a variety of social issues in our society due to rapid social changes. Specifically, how to approach elderly people who suffer from dementia is never an easy task, and few in-depth studies have ever focused on their quality of life due to that. The purpose of this study was to examine the quality of life of elderly people with dementia and the relationship between their quality of life and the environments of facilities for them in an attempt to lay the foundation for the development of compatible programs tailored to the environments of the facilities and for relevant policy setting. It's ultimately meant to improve the quality of life of the elderly with dementia and the environments of facilities for them. The subjects in this study were elderly people with dementia who were housed in senior residential and medical welfare facilities in Daegu and Gyeongsangbukdo. The collected data were analyzed with a SPSS 12.0 program, and frequency analysis, cross-tabs and multiple logistic regression analysis were utilized. As a result, facility environments were identified as one of the variables that had a significant impact on the quality of life of the elderly people with dementia. There are some suggestions about how to boost their quality of life: First, good environments should be prepared in consideration of the characteristics of elderly people with dementia in order for themto be satisfied with their own quality of life, and the way of looking at their potentials should be changed. Second, it's found that main caregivers affected the quality of life of the elderly people with dementia, and the kind of programs that focus on the improvement of the relationship between elderly people with dementia and their main caregivers is required. Third, there should be a change in the environments of the facilities. The facilities should be well equipped to successfully respond to the symptoms of elderly people with dementia. To redress their poor accessibility to the facilities, infrastructure involving nursing homes and professional personnels should be built by utilizing the Internet, and the facilities and local community should make concerted efforts to provide quality care to elderly people in want of it.

A Study on the Improvement of the Employee Stock Ownership Plans (우리사주제의 개선에 대한 연구)

  • Kwon, Yong-man;Shin, Won-chul
    • Journal of Venture Innovation
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.95-109
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    • 2020
  • The source of value-added creation in modern times has been transformed from material to man's value-added generating power, and ownership of the means of production has been converted from a particular landlord, capitalist to a person with value-added capacity, and a system of capital participation is needed beyond the profit-sharing system or performance incentive system in which workers of an enterprise participate in simple profits if they significantly increase the added value of the company. It is also necessary to introduce our private stock system as a means of addressing the problem of capital bias and for the stable development of capitalism. The purpose of Employee Stock Ownership Plans is to improve the economic and social status of workers and promote labor-management cooperation by allowing workers to acquire and hold shares of the stock company in which the employee ownership association is established through the employee ownership association, but the reality is that our stock ownership system has failed to achieve its purpose due to insufficient protection against the employee. In terms of welfare, the acquisition of our company shares should include active government support for the welfare of workers' ownership on a social welfare level rather than on the logic of the capital market, and in terms of investment, it would not be appropriate to apply the regulation for investor protection to see workers' acquisition of our company shares as 'investment' in the view of workers' willingness to own shares on the stock market. Therefore, as a way to support and deregulate employee's stock acquisition, 1. Expanding direct support, such as tax support, 2. As employee's stock ownership association is being discussed as a division's nature, it is less effective in terms of various management, not investment, and 3. Those who own stocks with 1% of the company's shares and 300 million won in face value will be classified as major shareholders. As a way to reduce the risk of management of our company owners and cooperative funds, As a measure to reduce the risk of management of our company owners and cooperative funds, only our employee shareholders' association shall manage the fund in a long-term deposit, and even though our employee's stock is managed by the association or company after the end of the deposit period, the management of each employee shall be allowed and In terms of improving the utilization of our company's stock and fund, 1. Employee's stockholders are prohibited from lending during the deposit period, but it is necessary to improve profitability by allowing them to borrow under strict restrictions, 2. It is necessary to make the use of the employee's welfare funds available for the preservation of losses, and to stipulate the redemption obligations of unlisted companies in order to improve the redemption system of our company.

Contactless Data Society and Reterritorialization of the Archive (비접촉 데이터 사회와 아카이브 재영토화)

  • Jo, Min-ji
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.79
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    • pp.5-32
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    • 2024
  • The Korean government ranked 3rd among 193 UN member countries in the UN's 2022 e-Government Development Index. Korea, which has consistently been evaluated as a top country, can clearly be said to be a leading country in the world of e-government. The lubricant of e-government is data. Data itself is neither information nor a record, but it is a source of information and records and a resource of knowledge. Since administrative actions through electronic systems have become widespread, the production and technology of data-based records have naturally expanded and evolved. Technology may seem value-neutral, but in fact, technology itself reflects a specific worldview. The digital order of new technologies, armed with hyper-connectivity and super-intelligence, not only has a profound influence on traditional power structures, but also has an a similar influence on existing information and knowledge transmission media. Moreover, new technologies and media, including data-based generative artificial intelligence, are by far the hot topic. It can be seen that the all-round growth and spread of digital technology has led to the augmentation of human capabilities and the outsourcing of thinking. This also involves a variety of problems, ranging from deep fakes and other fake images, auto profiling, AI lies hallucination that creates them as if they were real, and copyright infringement of machine learning data. Moreover, radical connectivity capabilities enable the instantaneous sharing of vast amounts of data and rely on the technological unconscious to generate actions without awareness. Another irony of the digital world and online network, which is based on immaterial distribution and logical existence, is that access and contact can only be made through physical tools. Digital information is a logical object, but digital resources cannot be read or utilized without some type of device to relay it. In that respect, machines in today's technological society have gone beyond the level of simple assistance, and there are points at which it is difficult to say that the entry of machines into human society is a natural change pattern due to advanced technological development. This is because perspectives on machines will change over time. Important is the social and cultural implications of changes in the way records are produced as a result of communication and actions through machines. Even in the archive field, what problems will a data-based archive society face due to technological changes toward a hyper-intelligence and hyper-connected society, and who will prove the continuous activity of records and data and what will be the main drivers of media change? It is time to research whether this will happen. This study began with the need to recognize that archives are not only records that are the result of actions, but also data as strategic assets. Through this, author considered how to expand traditional boundaries and achieves reterritorialization in a data-driven society.