• Title/Summary/Keyword: 전략패턴

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A design of FACE-compliant IOS and TS segments architecture based on ARINC653 in avionics system (항공전자 시스템에서 ARINC653 기반의 FACE를 준수하는 IOS 및 TS 세그먼트 구조 설계 )

  • Doo-Hwan Lee;Young-Uk Nam;Kyeong-Yeon Cho;Ji-Yong Yoon
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.429-435
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    • 2023
  • The increasing complexity of avionics systems has emphasized the portability and reusability of software components. In this paper, a structural design method for IOSS (Input Output Service Segment) and TSS (Transport Service Segment) complying with the FACE (The Future Airborne Capability Environment) standard in the VxWorks 653 operating environment that satisfies ARINC 653 requirements is described. IOSS and TSS operate independently in different partitions to minimize time/space separation and the influence of other software, and to increase portability and reusability, strategy patterns among design patterns are applied. In addition, IOSS provides external interface service by applying distributed IO service structure, and among external interfaces, the ARINC 664 P7 interface of FACE-compliant equipment is placed in TSS to optimize the data movement path.

A Case Study on the Socially-Prescribed Perfectionistic Client: Focused on Fairbairn's Psychological Structure (사회부과적 완벽주의 성향의 내담자 단일사례연구: Fairbairn의 심리구조를 중심으로)

  • Joon Sik Ko;In Sook Ahn
    • Industry Promotion Research
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.109-117
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    • 2023
  • Modern industrial society demands socially-prescribed perfectionism from office workers and causes self-discrepancy. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to propose a counseling strategy that integrates the divided self based on Fairbairn's psychological structure and reduces self-discrepancy by changing interpersonal relation patterns. 14 sessions were conducted once a week from March 2022 to July 2022. T-test was used as a research method to compare the level of self discrepancy by conducting the Self Questionnaire before and after. During the initial stage, the client was in conflict with his boss and showed anger, depression, somatic symptoms such as gastrointestinal disorder, strict judgement on himself and others, and high self-discrepancy. This research showed that the client's libidinal ego and anti-libidinal ego were de-repressed and integrated into his central ego, and his self-discrepancy level was decreased, which was confirmed through the pre-post test. This research, as a case study applying Fairbairn's psychological structure, has a meaning that it confirmed a change in the interpersonal relation patterns of a socially-prescribed perfectionistic client.

Mobile Application Updates: User Responses and Unintended Consequences (모바일 어플리케이션 업데이트 분석: 사용자 반응과 의도하지 않은 결과를 중심으로)

  • Hyung-Keun Song;Byungwan Koh
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.91-115
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    • 2019
  • The updates in the mobile application market have been widely used as strategic marketing tools. It has been used to (i) improve the visibility of an application, (ii) enhance the value of an applicationand strengthen the loyalty of current users, and (iii) expand the market by adding additional features or functions. A number of studies and anecdotal evidence have highlighted the importance of these updates in the mobile application market. However, not all updates in the mobile application market have been successful. Snapchat, for instance, lost 3 million users in three months after it rolled out a major update in November 2017. In this study, we investigate the impact of updates on the usage patterns of users in the mobile application market using MAU (Monthly Active Users), usage frequency, and usage time that we collected from a company that provides mobile application usage statistics.

Developing Cyber-Compact City Strategies for Sustainable Transportation (지속가능교통을 위한 사이버 압축도시 개발 방안 연구)

  • Choo, Sang-Ho;Sung, Hyun-Gon
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.112-123
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    • 2011
  • This study focused on developing strategies of cyber-compact city, combining compact city with information and communications technologies(ICTs), in order to enhance sustainable transportation. The cyber-compact city development is defined as a development that is able to reduce travel by ICTs and encourage people to use transit or non-motorized vehicles such as bicycles for ICT-induced travel (especially, discretionary travel) by compact and mixed land use. It can be achieved with combining cyber and compact strategies with respect to network, node, and area. For example, ICT network may use transit network facility, a transfer station may be a hub of ICTs, and transit influenced zone may work with ICT service area. We proposed three cohesive strategies for the cyber-compact city based on literature review and case studies on cyber and compact cities. The first strategy is a cohesion between public transportation and telecommunication network by centering on the two for national and urban spatial linkage structure. That is, cities or urban centers and its peripheral areas can be connected by rail network, and extra space of railway network can be used for constructing telecommunication network infrastructure. The second strategy is a cohesion between public transportation node and telecommunication node by building up regional and urban telecommunication centers near to or at main railway stations. For this strategy, telework centers and communication service centers should be established mainly at transfer stations. The third strategy is a cohesion between public transportation impact zone and telecommunication impact zone as transit oriented development.

A Empirical Study on Preference Property for the Private Brand(PB) of Large Discount Stores in Gyeonggi-Do (경기지역의 대형할인점 유통업체브랜드(PB) 선호특성에 대한 실증연구)

  • Kim, Jeong-in;Lee, Jae-hak;Han, Kyu-baek
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.101-117
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    • 2007
  • Recently, in the process of distribution industry's growth, distribution environment is changing rapidly by appearance of new business condition and strategy of multiple store. According to the intensification of competition, recently large discount stores are developing private brand(PB) products for the purpose of product differentiation and profitability. But after the economic crisis in 1997, young housewives and salaried man's that have rational and practical buying pattern become the core consumer's in the large discount stores. Hence low price strategy is not new things for the consumer's anymore. In addition to, acquiring new consumer, many discount stores are establishing new stores at the rural area. But they undergo hardships of establishing new stores at the rural area because of disparity consumer's behavior, income level and consumption's pattern among regions. So, when they try to establish new stores, they need to know consumer's behavior at the region. Therefore the purpose of this study is to analyze preference property for the private brand(PB) of large discount stores in Gyeonggi-Do.

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An Approach to the Logistics Outsourcing Factors of the Korean Companies (한국 기업의 물류아웃소싱 활용요인에 관한 연구)

  • Bang, Hee-Seok;Park, Keun-Sik;Oh, Woon-Yul
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.21-44
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    • 2009
  • This study aims to understand the conditions for using logistics outsourcing of Korean enterprises, present existing problems, examine factors affecting utility, and analyze the pattern of logistics outsourcing based on contract term, and to ultimately contribute to enhancing competitiveness of logistics enterprises. Through the literature survey 8 factors were identified as three broad factors of corporate strategy, corporate characteristics, and environment. Factor analysis was conducted on the bases of 155 collected data among 400 distributions for 2 months from April to May in 2008. From the result of analysis, the implication and finding can be summarized into three aspects. Firstly, Korean companies value factors relative to corporate strategies as motivating factors for logistics outsourcing. Secondly, Korean companies consider logistics outsourcing depending on how to handle customers' demands and the severity of competition. Thirdly, it was found that product and organization characteristics are perceived as more important when contract term with logistics business is longer. The implications can be observed into two aspects. Firstly once the logistics outsourcing between manufacturers and logistics companies are determined, it was verified that mutual agreement, particular contracts and periodic communications can increase the outcome. Secondly the logistics outsourcing appeared to be different depending on the level of entering to foreign market and resulted in higher performance as well.

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A Case Study of Family Therapy for Marriage Migrant Woman who Experienced Family Violence - Focusing on Chinese Woman Who Participated in Counseling alone - (가정폭력 피해 결혼이주여성의 가족치료 사례연구: 단독으로 상담에 참여한 중국출신 여성을 중심으로)

  • Moon, Jung Hwa
    • Korean Journal of Family Social Work
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    • no.55
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    • pp.91-128
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to develop an effective intervention strategy for marriage migrant woman in family therapy. For this purpose, we collected counseling cases of professional counselors who successfully completed counseling and attempted the qualitative analysis of treatment intervention strategies and effects. The results of the study were obtained by dividing the meaning units in the immigrant woman's statements made during the counseling process composed of a total of 6 sessions. The counselors were analyzed to have tried the following intervention strategies. They attempted the following six strategies: Helping emotional differentiation by searching for unresolved emotional problems, dealing with undifferentiation due to family projection process and love triangle, dealing with multi-generational transfer process of the original family relationship patterns and coping mechanism, shedding lihgt on ineffectiveness of inconsistent communication due to emotional oppression applying a communication model of MRI, switching client's awareness through reorganization, suggesting a way of communication that leads to real self. Such counselors' attempts resulted in positive changes and treatment effects were found to include first, cognitive insights and motivation for change, second, improved communication skills and third, anxiety reduction and self-differentiation. Due to their husbands' refusal to participate in counseling, marriage migrant women often get involved in counseling alone, so they tend to worry that the effectiveness of family therapy may be low but it was found that the proper intervention of the counselor could improve the ability of the wife to resolve conflicts, which would be a great help in solving problems such as family violence and this study is meaningful in that it provided the appropriate therapeutic intervention strategies needed.

Key Success Factors in the International Franchising - Cases of foreign Franchise firms entering Vietnamese Market (프랜차이즈 해외진출 성공요인 : 베트남 패스트푸드시장 진입사례)

  • Um, Sung Pil;Lee, Dong il
    • The Korean Journal of Franchise Management
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.1-45
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    • 2011
  • Franchising is one of the most effective strategies in promoting business establishment, creating jobs and accelerating economic growth. Thus, many countries in the world foster franchise business and support the franchise industry by enacting relevant regulations and making development policies. Vietnam deregulated franchise market through making franchise-related laws on June, 2005 and after joining WTO in 2009, Vietnamese government opened up the franchise market by letting foreign investors acquire 100% share on their investment in Vietnam. In addition, Vietnamese consumer's rapidly growing income and increasing liking for western life style make Vietnamese franchise market attractive and profitable. For this reason, many global franchise firms are competing to get the best seats. However, there has been no Korean attempt to profoundly study over Vietnamese franchise market. The purpose of this study would focus on analyzing and evaluating cases of Korean and international firms which successfully entered Vietnamese market and on proposing effective strategies and key success factors. The result of this study indicates that the companies successfully settled down to the Vietnamese market have developed marketing strategies which fit their strengths, and their common key success factors are 1) making the best of first mover advantage, 2) adapting themselves to local tastes and behaviors via systematic and scientific market research, 3) making thorough supervision on safety and hygiene, 4) doing strategy of firstly directly being operated and settled down by franchisor, later being managed by franchisees, 5) benchmarking both successful and failed cases in other countries.

Developing the Strategies of Redesigning the Role of Retail Stores Using Cluster Analysis: The Case of Mongolian Retail Company (클러스터링을 통한 유통매장의 역할 재설계 전략 수립: 몽골유통사를 대상으로)

  • Tsatsral Telmentugs;KwangSup Shin
    • The Journal of Bigdata
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.131-156
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    • 2023
  • The traditional retail industry significantly changed over the past decade due to the mobile and online technologies. This change has been accompanied by a shift in consumer behavior regarding purchasing patterns. Despite the rise of online shopping, there are still specific categories of products, such as "Processed food" in Mongolia, for which traditional shopping remains the preferred purchase method. To prepare for the inevitable future of retail businesses, firms need to closely analyze the performance of their offline stores to plan their further actions in a new multi-channel environment. Retailers must integrate diverse channels into their operations to stay relevant and adjust to the shifting market. In this research, we have analyzed the performance data such as sales, profit, and amount of sales of offline stores by using clustering approach. From the clustering, we have found the several distinct insights by comparing the circumstances and performance of retail stores. For the certain retail stores, we have proposed three different strategies: a fulfillment hub store between online and offline channels, an experience store to elongate customers' time on the premises, and a merge between two non-related channels that could complement each other to increase traffic based on the store characteristics. With the proposed strategies, it may enhance the user experience and profit at the same time.

Prefetching based on the Type-Level Access Pattern in Object-Relational DBMSs (객체관계형 DBMS에서 타입수준 액세스 패턴을 이용한 선인출 전략)

  • Han, Wook-Shin;Moon, Yang-Sae;Whang, Kyu-Young
    • Journal of KIISE:Databases
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.529-544
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    • 2001
  • Prefetching is an effective method to minimize the number of roundtrips between the client and the server in database management systems. In this paper we propose new notions of the type-level access pattern and the type-level access locality and developed an efficient prefetchin policy based on the notions. The type-level access patterns is a sequence of attributes that are referenced in accessing the objects: the type-level access locality a phenomenon that regular and repetitive type-level access patterns exist. Existing prefetching methods are based on object-level or page-level access patterns, which consist of object0ids of page-ids of the objects accessed. However, the drawback of these methods is that they work only when exactly the same objects or pages are accessed repeatedly. In contrast, even though the same objects are not accessed repeatedly, our technique effectively prefetches objects if the same attributes are referenced repeatedly, i,e of there is type-level access locality. Many navigational applications in Object-Relational Database Management System(ORDBMs) have type-level access locality. Therefore our technique can be employed in ORDBMs to effectively reduce the number of roundtrips thereby significantly enhancing the performance. We have conducted extensive experiments in a prototype ORDBMS to show the effectiveness of our algorithm. Experimental results using the 007 benchmark and a real GIS application show that our technique provides orders of magnitude improvements in the roundtrips and several factors of improvements in overall performance over on-demand fetching and context-based prefetching, which a state-of the art prefetching method. These results indicate that our approach significantly and is a practical method that can be implemented in commercial ORDMSs.

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