• Title/Summary/Keyword: 전도모멘트

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Investigation of Critical Breaking Moment through Field Tree-Pulling Test (현장 인발시험을 통한 수목의 한계 전도모멘트 검토)

  • Im, Dongkyun;Kim, Won;Choi, Sung-Uk;Kim, Yongjeon
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.31 no.4B
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    • pp.323-332
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    • 2011
  • In order to properly manage trees in rivers, the impact of trees on flooding and their ecological characteristics need to be considered and a plan needs to be established. The hydraulic impact by trees is reduction of conveyance and hydraulic structure's function due to overturn arising from flow force. A field pulling test was carried out to measure the critical resistance force for when trees break in order to discover the level of resistance that trees inside the river have to external force. The relevant factors for discovering the critical breaking moment for trees include tree species, which determines the external characteristic of trees, tree diameter at breast height, and tree height. In this study, the correlation between critical breaking moment and diameter at breast height were used. The tree's limit or critical breaking moment was tested using 100 shrubs and tall trees with a breast height diameter of 4.9 to 32.8 cm. It was difficult to derive a correlation between diameter at breast height and critical breaking moment when shrubs and tall trees were being considered together, but when only tall trees were considered, a consistent correlation was found between them.

Measures to Ensure Overturning Stability of Tripod Mobile Ladders Used in Landscape Construction and Management - On Tripod Mobile Ladders Used in Korea Subject to EN131-Part 7 - (조경시공·관리에 사용되는 삼각지지 이동식 사다리의 전도 안정성 확보 대책 - EN131-Part 7 규정을 적용한 국내 삼각지지 이동식 사다리를 대상으로 -)

  • Lee, Kang-Hyeon;Lee, Gi-Yeol
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.52 no.3
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    • pp.76-88
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    • 2024
  • A significant cause of fall or overturning accidents in the construction industry, including landscaping construction and management, is work at heights using portable ladders. Portable ladders are classified as A-type or triangular support ladders depending on the number of supporting leg and support conditions. The tripod mobile ladder, which supports itself with only three supporting legs, is unstable and more prone to overturning compared to the A type ladders. Therefore, using the specifications of the tripod mobile ladder and the stability regulations of EN131-Part 7, overturning and resistance moment calculation formulas were derived for all directions in which overturning could occur. The moments calculated using these equations, and the overturning stability in each direction were evaluated. According to the calculation results, although there are differences depending on the direction, most are unstable for overturning at 8 or more steps. Based on these results, this study proposed measures to increase the moment of resistance by changing the weight, depth, and width, and using outriggers to ensure stability against the overturning of ladder. However, when changing the specifications of these measures, the size increases are excessive and the applicability is insufficient. On the other hand, outriggers are an applicable measure as they can ensure stability against overturning with only a minimum expansion length.

Evaluation of Overturning Stability for Preventing Safety Accidents Caused by Ladder Work in Landscape Construction and Management - For the Tripod Support Portable Ladders Used in Korea - (조경시공·관리에서 사다리 안전사고 예방을 위한 전도 안정성 평가 - 국내에서 사용되고 있는 삼각지지형 이동식 사다리를 대상으로 -)

  • Kim, Eun-Il;Kwon, Yoon-Ku;Lee, Gi-Yeol
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.51 no.5
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2023
  • This study evaluated the overturning stability of portable tripod ladders used for high-altitude work such as tree management and pruning work in landscaping construction and management. Portable tripod ladders, which are included in general mobile or portable ladders frequently used in industrial sites, are supported in a triangular support structure, not a 4-point support like common A-type Ladders. In addition, since the working height is more than twice that of a mobile or portable ladder, the possibility of an overturning accident that threatens the safety of workers with a fall accident is high. Therefore, based on the overturning stability test specified in ANSI-ASC A14.7 and EN 131-Part 7, which are related standards for about 130 types of portable tripod ladders sold and used in Korea. An equation to calculate each moment according to working height was derived. Then, each calculated moment was compared to evaluate the safety factor for overturning and stability. As a result of the overturning stability evaluation according to each standard, when the provisions of EN 131-Part 7 were applied, portable tripod ladders with 8 steps in the rear direction and 6 steps or more in the side direction were evaluated as unstable against overturning, but according to ANSI-ASC A14.7 regulations. It was evaluated that the stability against overturning was secured in all directions and number of steps.

Arching Effects on Stability of Translating Rigid Retaining Walls (아칭효과가 평행이동하는 강성옹벽의 안정성에 미치는 영향)

  • 백규호
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.127-136
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    • 2004
  • The soil arching in the backfill, which affects the magnitude and distribution of active earth pressure on a retaining wall, has also an effect on the stability and cross-sectional area of the retaining wall. In this study, results obtained from Paik's equation that includes arching effect on active earth pressure are compared with those from Coulomb theory to investigate the influence of the soil arching on active earth pressure, overturning moment, stability and cross-sectional area of translating rigid retaining walls. The comparisons show that the active forces including arching effects are always higher than those from Coulomb theory, irrespective of $\phi$ and $\delta$ values. The overturning moments, shear force and moment on the rigid wall are also higher when considering arching effects than when not considering arching effects. The deviation of shear forces and moments by including and excluding arching effects becomes maximum at the height of 0.02-0.08 times wall height from the base of the wall. Therefore, if a translating rigid retaining walls is designed based on Coulomb theory, the wall may reach sliding and overturning failures due to arching effect in the backfill and the cross-sectional area of the wall, especially at lower part of the wall, may not be sufficient to resist to shear force and moment.

A Study on Hybrid Wall System on Connection Type of Coupling Beam (커플링 보의 접합방식에 따른 복합 벽체 시스템에 관한 연구)

  • Yun, Hyun-Do;Park, Wan-Shin;Han, Byung-Chan;Yun, Yeo-Jin
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.201-208
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    • 2003
  • The Hybrid Wall System(HWS) building composed of center core reinforced concrete walls and exterior steel frame has open space around the center core walls. It is necessary to develop design methodologies for the HWS building that the coupled shear walls withstand the most of lateral load and expect the most energy dissipation at the coupling beams and at wall foots. Major factors considered in this paper are connection type of coupling beams and scale of story. The studies of the system are investigated in terms of shear force, overturning moment, maximum lateral displacement, story drift ratio, and dynamical characteristics under the action of vertical and lateral forces such as wind and seismic loads.

Loads of NREL Phase VI Rotor at Hub in Yawed Conditions (요 상태에서 NREL Phase VI 로터의 허브 중심 하중 예측)

  • Ryu, Ki-Wahn
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.47 no.12
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    • pp.841-847
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    • 2019
  • Time series data of 6-component loads were computed for a horizontal axis wind turbine rotor in yawed operating conditions with both rotating and non-rotating coordinate systems fixed at a center of a rotor hub. In this study, a well-known 20 kW class of the NREL Phase VI rotor was used for a model wind turbine, and this paper focuses on the yaw moments and over-turning moments for the operating wind speed range between 6 to 25 m/s. Unsteady blade element momentum theorem was adopted to get the aerodynamic loads acting on the wind turbine rotor. Computed 6-component loads using the developed UBEM code were compared with those using the NREL FAST program. From the computed results, both yaw and over-turning moments would be basic inputs to determine not only the specification of yawing mechanism but also the design condition of foundation.

Parmanent Grayvity Retaining Wall Displacment Due to Dynamic Loads (동적하중에 의한 중력식 옹벽의 영구변위)

  • 김성교
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.38-51
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    • 1984
  • Mononobe-Okabe에 의해서 옹벽에 대한 동적 토압계산법이 개발된 이래 본론두중 옹벽의 과동에 의한 변위에 대해서는 많은 연구가 이루어졌으나 Mononobe-Okabe식이 원래 옹벽 자체의 관성을 고려치 아니하였고 또 동적 하중의 작용점을 제시하지 않으므로서 전도모멘트를 계산할 수 없게 하므로서 옹벽의 전도에 의한 변위에 대해서는 연구가 되지 아니하였다. 본 연구의 목적은 해석적 방법과 모형실험을 통해서 지진 및 폭파 등의 동적 하중에 의한 옹벽의 전도에 의한 변위를 고찰하고자 하는 바 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 활동에 대한 항복가속도가 있는 것과 마찬가지로 전도에 대한 항복가속도가 있다. 이 항복가속도는 옹벽의 안전율이 증가함에 따라 증가한다. 2. 이론치와 실험치는 경향으로 보아 일치한다. 실험치가 이론치보다 작은 것은 모형실험에서 옹벽측면과 컨테이너 사이의 마찰에 기인한 것으로 보아지며 마찰을 줄임으로써 이론치에 더 접근시킬 수 있을 것이다. 3. 옹벽의 회전각도의 크기는 지반가속도가 클수록, 옹벽저면이 작을수록 그리고 흙의 내부마찰각이 작을수록 크게 증가한다. 4. 실용적인 규격의 옹벽의 변위는 활동에 의한 것보다 전도에 의한 것이 훨씬 크며 전체 변위의 대부분을 차지한다. 5. 옹벽 상단의 횡적 변위는 옹벽 설계를 결정짓는 중요한 요소가 될 수 있다.

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골든레이호 전도사고 원인 분석

  • 김득봉;김진수;정창현;윤병원
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2022.11a
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    • pp.154-154
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    • 2022
  • 2019년 9월 8일 자동차운반선 골든레이호가 미국 브런즈윅항(Brunswick)항에서 출항 도중 전도되는 사고를 입었다. 도선사와 선원 23명은 모두 구조되었으나, 사고선박은 복구 불가로 전손(해체)처리 되었다. 미연방교통안전위원회(NTSB)는 담당사관이 선박 복원성 계산 프로그램에 평형수 양을 잘못 입력하였고, 충분한 GM 부족으로 선회 중 발생한 경사모멘트에 대응하지 못해 전도된 것으로 추정하였다. 우리나라 중앙해양안전심판원의 특별조사부에서도 미국과 동일한 원인에 의해 전도된 것으로 판단하였다. 본 연구에서는 골든레이호와 유사한 선박을 대상으로 상황별 GM를 계산하였고, 상황별/속력별 최대 횡경사각을 계산하였다. 선속 10노트 이하에서는 GM값이 작은 상황에서도 전도 위험은 높지 않았다. 다만, 13노트 이상이 되면 20도 이상의 횡경사각이 발생하여 전도 위험이 높아짐을 알 수 있었다. 이번 골든레이호 전도사고와 같은 사고를 방지하기 위해서는 담당사관이 복원성 계산능력을 충분히 갖출 수 있도록 복원성에 대한 교육 및 훈련을 강화할 필요가 있으며, 복원성 계산과정에서 발생할 수 있는 오류를 확인하기 위한 검증 절차를 선박과 회사에서 마련할 필요가 있다.

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Evaluation of Rocking Mechanism for Embedded Shallow Foundation via Horizontal Slow Cyclic Tests (수평반복하중 실험을 이용한 근입된 얕은 기초의 회전거동 메커니즘 평가)

  • Ko, Kil-Wan;Ha, Jeong-Gon;Park, Heon-Joon;Kim, Dong-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.32 no.8
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    • pp.47-59
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    • 2016
  • Rocking behavior of shallow foundation reduces the superstructure load during earthquake. However, because of deficiency of understanding of rocking mechanism and soil permanent deformation, it has not been applied to real construction. In this study, slow cyclic tests were conducted for embedded shallow foundations with various slenderness ratio via centrifuge tests. From the variation of earth pressure 'soil rounding surface' phenomenon which makes maximum overturning moment equal to ultimate moment capacity was observed. Rocking and sliding behavior mechanism was evaluated. Also, nonlinear behavior and energy dissipation increase as rotation angle increases. And ultimate moment capacity of embedded foundation is larger than that of surface foundation. Finally, adequate ultimate moment capacity can be suggested for seismic design through this study.

Compensation of Relation Formula between Luffing Wire Tension and Overturning Moment in a Crawler Crane Considering the Deflection of Boom (크롤러 크레인에서 붐의 처짐을 고려한 러핑와이어 장력과 전도모멘트 사이의 관계식 보정)

  • Jang, Hyo-Pil;Han, Dong-Seop
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Process Engineers
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.44-49
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    • 2011
  • The crawler crane, which consists of a lattice boom, a driving system, and movable vehicle, is widely used in a construction site. It needs to be installed an overload limiter to prevent the overturning accident and the fracture of structure. This research is undertaken to provide the relation formula for designing the overload limiter as follows: First the relation formulas between the wire-rope tension and the hoisting load or the overturning ratio according to the luffing angle and length of a lattice boom are established. Secondly the derived formulas are corrected by using the compensated angle considering the deflection of boom through the finite element analysis. The stiffness analysis is carried out for 30-kinds of models as a combination of 6-kinds of luffing angle and 5-kinds of length of boom. Finally the shape design of a stick type load cell, which is the device to measure the wire-rope tension, is performed. 5-kinds of notch radius and 5-kinds of center hole radius are adopted as the design parameter for the strength analysis of the load cell.