• Title/Summary/Keyword: 적합도 선택

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A Study on Fat Content in Commercial Retort Foods - Crude Fat, Saturated Fatty Acid and Trans Fatty Acid - (시판 레토르트식품의 지방함량 조사 - 조지방, 포화지방, 트랜스지방산 중심으로 -)

  • Jeong, Da-Un;Im, June;Kim, Cheon-Hoe;Kim, Young-Kyoung;Park, Yoon-Jin;Om, Ae-Son
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.652-659
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    • 2015
  • The aim of this study was to provide nutrition information to consumers by analyzing crude fat, saturated and trans fatty acids in commercial retort foods (n=70). The following sauce products of curries (n=21) and black-bean-sauces (n=16), other sauces (n=17) and instant cooking foods (n=16) were collected. Crude fat contents were quantified with the Rose-Gottlieb method using acid digestion. While saturated and trans fatty acids were examined by gas chromatography with a flame ionization detector (FID). Crude fat, saturated and trans fatty acid content ranges were $0.47{\pm}0.42{\sim}12.80{\pm}0.07g/100g$, $0.24{\pm}0.02{\sim}17.41{\pm}0.41g/100g$, $0.00{\pm}0.00{\sim}0.46{\pm}0.05g/100g$, respectively. Maximum recovery of analysis values was crude fat (119.7%), saturated fat (119%) and trans fatty acid (90%) compared the actual amounts based on the reference value indicated on the nutrition label. The analyzed samples were found to be compliant with nutrition label standard, because the contents of crude fat, saturated fatty acid, trans fatty acid were less than 120% of the reference value indicated on the nutrition label in retort foods. Therefore, the nutrition information on retort foods available to consumers was found to be trustworthy.

Doctors' Opinions on Lung Cancer Treatment (폐암의 치료에 관한 일반 의사들의 견해)

  • Bae, Mun-Seop;Park, Jae-Yong;Cha, Seung-Ick;Chae, Sang-Chul;Kim, Chang-Ho;Kam, Sin;Jung, Tae-Hoon
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.47 no.4
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    • pp.507-516
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    • 1999
  • Background : Patients with lung cancer and their relatives often ask the advice of relative or friends who are doctors on the treatment and prognosis of the disease. Therefore a doctor's opinion may play a role in determining the treatment modality and affect therapeutic compliance of patients. The purpose of this study was to find the opinion of general practitioners on lung cancer treatment. Method : A mail survey for general practitioners in Taegu City and Northern Kyungsang Province was performed. Each individual was sent a written questionnaire in which he or she was asked for ten questions about management and prognosis of lung cancer. Results : Two hundred and twenty eight doctors filled in the questionnaire. Of the respondents, 68% had the experience of being asked about lung cancer by their friends or relatives. About 52% replied that it was better to tell the patient of his or her disease. And about 22% considered it better to follow the relatives' opinion. On the question about choosing the treatment modality, following the doctors' plan was most appropriate in 86.9%, showing that most respondents favored actively recommending doctors. Nonsurgical treatment was preferable in patients over 80 years old with resectable lung cancer and with an increase in age, significant increase was observed in respondents recommending nonsurgical treatment. Most respondents said that they would actively recommend or advise following the doctors' plan about radiotherapy and chemotherapy. But a large percent of the respondents had a negative view on the effect of radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Conclusion : The opinions of general practitioners on the treatment and prognosis of lung cancer was variable. And they did not prefer active treatment for patients with old age or advanced lung cancer.

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A Study on the Nutritional Assessment and the Effects of Enteral Nutritional Supports of Tube Feeding In-patients (경관급식 중인 입원환자의 영양상태 평가와 영양 보충제 투여의 영향에 관한 연구)

  • 윤숙영;김성미
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.855-864
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    • 1996
  • The purpose of this study is to evaluate nutritional status of tube feeding patients, and to investigate the effects of giving enteral nutritional support to them. 83 in-patients have been examined for their nutritional status. The mean caloric density was 0.77kca1/m1. 36.1% to 75.9% of them were malnourished in terms of biochemical assessment. The energy intake showed the significant and positive correlation in all biochemical parameters. And the protein intake showed the significant and positive correlation in total protein, serum albumin, serum iron, hemoglobin, hematocrit and TLC. But age was correlated negatively to serum albumin and transferrin. The amount of energy and protein intake has been significantly increased as the tube feeding duration became longer. Also the effect of enteral nutritional support for 6 weeks has been investigated. Case group(n=8) was administered 250kca1 of polymeric formula in addition to their usual diet, while control group(n=8) kept the amount of their original intake. When comparing the biochemical changes of the case group and those of control group at week 0 and week 6 respectively, it showed significant differences in total protein, serum transferrin and TLC. This study suggests that the malnourished status of tube feeding patients can be improved and even prevented if nutritional support is properly administered.

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Analysis on the Effect of the Dental Health Characteristics of Adult on the Status of Recognition and Practical Application of Dental Hygiene Devices (성인의 구강건강 특성이 구강위생용품의 인지도와 사용 실태에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Eun-Ju;Lee, Mi-Oak
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.241-250
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study, which was processed from March $22^{nd}$ to April $9^{th}$ of 2010, was to figure out recognition, well-formed instructions, and Practical application about dental hygiene devices based on the dental health characteristics of 350 adults who dwell in Busan and Gyeongnam regions. Also, this study recommended the adults to use dental hygiene devices and provided such devices to help individuals take care of their dental health at home. The collected data was statistically processed with a statistics SPSS (Statistical Packages for Social Science 14.0. SPSS Inc. USA) program. First of all, in order to demonstrate the characteristics of the sample population statistics and that of the descriptive data, frequency analysis was performed and to find out the relationship between variations of the dental health, Chi-squared test through Crosstabs was operated. According to the study, recognition and Practical application of dental hygiene devices were very low. Therefore, public announcement about necessity and effectiveness of such devices should be reinforced nationwide and instructions on choosing the right device and using of the dental hygiene devices based on patients' conditions by dental hygienic human efforts gathered from dental health organization should be carried out.

초등학생 아침 안 거르기를 위한 보건소 건강증진프로그램 개발 및 효과에 관한 연구

  • Lee, Hae-Yeon;Moon, Hyun-Gyung;Cho, Sung-Eok;Lee, In-Young;Choi, Hye-Ryun;Jang, Young-Ju;Park, Young
    • Proceedings of the KSCN Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.1058-1059
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    • 2003
  • 학동기(만 6-12세)에 좋은 영양 공급은 일생의 성장 발육의 기초를 조성하여 지적, 사회적, 정서적 능력을 향상시킬 수 있다. 이에 초등학생의 영양문제와 식습관을 해결하는 방안의 하나로 최근 대두되고 있는 아침결식률을 낮추기 위한 ‘아침 안 거르기’ 사업을 학교와 연계 개발하여 프로그램을 진행하고 그 효과를 평가하였다. 이 연구는 서울시 강북구 관내에 위치한 4개 초등학교 5학년 학생 1026명(실험군 451명, 대조군 675명)을 대상으로 4∼9월까지 6개월간 5단계로 실시되었다. 프로그램의 효과평가를 위해 사전(실험군-학생 428명, 부모 416명, 대조군-학생 656명, 부모 589명), 사후(실험군-학생 427명, 부모 368명, 대조군-학생 608명, 부모 558명) 설문조사를 2회 실시하여 행동과 인식률 변화를 측정하였다. 프로그램은 매월 1회 담임교사가 진행하였고, 교육자료 및 홍보물은 아침먹기 캐릭터 가방걸이와 학부모의 참여를 높이고자 가정통신문과 교육내용을 함께 삽입하여 제작한 알림장, 아침먹기와 일찍자기를 실천할 실천스티커를 배포하였고 프로그램 종료 후 아침 먹기 실천달력을 제공하였다. 또 아동들 자신의 식생활을 바르게 꾸려 나갈 수 있도록 가공식품의 ‘영양표시’에 관한 교육을 함께 교육하였고, 설문조사를 통해 영양표시제에 관한 인식변화와 행동변화율을 측정하였다. 학생들의 아침식사 실천율은 매일 먹는 그룹이 실험군은 62.9%에서 69.6%로 7% 상승하였고, 전혀 먹지 않는 그룹은 11.2%에서 6.4%로 4.8% 감소하였다(p<0.001) 대조군의 경우 매일 먹는 그룹은 70.4%에서 70.2%로, 전혀 먹지 않는 그룹은 6.9%에서 6.5%로 나타났다(p<0.001). 아침식사가 건강에 미치는 영향에 대한 인식률 변화는 큰 영향이 있다고 답한 그룹이 실험군은 60.1%에서 64.8% (p<0.001)로, 대조군은 64.8%에서 57.2% (p<0.001)로 각각 변화하였다. 일찍 자기가 건강에 미치는 영향에 대한 인식률은 큰 영향이 있다고 답한 그룹이 실험군은 52.5%에서 70.7%(p<0.001), 대조군은 55.3%에서 60.2%로(p<0.001), 일찍 자기 실천에 대한 의지 변화는 11시 이전에 잘 계획이라는 그룹이 실험군은 31.9%에서 43.9%(p<0.001), 대조군은 35.5%에서 36.8%로 나타났다(p<0.001). 영양 표시에 관한 문항에서는 식품구매시 영양표시를 보고 구매한 경험이 없다는 군이 실험군에서는 58.2%에서 40.4%로 감소하였고(p<0.001), 대조군은 64%에서 53.6% (P<0.001)로 감소하였다. 영양소에 관한 지식 평가에서 짜지 않은 간식을 선택할 때 유의할 성분을 나트륨이라고 답한 그룹은 실험군은 31.7%에서 56.3%로, 대조군은 15.9%에서 23.0%로 나타나 그룹간 큰 차이를 보였다. 아침식사로 좋아하는 음식은 김치, 김치찌개, 밥, 피자, 고기, 빵, 된장찌개, 김, 햄, 계란후라이 순이었으며 싫어하는 아침음식은 피망, 고추, 양파, 김치, 시금치, 마늘, 콩, 파, 피자, 나물순으로 나타났다. 아침식사로 혼자서도 준비할 수 있는 음식은 밥, 라면, 계란후라이, 김치, 반찬, 볶음밥, 계란, 국, 햄, 씨리얼 순으로 나타났다. 부모의 인식률 변화는 가정내에 컴퓨터 설치장소로 적합하다고 생각되는 장소로 실험군의 경우 학생 방은 28.0%에서 21.6%로 6.4%감소하였고, 마루나 거실은 61.3%에서 66.0%로 5%증가하였다(p<0.001). 반면 대조군의 경우 학생 방은 28.8%에서 24.9%로 3.9% 감소, 마루나 거실은 63.4%에서 65.9%로 2.5%증가하여 실험군과 큰 차이를 보였다(p<0.001) 자녀의 늦은 취침시간과 아침식사에 관한 인식률 변화는 아침식사에 영향이 있다는 군은 실험군의 경우 78.1%에서 82.7%로 4.2% 증가하였고(p<0.05), 대조군의 경우 82.2%에서 80.5%로 감소하여 나타났다.(P<0.001) 연구결과 실험군의 경우 일주일 동안 아침을 전혀 먹지 않는 학생이 감소하고 매일 아침을 먹는 학생이 유의적으로 증가하여 아동의 아침식사 행동변화와 인식률 변화에 도움이 된 것으로 나타났다.

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A Study on 21st Century Fashion Market in Korea (21세기 한국패션시장에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Hye-Young
    • The Journal of Natural Sciences
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.209-216
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    • 1998
  • The results of the study of diving the 21st century's Korea fashion market into consumer market, fashion market, and a new marketing strategy are as follows. The 21st consumer market is First, a fashion democracy phenomenon. As many people try to leave unconditional fashion following, consumer show a phenomenon to choose and create their own fashion by subjective judgements. Second, a phenomenon of total fashion pursuit. Consumer in the future are likely to put their goals not in differentiating small item products, but considering various fashion elements based on their individuality and sense of value. Third, world quality-oriented. With the improvement of life level, it accomplishes to emphasize consumers' fashion mind on the world wide popular use of materials, quality, design and brand image. Fourth, with the entrance of neo-rationalism, consumers show increasing trends to emphasize wisdom, solidity in goods strategy pursuing high quality fashion and to demand resonable prices. Fifth, concept-oriented. Consumers are changing into pursuing concept appropriate to individual life scene. Prospecting the composition of the 21st century's fashion market, First, sportive casual zone will draw attention more than any other zone. This is because interest in sports will grow according to the increase of leisure time and the expasion of time and space in the 21st century, and also ecology will become the important issue of sports sense because of human beings's natural habit toward nature. Second, the down aging phenomenon will accelerate its speed as a big trend. Third, a retro phenomenon, a concept contrary to digital and high-tech, will become another big trend for its remake, antique, and classic concept in fashion market with ecology trend. New marketing strategy to cope with changing fashion market is as follows. First, with the trend of borderless concept, borders between apparels are becoming vague, for example, they offer custom-made products to consumers. Second, as more enterprises take the way of gorilla and guerrilla where guerrillas who aim at niche market show up will develop. Basically, they think highly of individual creative study, and pursue the scene adherence with high sensitiveness. However this polarization becomes mutually-supplementing relationship showing gorilla's guerilla movement, and guerilla's gorilla high-tech. Third with the development of value retailing, enterprises pursuing mass merchandising of groups called category killers are expanded and amplified to new product fields, and expand business' share. Fourth, using outsourcing, the trend to use exterior function leaving each enterprise's strength by inspecting its own work is gradually strong. Fifth, with the expansion of none store sale, the entrance of the internet and the CD-ROM sales added to communication sales such as catalogues are specified. An eminent American think tank expect that 5-5% of the total sale of clothes and home goods in 2010 will be done by none store sale. Accordingly, to overcome the problems, First international, global level marketing, Second, the improvement of technology, Third, knowledge-creating marketing are needed.

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Parotid Gland Tumors (이하선종양에 대한 임상적고찰)

  • 박혁동;심윤상;오경균;이용식
    • Proceedings of the KOR-BRONCHOESO Conference
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    • 1993.05a
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    • pp.97-97
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    • 1993
  • Primary tumor arises infrequently in the parotid gland and generally, only about 20 to 40 percent of which prove to be malignant. They are characterized by histopathologic diversity, slow tumor growth, significant proportion of patients who have received previous treatment elsewhere. We have reviewed retrospectively 101 cases of parotid gland tumors which were treated for the recent eight years (1985-1992), Non-neoplastic tumor-like lesions were all excluded.

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A Study on the Status of Recognition and Practical Application of Oral Hygiene Devices : with outpatient as the central figure (치과병·의원 내원환자의 구강위생용품에 대한 인지도 및 사용실태에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Soo-Kyung
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.95-103
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    • 2002
  • This study was carried out to investigate recognition level and practical application status of oral hygiene devices through making a survey of Seoul inhabitants. And survey was implemented in order to propose oral hygiene device for household health care activities. The following results were obtained by analyzing personal interviews of 347 commuting patients at two university hospitals and seven dental clinics. 1) The average length of toothbrush head was estimated as 22.3 mm and average changing cycle was 2.3 months. The user ratio of flat-headed brush was estimated as 51.9% and 46.7% were using fluoridated toothpaste. 2) Generally the ratio of toothpick users was higher than other device users. But the user ratio of dental floss was higher than toothpick in case of patients under orthodontic treatment. 3) The patients under orthodontic treatment were not familiar with handling orthodontic toothbrush. Though 45.8% among orthodontic patients recognized this type of toothbrush, only 25.4% of them knew how exactly to use it. 4) It was shown very low user ratio of oral hygiene devices that the patients who had periodontal problem, hypersensitive trouble, halitosis, implant or denture 5) The patients who had halitosis showed the highest user ratio of toothpick. The patients who had separation of teeth showed the highest user ratio of dental floss. The patients who're under orthodontic treatment showed the highest user ratio of interproximal brush and motorized brush. 6) In response to the most interesting dental disease, it's surveyed as follows; 60.3% of dental caries, 24.0% of periodontal disease, 14.8% of false occlusion and 0.9% of oral cancer. 7) Regarding the motivation of using those oral hygiene devices, 45% responded that it was because of recommendation by dental clinics. Among the negative answers, 38.6% responded that it was because of no selection guidance. 31.3% answered that they didn't use hygiene device because it's inconvenient. 12.0% answered that it's difficult to buy and expensive. 7.8% responded that they didn't feel significant improvement. 4.8% answered that dental hospitals and clinics didn't even introduce those hygiene devices. Therefore efficient campaign for those hygiene devices over all Korea nation should be developed and education program must be prepared for each case of patients in every dental hospitals and clinics.

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A Study on the Parent Awareness for Use of dentifrice and Toothbrush among Preschoolers (영유아의 치약 및 칫솔 사용에 대한 부모의 인식도 조사)

  • Lee, Kyeong-Hee;Kang, Young-Hee;Song, Gui-Sook
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.435-441
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the use of dentifrice among preschoolers in an attempt to provide consumers with the right information on the choice of dentifrice and toothbrush for different age groups of children. The subjects in this study were parents who raised preschoolers in Seoul and Gyeonggi Province. A self-administered survey was conducted over approximately three months from May to July 2007 to find out the state of their children's use of dentifrice. After the collected data were analyzed, the following findings were given: The greatest group (51.5%) needed parental help with toothbrushing. The biggest group of the patients (35.6%) considered it necessary for children at the age of 6 and 7 to brush their teeth with the help of their parents. As to dentifrice squeezing and parental outlook on that, the biggest group of the parents (49.4%) replied their children squeezed the dentifrice for themselves, and the greatest group (42.2%) thought that children needed parental help with dentifrice squeezing by the age of five. Regarding dentifrice swallowing and parental perception of it, the biggest group (61.9%) saw their children swallowing the dentifrice, and the greatest group (73.7%) believed that children must not swallow the dentifrice. The biggest group of those who found it okay for children to swallow the dentifrice (62.5%) thought that it would be no problem to swallow the dentifrice for child. Concerning the use of toothbrushes, the biggest group (96.7%) had their children use toothbrushes for child. The above-mentioned findings of the study showed that the children who are at the age of 3 or down should use non-fluoride containing dentifrice or just a small amount of fluoride that is as equal as the size of a pea. Children must brush their teeth under the guidance of their parents, and sustained education should be provided about that.

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Simple Method to Discriminate the Fungicide Resistant Botrytis cinerea Strain in Tomatoes (토마토 잿빛곰팡이병균 약제저항성 간이 판별법)

  • Lee, Mun Haeng;Lee, Hee Kyoung;Kim, Sung Eun;Lee, Hwan Gu;Lee, Sun Gye;Yu, Seung Hun;Kim, Young Shik;Kim, Sang Woo;Lee, Youn Su
    • The Korean Journal of Mycology
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.172-180
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    • 2013
  • Grey mold infection rate in tomato was investigated with the inoculation of dead flowers on Botrytis selective media. The grey mold infection rate of flower after fruiting were higher in the order of after 45 days, after 25 days, and fruiting day with 100%, 87% and 65%, respectively. The number of infected flowers were increased with time increase after the flowering before fruiting. BSM (Botrytis selective medium) was used to check grey mold infection rate depending on the flowering stage and cultivar. Grey mold infection rate depending on the flowering stage was similar in all the beef-tomato cultivar as 1.5~5% at preflowering, 1.5~45% at flowering and 75~90% at fruiting. On the other hand, cherry tomato cultivar "KoKo" had lower infection rates of 0~3.5% at pre-flowering, 10~30% at flowering and 20~50% at fruiting. These resulted from the fact that beaf-tomato cultivar have much bigger flowers and larger amount of pollens compared to those of cherry tomato cultivar. The amounts of falling pollens of Botrytis spp. were checked for beaf-tomato cultivar and cherry tomato cultivar using BSTM. The amounts of falling pollens were increased as growth period was extended, and the amount of spores increased rapidly during the outbreak of grey mold. Twelve field trials in Buyeo and Iksan areas showed that Fluazinam, and Diethofencarb+Carbendazim were effective fungicides to control tomato grey mold, and these results were similar to those of field trials with BSTM. This is the first report of Fluazinam as a effective fungicide for the control of grey mold of tomato even though it has not been registered yet for the control of gray mold in tomato.