• Title/Summary/Keyword: 장기적 사용성

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Azathioprine Therapy in $Henoch-Sch\"{o}nlein$ Purpura Nephritis Accompanied by Nephrotic syndrome (신증후군을 동반한 HSP 신염에서 Azathioprine의 치료 효과)

  • Son Jin-Tae;Kim Ji-Hong;Kim Pyung-Kil;Chung Hyeun-Joo
    • Childhood Kidney Diseases
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.41-49
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    • 1998
  • Treatment of $Henoch-Sch\"{o}nlein$ purpura nephritis(HSPN) accomanied by nephrotic syndrome is still controversal, even though both corticosteroids and immunosuppressants have been used for therapy. Azathioprine(AZA) is a chemical analog of the physiologic purines-adenine, guanine, and hyoxanthine and an antagonist to purine metabolism which may inhibit RNA and DNA synthesis and is mainly used for immunosuppressive agent. We studied the effects of AZA in HSPN accompanied by nephrotic syndrome and evaluating the clinical status and histopathologic changes by sequential biopsies following the treatment. Fifteen patients with nehprotic syndrome either initially or during the course of HSPN confirmed by renal biopsies were treated with AZA(2 mg/kg/day) and prednisolone (0.5-1 mg/kg/day qod) for 8months. Folow up renal biopsy was done after treatment in 11 patients. The clinical status of the patients on admission were C(12 cases) and B(3 cases). Improvement of clinical status were showed in 12 cases, but 3 cases were not improved and 1 case was aggrevated after AZA treatment. Complete remission of proteinuria were in 8 cases(53.3%), partial remission were in 4 cases(26.7%) and persistence of proteinuria and hematuria were in 3 cases(20.0%). The loss of hematuria were in 10 cases(66.7%). Histopathologically and immunopathologically, 4 cases were improved. This study suggests that, although control studies are needed, AZA could be used in the treatment of HSPN accompanied by nephrotic syndrome.

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Risk Factors for Hearing Loss in Very Low Birth Weight Infants: Results of Hearing Test in Infants <1,500 g (극소 저체중 출생아에서 청력 손상에 영향을 미치는 요인: 1,500 g미만의 청력 검사 결과)

  • Sung, Min-Jung;Han, Young-Mi;Park, Kyung-Hee;Lee, Il-Woo;Byun, Shin-Yun
    • Neonatal Medicine
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.328-336
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    • 2011
  • Purpose: An association between very low birth weight infants(VLBWI) and hearing loss has long been recognized. Early identification and intervention for hearing loss benefits language and speech/cognitive development. We investigated the risk factors and clinical outcomes of hearing loss among VLBWI. Methods: We analyzed the results of auditory brainstem response (ABR) testing of VLBWI. These infants were admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) of Pusan National University Yangsan Hospital between December 2008 and February 2011. A follow-up was conducted subsequently. Results: ABR evaluations were performed on 65 infants, and 31 showed abnormal results (47.7%). Among the 31 infants, 10 were classified with moderate/severe/profound hearing loss (15.4%). The infants with abnormal ABR had a higher incidence of low birth weight, prolonged ventilator care, cumulative dose of furosemide, and the lowest $PaO_2$ (P<0.05). Those with moderate/severe/profound hearing loss had a higher incidence of low Apgar scores at 5 minutes (odds ratio[OR],0.34; 95% confidence interval[CI],0.13-0.89), prolonged ventilator care (OR,1.06; 95% CI,1.01-1.12), and mild hearing loss compared to those without profound hearing loss. Follow-up evaluations on eight infants with ABR reveled improvements 5.6${\pm}$3.9 months later. One infant, who had profound hearing loss in both ears, used a hearing aid. Conclusion: Factors influencing hearing loss at the first VLBWI hearing screening test included lower Apgar scores at 5 min and prolonged use of a ventilator. Most VLBWI with hearing losses were expected to recover after several months of follow-up.

Clinical Analysis to the Early Results of the CABG (관상동맥우회술의 조기 성적에 대한 임상적 고찰)

  • Kim, Dae-Sig;Yang, Jin-Young;Koo, Won-Mo;Moon, Seung-Chul;Lee, Gun;Lee, Hyeon-Jae;Lim, Chang-Young
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.31 no.11
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    • pp.1043-1048
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    • 1998
  • Background: As coronary arterial disease is increasing, we evaluated the patients who underwent CABG(Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting) and thus report the early results and risk factors related to mortality and morbidity. Materials and methods: Between July 1996 and February 1998, 42 patients underwent CABG. We analyzed age, sex, preoperative ejection fraction, Canadian heart classification, prevalence factors of CAD(Coronary Artery Disease), angiographic findings, graft vessel numbers, IMA(Internal Mallary Artery) use, ECC* (extracorporeal circulation) time and morbidity. We also evaluated the mortality rate and the causes of death. Results: Complication was developed at 17cases. The average age of the complication group was 61±11.9 years and that of the noncomplication group was 51±10.5 years(p=0.004). ECC time was 198±42.5(min) in the complication group and 158±47.4(min) in the noncomplication group(p=0.008). The other factors had no correlation to the morbidity, statistically. The average follow up duration was 12.5 months and all the patients were alive except for the 2 expired cases. The mortality rate was 4.7%, among which one patient who underwent CABG with aortic valve replacement died due to multiorgan failure and the other died due to sepsis with pneumonia and wound infection. Conclusions: We conclude that the risk factors related to morbidity were age and ECC time, and that there were no correlations between other factors and morbidity.

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  • Lee, Bum-Eui;Jang, Ki-Taeg;Lee, Sang-Hoon;Kim, Chong-Chul;Hahn, Se-Hyun
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.66-78
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    • 2004
  • The objective of this study was to apply the vibration technique to reduce the viscosity of bonding adhesives and thereby compare the bond strength and resin penetration in enamel and dentin achieved with those gained using the conventional technique and vibration technique. For enamel specimens, thirty teeth were sectioned mesio-distally. Sectioned two parts were assigned to same adhesive system but different treatment(vibration vs. non-vibration). Each specimen was embedded in 1-inch inner diameter PVC pipe with a acrylic resin. The buccal and lingual surfaces were placed so that the tooth and the embedding medium were at the same level. The samples were subsequently polished silicon carbide abrasive papers. Each adhesive system was applied according to its manufacture's instruction. Vibration groups were additionally vibrated for 15 seconds before curing. For dentin specimen, except removing the coronal part and placing occlusal surface at the mold level, the remaining procedures were same as enamel specimen. Resin composite(Z250. 3M. U.S.A.) was condensed on to the prepared surface in two increments using a mold kit(Ultradent Inc., U.S.A.). Each increments was light cured for 40 seconds. After 24 hours in tap water at room temperature, the specimens were thermocycled for 1000cycles. Shear bond strengths were measured with a universal testing machine(Instron 4465, England). To investigate infiltration patterns of adhesive materials, the surface of specimens was examined with scanning electron microscope. The results were as follows: 1. In enamel the mean values of shear bond strengths in vibration groups(group 2, 4, 6) were greater than those of non-vibration group(group 1, 3, 5). The differences were statistically significant except AQ bond group. 2. In dentin, the mean values of shear bond strengths in vibration groups(group 2, 4, 6) were greater than those of non-vibration groups(group 1, 3, 5). But the differences were not statistically significant except One-Up Bond F group. 3. The vibration group showed more mineral loss in enamel and longer resin tag and greater number of lateral branches in dentin under SEM examination.

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Pulmonary Valve Replacement with Tissue Valves After Pulmonary Outflow Tract Repair in Children (소아에서 폐동맥유출로 재건 후 시행한 조직판막을 이용한 폐동맥판 대치술)

  • Lee, Jeong-Ryul;Hwang, Ho-Young;Chang, Ji-Min;Lee, Cheul;Choi, Jae-Sung;Kim, Yong-Jin;Rho, Joon-Ryang;Bae, Eun-Jung
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.35 no.5
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    • pp.350-355
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    • 2002
  • Background: Most of pulmonary regurgitation with or without stenosis appears to be well tolerated early after the repair of pulmonary outflow tract. However, it may result in symptomatic right ventricular dilatation, dysfunction and arrhythmias over a long period of time. We studied the early outcome of pulmonary valve replacement with tissue valves for patients with the above clinical features. Material and Method: Sixteen consecutive patients who underwent pulmonary valve replacement from September 1999 to February 2002 were reviewed(9 males and 7 females). The initial diagnoses included tetralogy of Fallot(n=11), and other congenital heart anomalies with pulmonary outflow obstruction(n=5). Carpentier-Edwards PERIMOUNT Pericardial Bioprostheses and Hancock porcine valves were used. The posterior two thirds of the bioprosthetic rim was placed on the native pulmonary valve annulus and the anterior one third was covered with a bovine pericardial patch. Preoperative pulmonary regurgitation was greater than moderate degree in 13 patients. Three patients had severe pulmonary stenosis. Tricuspid regurgitation was present in 12 patients. Result: Follow-up was complete with a mean duration of 15.8 $\pm$ 8.5months. There was no operative mortality. Cardiothoracic ratio was decreased from 66.0 $\pm$ 6.5% to 57.6 $\pm$ 4.5%(n=16, p=0.001). All patients remained in NYHA class I at the most recent follow-up (n=16, p=0.016). Pulmonary regurgitation was mild or absent in all patients. Tricuspid regurgitation was less than trivial in all patients. Conclusion: In this study we demonstrated that early pulmonary valve replacement for the residual pulmonary regurgitation with or without right ventricular dysfunction was a reasonal option. This technique led to reduce the heart size, decrease pulmonary regurgitation and tricuspid regurgitation as well as to improve the patients'functional status. However, a long term outcome should be cautiously investigated.

Long-term Results of Breast-conserving Surgery and Radiation Therapy in Early Breast Cancer (초기 유방암의 유방보존수술과 방사선치료의 장기추적결과)

  • Kim, Jin-Hee;Byun, Sang-Jun
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.153-162
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: To evaluate the long-term results after breast-conserving surgery and radiation therapy in early breast cancer in terms of failure, survival, and cosmesis. Materials and Methods: One hundred fifty-four patients with stage I and II breast cancer were treated with conservative surgery plus radiotherapy between January 1992 and December 2002 at the Keimyung University Dongsan Medical Center. According to TNM stage, 93 patients were stage I, 50 were IIa, and 11 were IIb. The affected breasts were irradiated with 6 MV photons to 50.4 Gy in 28 fractions over 5.5 weeks with a boost irradiation dose of 10~16 Gy to the excision site. Chemotherapy was administered in 75 patients and hormonal therapy in 92 patients with tamoxifen. Follow-up periods were 13~179 months, with a median of 92.5 months. Results: The 5- and 10-year overall survival rates were 97.3% and 94.5%, respectively. The 5- and 10-year disease-free survival (5YDFS and 10YDFS, respectively) rates were 92.5% and 88.9%, respectively; the ultimate 5YDFS and 10YDFS rates after salvage treatment were 93.9% and 90.2%, respectively. Based on multivariate analysis, only the interval between surgery and radiation therapy ($\leq$6 weeks vs. >6 weeks, p=0.017) was a statistically significant prognostic factor for DFS. The major type of treatment failure was distant failure (78.5%) and the most common distant metastatic site was the lungs. The cosmetic results were good-to-excellent in 96 patients (80.7%). Conclusion: Conservative surgery and radiation for early stage invasive breast cancer yielded excellent survival and cosmetic results. Radiation therapy should be started as soon as possible after breast-conserving surgery in patients with early breast cancer, ideally within 6 weeks.

Effect of Film Layers and Storing Period on the Fermentation Quality of Whole Crop Barley Silage (청보리 사일리지의 비닐겹수 및 저장기간에 따른 발효품질)

  • Song, Tae-Hwa;Park, Tae-Il;Park, Hyong-Ho;Yoon, Chang;Kim, Yang-Kil;Park, Jong-Chul;Kang, Chon-Sik;Son, Jae-Han;Kim, Kyong-Ho;Cheong, Young-Keun;Oh, Young-Jin
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.6-11
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    • 2015
  • This study was undertaken to characterize feed value and silage quality according to storage period and film layers for whole-crop barley silage. The crude protein (CP) content increased in all silage during the storage periods compared to those before silage, this content slightly increased over the prolonged storage period but it was not significant (p>0.05). Depending on the film layers of silage, 6 layers were higher than 4 layers. The neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF) contents also increased in all silage during storage periods compared to those before silage (P<0.05), but they were maintained at similar levels during the storage period. Depending on the film layers of silage, 6 layers were higher than 4 layers. The total digestible nutrients (TDN) content decreased in all silage during the storage periods. However, it was maintained at a similar level for the duration of each storage period. Depending on the film layers of silage, 6 layers were lower than 4 layers. The pH value was decreased during the prolonged storage period and depending on the film layers, 6 layers were lower than 4 layers. In the organic acid contents during the prolonged storage period, lactic acid increased, acetic acid was lower, and butyric acid was significantly higher (p<0.05). Depending on the film layers, 6 layers showed higher levels of lactic acid and lower levels of butyric acid (p<0.05). Therefore, these results showed that 6 layer wrapping was advantageous for long term storage of whole crop barley silage, while also indicating that it is desirable to use 4 layer wrapping within a six month period.

Analysis of Algal Response Effects Using Nutrient Enrichment Bioassays in Shingu Reservoir (신구저수지 식물플랑크톤성장에 대한 제한 영양염 분석)

  • Lee, Jae-Yon;Lee, Sang-Jae;Lee, Jae-Hoon;Bae, Dae-Yeul;Choi, Ji-Woong;Hwang, Soon-Jin;An, Kwang-Guk
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.41 no.spc
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    • pp.35-41
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    • 2008
  • Nutrient Enrichment Bioassays (NEBs) were conducted in the laboratory during June $22{\sim}28$, 2006 in order to determine primary limiting factor on the phytoplankton growth. For the NEBs, the water was sampled using a 10L polyethylene-lined container and dispensed into 2.5L container in the laboratory. The algal growths response in the control (C) and three treatments of phosphorus (P), 2-fold phosphorus (2P), and nitrate nitrogen $(NO_3-N)$ were monitored during 7 days. In the cubitainers which were spiked as P (T1) and 2P (T2) Chl-${\alpha}$ concentrations were decreased during the test period and the final concentrations was low than initial values. However, Chl-${\alpha}$ in the cubitainers which were spiked as $NO_3$(T3) and $P+NO_3$(T4) showed significant increases compared to the initial values, indicating that in the short-term experiments, nitrogen seemed to be a primary limiting nutrient during the periods of NEBs experiment. Long-term ambient nutrient data of TP and TN, and TN:TP mass ratios, however, showed a potential phosphorus limitation on phytoplankton growth and previous other researchers showed a variations of limiting nutrients by nitrogen or phosphorus depending on the seasons sampled and locations. In this study nitrogen as primary limiting nutrient in the NEBs seem to be an seasonal effect rather than the consistent nitrogen limitation.

Comparison and evaluation between 3D-bolus and step-bolus, the assistive radiotherapy devices for the patients who had undergone modified radical mastectomy surgery (변형 근치적 유방절제술 시행 환자의 방사선 치료 시 3D-bolus와 step-bolus의 비교 평가)

  • Jang, Wonseok;Park, Kwangwoo;Shin, Dongbong;Kim, Jongdae;Kim, Seijoon;Ha, Jinsook;Jeon, Mijin;Cho, Yoonjin;Jung, Inho
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.7-16
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    • 2016
  • Purpose : This study aimed to compare and evaluate between the efficiency of two respective devices, 3D-bolus and step-bolus when the devices were used for the treatment of patients whose chest walls were required to undergo the electron beam therapy after the surgical procedure of modified radical mastectomy, MRM. Materials and Methods : The treatment plan of reverse hockey stick method, using the photon beam and electron beam, had been set for six breast cancer patients and these 6 breast cancer patients were selected to be the subjects for this study. The prescribed dose of electron beam for anterior chest wall was set to be 180 cGy per treatment and both the 3D-bolus, produced using 3D printer(CubeX, 3D systems, USA) and the self-made conventional step-bolus were used respectively. The surface dose under 3D-bolus and step-bolus was measured at 5 measurement spots of iso-center, lateral, medial, superior and inferior point, using GAFCHROMIC EBT3 film (International specialty products, USA) and the measured value of dose at 5 spots was compared and analyzed. Also the respective treatment plan was devised, considering the adoption of 3D-bolus and stepbolus and the separate treatment results were compared to each other. Results : The average surface dose was 179.17 cGy when the device of 3D-bolus was adopted and 172.02 cGy when step-bolus was adopted. The average error rate against the prescribed dose of 180 cGy was -(minus) 0.47% when the device of 3D-bolus was adopted and it was -(minus) 4.43% when step-bolus was adopted. It was turned out that the maximum error rate at the point of iso-center was 2.69%, in case of 3D-bolus adoption and it was 5,54% in case of step-bolus adoption. The maximum discrepancy in terms of treatment accuracy was revealed to be about 6% when step-bolus was adopted and to be about 3% when 3D-bolus was adopted. The difference in average target dose on chest wall between 3D-bolus treatment plan and step-bolus treatment plan was shown to be insignificant as the difference was only 0.3%. However, to mention the average prescribed dose for the part of lung and heart, that of 3D-bolus was decreased by 11% for lung and by 8% for heart, compared to that of step-bolus. Conclusion : It was confirmed through this research that the dose uniformity could be improved better through the device of 3D-bolus than through the device of step-bolus, as the device of 3D-bolus, produced in consideration of the contact condition of skin surface of chest wall, could be attached to patients' skin more nicely and the thickness of chest wall can be guaranteed more accurately by the device of 3D-bolus. It is considered that 3D-bolus device can be highly appreciated clinically because 3D-bolus reduces the dose on the adjacent organs and make the normal tissues protected, while that gives no reduction of dose on chest wall.

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Leukocyte count and hypertension in the health screening data of some rural and urban residents (일부 농촌과 도시의 건강선별조사 자료로 본 백혈구수와 고혈압과의 관계)

  • Lee, Choong-Won;Yoon, Nung-Ki;Lee, Sung-Kwan
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.24 no.3 s.35
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    • pp.363-372
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    • 1991
  • We used the health screening data of some rural and urban residents to examine the cross-sectional association between leukocyte count and hypertension. The 206 male and 203 female rural residents were selected by multi-stage cluster sampling method in Kyungsan-Kun area of Kyungbuk province in 1985 and 600 urban residents were selected by the same sampling method as the rural residents in Daegu city of the same province in 1986 compatible with age-sex distribution of Daegu city of 1985 census, but of whom 384 actually responded. The rest of 600 were replaced by age and sex with those who were members of the medical insurance plan visiting the health management department of the university hospital to get the biannual preventive medical checkups. Excluded in the analysis were those having hypertensive history, diseases and extreme outlying values of the screening tests, leaving 373 rural and 571 urban residents. Leukocyte count was measured with ELT-8 Laser shadow method and the unit $cells/mm^3$, Blood pressures were determined with an aneroid sphygmomanometer with pre-standardized method and hypertensives were defined as those showing systolic blood pressure more than 140mmHg and/or diastolic blood pressure more than 90mmHg. Total residents pooled (N=944) showed a significant difference between hypertensives and normotensives ($6965.93{\pm}1997.01\;vs\;6490.61{\pm}1941.32,\;P=0.00$) and in rural residents was noted the similar significant difference (P=0.03). None of significant differences were noted in any stratum stratified by residency and sex. Compared to the lowest quintile of WBC, 2/5 quintile showed odds ratio 0.99 (95% Confidence interval, Ci 0.62-1.59), 3/5 quintile 1.41 (95% CI 0.90-2.21), 4/5 quintile 1.76 (95% CI. 1.14-2.72), and highest quintile 1.80 (1.15-2.82) in the total residents. Likelihood ratio test for linear trend for it indicated a significant trend ($X^2_{trend}=5.53,\;df=1,\;P<0.05$). There were no other significant odds ratios compared to the lowest quintile of WBC in strata stratified by residency and sex. The odds ratios in total residents which had showed significant odds ratios became nonsignificant and of reduced magnitude after controlling age, frequency of smoking and drinking with multiple logistic. regression. In each stratum, it changed magnitudes of odds ratios slightly and unstably. None of the trend tests showed any significant trend. These results suggest that the Friedman et al's finding of association between leukocyte count and hypertension may be due to an statistical type I error resulting from the data dredging in an exploratory study, in which more than 800 variables were screened as possible predictors of hypertension.

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