• 제목/요약/키워드: 잔류강도비

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Estimation of Tensile Properties of Pipe Bends Manufactured by Cold-Bending (냉간 굽힘 가공된 곡관의 인장물성치 예측)

  • Kim, Jin-Weon;Lee, Mi-Yeon;Lee, Sa-Yong
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.36 no.9
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    • pp.1059-1064
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    • 2012
  • In this study, tensile tests were performed on specimens that simulated the cold-bending and heat-treatment of pipe bends to understand the mechanical properties of pipe bends manufactured by cold-bending followed by heat-treatment for relieving residual stress. The strength and ductility of cold-worked materials were respectively found to be higher and lower than those of the parent material although heat-treatment was carried out to relieve residual stress. In addition, the increase in strength and decrease in ductility were proportional to the applied strain levels for cold-working. It was thus inferred that the intrados and extrados regions of pipe bends that were cold-bended and heat-treated show higher strength and lower ductility compared to the parent straight pipe and that the mechanical properties at the crown region are nearly the same as those of the parent straight pipe.

Analysis and Measurement of Residual Stress of Al 7175 Ring Rolls after Quenching and stress Relieving (고강도 알루미늄 7175 합금 링롤재의 급냉 및 응력제거처리후 잔류응력 유한요소해석 및 측정)

  • 박성한;구송회;이방업;은일상
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.104-110
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    • 1997
  • To predict the effect of ring expansion and ring compression on residual stress relief of Al 7175 ring rot]s, 2-D axisymmetric thermal analysis and elastoplastic analysis were performed. The residual stress distributions along the thickness of T73, T7351 and T7352 treated rings were measured using three step sectioning method. The measured results were compared to numerical ones for quenched and stress relieved rings. After quenching, calculated hoop and axial residual stresses were similar to measured ones for T73 treated rings. The residual stresses of T7351 and T7352 treated rings were decreased remarkably compared to T73 treated rings. The effect of axial residual stress relief was superior to that of hoop one, and also ring compression to ring expansion. It was concluded that ring compression is advantageous over ring expansion in view of stress relief effect and practicality, and vice versa in view of dimensional control and press power.

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Effects of Anisotropic Consolidation on Flow Failure Behavior of a Silty Sand (이방압밀이 실트질 모래의 유동파괴거동에 미치는 영향)

  • 강병희;김방식;정혁일
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.173-180
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    • 2001
  • 이방압밀이 실트질모래의 정적재하에 의한 유동파괴거동에 미치는 영향을 연구하기 위하여 비배수삼축압축시험을 수행하였다. 이를 위하여 상대밀도가 약 17%인 공시체를 습윤다짐방법에 의해서 성형하고 4가지의 압밀응력비, 1.0, 0.7, 0.55, $K_{o}$ 로서 압밀시켰다. 시험결과로서 정상상태선은 p-q 공간상에서 압밀응력비에 관계없이 유일한 직선이며 collapse line의 기울기는 압밀응력비가 증가함에 따라 선형적으로 감소한다는 사실을 보여준다. 또한, 유동파괴거동을 보이는 느슨하게 다져진 실트질모래의 잔류강도($S_{us}$ )와 첨두강도($S^{p}$ )와의 관계는 압밀응력비의 크기에 관계없이 $S_{p}$ /$p_{c}$ = $A_{L}$ +$B_{L}$ ($S_{us}$ /$p_{c}$ )로 표현되는 일반식으로 나타낼 수 있으며 계수 $A_{L}$$B_{L}$은 압밀응력비의 크기에 따라 선형적으로 변하는 경향을 나타낸다.

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Flexural Strength of HSB I-Girder Considering Inelastic Flange Local Buckling (압축플랜지 비탄성 국부좌굴을 고려한 HSB 플레이트거더의 휨강도)

  • Cho, Eun Young;Shin, Dong Ku
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.81-92
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    • 2013
  • The ultimate flexural strength of HSB I-girders, considering the effect of local bucking, was investigated through a series of nonlinear finite element analysis. The girders were selected such that the inelastic local flange buckling or the plastic yielding of compression flanges governs the flexural strength. Both homogeneous sections fabricated from HSB600 or HSB800 steel and hybrid sections with HSB800 flanges and SM570-TMC web were considered. In the FE analysis, the flanges and web were modeled using thin shell elements and initial imperfections and residual stresses were imposed on the FE model. An elasto-plastic strain hardening material was used for steels. After establishing the validity of present FE analysis by comparing FE results with test results published in the literature, the effects of initial imperfection and residual stress on the inelastic flange local buckling behavior were assessed. The ultimate flexural strengths of 60 I-girders with various compression flange slenderness were obtained by FE analysis and compared with those calculated from the KHBDC, AASHTO LRFD and Eurocode 3 provisions. Based on the comparison, the applicability of design equations in these specifications for the flexural strength of I-girder considering flange local buckling was evaluated.

In-plane buckling strength of fixed arch ribs subjected vertical distributed loading (수직 등분포 하중을 받는 고정 지점 포물선 아치 리브의 면내 좌굴 강도)

  • Moon, Ji Ho;Yoon, Ki Yong;Kim, Sung Hoon;Lee, Hak Eun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.17 no.4 s.77
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    • pp.439-447
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    • 2005
  • When arch ribs are subjected to vertical loading, they may buckle suddenly towards the in-plane direction. Therefore, the designer should consider their in-plane stability. In this paper, the in-plane elastic and inelastic buckling strength of parabolic, fixed arch ribs subjected to vertical distributed loading were investigated using the finite element method. A finite element model for the snap-through and inelastic behavior of arch ribs was verified using other researchers' test results. The ultimate strength of arch ribs was determined by taking into account their large deformation, material inelasticity, and residual stress. Finally, the finite element analysis results were compared with the EC3 design code.

A Study on Moment Gradient Factor for Inelastic Lateral-Torsional Buckling Strength of Stepped I-Beam Subjected to Linear Moment Gradient (선형 모멘트 하중을 받는 계단식 단면변화 I형보의 비탄성 횡-비틀림 좌굴강도산정을 위한 모멘트 구배계수 연구)

  • Park, Jong-Sup;Son, Ji-Min
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation
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    • v.8 no.6
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    • pp.53-60
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    • 2008
  • The cross-sections of continuous multi-span beams sometimes suddenly increase, or become stepped, at the interior supports of continuous beams to resist high negative moments. The three-dimensional finite-element program ABAQUS (2007) was used to analytically investigate the inelastic lateral-torsional buckling behavior of stepped beams subjected to linear moment gradient and resulted in the development of design equations. The ratios of the flange thickness, flange width, and stepped length of beam are considered for the analytical parameters. Two groups of 27 cases and 36 cases, respectively, were analyzed for doubly and singly stepped beams in the inelastic buckling range. The combined effects of residual stresses and geometrical imperfection on inelastic lateral-torsional buckling of beams are considered. First, the distributions of residual stress of the cross-section is same as shown in Pi and Trahair (1995), and the initial geometric imperfection of the beam is set by central displacement equal to 0.1% of the unbraced length of beam. The new proposed equations definitely improve current design methods for the inelastic lateral-torsional buckling problem and increase efficiency in building and bridge design.

Nonlinear Analysis of Compressive Flange Based on Folded Plate Theory (Folded Plate Theory에 의한 압축플랜지의 비선형 해석)

  • Jung, Soo-Hyung;Shim, Jae-Soo
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.169-178
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    • 2008
  • Compressive flanges of steel box girder is designed based on the ultimate strength behavior of sub-panel which is enclosed with longitudinal stiffeners and transverse stiffeners on appropriate safety factor. However, it is rational that the ultimate strength is calculated considering the various factors such as number and stiffness of longitudinal stiffener, spacing of transverse stiffener, initial deformation and residual stress distribution. In this study, an analysis program based on Folded Plate theory is developed considering the geometric effects and the material nonlinearity. The analysis program is applicated to the steel box girder bridges which is really constructed in domestic.

Cyclic Shear Strength of Anisotropically Consolidated Snnd (비등방 압밀 모래의 반복 전단강도)

  • Kim, Byung-Tak;Kim, Young-Su;Seo, In-Shik;Jeong, Dong-Gil
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.73-85
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    • 2002
  • This paper is focused on studying the undrained cyclic triaxial behavior of saturated Nak-dong River sand, using anisotropically consolidated specimens. A test of isotropically consolidated specimens was performed to compare the results of the anisotropically consolidated specimens. The cyclic shear stre3ngth of the sand under various combinations of initial static shear stress and relative density was considered. Failure was defined as a 5% double amplitude cyclic strain and a 5% residual axial strain for both reversal stress and no reversal stress conditions. Using this definition, the cyclic strength of the anisotropically consolidated specimens was affected by the initial static shear stress. For anisotropically consolidated Nak-dong River dense sand, the cyclic strength is greater than that of Toyolura silica sand but is smaller than that of Dogs Bay carbonate sand. By comparing the experimental and predictecl results, it was possible to predict the residual pore pressure of Nak-dong River sand using Hyodo's model with initial static shear stress subjected cyclic loading.

Performance Analysis of Sound Source Separation Combining EADRess and NMF (EADRess 와 NMF 를 결합한 음원분리 성능 분석)

  • Jeong, Youngho;Jang, Daeyoung;Lee, Taejin
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Broadcast Engineers Conference
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    • 2016.06a
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    • pp.224-227
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    • 2016
  • 본 논문에서는 스테레오 채널 신호 간 강도비를 이용하여 음원을 분리하는 EADRess 알고리즘과 부분기반 표현을 특징으로 한 비음수 행렬 인수분해를 통해 음원을 분리하는 NMF 가 결합된 새로운 음원분리 알고리즘을 제안한다. 입력 오디오 신호로부터 frequency-azimuth 평면 구성을 통해 식별된 방위각에 상응하는 신호 강도비로 표현되는 확률밀도함수를 이용하여 1 단계 음원분리를 수행하고, 얻어진 개별 분리음원을 대상으로 supervised NMF 및 Wiener 필터 기반 마스킹 함수를 적용함으로써 잔류 혼합성분을 제거하는 2 단계 음원분리를 수행한다. 제안된 EADRess/NMF 결합 음원분리 알고리즘의 성능을 검증하기 위하여 SASSEC 에서 제공하는 테스트 음원을 이용하여 측정한 결과, 개별 음원분리 알고리즘에 비해 SIR 이 각각 1.41dB, 10.43dB 향상된 결과를 얻었다.

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Elasto-plastic Post-buckling Analysis of Spatial Framed Structures using Improved Plastic Hinge Theory (개선된 소성힌지이론을 이용한 공간 뼈대구조물의 탄-소성 후좌굴 해석)

  • Kim, Sung Bo;Ji, Tae Sug;Jung, Kyoung Hwan
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.687-696
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    • 2006
  • An efficient numerical method is developed to estimate the elasto-plastic post-buckling strength of space-framed structures. The inelastic ultimate strength of beam-columns and frames is evaluated by the parametric study. Applying the improved plastic hinge analysis that evaluate the gradual stiffness decrease effects due to spread of plasticity, elasto-plastic post-buckling behavior of steel frames is investigated considering the various residual stress distributions. Introducing the plastification parameter that represent pread of plasticity in the element and performing parametric study of equivalent element force and member idealization, finite-element solutions for the elasto-plastic analysis of space frames are compared with the results by plastic region analysis, shell elements and experimental results.