• Title/Summary/Keyword: 자격시험 제도

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Eligibility Standards for Recognized Organization Personnel Responsible for Statutory Survey (정부대행검사기관 선박검사원의 자격기준에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Sang-Il;Jung, Min;Jeon, Hae-Dong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.366-373
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    • 2020
  • According to Article 77 of the Ship Safety Act and Article 97(2) of the Enforcement Ordinance of the Ministry, the Recognized Organization (RO) personnel (ship surveyors) responsible for statutory survey shall have educational qualifications and experience in a specific field or obtain a license under the National Technical Qualifications Act. However, graduates from maritime high schools and those who completed the short-term course of the Ocean Polytec did not satisfy the qualification standards for the RO personnel since they did not graduate from the departments of maritime/fisheries or shipbuilding. Major shipping countries such as the United Kingdom, the United States, and Canada use the IACS (International Association of Classification Societies) regulations, and the Ship Safety Act in Japan has eliminated the qualification requirements for ship surveyors. In particular, under the IMO (International Maritime Organization) and IACS regulations, the RO personnel shall have as a minimum the following formal educational background: a degree or equivalent qualification from a tertiary institution recognized within a relevant field of engineering or physical science (minimum two years' program); or a relevant qualification from a marine or nautical institution and relevant sea-going experience as a certified ship officer; and competency in the English language commensurate with their future work. Considering that Article 17 of the Enforcement Decree on Public Officials Appointment Examinations prohibits educational restrictions and there are no educational restrictions on the qualifications of British and Japanese surveyors, if the maritime high school graduates have sufficient sea-going experience, education, and training, they could be recognized as meeting the qualification requirements. Moreover, those who completed the short-term course of the Ocean Polytec could also be recognized as meeting the qualification requirements because they are required to have at least a professional bachelor's degree (in the case of a third-class CoC (Certificate of Competancy)) and some sea-going experience after completion.

An Analysis of Relative Priorities for the Improvement of the Cultural Welfare Workers System (문화복지사 제도 활성화를 위한 상대적 우선순위 분석)

  • Kwon, Ki-Chang
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.9
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    • pp.149-159
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    • 2016
  • As a way to improve the quality of life following the increase of the national income, the importance of cultural welfare has been magnified. To actively cope with such a situation of the times, the government has operated the cultural welfare workers system; however, the reality today includes many problems such as lack of reliability and professionalism in the system. Thus, this thesis has as an objective to extract priorities for the improvement of the cultural welfare workers system through analyses of precedents, investigations by professionals and related systems, and to propose measures of improvement. The priorities, in case of higher levels, are in the order of: utilization of manpower, educational curriculum and test subjects, methods of license acquisition and training institution. In order for the cultural welfare workers system to be efficiently operated based on the priorities, the existing system needs to offer state-certified licenses and provide workers with institutional strategies for refresher education and utilization of manpower.

Research trend analysis of the introduction at the issue of private investigation institution (민간조사제도 도입시 쟁점에 대한 연구동향 분석)

  • Seo, Jin-Seok
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.15 no.3_2
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    • pp.11-19
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    • 2015
  • This paper, so far to analyze the research trends in the issue that has been discussed for the introduction of private investigation institutions, by projecting its suggestion, want the investigation purpose of presenting the desirable introduction direction. The analyzed issue was extracted for existing research material on the introduction of private investigation institutions. Investigators pointed out issue is the name, business scope, corporate, qualification system (eligibility criteria and test), education, association establishment, regulatory agencies, has been included in the eight categories such as legislation form. For the name, I think there is a need to unify under the name "detective". For the scope of work, the amendment is difficult law, place an overview of the general business rules, more specific and detailed investigation business content, to discipline through the ordinance it is possible to be rational. Private investigation institutions, I think the need for limited operations of the corporation. For education, the new education and re-education on a regular basis I do for the private investigation workers. You must be one of the National Police Agency to the management authority. Legislative form, not to be defined by its own law, the revision of the security law, but that is to complement the provisions for private sector research system is effective.

Legalization of Tree Doctor System and the Role of KSPP (나무의사 제도 법제화에 따른 식물병리학회의 역할)

  • Cha, Byeongjin
    • Research in Plant Disease
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.207-211
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    • 2017
  • In December of 2016, 'The Forest Protection Act' was amended partly in The National Assembly and the socalled 'Tree Doctor Act' was promulgated. Tree Doctor Act will be enforced from June 28, 2018. Under the new Act, none other than 'Tree Hospital' can do disease and pest management work for trees in public living space. The only exclusive qualification for tree hospital is a 'Tree Doctor', the government registered license which is newly established by the Act. To become a tree doctor, he/she must complete the tree doctor training courses in the designated 'Tree Doctor Academy' and pass the qualification test. Currently, Korea Forest Service is drafting the enforcement ordinances and regulations for the implement of Tree Doctor Act. When taking into consideration that the most fundamental and important discipline of the plant and tree health care is the plant pathology, and that the tree health care is a promising business for young plant pathology people, Korean Society of Plant Pathology is ought to be actively involved in the preparation of the enforcement ordinances and regulations, and help the early establishment of the new tree health care system in living spaces of Korea.

서독 용접협회의 활동

  • 이보영
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.46-51
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    • 1985
  • 지난 1983년 8월 본 학회지 제1권 제1호에 "일본 용접학회 및 용접협회의 활동"이란 박영조 회원의 기고가 있은지 벌써 2년이 지났다. 동 논문을 읽고 서독용접협회(Deutsher Verband fur Schweisstechnik:DVS)에 관한 소개도 생각케 되었으나 서독에 체제하고 있던 중에는 실행에 옮기지 못하고 귀국케 되었다. 정부의 미국 및 일본의 국가들에 대한 우리 나라의 국제무역 다변화 정책에 따라 국내 용접기술인들도 유럽 여러 나라들의 용접분야 활동에 관하여 알고 있을 필요성이 있는 것으로 생각된다. 유럽 여러 나라들중 특히 서독은 용접관련 활동이 매우 활발한 상태이다. 또한 중공에서도 용접관련 규격 및 시험검사 업무들을 서독 기준에 따라 정비하고 있으므로 서독 용접계에 관한 지식을 통하여 유럽과 중공의 용접분야에 대한 이해를 늘일 수 있을 것으로 사료된다. 이것이 또한 우리 대한용접학회(KWS) 활동을 더욱 활성화 시킬 수 있게 되기를 바라며 서독용접협회의 활동과 용접관련 자격제도에 관하여 간략한 소개를 하고자 한다.개를 하고자 한다.

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  • 대한한약협회
    • 대한한약신문
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    • s.116
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2006
  • 2006년도 제3차 회장단 협의회/정부, 약사법.의료법 전면개정안 국회 제출/"한약재 품질관리 강화된다"/생산단계서 의약품으로 구별 관리해야/치료효과 보장.암시하는 의료광고 형사처벌/의료단체 행정소송 이어 연말정산 '헌법소원' 제기/난치성질환 치료에 '한의학' 적극 활용/한의학연, 사상의학 본격 연구/의료비 자료제출 거부기관 세무조사 경고/"한약, 간기능 악화 요인 없다"/의료기관 공진단 취급 '주의 요망'/한의원, 자체 제조한 안약.연고 등 판매불가/"의료비 소득제출 유언비어 살포시 고발조치"/"연말정산 미제출 병의원 세무조사 없다"/복지부, 요양기관 녹색인증제 폐지/소득.학력 높을수록 약국 서비스에 불만족/PD수첩 방영된 한의사 3명 징계 결정/부정합 판정 한약재 취급 업소 행정처분/개원한의사 전문의 면허시험 자격인정 연구/지부탐방-지부장에게 듣는다/칼럼-고쟁이와 자궁병/애증 이야기/명칭이 비슷하여 감별하기 어려운 한약재/성약과 패륜아/우리 약초를 찾아서-치자나무/한방과 항문질환/노인들 아스피린을 상용하면/전호, 오용에 대한 소고

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Review of Revised KOLAS Standard Regulations for Test and Calibration Laboratories: General Requirements for a Competence of Management System (KOLAS 시험 및 교정기관 운영을 위한 개정된 표준 규정 리뷰: 적격성에 대한 일반 요구사항)

  • Kim, Hee Sun
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.334-337
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    • 2020
  • Korea Laboratory Accreditation Scheme (KOLAS) introduces a new standard for test and calibration laboratories to operate management system and to produce valid results in accordance with the requirements of KS Q ISO/IEC 17025. The standard is based on the national standard law for the accreditation of test, inspection and calibration laboratories. International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) has recently established its new criteria. The accredited test and calibration laboratories should complete the transition of their management system by November 2020 following KS Q ISO/IEC 17025:2017. A total of 899 of test, inspection and calibration laboratories in Korea are influenced by the transition policy. This paper summarized general requirements for a competence of laboratory management system.

A Study on the Introduction Direction of Private Investigation Law (민간조사업법의 도입방향에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Seung-Chal
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.17
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    • pp.255-276
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    • 2008
  • The important items, which should be considered in Private Investigation Law, can include subjects, licenses, the scope of business, qualifying examinations, and supervisory and penal provisions. The subjects of Private Investigation Law should be permitted to be both natural persons and juridical persons in terms of providing various services, but should be permitted to be juridical persons and should be administered on a license system, even in order to ensure public interests. Concretely, the introduction scope of Private Investigation Law can be regulated to include the followings: that is, investigating the whereabouts identification of runaways and missing children, investigating the personal identification, habit, way of action, motivation, whereabouts identification, real child confirmation, association, transaction, reputation, and personality of specific persons or specific groups, investigating the whereabouts identification of missing persons, owners of government-vested properties or renounced properties, investigating the whereabouts of lost properties or stolen properties, investigating the causes of fire, character defamation, slander, damage, accident, physical disability, infringement on real estate or movable property, and investigating all sorts of accidents including traffic accidents, insurance accidents, and medical malpractices. In the qualifying examination, examinees' age should be restricted to be over age 25. The person, who is exempted from its primary examination, should be restricted to be the person, who has the career of over 20 years in related fields, in consideration of its equity with other certificates of qualification. In the supervisory institution, as the policy institution is the supervisory institution in many countries including France (the police) and Japan (public security committee), so the National Policy Agency should be the supervisory institution in consideration of management aspects. In the penal regulations, especially, we should clarify the management of personal information (personal information protection, personal information management), and so should prevent the infringement of people's basic rights, and then should ensure the public interest.

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Regional Development and Higher Education (지역개발과 고등교육)

  • Park, Chan-Suk
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.575-584
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    • 1997
  • So how can we develop balanced growth in our country? The national development policy of our hovemment over the past 30 years has lead to the corpulence of Seoul at the expense of the provinces. Now ironically there are policy measures introduced to control the over-expansion of Seoul. Yet the current hardware stategies to control the center requires an additional sofware stategy to create a nationwide balance for development. The Regional Elite Quota System is one such sofware stategy which can adjust the unbalanced distribution of gifted student across the national university deucation system. One obvious solution that should be utillzed is the incredible enthusiasm for high education that exists in this country, perhaps the highest in the world. This has been the backbone of our national development and should be hamessed as a catalyst to produce more balanced national growth.

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ISO/DIS9712 "Nondestructive Testing Qualification and Certification of Personnel" (국제친격안(國際規格案) DIS9712 "비파괴검사기술자(非破壞檢査鼓術者)의 기량인정(技量認定) 및 인증")

  • Chang, Hong-Keun
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.20-32
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    • 1992
  • 국제표준화기구(國際標準化機構)(ISO)의 비파괴시험(非破壞檢査) 기술자(技術者)의 기량인정(技量認定)및 인증에 관(關)한 국제친격안(國際規格案) DIS 9712를 번역, 소개(紹介)한다. 이 문서(文書)는 현재(現在)로는 안(案)에 불과하지만 부원간(不遠間) 회원국(會員國) 각국(各國)이 투표(投票)에 의(依)해서 결정(決定)되게될 것이다. 구주(歐州)의 대부분(大部分) 국가(國家)는 적극적(積極的)으로 찬성(贊戚)을 하고 있고 개발도상국(開發途上國)에서는 동조(同調)를 하고 있으며 일본(日本)도 찬성(贊成)을 표명하고 있다. 반대(反對)하는 나라는 놀랍게도 미국(美國)과 서독(西獨)이지만 대립점(對立點)이 몇가지로 좁혀지고 있고 타협책(妥協策)이 모색되고 있어서 국제규격(國際規格)으로써 확정(確定)되는 것은 시간문제(時間問題)인 것으로 보이며 정식(正式) 문서화(文書化) 하기까지는 아마도 시간(時間)이 좀 걸릴 듯하다. 많은 나라가 이 문서(文書)를 전제(前提)로 해서 비파괴시험(非破壞檢査) 기술자격(技術資格)에 대(對)한 인정(認定)의 국제통합(國際統合)을 추진(推進)하고 있다. 일본(日本)도 1989년(年)에 종래사용(從來使用)해오던 규정(規程)을 개정(改訂)하였으며 국제통합(國際統合)을 더욱 진전(進展)시키기 위(爲)하여 자국(自國)의 인정규정(認定規程)과 국제규격안(國際規格案)과의 항목별(項目別)로 비교검토(比較檢討)하고 있다. 우리나라의 기술자격인정제도(技術資格認定制度)는 국가기술자격법(國家技術資格法)에 의거(依據)하여 한국산업인력관리공단(韓國産業人力管理公團)에서 주관(主管)하여 실시(實施)하고 있는 반면(反面) 미국(美國), 구주(歐州) 등(等) 대다수(大多數)의 나라가 정부(政府)의 위임하(委任下)에 협회(協會) 등(等)의 단체(團體)에서 주관(主管)하여 실시(實施)하고 있는 것이 특징(特徵)이며 기술자격(技術資格)의 등급면(等級面)에서도 대부분의 국가(國家)가 Level 1, 2 및 Level 3의 3등급(等級)으로 구분(區分)하여 실시(實施)되고 있는데 현행(現行) 우리나라는 기능사(技能師), 기능장(機能長) (기능대졸업자(機能大卒業者) 대상), 기사(技師) 1, 2급 및 기술사(技術士)로 세분(細分)되어 실시(實施)되고 있다. 국제표준화(國際漂準化) 기구(機構)(ISO)의 비파괴검사(非破壞檢査) 기술자(技術者)의 기량인정(技量認定)및 인증에 대(對)한 국제규격(國漂規格)이 마무리 단계에 있고 많은 나라에서 국제통합(國際統合)을 추진(推進)하고 있는 추세여서 우리나라도 이에 대응해 나아가야 할 것으로 사료(思料)된다.

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