• Title/Summary/Keyword: 인터뷰 방법론

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The effect of global disaster competency development program on paramedic and nursing undergraduate students (글로벌 재난 역량 개발 프로그램이 응급구조과와 간호학과 학생에게 미치는 효과)

  • Kang, Sun-Joo;Piao, Mei-Hua
    • The Korean Journal of Emergency Medical Services
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.83-94
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    • 2014
  • Purpose : This study assessed the improvement of competency levels for participants, as well as their satisfaction from completion of the special international disaster response program. Methods : The program structure followed an intensive two-week course that included a combination of lectures, discussions, case studies, and field trips. "ICN Framework of Disaster Nursing Competencies" was used for designing the program. A pre-post survey was done to measure the change in the competencies of students and assess their satisfaction after finishing the program. Focus group interviews were also performed to further understand the attitudes of participants toward the disaster issues. Results : The overall pre-program test score for disaster competency was $2.18{\pm}0.68$ and the post-program test score was $6.30{\pm}0.84$, which showed statistically significant gains in all competency items (p <.001). The general satisfaction of participants with the program was quite high, demonstrated by a mean score of $4.5{\pm}0.51$. The benefits for students from program participation included increased knowledge and better understanding of the important roles of international organizations and NGOs. Conclusion : The international disaster education programs are necessary to provide an opportunity for students to increase their disaster competency. In addition, future development of a unified educational competency framework is also necessary.

A Study on the Importance and Priorities of the Investment Determinants of Startup Accelerators (스타트업 액셀러레이터 투자결정요인의 중요도 및 우선순위에 대한 연구)

  • Heo, Joo-yeun
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.27-42
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    • 2020
  • Startup accelerators have emerged as new investment entities that help early startups, which are not easy to survive continuously due to lack of funds, commercialization capabilities, and experiences. As their positive performance on early startups and the ecosystem has been proven, the number of early startups which want to receive their investment is also increasing. However, they are vaguely preparing to attract accelerators' investment because they do not have any information on what factors the accelerators consider important. In addition, researches on startup accelerators are also at an early level, so there are no remarkable prior studies on factors that decide on investment. Therefore, this study aims to help startups prepare for investment attraction by looking at what factors are important for accelerators to invest, and to provide meaningful implications to academia. In the preceding study, we derived five upper level categories, 26 lower level accelerators' investment determinants through the qualitative meta-synthesis method, secondary data analysis, observation on US accelerators and in-depth interviews. In this study, we want to derive important implications by deriving priorities of the accelerators' investment determinants. Therefore, we used AHP that are evaluated as the suitable methodology for deriving importance and priority. The analysis results show that accelerators value market-related factors most. This means that startups that are subject to investment by accelerators are early-stage startups, and many companies have not fully developed their products or services. Therefore, market-related factors that can be evaluated objectively seem to be more important than products (or services) that are still ambiguous. Next, it was found that the factors related to the internal workforce of startups are more important. Since accelerators want to develop their businesses together with start-ups and team members through mentoring, ease of collaboration with them is very important, which seems to be important. The overall priority analysis results of the 26 investment determinants show that 'customer needs' and 'founders and team members' understanding of customers and markets' (0.62) are important and high priority factors. The results also show that startup accelerators consider the customer-centered perspective very important. And among the factors related to startups, the most prominent factor was the founder's openness and execution ability. Therefore, it can be confirmed that accelerators consider the ease of collaboration with these startups very important.

A Study on the Direction of 'Citizen Archivist' Training Program ('기록활동가' 양성 교육 프로그램의 방향 연구)

  • Lee, Dosoon
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.69
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    • pp.95-128
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    • 2021
  • As interest in private records began to develop in the research of archivists, discussions began about the value of private records and how to collect and manage private records from the standpoint of archivists. After that, the conceptual discussion on community archives, from the point of view of the community, collecting and preserving their own records, and the democratization of records and the sovereignty of records are discussed. As a result of this trend, maeul making projects were started in each region, and citizen archivists appeared who do archives activities. and research on the role and system of public institutions to support them and community archives. Recently, as research on regional record activities has begun, the current status of education and activities in each region is being announced. in addition archives education programs are being actively conducted nationwide to train citizen archivists. The purpose of this thesis is to find out their identity of their, in order to cultivate sustainable citizen archivists and to suggest the direction the citizen archivists training program should pursue. First, we consider that the educational goal of citizen archivists training program is to train citizen archivists who practice the knowledge learned through education, and examine the identity of 'citizen archivist', the goal of training education. In this study, local archivists are regarded as local members who engage in archiving activities based on their locality, and they are judged to be the main actors and core beings in building community archives. Also the activities of citizen archivists are viewed as active and subjective beings that realize 'Archival autonomy' by implementing 'Archival autonomy'. In addition, it analyzes the cases of researchable citizen archivist training programs in Korea that were conducted to foster local archivists and examines the current situation. Finally, the direction of citizen archivists training program for cultivating citizen archivists is presented. In this paper, I think that the citizen archivists training program should be designed as a curriculum to parctice the education goal, not as public program.

A Study on Kiosk Satisfaction Level Improvement: Focusing on Kano, Timko, and PCSI Methodology (키오스크 소비자의 만족수준 연구: Kano, Timko, PCSI 방법론을 중심으로)

  • Choi, Jaehoon;Kim, Pansoo
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.193-204
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    • 2022
  • This study analyzed the degree of influence of measurement and improvement of customer satisfaction level targeting kiosk users. In modern times, due to the development of technology and the improvement of the online environment, the probability that simple labor tasks will disappear after 10 years is close to 90%. Even in domestic research, it is predicted that 'simple labor jobs' will disappear due to the influence of advanced technology with a probability of about 36%. there is. In particular, as the demand for non-face-to-face services increases due to the Corona 19 virus, which is recently spreading globally, the trend of introducing kiosks has accelerated, and the global market will grow to 83.5 billion won in 2021, showing an average annual growth rate of 8.9%. there is. However, due to the unmanned nature of these kiosks, some consumers still have difficulties in using them, and consumers who are not familiar with the use of these technologies have a negative attitude towards service co-producers due to rejection of non-face-to-face services and anxiety about service errors. Lack of understanding leads to role conflicts between sales clerks and consumers, or inequality is being created in terms of service provision and generations accustomed to using technology. In addition, since kiosk is a representative technology-based self-service industry, if the user feels uncomfortable or requires additional labor, the overall service value decreases and the growth of the kiosk industry itself can be suppressed. It is important. Therefore, interviews were conducted on the main points of direct use with actual users centered on display color scheme, text size, device design, device size, internal UI (interface), amount of information, recognition sensor (barcode, NFC, etc.), Display brightness, self-event, and reaction speed items were extracted. Afterwards, using the questionnaire, the Kano model quality attribute classification of each expected evaluation item was carried out, and Timko's customer satisfaction coefficient, which can be calculated with accurate numerical values The PCSI Index analysis was additionally performed to determine the improvement priorities by finally classifying the improvement impact of the kiosk expected evaluation items through research. As a result, the impact of improvement appears in the order of internal UI (interface), text size, recognition sensor (barcode, NFC, etc.), reaction speed, self-event, display brightness, amount of information, device size, device design, and display color scheme. Through this, we intend to contribute to a comprehensive comparison of kiosk-based research in each field and to set the direction for improvement in the venture industry.


  • Cho, Soo-Churl;Kim, Boong-Nyun
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.67-75
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    • 2002
  • Objectives:This study was conducted to investigate the degree of psychopathologies of the family members of children with chronic convulsive disorder and evaluate the structures and dynamics of those families. Methods:The participant patients and family members were recruited from the population attending the outpatient clinic of department of pediatric neurology in Seoul National University Hospital in Korea. All the patients had idiopathic chronic convulsive disorder. Any patient with mental retardation, pervasive developmental disorder and gross brain pathology was excluded. As controls, normal students were chosen and their sex, age, achievement, socioeconomic status were matched to patients. The author interviewed the children and their family members twice and obtained informations about patient-parent relationship, patient-sibling relationship and others. For in-depth evaluation, we used family environment scales(FES), symptom Checklist-90-revised(SCL-90-R), self administered dependency questionnaire for mother(SADQ). Results:After interviewing with the parents of epileptic children, overprotection of parents, hostile feeling of siblings toward index children were higher than controls. The parental conflict was also more expressed than control families. According to results from FES, the scores of the subscales of expression, achievement-orientation, intelligence-orientation and active recreation were significantly lower than control group. The epileptic children showed higher dependency to parents especially in affection, communication and traveling areas of SADQ than control group. Maternal psychopathologies evaluated by SCL-90-R were much higher than the mothers of controls. According to T scores of SCL-90-R, about 40% of mothers with epileptic children had the risk of clinically significant depressive or anxiety disorders. Conclusion:These results suggested that the family members of epileptic children had more relationship problems and psychopathologies than control group and some mothers might have clinically significant depressive or anxiety disorders. so, effective psychiatric family interventions are needed for resolution of conflict and psychopathologies of family members.

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Applying the Theory of Planned Behavior to Understand Milk Consumption among WIC Preagnant Women (저소득층 임신부들의 우유 소비 행동을 이해하기 위한예측이론(Theory of Planned Behavior)의 적용)

  • Kyungwon Kim;John R. Ureda
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.239-249
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    • 1996
  • Despite the importance of prenatal nutrition, many studies find inadequate calcium intake among pregnant women. The purpose of this study was to investigate the value of the Theory of Planned Behavior in explaining the intentions and the actual consumption of milk among pregnant women participating in or eligible for WIC. A cross-sectional survey was conducted to collect information regarding attitudes, subjective norms, perceived control, milk allocation within the family, intentions and consumption of milk. The survey questionnaire was developed using open-ended questions and interviews with 112 pregnant women. One-hundred-eighty women recruited from prenatal clinics completed the survey questionnaire. Multiple regression was used separately to investigate the association of factors to intentions and to the consu-mption of milk, as proposed in the theory. Milk allocation within the family was used as an exploratory variable to explain milk consumption. Study findings revealed that all three factors, attitudes, subjective norms and perceived control contributed to the model in explaining intentions (explained variance : 36.2%), with perceived control being most important. For milk consumption, intentions and perceived control were related significantly to actual consumption, while milk allocation within the family was not (explained variance : 44.6%). These findings suggest that perceived control is important in understanding both intentions and milk consumption, providing empirical evidence for the Theory of Planned Behavior. With respect to the role of perceived control, more strong evidence was provided in explaining intentions. Findings suggest that educational interventions to increase milk consumption among pregnant women should incorporate strategies to enhance the perception of control, and to strengthen positive attitudes and to elicit social support from significant other. (Korean J Community Nutrition 1(2) 239-249, 1996)

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A Comparative Study Concerning the Psychopathologies between the Patients with Peptic Ulcer and Those with Essential Hypertension - Focused on Medically-Ill Out Patients - (소화성 궤양과 본태성 고혈압 환자의 정신병리에 관한 비교 연구 - 내과외래환자를 중심으로 -)

  • Choi, Hyun-Kyoung;Kim, Chan-Woo;Lee, Dong-Gun;Kwak, Chung-Whan;Park, Seung-Ken;Park, Hee-Ouk;Ok, Jong-Whan;Kim, Jeong-Gee
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.149-158
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    • 2003
  • Objectives: The authors studied the anxiety, depression and psychological characteristics of medical out-patients, which are diagnosed as peptic ulcer disorder and essential hypertension. We also examined the state of psychiatric consultation. Methods: The subjects were composed of 56 patients with peptic ulcer disorder, 44 patients with essential hypertension and 116 controls. STAI, BDI and SCL-90R was administered to all subjects. Chart review, telephone interview and Self report questionnaire of etiology and severity of illness, drug compliance and so forth were performed in disease groups. Results: Considerable depression was noticed in 39.3% among the patients with peptic ulcer disorder, 27.7% in hypertension and 12.1% in control group by BDI. State anxiety was noticed in 44.6% among the patients with peptic ulcer disorder, 54.5% in hypertension and 18.1% in control group by State anxiety. Trait anxiety was noticed in 42.9% among the patients with peptic ulcer disorder, 34.1% in hypertension and 25.8% in control group by Trait anxiety. The higher SOM, BDI, STAI, the lower drug compliance and rapport. Psychological problems are considered of the most important etiology in 48.2% of peptic ulcer group and 45.7% of hypertensive group. But psychiatric consultation is made only in 1.8% of peptic ulcer group and 2.3% of hypertensive group. Conclusions: Anxiety and depression are common phenomena in medical outpatients. In comparison with the normal control group, peptic ulcer group showed significantly higher trait anxiety and depression and hypertensive group higher state anxiety. These characteristics are related to the drug compliance and doctor-patient relationship. These results suggested the needs of active psychiatric consultation.

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A Study on the Essence and Tendency of Modern Manager (현대 경영자로서의 본질과 성향 연구)

  • Yeom, Bae-Hoon;Kim, Hyunsoo
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.23-42
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    • 2020
  • This study conceptualized the essence and propensity of modern management in service age, based on philosophy, and developed items to evaluate the conceptualized content. It was carried out as a new study to deepen the study of management philosophy and management theory by the new management framework. In order to establish the philosophical foundation of the modern management, the essence of the modern management was conceptualized based on the fundamental ideas of the East and West, and then an evaluation item was developed to put the essence and propensity of the modern management into practical use through analytical and empirical methods. After analyzing the representative ideas of mankind, it was derived that the Book of Change has the qualification as a philosophical model that can derive the essence of modern management. The Book of Change explains the reasoning of the world in the structure of two opposing parties, such as Taiji or Yin and Yang, and the process of acknowledging the contradictions within each opposing party and overcoming the contradictions through change is the central idea. Because you can see. After conducting a conceptual study, through empirical research, the essence and propensity of a modern manager should be conceptualized. The concept of essence and empirical study of the modern management using the leading role was conducted in two stages. First, a qualitative study using repetitive comparative analysis (CCM), focus group interview (FGI), and text mining was conducted to derive the essential and propensity conceptualization items that modern managers should possess. In addition, a quantitative study using factor analysis to develop sample items and develop measurement items through literature review and FGI was conducted to derive the essential concept of the modern management. Finally, the essence of modern management was derived: learning, preparation, challenge, inclusion, trust, morality, and sacrifice. In the future, it is necessary to conduct empirical research on the effectiveness of the essence of modern management for global and Korean representative companies.

The Landscape Configuration and Semantic Landscape of Hamheo-pavilion in Gokseong (곡성 함허정(涵虛亭)의 경관짜임과 의미경관)

  • Lee, Hyun-Woo;Sim, Woo-Kyung;Rho, Jae-Hyun;Shin, Sang-Sup
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.52-64
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    • 2015
  • This research traced the characteristics of the semantic landscape, construction intent, landscape composition, and geomantic conditions of the area subject to the research based on the research methods of 'field investigation, document studies, and interviews,' centering around the entire area of Gokseong Hamheo-pavilion (Jeonnam Tangible Cultural Assets No. 160). The result of the research, specifically revealing the forms and methods by which the reciprocal view of nature and landscape composition appearing in the landscape of the entire area of Hamheo-pavilion, as part of the analysis and interpretation over the view-based construction characteristics and position of the entire area of Gokseong Hamheo-pavilion, can be summarized as follows. First, Hamheo-pavilion is a pavilion built as a resting area and as a venue for educational activities in 1543 in the nearby areas after Gwang-hyeon Sim founded Gunjichon-jeongsa for educational activities and dwelling purposes at Gunchon at the 30th year of King Jungjong. Gunchon, where Hamheo-pavilion and Gunjichon-jeongsa is located, exhibits the typical form having water in the front, facing Sunja-river(present Seomjin-river), and a mountain in the back side. Dongak-mountain, which is a guardian mountain, is in a snail-type form where cows leisurely ruminate and lie on the riverside, and the Hamheo-pavilion area is said to be an area bordering on one's way of enjoying peace and richness as it is a place with plentiful grass bushes available for cows to ruminate and lie down while sheppards may leisurely play their flutes at the riverside. The back hill of Hamheo-pavilion is a blood vessel that enters the water into the underwater palace of the turtle, and the building sitting on the turtle's back is Hamheo-pavilion, and the Guam-jodae(龜巖釣臺) and lava on the southern side below the cliff can be interpreted to be the underwater fairly land wanted by the turtle.6) Second, Hamheo-pavilion is the scenery viewpoint of Sungang-Cheongpung (3rd Scenery) and Seolsan-Nakjo(雪山落照, 9th Scenery) among the eight sceneries of Gokseong, while also the scenery viewpoint of Hamheo-Sunja(2nd Scenery) and Cheonma-Gwiam(天馬歸岩, 3rd Scenery) among the eight sceneries of Ipmyeon. On the other hand, the pavilion is reproduced through the aesthetics of bends through sensible penetration and transcendental landscape viewed based on the Confucian-topos and ethics as the four bends among the five bends of Sunja-river arranged in the 'Santaegeuk(山太極) and Sutaeguek(水太極, formation of the yin-yang symbol by the mountain and water)' form, which is alike the connection of yin and yang. In particular, when based on the description over Mujinjeong (3rd Bend), Hoyeonjeong(4th Bend), andHapgangjeong(2nd Bend) among the five bends of Sunja-river in the records of Bibyeonsainbangan-jido(duringthe 18th century) and Okgwahyeonji(1788), the scenery of the five bends of Sunja-river allow to glimpse into its reputation as an attraction-type connected scenery in the latter period of the Joseon era, instead of only being perceived of its place identity embracing the fairyland world by crossing in and out of the world of this world and nirvana. Third, Hamheo-pavilion, which exhibits exquisite aesthetics of vacancy, is where the 'forest landscape composed of old big trees such as oak trees, oriental oak trees, and pine trees,' 'rock landscape such as Guam-jodae, lava, and layered rocks' and 'cultural landscape of Gunchon village' is spread close by. In the middle, it has a mountain scenery composed of Sunja-river, Masan-peak, and Gori-peak, and it is a place where the scenery by Gori-peak, Masan-peak, Mudeung-mountain, and Seol-mountain is spread and open in $180^{\circ}$ from the east to west. Mangseo-jae, the sarangchae (men's room)of Gunjichon-jeongsa, means a 'house observing Seoseok-mountain,' which has realized the diverse view-oriented intent, such as by allowing to look up Seol-mountain or Mudeung-mountain, which are back mountains behind the front mountain, through landscape configuration. Fourth, the private home, place for educational activities, pavilion, memorial room, and graveyard of Gunji-village, where the existence and ideal is connected, is a semantic connected scenery relating to the life cycle of the gentry linking 'formation - abundance - transcendence - regression.' In particular, based on the fact that the descriptions over reciprocal views of nature regarding an easy and comfortable life and appreciations for a picturesque scene of the areas nearby Sunja-river composes most of the poetic phrases relating to Hamheo-pavilion, it can be known that Hamheo-pavilion is expressed as the key to the idea of 'understanding how to be satisfied while maintaining one's positon with a comfortable mind' and 'returning to nature,' while also being expressed of its pedantic character as a place for reclusion for training one's mind and training others through metaphysical semantic scenery.