• Title/Summary/Keyword: 인적 서비스

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Development of Comprehensive Diagnostic System for Disaster in Decline Areas (쇠퇴지역 재난재해 종합진단 시스템 프로토타입 개발)

  • Shin, Yonghyeon;Lee, Sangmin;Yang, Dongmin
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2021.06a
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    • pp.479-479
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    • 2021
  • 최근 기상이변으로 인한 자연재해 발생이 증가하고 있고, 그에 따라 도시의 재난 대응력 강화가 국내에서는 물론 국제적으로도 중요한 이슈가 되고 있다. 특히 쇠퇴지역은 재난재해 발생 시 인적·물적 피해가 일반 지역 보다 상대적으로 크며, 복구에도 많은 시간과 예산이 소요되므로 대응책 마련을 위한 도시재생지역의 정밀한 재난재해의 위험성 분석 기술이 필요하다. 이에 본 연구에서는 도시재생사업 대상지(311개)에 대한 재난재해 유형별 위험성 및 회복성을 종합적으로 분석하는 종합진단 기법을 개발하고, 이를 적용한 프로토타입 시스템을 개발하였다. 재난재해의 범위는 「재난 및 안전관리 기본법」을 준용하여 이에 도시재생사업 시행에 영향을 받아 재난재해 발생에 따른 위험정도가 변화할 가능성이 높은 자연재해 (폭우, 폭염, 폭설, 강풍, 지진)5종과 사회재난 (화재, 붕괴, 폭발) 3종 총 8종으로 정의하였다. 종합진단 기법은 기후변화에 관한 정부간 협의체(IPCC) 위험도 평가 방법을 준용하여 위험요소 (위해성·취약성·노출성)와 대비·대응요소 (회복성)로 구분하고, 전문가 자문회의를 거쳐 재난재해에 특히 취약한 쇠퇴지역의 특성을 반영할 수 있는 종합진단지수 산정식을 개발하였다. 또한 쇠퇴지역 재난재해 종합진단 시스템은 도시재생 업무를 수행하는 사용자가 신속히 정보를 분석하고 활용에 용이하도록 Web-GIS 기반으로 설계하였으며, 종합진단 기법에 의해 산정된 분석결과를 100m × 100m 격자 단위의 등급으로 가시화한다. 분석 결과는 지속적인 연구 개발을 통해 최적의 도시재생사업 의사결정 지원 서비스를 위한 기초 분석 자료로 연계하여 활용되며, 분석 DB는 클라우드 서비스 기반의 도시재생 데이터 플랫폼을 통해 공유된다.

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Application of Social Media for Responding to a National Disaster (국가적 재난 대응에 있어서의 소셜 미디어 활용 방안 연구)

  • Kim, Han-Gook
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.147-153
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    • 2011
  • On 11 March 2011, earthquake occurred in Japan were left with the significant human and material damage. Among these, social media has emerged as a very useful communication channel by playing a important roles in the process of safety checking and disaster recovery. In fact, however, we have no specific response methods or systems to these occurrence of disaster in Korea. Therefore, we investigate the relevant literature in order to analyze the current status of foreign and domestic utilization of social media, and draw the ideal ways to use social media for responding to unpredictable disasters based on the relevant literature reviews. The results of this study are summarized as follows. First, Institutions such as Meteorological Administration or National Emergency Management Agency are able to utilize social media as the communication systems to public in emergency. Second, social media are able to used for building disaster information systems including location information such as emergency call for help or requests for dissemination materials. Lastly, online donation services via Facebook or Twitter are able to be provided. The findings have significant implications for official responsible for disaster response and academic researchers.

Local government's current status of informatization manpower and suggestions for securing new personnel with expertise (지방정부의 정보화 인력 운영 실태와 전문성을 보유한 신규인력의 확보 방안 제안)

  • Seokyoung Kim;Kwangki Ryoo
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.729-736
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    • 2023
  • With the full-fledged start of the 4th Industrial Revolution, the quality of administrative services through intelligent information technology and demand increased rapidly. Accordingly, the government is in full swing to establish a "digital platform government" through digital innovation in existing e-government operations such as organizational operations and administrative services. As local governments also promoted the establishment of a digital-based Agile government as a key strategy, this study investigated and analyzed the operation of informatization experts in metropolitan and basic local governments to support digital transformation policies and projects through intelligent informatization. Through this, the necessity and implications of expanding the size of human resources for successful digital transformation were derived, and two measures were proposed to enhance capabilities and expertise in the process of securing new manpower.

An Analytical Study on the Structure of Personal Input Factors of Fees for Rehabilitative and Physical Therapeutic Services (재활.물리치료서비스 수가항목의 인적 투입요소 구조분석 연구)

  • Lim, Jung-Do
    • Journal of Korean Physical Therapy Science
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.1065-1077
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    • 1996
  • Fees for medical insurance services in Korea has not being been set based on service costing. Recently in the USA, fees for physican services are determined by developing and applying Resoure Based Relative Value Scales (RBRVS). This study attempts to develop relative value scales for personal factors of rehabilitative and physical therapeutic services. The personal factors were classified into four categories as having been done in the USA;service time, treatment technology and physical efforts, mental efforts and judgement, and stress. Input factors were measured using Magnitude Estimation Method (MEM), and relative value units were calculated for each of twenty eight rehabilitative and physical therapeutic services. Results show that service time surveyed differs from that provided in the public fee schedules in 24 services; the three personal factors but the service time are highly correlated; the physical therapists hold treatment technology and physical efforts to be the most important factor in setting the for services; and that relative values developed for noninsurance services such as Silver Spike Electrode (SSP) and Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) are higher than those of similar insurance services. The policy implications and measures for improvement for the above findings were suggested respectively.

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Mobile DB Service of P2P Environment (P2P 환경에서 모바일 데이터베이스 서비스)

  • Kim, Dong-Hyun
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.46-51
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    • 2007
  • The file sharing method from P2P environments with client/server method to be different price does not use an expensive server from radio environment not to be, uses only the client computers and dispersed the joint ownership and a management of data. Human occurs from the client/server method which uses the server of large dosage with like this reason, will be able to minimize the waste of the waste of the material resources. Also valence increasing number of days rock operation of the user provides their benefit of etc. their result comes to be high. Like this is caused by with reason and the many people have an interest in P2P, also currently footlights the researches whice use P2P even in the mobile relation field which is receiving actively, is advanced.

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A Study on the Developing of Evaluation Indicators of Special Libraries (전문도서관 평가지표 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Hee-Sook;Jeong, Dong-Youl
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.11-43
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study is to develop evaluation indicators for special libraries. Finally. overall nine evaluation areas including library management. human resources. information resources, finance resources. facility resources. information uses. information services. information sharing and library specialities and 70 evaluation indicators in consideration of the special libraries' characteristics and environments were developed based on the results of the survey of the experts and librarians of the special libraries and on the application of statistical analysis.

A Comparative Study on the Discount Store Selection Behavior between the Korean and the Chinese Consumers' (한·중 소비자의 할인점 점포선택행동 비교)

  • Kim, Won-kyum;Fan, Qing-ji;Youn, Myoung-kil
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.41-56
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    • 2007
  • China has achieved the most rapid economic growth in the last 20 years, especially since its joining into WTO. Lots of world retail companies are rushing into chinese market. Especially, many discount store operators have been successfully operating and expanding their businesses. Therefore throughly understanding the character of consumers of china, basing on the careful market analysis and implementing correct marketing policies will help to promote retail enterprises' self-competitive in the market.

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The Influence of Service Quality Factors on Reuse Intention (항공사의 유·무형, 인적서비스 품질요인이 재이용의도에 미치는 영향 : 항공사 브랜드 및 브랜드태도의 매개효과를 중심으로)

  • Park, Hye-Yoon;Park, So-Yeon
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.59-67
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    • 2017
  • Purpose - This study's aims are to examine the effects of airline service quality on brand image, brand attitude and reuse intention and the mediating roles of brand image and brand attitude in the relationship between airline service quality and reuse intention. Research design, data and methodology - A total of 500 questionnaire copies were distributed and 474 were used for the empirical study after excluding some empirical inappropriate or unusable ones. To analyze the collected data, the SPSS/WIN 22.0 statistical package was used. Results - The result of analysis showed that all the intangible, tangible and human elements of the airline service quality positively influenced on brand image and brand attitude and did not directly influence on reuse intention. However, brand image and brand attitude played mediating roles in the relationship between all the service quality elements and reuse intention. Conclusions - This means that airlines need to develop service quality, which is differentiated and provides special feelings for customers and work out improvement strategies for positive brand images and attitudes, since customers choose and reuse airlines, based on brand images and attitudes, which are perceived and formed through the experience of airline service quality and word of mouth.

Strategies for High-growth Enterprises: Implications for Policy Initiatives in East Midland, UK (지역기반의 고성장 기업육성전략: 영국 중동부 지역의 정책적 시사점)

  • Rae, David;Kim, Jun Yeup
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.557-585
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    • 2012
  • This paper presents on the project to design an academy for high-growth businesses which is taking place in the East Midlands of the UK, sponsored by the Regional Development Agency (RDA). The research aims to design and commission a learning organisation which will stimulate and support entrepreneurial leadership and management skills in growing companies. The paper attempts to build a policy framework for a learning organisation which is centred on a community of high-growth firms' owners and managers acting as a support network. This approach is compared with existing high growth development programmes and recommendations are made for the development, funding and implementation of high-growth support programmes.

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The Role of Tourist Information Centers and Tourism Information Systems (관광정보안내체계의 문제점 및 개선방안)

  • 한상겸;전창석
    • The Journal of Information Technology
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.143-156
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    • 2002
  • Tourist Information Center has been played an important part of role in the promotion of tourism for both inbound and domestic market. The purpose of this paper is to examine the situation of our tourist information centers in context with information and personnel service. As a result we suggested some findings. According to studies, tourism information provided by TIC is critical and decisive for specific travel type and leisure travelers visit TIC more often than the other types of travelers. The specific aspects of tourism information is accuracy and currency which based on the characteristics of intangibility and perishability. According to this encouragement tourism information system should have to shifted to internet basis. This movement enabled tourism industry to make the atmosphere for portal or hub site for the effective operation of this system. The regionally networked system can make it possible to cope with some characteristics of tourism products. Reservations and information retrievals are major function of portal site. The data from suppliers (hotels, restaurants, event organizers, transportation, attractions etc) must be up-dated, controled by regional TIC and the connections should be extended among the regional TICs.

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