• Title/Summary/Keyword: 인적 서비스

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A Study of the Relationship between the Outbound Call Center Service Quality and Service Recovery Customer Royalty (아웃바운드 콜센터 서비스품질과 서비스회복 고객충성도 관계 연구)

  • Kim, Jun-Whai
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.163-176
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this research is to find out the service quality dimensions and detailed elements of a call center, and to study what relationship the service quality dimensions have with service recovery and customer royalty. This research set up the hypothesis and the research model to verify the relationship between the call center service quality and the service quality customer royalty for 139 people surveyed who experienced dissatisfactions. The result of the hypothesis verification shows that it has an influence on the counselors' service quality and service recovery processes of 3 call centers. The service recovery has en influence on the customer royalty. The result quality as a result remained for a customer after counseling can be called the ultimate purpose of using the call center for a customer, and the research shows that it has the largest influence on the service recovery of 3 dimensions of the call center service quality. In the relationship between the service recovery and the customer royalty, the service recovery has a meaningful influence on the customer royalty.

Group Key Management Protocol for Secure Social Network Service (안전한 소셜 네트워크 서비스를 위한 그룹키 관리 프로토콜)

  • Seo, Seung-Hyun;Cho, Tae-Nam
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea CI
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    • v.48 no.3
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    • pp.18-26
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    • 2011
  • Social network services whose users increase rapidly is the online services that reflect social network. They are used for various purposes such as strategy of election, commercial advertisement and marketing, educational information sharing and exchange of medical knowledge and opinions. These services make users form social networks with other users who have common interests and expand their relationships by releasing their personal information and utilizing other users' social networks. However, the social network services based on open and sharing of information raise various security threats such as violation of privacy and phishing. In this paper, we propose a group key management scheme and protocols using key rings to protect communication of small groups in social network services.

A Research on Premium In-Flight Service by Enhancing Service Quality focusing on K-Airline's Passengers and Cabin Crews (서비스품질 향상을 통한 기내서비스 명품화에 관한 연구 - K항공사 승객과 승무원을 중심으로 -)

  • Na, Eun-Jung;Kim, Ki-Woong;Yoon, Young-Pyo;Park, Sung-Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.74-87
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    • 2011
  • This paper tried to research the relationship among the passenger's satisfaction and expectation of in-flight service quality, overall satisfaction and passenger's Loyalty by emphasizing on two groups of passengers and cabin crews from K-airline to find out which service quality area should be focused on for pursuing premium in-flight service. Such six service quality areas as in-flight equipment, food&beverage, duty-free sales, service ability, service image and specialized service were conceived and survey questions were made based on relevant previous researches. The analysis has used the data of 281 passengers and 336 cabin crews from K-airline. According to the analysis, in physical service factors, passengers perceive satisfaction from duty-free sales contributes to overall service satisfaction. However, cabin crews believed in-flight equipment and food&beverage are important to overall service satisfaction. In human service factors, both groups seemed to agree service ability and service image have a positive impact on overall service satisfaction. Among service satisfaction factors, the customer's satisfaction from cabin crew's service ability(service response, professional knowledge and foreign language skill) is also proven to be directly connected to customer loyalty.

A Design of Knowledge Base for the Service of Collaboration Support between Researchers (연구자 간 협업 지원 서비스를 위한 지식 베이스 설계)

  • Jung, Han-Min;Sung, Won-Kyung;Park, Dong-In
    • Annual Conference on Human and Language Technology
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.173-178
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    • 2005
  • 지식 베이스는 대량의 인적 물적 자원을 투입하고 철저한 설계에 기반하여 구축하여야 하는 부담이 큰 자원이다. 그렇지만, 지식 베이스 없이 다양한 응용 분야와 서비스를 만족시키는 시스템을 구축할 수 없기 때문에 그 중요성을 인정하지 않을 수 없다. 기존의 지식베이스 구축에 있어서 간과했던 것들의 하나는 응용 분야와 서비스를 명확히 하고, 해당분야에 안는 지식 베이스를 선택해야 한다는 것이다. 어휘의미망을 포함하여 시소러스를 범용 또는 여러 분야에서 구축하고 있으나 이들이 어떤 서비스에 도움이 되는지를 확실히 분석하지 못함으로 인해 응용 시스템에서 제 기능을 다하지 못하고 있으며, 온톨로지 또한 근본적으로 분야와 활용 목적에 의존적이어서 이를 고려하여 설계를 하지만 시소러스나 용어 사전과 같은 기본적인 지식 베이스와의 연계를 통한 효율성 재고라는 측면에서 약점을 보여왔다. 본 연구에서는 사용자 질의와 실 데이터간의 어휘 불일치 해소를 위해 시소러스를 설계 구축하고 온톨로지의 사례화 결과인 인스턴스와 연동시킴으로써 연구자 간 협업 지원 서비스를 제공할 수 있는 기반 자원으로서의 지식 베이스 구축에 초점을 둔다.

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The Systematization of the Concept on Apparel Store Service and Relationship with the Shopping Type of Consumer (의류점포의 서비스 개념 체계와 쇼핑유형과의 관련성)

  • 김윤희;김미영
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.183-194
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study are to systematize the concept on apparel store service and to provide the importance of each service according to the shopping types as well as demographic characteristics of consumers. The data was collected from 628 females and analyzed by factor analysis, reliability analysis, mean, percentage, cluster analysis, ANOVA, Duncan test, paired t-test, and t-test. The results are as follows: 1) All apparel stores consist of two categories, Products and Services. The products obviously entail whatever the store is selling. The services, on the other hand, can be broken down into three different factors of responsibility: public relations service, store environmental service, and promotional service. 2) Consumers can be classified into one of four categories: conventional type, practical type, recreational type, and casual type. 3) A recreational type and a practical type shoppers take into consideration all three service factors. The conventional and casual type shoppers, as compared to the recreational or practical type shoppers, arent really concerned with much of anything, least of the promotional service factor. 4) It has been found that the typical Korean consumer is more concerned with the public relations service factor, rather than the store environmental service factor or promotional service factor. 5) It has been found that the importance of services are significantly different in relation to the demographic characteristics, whether that be age, marital status, or the age of the youngest child.

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The Role of Consumer Cognitive Costs and Service Quality in Store Loyalty: A Comparison of Models between Customers and Prospects in the Context of Consumer Electronics Retailing (점포 충성도에서 인지적 비용과 서비스 품질의 역할: 전자제품 소매 유통에서 구매 고객과 잠재고객의 모델 비교를 중심으로)

  • Choi, Ja-Young;Lee, Ji-Eun
    • Journal of Distribution Research
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.89-111
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of the study was to examine the role of cognitive costs in the relationship between service quality and store loyalty using structural equation modeling. The findings showed that cognitive costs playa mediating role between service quality and store loyalty. The findings also showed that physical environment indirectly affected store loyalty through cognitive cost. However, personal service had both direct effect and indirect effect on store loyalty. It was also appeared that there were differences in the models between customers and prospects.

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Types and Status of Patient Services based on Hospital Library Guidelines (병원도서관 가이드라인에 기반한 환자서비스 유형 및 현황)

  • Rhee, Hey Young
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.89-116
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the services provided to the patient based on the guidelines and standards due to the importance of the existence and role of the hospital library. The subject of investigation is foreign hospital library. As a result of the related search terms from search engine Google, researcher selected 90 overseas hospital library sites and examined the type of service based on guidelines and standards. As a result of the survey, services were provided mainly for 'basic service' and 'health information resource service' and 'health information resource service' was provided mainly for 'providing and delivering' rather than 'education'. 'Mental and psychological healing services' were found to be insufficient overall. The suggestion for providing hospital library service is as follows. First, it is necessary to provide library name and service that specialize only in patients. Second, it is necessary to expand bibliotherapy service, which is the center of hospital library service, especially providing culture, rehabilitation and entertainment programs, which are mental and mental healing services. Third, it is necessary to arrange human resources of health librarian and volunteer based on librarian.

Implementation of the knowledge-base information system for Industry and Academy Cooperation (지식 기반의 산학연정보망 시스템 설계)

  • 소두석;곽정필;김진천;최재원
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2001.05a
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    • pp.560-563
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    • 2001
  • 본 논문에서는 대차의 인적ㆍ물적ㆍ지적 자원을 효과적으로 활공할 수 있도록 효율적인 연결 모델을 제시하여 지러 중소기업의 기술개발과 생산성 향상을 도모하기 위산 산학연정보망 시스템을 구축하였다. 그리고 시스템에 의해 제공될 수 있는 주요 서비스로는 전문기술과 인력정보 제공, 전문인력에 대한 프로필 제공, 중소기업의 연구 개발 인프라를 지원하기 위한 시험연구 설비 및 기자재에 대한 정보제공, 기타 중소기업에 서 필요로 하는 정보를 제공할 수 있는 시스템을 설계 및 기술하였다.

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백화점의 인적서비스 아웃소싱(outsourcing) 동기와 성과에 관한 연구

  • 이철우;김창호
    • Journal of Distribution Research
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.31-49
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    • 1999
  • The present paper discusses the current status of outsourcing of service encounter in department stores. We attempt to find if there is any significant relationship between outsourcing motive and business performance. The 30 department stores under analysis show that they vary in the degree to which they appreciate the necessity of outsourcing and also the which they employ outsourcing. It is also found that firm size influences the portion of outsourcing. The two main motives of outsourcing seem to be (i) cost saving and (ⅱ) better customer satisfaction. We find that the latter plays a more important role. However, there seems to be no significant connection between outsourcing and performance and between motives of outsourcing and performance.

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A Study on the Current Status and Development Strategies of Community Information Services in Public Libraries: Focusing on the Chungcheong Region (공공도서관의 지역정보서비스 현황과 발전방안에 관한 연구 - 충청지역을 중심으로 -)

  • Kyoung Jang;Hyeyoung Kim
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.55 no.3
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    • pp.141-165
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    • 2024
  • This study aims to examine community information services provided by public libraries to explore strategies for their future development and enhance these services for the sustainability of local communities. The study categorized local information services into 17 categories and identified 60 detailed types. An analysis of 116 public libraries in the Chungcheong region revealed that 36% of the libraries offered community information services, while 64% did not. Among the 17 categories, the services provided were primarily concentrated on history/culture, employment, leisure, administrative information, education, and village communities. In eight areas experiencing population decline, the provision of community information services was notably lacking, highlighting the need to actively develop these services to support community sustainability. The study proposes expanding the concept of locality and diversifying service categories, conducting user needs assessments to reflect local residents' interests, strengthening human resource cooperation, and establishing digital archives of local materials in collaboration with related institutions.