• Title/Summary/Keyword: 인공지능 교육 방향

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Review of Educational Applications of Artificial Intelligence Speakers (인공지능 스피커의 교육적 활용 방안 고찰)

  • Ahn, Jeoung-Eun;Jun, Youngcook
    • Proceedings of The KACE
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    • 2018.01a
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    • pp.93-95
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    • 2018
  • 음성인식 기술이 인공지능의 핵심 연구 분야로 떠오르면서 음성인식 기술은 인공지능(AI)과 결합하여 음성비서, 자율 주행차, 실시간 음성검색, 음성 통역 등 다양한 분야에서 활용될 것으로 기대되고 있다. 문자가 아닌 음성으로 검색하는 새로운 검색 시장이 확대되면서 '음성이용자인터페이스(VUI: Voice User Interface)' 인 음성비서 서비스 기능을 가진 인공지능(AI) 스피커 시장 경쟁이 시간이 갈수록 가열되고 있다. 이에 인공지능 스피커의 등장배경부터 현재 국내외 음성인식 기기 소개 그리고 앞으로의 교육의 방향에 맞는 음성인식 기기의 교육적 활용 방안에 대해서 알아보고자 한다.

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A Case Study on Artificial Intelligence Education for Non-Computer Programming Students in Universities (대학에서 비전공자 대상 인공지능 교육의 사례 연구)

  • Lee, Youngseok
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.157-162
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    • 2022
  • In a society full of knowledge and information, digital literacy and artificial intelligence (AI) education that can utilize AI technology is needed to solve numerous everyday problems based on computational thinking. In this study, data-centered AI education was conducted while teaching computer programming to non-computer programming students at universities, and the correlation between major factors related to academic performance was analyzed in addition to student satisfaction surveys. The results indicated that there was a strong correlation between grades and problem-solving ability-based tasks, and learning satisfaction. Multiple regression analysis also showed a significant effect on grades (F=225.859, p<0.001), and student satisfaction was high. The non-computer programming students were also able to understand the importance of data and the concept of AI models, focusing on specific examples of project types, and confirmed that they could use AI smoothly in their fields of interest. If further cases of AI education are explored and students' AI education is activated, it will be possible to suggest its direction that can collaborate with experts through interest in AI technology.

Exploring the Design of Artificial Intelligence Convergence Liberal Arts Curriculum Based on Flipped Learning and Maker Education: Focusing on Learner Needs Assessment (플립 러닝과 메이커 교육 기반 인공지능 융합교양교과목 설계 방향 탐색 : 학습자 요구 분석을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Sung-ae
    • Journal of Practical Engineering Education
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.221-232
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to explore the design direction of artificial intelligence convergence liberal arts subjects based on flip learning and maker education through analysis of learner needs in a non-face-to-face classroom environment caused by COVID-19. To this end, we analyzed the priorities of subject content elements by using the Borich needs assessment and The Locus for Focus model along with students' perceptions of flip learning for students who took and did not take maker education-based liberal arts courses. Based on this, it was used as basic data for designing the curriculum. The study results are as follows. First, the content elements of the artificial intelligence liberal arts curriculum based on maker education consisted of a total of 9 areas and were designed as a class using flip learning. Second, the areas with the highest demand for education are 'Artificial Intelligence Theory', 'Artificial Intelligence Programming Practice', 'Physical Computing Theory', 'Physical Computing Practice', followed by 'Convergence Project', '3D Printing Theory', '3D Printing practice' was decided. Third, most of the questionnaires regarding the application of flip learning in maker education-based artificial intelligence liberal arts subjects showed positive responses regardless of whether they took the course, and the satisfaction of the students was very high. Based on this, an artificial intelligence-based convergence liberal arts curriculum using flip learning and maker education was designed. This is meaningful in that it provides an opportunity to cultivate artificial intelligence literacy for college students by preparing the foundation for artificial intelligence convergence education in liberal arts education by reflecting the needs of students.

A Study on the Perception of Artificial Intelligence Literacy and Artificial Intelligence Convergence Education Using Text Mining Analysis Techniques (텍스트 마이닝 분석기법을 활용한 인공지능 리터러시 및 인공지능 융합 교육에 관한 인식 연구)

  • Hyeok Yun;Jeongrang Kim
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.553-566
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    • 2022
  • This study collects social data and academic research data from portal sites and RISS, and analyzes TF-IDF, N-Gram, semantic network analysis, and CONCOR analysis to analyze the social awareness and current aspects of 'AI Literacy' and 'AI Convergence Education'. Through this, we tried to understand the social awareness aspect and the current situation, and to suggest implications and directions. In the social data, the collection of 'AI Convergence Education' was more than twice that of 'AI Literacy', indicating that awareness of 'AI Literacy' was relatively low. In 'AI Literacy', the keyword 'human' in social data showed no cluster to which it belonged, indicating a lack of philosophical interest in and awareness of humanities and AI. In addition, the keyword 'Ministry of Education' showed high frequency, importance, and centrality of connection only in the social data of 'AI convergence education', confirming that 'AI convergence education' is closely related to government policy.

Analysis of the Current Status of Intelligence Information Education and Strategic Model Proposals (지능정보 교육 현황 분석 및 전략적 모델 제안)

  • Tae-Gyu Lee
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.561-572
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    • 2024
  • Recent advancements in generative AI technologies, such as ChatGPT, as well as in cloud computing and big data, have brought about rapid changes across all aspects of human life and industry. Amidst these changes, a new civilization called the "Intelligent Information Society" is emerging, highlighting the growing importance of AI education. This study aims to systematically analyze the educational elements necessary for building an Intelligent Information Society and propose an ideal model for AI education. It examines various international and domestic cases of intelligent information education to identify the current status and key issues and to explore potential solutions. Additionally, the study proposes foundational, specialized, applied, and future-oriented AI education models, providing educational methodologies tailored to each level. Based on these models, a strategic education roadmap and policy recommendations are developed to establish a foundation for the harmonious development of humans and technology in the Intelligent Information Society. This study seeks to reaffirm the significance of AI education as a critical element for advancing the Intelligent Information Society and to provide direction for future educational strategies.

The Educational Effect of Novel Engineering on Artificial Intelligence Convergence Liberal Arts Course for Pre-service Teachers (예비 교사 대상 인공지능 융합 교양교과목을 위한 노벨 엔지니어링의 교육적 효과)

  • Ji-Yun Kim;Kwihoon Kim
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.507-515
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    • 2022
  • In this paper, a novel-engineering-based artificial intelligence liberal arts course is proposed and its effectiveness is evaluated with an emphasis on creativity confluence competency for elementary and middle school pre-service teachers in various majors. Constructing directions such as "considering the characteristics of non-major learners" and "drawing convergence with majors" were derived by analyzing related prior research, and its relationship with Novel Engineering was presented as an appropriate educational method. As a result of 45 hours of artificial intelligence education convergence liberal arts course, a statistically significant improvement in creativity confluence competency and high satisfaction were established. This study is significant because it supported the idea that novel engineering might be used as a pre-service teacher education strategy for artificial intelligence convergence education.

Development of Artificial Inetelligence Education Program for the Lower Grades of Elementary School (초등학교 저학년 학습자를 위한 인공지능 교육프로그램 개발)

  • Kang, Ji-eun;Koo, Dukhoi
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.761-768
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    • 2021
  • Recently, various platforms and contents for artificial intelligence education have been developed, but artificial intelligence education programs for the lower grades of elementary school are insufficient. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to develop an artificial intelligence education program for learners in the lower grades of elementary school. It was designed using the Novel Engineering with various convergence education research cases for software education. After the first program was developed, it was verified by expert validity test, and the program was modified and developed accordingly. It was necessary to construct a program based on spoken language rather than written language in consideration of the level of learners in the lower grades in the process of acquiring Hangeul, and to secure the number of educational hours through integration between subjects. It is expected that this study can suggest a new direction for artificial intelligence education for elementary and lower grade learners.

Development of Artificial Inetelligence Education Program for the Lower Grades of Elementary School (초등학교 저학년 학습자를 위한 인공지능 교육프로그램 개발)

  • Kang, Ji-eun;Koo, Duk-hoi
    • 한국정보교육학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2021.08a
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    • pp.123-129
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    • 2021
  • Recently, various platforms and contents for artificial intelligence education have been developed, but artificial intelligence education programs for the lower grades of elementary school are insufficient. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to develop an artificial intelligence education program for learners in the lower grades of elementary school. It was designed using the Novel Engineering, and its validity was verified by expert validation. It was necessary to construct a program based on spoken language rather than written language in consideration of the level of learners in the lower grades in the process of acquiring Hangeul, and to secure the number of educational hours through integration between subjects. There have been various research cases of software education with Novel Engineering, and its effectiveness has been verified. Artificial intelligence education is also expected to be applied in the school field through Novel Engineering.

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Basic Study on the Establishment of AI Convergence Education Room (인공지능융합교육실 구축에 관한 기초연구)

  • Kim, Jeong-Rang
    • 한국정보교육학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2021.08a
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    • pp.321-326
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    • 2021
  • In this paper, the information education plan of the Ministry of Education and offices of education was analyzed in relation to the construction of the AI convergence education room. And based on this, an appropriate construction direction was suggested. For research, AI convergence education room construction plan, budget amount per school and etc were analyzed in the information education plan of the Ministry of Education, KERIS, KOFAC, and the plan of leading schools for AI education. Although the Ministry of Education is making various efforts to promote SW education and artificial intelligence convergence education, it is found that the number is far insufficient compared to the number of elementary, middle and high schools. Efforts to expand the information education room at the government level are continuously required, and in order to utilize the developed artificial intelligence convergence education room, it is necessary to provide abundant teaching and learning examples for the construction space model. In addition, school-level planning and execution must be followed so that the constructed space can be used appropriately, and management and maintenance plans for equipment are required.

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A Study on Development Strategies for Artificial Intelligence-Based Personalized Mathematics Learning Services (인공지능 기반 개인 맞춤 수학학습 서비스 개발 방향에 관한 연구)

  • Joo-eun Hyun;Chi-geun Lee;Daehwan Lee;Youngseok Lee;Dukhoi Koo
    • Journal of Practical Engineering Education
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.605-614
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    • 2023
  • In In the era of digital transition, AI-based personalized services are emerging in the field of education. This research aims to examine the development strategies for implementing AI-based learning services in school. Focusing on AI-based math learning service "Math Cell" developed by i-Scream Edu, this study surveyed the functional requirements from the perspective of an educator. The results were analyzed for importance and suitability using IPA, and expert opinions were surveyed to explore specific development directions for the service. Consequently, importance in all areas such as diagnosis, learning, evaluation, and management averaged 4.82 and performance averaged 4.56, showing excellent results in most questions, and in particular, importance was higher than performance. Among certain detailed functions, concept learning, customized task presentation, evaluation result analysis function, dashboard-related functions, and learning materials in the dashboard were not intuitive for students to understand and had to be supplemented. This study provides meaningful insights by summarizing expert opinions on AI-based personalized mathematics learning services, thereby contributing to the exploration of the development strategies for "Math Cell".