• Title/Summary/Keyword: 인공지능 가이드라인

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Guideline on Security Measures and Implementation of Power System Utilizing AI Technology (인공지능을 적용한 전력 시스템을 위한 보안 가이드라인)

  • Choi, Inji;Jang, Minhae;Choi, Moonsuk
    • KEPCO Journal on Electric Power and Energy
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.399-404
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    • 2020
  • There are many attempts to apply AI technology to diagnose facilities or improve the work efficiency of the power industry. The emergence of new machine learning technologies, such as deep learning, is accelerating the digital transformation of the power sector. The problem is that traditional power systems face security risks when adopting state-of-the-art AI systems. This adoption has convergence characteristics and reveals new cybersecurity threats and vulnerabilities to the power system. This paper deals with the security measures and implementations of the power system using machine learning. Through building a commercial facility operations forecasting system using machine learning technology utilizing power big data, this paper identifies and addresses security vulnerabilities that must compensated to protect customer information and power system safety. Furthermore, it provides security guidelines by generalizing security measures to be considered when applying AI.

Korean Paraphrase Corpus and Building Guidelines for Sentence Similarity Analysis (문장 유사성 분석을 위한 한국어 패러프레이즈 말뭉치 및 구축 가이드라인)

  • Oh, Kyo-Joong;Kim, Hyunmin;Ko, Bowon;Nam, Jehyun;Choi, Ho-Jin
    • Annual Conference on Human and Language Technology
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    • 2019.10a
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    • pp.527-530
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    • 2019
  • 최근 각 산업분야에서 대화 시스템과 챗봇 기술의 업무로의 도입이 활발해짐에 따라 한국어 패러프레이즈 기술에 대한 관심이 높아지고 있다. 기존에는 연구와 평가 목적으로 규모는 작아도 잘 정제된 평가셋을 만드는 것이 중요했으나, 최근에는 기계학습 기술의 발달로 학습을 위한 일정 수준의 품질을 보장하는 대량의 말뭉치를 빠르게 확보하는 방법이 중요해지고 있다. 본 논문에서는 현재 수행하고 있는 한국어 패러프레이즈 말뭉치 구축 경험과 방법에 대해 소개한다.

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Seoul PACT : Principles of Artificial Intelligence Ethics and its Application Example to Intelligent E-Government Service (인공지능 윤리 원칙 Seoul PACT를 적용한 지능형 전자정부 서비스 윤리 가이드라인)

  • Kim, Myuhng Joo
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.117-128
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    • 2019
  • The remarkable achievements of the artificial intelligence in recent years are also raising awareness about its potential risks. Several governments and public organizations have been proposing the artificial intelligence ethics for sustainable development of artificial intelligence by minimizing potential risks. However, most existing proposals are focused on the developer-centered ethics, which is not sufficient for the comprehensive ethics required for ongoing intelligent information society. In addition, they have chosen a number of principles as the starting point of artificial intelligence ethics, so it is not easy to derive the guideline flexibly for a specific member reflecting its own situation. In this paper, we classify primitive members who need artificial intelligence ethics in intelligent information society into three : Developer, Supplier and User. We suggest a new artificial intelligence ethics, Seoul PACT, with minimal principles through publicness (P), accountability (A), controllability (C), and transparency (T). In addition, we provide 38 canonical guidelines based on these four principles, which are applicable to each primitive members. It is possible for a specific member to duplicate the roles of primitive members, so that the flexible derivation of the artificial intelligence ethics guidelines can be made according to the characteristics of the member reflecting its own situation. As an application example, in preparation for applying artificial intelligence to e-government service, we derive a full set of artificial intelligence ethics guideline from Seoul PACT, which can be adopted by the special member named Korean Government.

A Study on the Improvement of Domestic Policies and Guidelines for Secure AI Services (안전한 AI 서비스를 위한 국내 정책 및 가이드라인 개선방안 연구)

  • Jiyoun Kim;Byougjin Seok;Yeog Kim;Changhoon Lee
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.975-987
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    • 2023
  • With the advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies, the provision of data-driven AI services that enable automation and intelligence is increasing across industries, raising concerns about the AI security risks that may arise from the use of AI. Accordingly, Foreign countries recognize the need and importance of AI regulation and are focusing on developing related policies and regulations. This movement is also happening in Korea, and AI regulations have not been specified, so it is necessary to compare and analyze existing policy proposals or guidelines to derive common factors and identify complementary points, and discuss the direction of domestic AI regulation. In this paper, we investigate AI security risks that may arise in the AI life cycle and derive six points to be considered in establishing domestic AI regulations through analysis of each risk. Based on this, we analyze AI policy proposals and recommendations in Korea and validate additional issues. In addition, based on a review of the main content of AI laws in the US and EU and the analysis of this paper, we propose measures to improve domestic guidelines and policies in the field of AI.

A Study on the Development of an Integrated Implementation Model for Digital Transformation and ESG Management (디지털 트랜스포메이션과 ESG 경영의 통합 추진을 위한 모델 개발에 관한 연구 )

  • Kim, Seung-wook
    • Journal of Venture Innovation
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.85-100
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    • 2024
  • ESG management refers to corporate management that takes into account environmental, social, and governance factors, while digital transformation goes beyond the mere automation or digitization of existing tasks to drive an innovative change in the essence of work and the way value is created. Therefore, digital transformation can help companies achieve ESG goals and implement sustainable business practices, establishing a complementary relationship between digital transformation and ESG management for corporate sustainability and growth. This relationship maximizes the synergy of integrating digital transformation with ESG management, enabling companies to utilize resources efficiently and prevent redundant investments, ultimately enhancing sustainable management performance. In this study, we propose the simultaneous promotion of business process reengineering (BPR), in which both digital transformation and ESG management are integrated. This is because the collection, analysis, and decision-making processes related to various data for promoting ESG management must be organically integrated with digital transformation technologies. Therefore, we analyzed each ESG management objective presented in the K-ESG guidelines and identified the corresponding digital transformation technologies through expert interviews and a review of prior research. The K-ESG guidelines serve as a useful ESG diagnostic system that enables companies to identify improvement tasks and manage performance based on goals through self-assessment of ESG levels. By developing a model based on the K-ESG guidelines for the integrated promotion of digital transformation and ESG management, companies can simultaneously improve ESG performance and drive digital innovation, reducing redundant investments and trial-and-error while utilizing diverse resources efficiently. This study provides practical and academic implications by developing a concrete and actionable new research model for researchers and businesses.

Advances and Issues in Federated Learning Open Platforms: A Systematic Comparison and Analysis (연합학습 개방형 플랫폼의 발전과 문제점에 대한 체계적 비교 분석)

  • JinSoo Kim;SeMo Yang;KangYoon Lee;KwangKee Lee
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2023
  • As federated learning brings a large paradigm to modern artificial intelligence research, efforts are being made to incorporate federated learning into research in various fields. However, researchers who apply federated learning face the problem of choosing a federated learning framework and benchmark tool suitable for their situation and purpose. This study aims to present guidelines for selection of federated learning frameworks and benchmark tools considering the circumstances of researchers who apply federated learning in practice. In particular, there are three main contributions in this study. First, it generalizes the situation of the researcher applying federated learning by combining it with the goal of federated learning and proposes guidelines for selecting a federated learning framework suitable for each situation. Second, it shows the suitability of selection by comparing the characteristics and performance of each federated learning framework to the researcher. Finally, the limitations of the existing federated learning framework and a plan for real-world federated learning operation are proposed.

자율운항선박 선박 운용 핵심기술 ISO 국제표준 개발에 대한 고찰

  • 전주영;김명진;전보미;임정빈
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2023.05a
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    • pp.198-199
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    • 2023
  • 자율운항선박 (Maritime Autonomous Surface Ship, MASS) 관련 기술이 전 세계적으로 활발히 개발되고 있는 가운데, 이러한 신기술을 검증하기 위해 국제표준 개발의 필요성이 증대하고 있다. 현재 ISO TC8(선박 및 해양기술) 분과에서 개발중이거나 제정된 표준 분석을 진행하였다. 3가지 카테고리로 분류하였을 때, 카테고리 3 - 세부 장비/어플리케이션에 대해 개발된 표준의 수가 카테고리 1 - 일반적인 가이드라인 및 기능적 요구사항에 대한 표준과 카테고리 1의 기능적 요구 사항을 만족하는 기술적 솔루션 레퍼런스인 기술적 솔루션 표준은 부족한 실정이다. 우선순위 도출을 통하여 카테고리 2 분야의 표준화 아이템을 도출하였고, 이를 기반으로 수립한 국제표준화 추진전략 및 계획을 소개할 예정이다.

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An Exploratory Study on User Experience of Augmented Reality Advertising (증강현실 광고의 사용자경험에 대한 탐색적 연구)

  • Sung, Jungyeon;Jo, Jae-wook
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.14 no.8
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    • pp.177-183
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    • 2016
  • Augmented Reality(AR) has been further developed through connectivity with Artificial Intelligence (AI), Big Data, the Internet of Things(IoT). The interest of AR in the advertising is on the increase. However, it needs to explore the use of AR technology in advertising based on user experience rather than the technical aspects. This study is very significant in that it is the exploratory study which provides guidelines in the field of utilizing AR, particularly based on direct user experience. In addition, through a quantitative survey, it checks the validity of the present study to verify the impact of utilitarian, experiential value of AR ad on brand attitude as consumer attitude. The characteristics of AR ad based on user experience through this study will provide guidance to utilize AR ad, utilizing AR technology in various fields, such as education and exhibitions in developing convergence contents that can provide practical value.

Analysis of Priority in the Robotaxi Design Elements : Focusing on Application of AHP Methodology (로보택시 설계 요소 간 우선순위 분석 : AHP 방법론 적용을 중심으로)

  • Juhye Ha;Yeonbi Jeung;Junho Choi
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.179-193
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    • 2023
  • research on user-friendly experience design is crucial to reduce resistance and enhance acceptance of robotaxis. This study analyzes the prioritization of design factors in robotaxi systems and provides design guidelines based on user experience. Using the AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process) technique, users' perceived importance of four primary design factors and sixteen 16 sub-design elements were assessed, and comfort and safety were top priorities. The results showed that the artificial intelligence agent was the most critical design factor, followed by driving guidance information, interior design, and exterior design. These findings offer valuable insights for robotaxi professionals, and could assist in informed decision-making and creating user-centered design guidelines.

Design of Teaching and Learning Model through Avatar Training (아바타 교육을 통한 교수 학습 모델의 설계)

  • Lee, Kyong-Ho
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Computer Information Conference
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    • 2022.01a
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    • pp.227-230
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    • 2022
  • 본 연구에서는 실질적 학습자가 교수자로 착각을 한 상태에서 아바타를 학습시키는 과정을 통해 학습이 되게 하는 구조를 설계하고 제안하였다. 시스템 관리자와 교육자료 형성자를 제외하면, 교수자로 착각하고 있는 '학습자'와 학습자의 공부를 위해 노력하는 학습 가이드 역할을 '학습 관찰자', 학습이 되는 아바타로 구성된다. '학습 관찰자'는 학습 방향을 제시하여 아바타가 활동하는 방향을 지시하게 되며, 아바타는 지시된 방향에서 1:1 학습과 같은 형태로 교수자 입장 학습자에게 공부도움을 요청하게 된다. 아바타의 학습은 인공지능 지도 학습 방법을 이용하여 학습되도록 하며, 교수자로 착각하는 학습자는 아바타 학습 시 아바타에 의해 슬며시 제공되는 학습 자료를 참고하며 아바타를 공부시키게 되는 데 아바타를 공부시킨다고 노력하는 과정이 교수자로 착각된 학습자가 공부가 되는 것이다. 또한 이렇게 학습하는 과정을 거쳐 지식이 성장한 아바타는 아바타들이 경쟁하는 경진 대회에 참가하게 되며 교육자로 착각하는 학습자는 관전 또는 코치를 하며 학습을 하게 된다. 이러한 방법을 통해 교육자로 착각하는 학습자는 부모의 마음으로 적극적으로 공부를 하게 유도하며, 흥미를 갖고 공부를 하게 할 뿐 아니라, 가르치는 사람에 준하는 깊이 있는 지식을 갖도록 유도하며, 본 시스템과 온라인 오프라인을 통해 연결 되게 한 운동 기구 및 운동 환경을 이용하여 운동 하도록 유도하고 파워가 되도록 하여 운동 활동을 유도하며, 단계 마다 적당한 보상 점수들이 제공되도록 하여 지덕체가 성장되도록 하는 설계이다.

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