• Title/Summary/Keyword: 이야기 구조도식

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The Effects of an School Library Program Using Picture Books and Graphic Organizers - First graders' Literacy Abilities, Book Lending Frequency, and Satisfaction for the Program - (그림책과 이야기 구조도식을 활용한 학교도서관 프로그램의 효과 - 초등학교 1학년 아동의 문해능력과 도서 대출 빈도의 변화 및 프로그램 만족도 분석 -)

  • Choi, Naya;Jeong, Soo-Jeong
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.44 no.4
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    • pp.177-207
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    • 2013
  • This study was conducted to verify the effects of an school library program using picture books and graphic organizers on first grade children's literacy abilities and book lending, and to evaluate the program with mothers' and mentors' responses. Twenty eight first graders of an elementary school in Kyunggi province participated in this program. Their reading and writing abilities were tested, and their book lending behaviors were compared before and after the whole program. The participants explored 20 picture books by reading aloud and expressed their responses on the graphic organizers over 11 weeks. The findings of this study after the whole session was complete were as follows. First, participants significantly improved in reading comprehension and writing assessed in terms of fluency, format, organization, expression, contents, and themes. Second, they lent books more frequently from the library than before. Third, participants' mothers showed great satisfaction for the program in that it enhanced child's reading ability, reading attitude, and mother's interest in children's books and library, and mentors also reported very positive impact of this program to themselves.

A semiotic analysis of trilogy (<슈렉> 3부작의 기호학적 분석)

  • Lee, Yun-Jin;Kwon, Jae-Woong
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.16
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    • pp.101-112
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze trilogy by means of semiotics. trilogy constructs a story as a whole while each piece delivers a concluded ending. This study used 'modele actantiel' and 'carre semiotique' of Greimas in order to clarify not only the meaning structure but also the course of narrative of . is a compelling story which reverses the fairy tale of a beautiful princess and a heroic prince. Each piece of the trilogy unfolds as following; (1)ls the love of a princess and an ogre possible? (2)Can the marriage of the couple get confirmed? (3)Can Shrek be free again? The repeated meaning structure of trilogy is the binary opposition of nature versus culture, and the narrative course forms the meaning square on the basis of the opposition. Human culture represented by the lord Farquaad and Duloc castle signifies cleanness, order, complex, anxiety, paranoia, authoritarian, and violent. On the contrary, Nature represented by Shrek and the swamp signifies barbarity, freedom, confident, maturity, unstrained, and humar. The meaning of Shrek series is generated by the structure of the basic discrimination of culture versus nature. However, as story twists the bias and fixed idea, the meaning structure of Shrek shows a unique relationship of culture and nature. Although Shrek, an ogre, lives alone in a swamp because of the bias of human world, he is depicted as self-sufficient, comfort, and broad-minded. On the basis of this meaning structure, Shrek is not a story that an ogre(nature) strives to enter the human culture, nor a story that nature wins a victory at the confrontation between culture and nature, but a story that human(culture) and ogre(nature) overcome their fixed ideas through the transition from culture to nature and vice versa.

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Discourse semiotics analysis on Lee Hyo-seok's "When buckwheat flowers bloom" (이효석의 「메밀꽃 필 무렵」에 대한 담화 기호학적 분석)

  • Hong Jeong-pyo
    • 기호학연구
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    • v.60
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    • pp.165-188
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    • 2019
  • Discourse semiotics considers meaning as something that are being constructed or generated rather than those that have been completed and established, and attaches importance to the sense, perception and enunciation. The phenomenological approach examines the subject's recollection and the original experience of the narrator. The fact that the subject Mr. Heo recalls the past is very meaningful in the text. On a moonlit night, the subject recalls old memories due to dissociation through a vision. The phenomenon of perception, which is the world of feeling, is the original first fact and all logical branching begins from there. The original experience of the narrator is revealed as he feels firsthand, and returns not to the idea, but to the object per se. The tension schema is the schematization of tense and gradual differences. It consists of a combination of strength and range, two valences of perceptual activity. As a result of applying an augmentation schema and attachment tension schema to the contents of the text, it was proved that the tension schema can be used to express changes in the consciousness of the character in the work. In the rhetorical approach, the fact that the figure and trope of rhetoric have dynamics with the help of the enunciation theory was examined. The three steps of the standard rhetorical schema consist of confrontation, domination, and resolution. The moon, buckwheat flowers, and Mr. Heo that appear in the text were analyzed with the schema to prove their applicability. "When buckwheat flowers bloom" is a work of Lee Hyo-seok, who is regarded as an author who excellently pioneered short stories in theory and practice, and is one of the works that is regarded as a highlights of modern short stories in Korea. In this paper, this work, which is considered to have successfully pursued humanity, is examined centering on the phenomenological approach, tension schema, and rhetorical approach of discourse semiotics to prove the feasibility and validity of the theory.

On a "duality" of the Corps-actant structure in Misaeng: with Jang Geurae as the central figure (『미생』에 나타난 신체 행위소 구조의 이중성에 관한 고찰 - 장그래를 중심으로)

  • Song, Taemi
    • 기호학연구
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    • no.57
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    • pp.211-255
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    • 2018
  • This paper attempts to "re-read" the webtoon Misaeng, which was once an important issue in the field of public discourse on "labor". Our hypothesis was that the dual actactial structure of Misaeng's hero Jang Geurae gave a dual structure to the entire text, which leads to the discovery of text meaning that was not mentioned in the existing discourse. This is based on the concept of 'meta-story character', which Hiroki Azuma talked in his postmodern literary theory. To verify this hypothesis we analyzed the text by applying the Parisian semiotics, more specifically J. Fontanille's theory. Jang Geurae is observed to be a actant of dual structure divided into 'character' of the enunciated level and 'player' of the enunciation level. Considering this characteristic of the hero, Misaeng can be interpreted as a metafiction that shows the 'shifting' between the subject of the enunciated level and the subject of the enunciation level. On the level of 'character' Jang's existence mode turns out to be "Deficiency (actualized)", but on the level of 'player' Jang 's existence mode turns out to be "Inanity(potentiallized)." His somatic responses also show a duality, which is represented by Fontanille's corps-actant model, where on the level of 'character' the somatic actant of Jang consists of 'Moi-chair(ego-flesh)' and 'Soi-idem(self-idem)', and on the level of 'player' it consists of 'Moi-chair(ego-flesh)' and 'Soi-ipse(self-ipse)'. The former mainly acts as a 'role' and takes charge of exteroceptive perception, while the latter mainly acts as 'attitude' and takes charge of interoceptive perception. Because of this dissociative nature of actant, Jang's two 'self' draw the re-adjustment of values without serious conflict between the collective norms and the individual identity. This is in sharp contrast with other characters who struggle with the conflict between the environment and "self". It becomes customary to adopt norms that are suspected to ineffective, but if you raise questions, the normative system can be updated. On one axis of Misaeng there are characters who have lost themselves in customs. On the other axis, there is Jang who can not help dismantling the existing ineffective norms and updating the normative system. Jang's existence mode seems to be one of many possible modes generated by this era where people share no longer solid community values, His actantial structure also communicates with readers of these days who put themselves more in subject of enunciation level than of enunciated level.