• Title/Summary/Keyword: 이간

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Effect of the Inter-aural Level Differences on the Speech Intelligibility Depending on the Room Absorption in Classrooms (실내 흡음에 따른 양이간 음량차가 강의실의 음성명료도에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Chan-Jae;Haan, Chan-Hoon
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.335-345
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    • 2013
  • The present study investigates the effect of the inter-aural level difference(ILD) on the syllable articulation test in classrooms which can be occurred by the absorption of interior surfaces. In order to do this, the sound absorbing materials were installed in the classroom and sound pressure level(SPL) at each ear was measured using binaural recording systems. Also, syllable articulation tests were carried out at a classroom with and without sound absorption materials by 20 students who have normal hearing condition, in order to investigates the effect of the ILD on the speech intelligibility. As a result, it was found that the larger inter-aural level differences was occurred at the nearer positions to lateral walls after sound absorptions were applied to lateral walls in the classroom. At some places, the measured ILD was lager than JND of sound level (3dB). Also, it was shown that the correlation coefficient of inter-aural level difference with the score of syllable test has the significant result(-0.441). Thus, It is concluded that ILD can affect the subjective speech intelligibility in classrooms.

Effect of Leegapunsusan on galactosamine induced hepatoxity in rats (이간분수산(利肝分水散)이 Galactosamine에 의해 유발(誘發)된 백서(白鼠) 간기능손상(肝機能損傷)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Kim, Ji-Hyoung;Park, Sun-Dong
    • The Journal of Dong Guk Oriental Medicine
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.91-106
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this study is to observe tile protective effect of Leeganpunsusan on serum reaction and hepatic tissue in galactosamine treated rats. In this study, the experimental rats divided three group(Normal, Control and sample group). Under the same condition, normal and control groups were administered water, sample group was administered Leeganpunsusan for 15 days. The last day, both normal and control goups were injected to abdomen with galactosamine. The rates of lipid peroxide, SOD(activity) and xanthine oxidase(activity) were measured. The results were obtained as follows : Effects of the extract of Leeganpnnsusan on the hepatic lipid peroxidation, xanthine oxidase activity in VITRO, as compared with control group were significantly decreased with the level of concentration of extract prepared from Leeganpunsusan. In VIVO, the hepatic content of lipid peroxide, the rate of type changing(type D to O) and xanthine oxidase activity were significantly decreased in galactosamine-treated rats. Effect of on the hepatic cytosolic superoxide dismutase activity was significantly increased.

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The Comparasion of the Dynamic Stereoacuity with Two-Rods Test and Three-Rods Test (이간계와 삼간계를 이용한 동적 입체시의 비교)

  • Shim, Hyun-Suk;Kim, Sang-Moon;Kim, Sang-Hyun;Kim, Young-Cheong
    • Journal of Korean Ophthalmic Optics Society
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.377-384
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: On this study, we measured and compared the dynamic stereoacuity by two-rods test (Howard-Dolman Test) and three-rods test. And we analyzed the correlation between PD and refractive error with dynamic stereoacuity. Methods: Dynamic stereoacuity of two-rods test and three-rods test at 2.5 m distance for 93 adults 93 (50 males, 43 females), mean age of $21.27{\pm}2.32$ (19~32) years old, were measured 5 times for two tests. Results: The mean of dynamic stereoacuity measured by two-rods test and three-rods test were $29.91{\pm}23.03sec$ of arc and $23.75{\pm}21.65sec$ of arc for total subjects, respectively. The mean of male and female were $36{\pm}22.38sec$ of arc and $22.28{\pm}23.79$, respectively. Three-rods test showed better dynamic stereoacuity than two-rods test, but there was no statistically significant difference (p>0.05). For the average standard deviation of PD between 60.63 mm~66.19 mm, dynamic stereoacuity fo two-rod test and three-rod test were $31.48{\pm}24.87sec$ of arc and $31.48{\pm}24.87sec$ of arc, respectively. The results showed statistically significant difference (p<0.05), but the relationship between dynamic stereoacuity and PD was not great. Comparison between two tests on the basis of refractive error, dynamic stereoacuity by three-rods test was better than by two-rods test with no significant difference between both tests (p>0.05) and there was little correlation between refractive error and two dynamic stereoacuity. Conclusions: Three-rods test showing lower stereoacuity than two-rods tests could measure the lower minimum threshold of dynamic stereoacuity. It was found that both tests can be applied to dynamic stereoacuity test as a standard test, and PD and refractive error was found that little effect upon the dynamic stereoacuity. PD and refractive error was found that little effect upon the dynamic stereoacuity.

Sound Source Separation Using Interaural Intensity Difference in Closely Spaced Stereo Omnidirectional Microphones (인접 배치된 스테레오 무지향성 마이크로폰 환경에서 양이간 강도차를 활용한 음원 분리 기법)

  • Chun, Chan Jun;Jeong, Seok Hee;Kim, Hong Kook
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.50 no.12
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    • pp.191-196
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    • 2013
  • In this paper, the interaural intensity difference (IID)-based sounr source separation method in closely spaced stereo omnidirectional microphones is proposed. First, in order to improve the channel separability, a minimum variance distortionless response (MVDR) beamformer is employed to increase the intensity difference between stereo channels. After that, IID-based sound source separation method is applied. In order to evaluate the performance of the proposed method, source-to-distortion ratio (SDR), source-to-interference ratio (SIR), and sources-to-artifacts ratio (SAR), which are defined as objective evaluation criteria in stereo audio source separation evaluation campaign (SASSEC), are measured. As a result, it was shown from the objective evaluation that the proposed method outperforms a sound source separation method without applying a beamformer.

Inter-bay Re-marshalling Planning in the Automated Container Terminal (자동화 컨테이너 터미널의 베이간 컨테이너 재배치작업 계획)

  • Bae, Jong-Wook;Park, Young-Man
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.44 no.3
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    • pp.219-226
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    • 2020
  • The container terminal operators established a re-marshalling plan to reduce the loading operation time and the release operation time. Re-marshalling is to rearrange the containers in the container yard to the advantageous position to shorten the working time using the spare time of the automated yard crane. This study assumed the automated container terminal with a perpendicular layout and deals with the inter-bay re-marshalling planning problem in a yard block. The inter-bay re-marshalling plan determines the container to be moved, the location to be relocated, and the sequence of relocation operations. This study presents a mixed integer programming model that simultaneously determines the storage location and the operation sequence while satisfying the spatial availability during the re-marshalling. Numerical experiments are conducted to understand re-marshalling operation using a beam search method.

"동의보감(東醫寶鑑)"의 소양병(少陽病)에 대한 고찰

  • Lee, Ju-Hye;Lee, Yong-Beom
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.19 no.1 s.32
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    • pp.194-201
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    • 2006
  • 일반래설(一般來說), 상한소양병포괄소시호탕증(傷寒小陽病包括小柴胡湯證), 시호계지탕증(柴胡桂枝湯證), 대시호탕증(大柴胡湯證), 황금탕증(黃芩湯證), 시호계지건강탕증(柴胡桂枝乾薑湯證), 시호가용골모려탕증(柴胡加龍骨牡蠣湯證). 가시한국대표성적임상의서(可是韓國代表性的臨床醫書)${\ulcorner}$동의보감(東醫寶鑑)${\lrcorner}$, 주요재잡병편중(主要在雜病篇中)${\ulcorner}$한(寒)${\lrcorner}$문적소양형증용약리참천술료소양병(門的少陽形證用藥裏參闡術了少陽病) 종차가이간출(從此可以看出)${\ulcorner}$동의보감(東醫寶鑑)${\lrcorner}$대소양병적인식정도여(對少陽病的認識程度與一般的傷寒體系具有明顯的區別). 필자통과분석(筆者通過分析)${\ulcorner}$동의보감(東醫寶鑑) 잡병편(雜病篇) 한(寒)${\lrcorner}$당중적유관소양형증용약적조문(當中的有關少陽形證用藥的條文), 득출여하결론(得出如下結論): ${\ulcorner}$동의보감(東醫寶鑑)${\lrcorner}$당중(當中), 소양병시이구고(少陽病是以口苦), 인건(咽乾), 목현(目眩), 협만(脇滿), 건구(乾區), 왕래한열등증상위주(往來寒熱等症狀爲主), 발병부위시소양병호발부위태양양명지간화흉협(發病部位是少陽病好發部位太陽陽明之間和胸脇); 기재적주요치방시소시호탕(記載的主要治方是小柴胡湯), 황금탕(黃芩湯), 십조탕등삼개처방(十棗湯等三個處方). 종저일점가이간출(從這一點可以看出)${\ulcorner}$동의보감(東醫寶鑑)${\lrcorner}$불구니어(不拘泥於)${\ulcorner}$상한론(傷寒論)${\lrcorner}$적체계(的體系), 갱가중시실용성(更加重視實用性), 즉이증상위중심료해병정(卽以症狀爲中心了解病情), 심조갱가적합적치법여치방(尋更加適合的治法與治方). 기대금후능유인연구유관십조탕시부가이열입소양병치방화(期待今後能有人硏究有關十棗湯是否可以列入少陽病治方和)${\ulcorner}$동의보감(東醫寶鑑)${\lrcorner}$육경형증용약당중적표본개념(六經形證用藥當中的標本槪念).

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Detachment of Vane Tip in a Positive Displacement Vane Pump (베인 이간 현상에 관한 연구)

  • 문호지;조명래;한동철
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers Conference
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    • 1997.04a
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    • pp.204-209
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    • 1997
  • This paper reports on the theoretical study of the vane motions in a positive displacement vane pump. Vane detachment cause the pressure fluctuation, noise, wear in cam ring, and decrease the volumetric efficiency. Dynamic equation of vane motion and flow continuity equation have been modeled and solved simultaneously using 4th order Runge-Kutta method. As results of analysis, vane detachment occurs due to pressure overshoot by excess compression in the pumping chamber. Amount of vane detachment has been reduced by decreasing the pressure overshoot.

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