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A Clinicopathological Analysis of 52 Cases of Renal Biopsy in Children (소아에서 시행한 신장 조직검사 52례에 대한 임상병리적 분석)

  • Yang Jong-Il;Lee Jae-Ho
    • Childhood Kidney Diseases
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.205-213
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    • 2004
  • Purpose: To evaluate the clinical manifestations of various glomerular diseases in children, a clinicopathological study was performed in 52 children who had renal biopsy. The type and relative incidence of the glomerular pathologies were analyzed, and the clinical predictability and usefulness of renal biopsy in glomerular diseases were assessed. Methods: Medical records of fifty two children with renal disease who had undergone percutaneous renal biopsy under ultrasonic guidance at Chungnam University Hospital from October 1995 to August 2003 were reviewed. In addition, we compared the clinical findings before renal biopsy with the pathological diagnosis. Results: The male to female ratio was 1.6:1 and they were 9.8±2.6 years old on average. The chief complaints for biopsy were hematuria in 22 cases which was the most common (42.3%), proteinuria in 16 cases(30.8%), and hematuria & proteinuria(26.9%). Among the 22 cases of hematuria, there were 15 cases of gross hematuria(68.2%) and 7 cases of microscopic hematuria(31.8%). In terms of histopathologic diagnosis, most of them were primary glomerular diseases(84.6%), which included IgA nephropathy(28.8%), thin glomerular basement membrane disease(25.0%), focal segmental glomerulosclerosis(FSGS)(11.5%), membranous proliferative glomerulonephritis(7.7%), minimal change lesion(3.8%), acute poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis(3.8%) and membranous glomerulonephritis(3.8%). The clinical manifestations and pathologic diagnosis were not correlated. Conclusion: The clinical manifestations could not predict the pathological diagnosis. Therefore, renal biopsy would be inevitable in diagnosis of glomerular diseases for effective management and assessment of prognosis.

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The Usability Evaluation of the Usefulness of Bismuth Shields in PET/CT Examination (PET/CT 검사에서 비스무스(bismuth) 차폐체의 적용에 따른 유용성 평가)

  • Park, Hoon-Hee;Lee, Juyoung;Kim, Ji-Hyeon;Nam, Kun-Sik;Lyu, Kwang-Yeul;Lee, Tae Soo
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.49-56
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    • 2014
  • Recently with CT developed, various studies for reduction of exposure dose is underway. Study of bismuth shields in these studies is actively underway, and has already been applied in the clinical. However, the application of the PET/CT examination was not activated. Therefore, through this study, depending on the application of bismuth shields in the PET/CT examination, we identify the quality of the image and the impact on the Standard Uptake Value (SUV). In this study, to apply to the shielding of the breast, by using the bismuth shields that contains 0.06 mm Pb ingredients, was applied to the PET/CT GEMINI TF 64 (Philips Healthcare, Cleveland, USA). Phantom experiments using the NEMA IEC Body Phantom, images were acquired according to the presence or absence of bismuth shields apply. Also, When applying, images were obtained by varying the spacing 0, 1, 2 cm each image set to the interest range in the depth of the phantom by using EBW-NM ver.1.0. When image of the PET Emission acquires, the SUV was in increased depending on the use of bismuth shields, difference in the depth to the surface from deep in the phantom increasingly SUV increased (P<0.005). Also, when using shields, as the more gab decreased, SUV is more increased (P<0.005). Through this study, PET/CT examination by using of bismuth shields which is used as purpose of reduction dose. When using shields, the difference of SUV resulting from the application of bismuth shields exist and that difference when gab is decrease and surface is wider. Therefore, setting spacing of shield should be considered, if considering the reduction of the variation of SUV and image quality, disease of deep organs should be a priority rather than superficial organ disease. Use of bismuth shielding factor considering the standard clinical examination, decrease unnecessary exposure can be expected to be considered.

Effect of Quercus acutissima CARRUTHERS Extracts on the Lipid Metabolism (도토리추출물이 흰쥐의 체내 지질대사에 미치는 영향)

  • Sung, In-Suk;Kim, Myung-Joo;Cho, Soo-Yeul
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.327-333
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    • 1997
  • This study was conducted to investigate the effect of Quercus acutissima CARRUTHERS extracts on lipid metabolism. Sprague-Dawley male rats(110±10g) were fed on containing normal and high fat diets. They were orally administrated(0.02g/100g B.W.) of Quercus aculissima CARRUTHERS ethylacetate-extract and water-extract at the same time once a day respectively. The rats were sacrificed after 6 weeks of feeding periods. In high fat diet group, liver and heart weight were increased but kidney weight was decreased. Contents of total lipid, triglyceride and phospholipid were increased in high fat diet groups. But the degree of increment was reduced by administration of Quercus acutissima CARRUTHERS extracts and water extract was more effective. Significant decrease in serum total lipid content by administration Quercus acutissima CARRUTHERS extracts was not due to decrease of triglyceride content but total cholesterol content. Whereas HDL-cholesterol content was significantly decreased in high fat diet group and improved by administration of Quercus acutissima CARRUTHERS extracts. Total lipid, triglyceride and total cholesterol contents in liver were also increased in high fat diet group but phospholipid content was significantly decreased. The results indicate that Quercus acutissima CARRUTHERS extracts were effective in preventing hyperlipidemia and water extract was more effective.

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Effects of Dietary Lipid Sources and Meal Frequency on Growing Performance and Lipid Metabolism in Rats (식이지방의 종류와 식이급여형태가 흰쥐의 성장 및 지방대사에 미치는 영향)

  • 이재준
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.119-130
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    • 1993
  • This study was carried out to investigate the effects of dietary lipid sources and meal frequency on growing performance and lipid metabolism in Sprague-Dawley strain male rats. The experiment was conducted in 4×2 factorial arrangement with 4 sources of dietary lipid(palm oil, beef tallow, soybean oil and hydrogenated soyben oil) and 2 meal frequencies(ad-libitum or meal feeding). During the 4-week feeding period the rats were fed either ad-libitum (AL) or a single daily 3-hour meal (09 : 02-12 : 00) during the dark period. In vitro cultures were carried out to study the cholesterol synthetic activity in hte liver prepared from rats used in feeding trials. And in vitro cultures were also carried out to study the lipogenic and lipolytic activity in the liver and adipose tissues prepared from rats used in feeding trials. Present data indicated that body weight gain, feed intake and FER of AS(ad-libitum+soybean oil)and AHS(ad-libitum+hydrogenated soybean oil) group were significantly(p<0.05) higher than those of the other groups. It was found that the feed intake of MF group was much less than that of AL group. Total body weight gained by MF group was only 60% of AL group. Growing performance was not affected by dietary lipid sources. The cholesterol synthetic activity in liver tissues culture was markedly(p<0.05) increased in MF diets, especially in soybean oil group. The lipogenic activity in liver tissues culture of MP(meal feeding+palm oil) and MHS(meal feeding+hydrogenated soybean oil)group was significantly (p<0.05) higher than that of AP(ad-libitum+palm oil) group and AHS(ad-libitum+hydrogenated soybean oil) group(p<0.05). Rats fed ad-libitum+beef tallow and fed meal feeding+beef tallow showed significantly(p<0.05) higher lipogenesis than the other groups. It was apparent that the lipogenic activity in liver tissues culture was not affected by dietary lipid sources and meal frequency. Lipolytic activity in liver tissue culture was significantly(p<0.001)different with meal frequency; MF group was higher than AL group, but was not greatly affected by dietary lipid sources. In the in vitro studies with adipose tissue, MF diets increased the lipogenic activity and inhibited the lipolytic activity in adipocytes. The lipogenic activity in adipocytes was significantly (p<0.001) different with dietary lipid sources and found to be beef tallow group was the higherst, but the sources of lipid in the diet did not exert any effect on the lipolytic acitivity.

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경북 북부 초등학생의 비만과 심혈관계질환 위험도간의 상관성에 관한 연구

  • 김경애;권인숙;권정숙
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.664-670
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    • 2001
  • This study was carried out to investigate the obesity prevalence and relationship between the degree of obesity and risk for coronary heart disease in elementary school children in Kyungbuk area from 1996 to 1998. One hundred eighty obese children aged 8 yrs through 11 yrs(112 boys : 68 girls) were chosen depending on the criteria of obesity degree, and then the subjects were classified into one of three groups according to the degree of obesity; mild(20-29%), moderate(30-49%), and severe( 50%) obesity, fasting blood was collected in the morning, and body fat, plasma total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, and triglyceride were measured. LDL-cholesterol and atherogenic index were also calculated. The obesity prevalence increased from 7.1% in 1996 to 9.5% in 1998. As body fat level increased, blood triglyceride level increased(p < 0.001). As the degree of obesity increased, the level of blood triglyceride(p < 0.001) and systolic blood pressure(p < 0.05) also increased. The risk fur coronary heart disease based on criteria of the level of total-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol and atherogenic index increased from 6.9%,1.4% and 13.9% in 1996 to 28.3%, 18.7% and 17.0% in 1998, respectively. The number of risk factors relating to coronary hero disease increased, as the degree of obesity increased, especially in girls. The results suggest that there is some potential relationship between children obesity and the incidence of coronary hero disease. Thus, this study implicates that desirable nutrition education may be needed for obese children.

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Comparison of the Effects of Cyclodextrin-Naringin Inclusion Complex with Naringin on Lipid Metabolism in Mice Fed a High-Fat Diet (고지방식이를 섭취한 마우스에서 나린진과 나린진-사이클로텍스트린 포접화합물의 지질대사에 대한 영향 비교)

  • Jeon, Seon-Min;Choi, Myung-Sook
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.20-29
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    • 2010
  • Naringin has antioxidant and antihyperlipidemic properties, however, phenolic compounds including naringin are unstable in the presence of light, heat and oxygen. Beta-cyclodextrin (β-CD) is a cyclic heptamer composed of seven glucose units that enhances the stability and solubility of molecules through the formation of inclusion complexes. This study was conducted out to compare the effects of CD-naringin (CD-N) inclusion complexes with naringin on lipid metabolism in high fat-fed animals. Male C57BL/6 mice were fed either CD-N (0.048%, w/w) or naringin (N, 0.02%, w/w) in a 20% high-fat (HFC, 15% lard, 5% corn oil, w/w) diet for 10 weeks. Orlistat (Xenical, 0.01%, w/w) was used as a positive control (PC). There were no differences in body weight, food intake, liver and heart weights, plasma triglyceride(TG), leptin, adiponectin, resistin, IL-1β and IL-6 concentrations, and hepatic β-oxidation, carnitine palmitoyl transferase(CPT), glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) and malic enzyme activities between the HFC and CD-N groups or between the HFC and N groups. However, both CD-naringin and naringin supplementation les to a significant reduction in the epididymal and perirenal white adipose tissue weights, plasma free fatty acid, insulin and blood glucose concentrations, hepatic cholesterol and TG contents and hepatic fatty acid synthase (FAS), phosphatidate phosphohydrolase (PAP) and HMG-CoA reductase activities compared to the HFC group. The plasma HDL-cholesterol concentration was significantly higher in CD-N and N groups than in HF and PC groups. These results indicate that both CD-naringin and naringin supplementation effectively improved plasma and hepatic lipid metabolism without differences between CD-N and naringin groups.

The Density and Strength Properties of Lightweight Foamed Concrete Using Stone-Powder Sludge in Hydrothermal Reaction Condition (수열반응 조건에서 석분 슬러지를 사용한 경량 기포 콘크리트의 밀도와 강도 특성)

  • Kim, Jin-Man;Jeong, Ji-Yong;Choi, Se-Jin;Kim, Bong-Joo
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.18 no.5 s.95
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    • pp.687-693
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    • 2006
  • The Stone Powder Sludge(below SPS) is the by-product from the process that translates stone power of 8mm under as crushed fine aggregate. It is the sludge as like cake that has average particle size of 7μm, absorbing water content of 20 to 60%, and SiO2 content of 60% over. Because of high water content of SPS, it is not only difficult to handle, transport, and recycle, but also makes worse the economical efficiency due to high energy consuming to drying. This study is aim to recycle SPS as it is without drying. Target product is the lightweight foamed concrete that is made from the slurry mixed with pulverized mineral compounds and foams through hydro-thermal reaction of CaO and SiO2. Although in the commercial lightweight foamed concrete CaO source is the cement and SiO2 source is high purity silica powder with SiO2 of 90%, we tried to use the SPS as SiO2 source. From the experiments with factors such as foam addition rate and replacement proportion of SPS, we find that the lightweight foamed concrete with SPS shows the same trends as the density and strength of lightweight foamed concrete increases according to decrease of foam addition rate. But in the same condition, the lightweight foamed concrete with SPS is superior strength and density to that with high purity silica. This trends is distinguished according to increase of replacement proportion of SPS, also the analysis of XRF shows that the hydro thermal reaction translates SPS to tobermorite. Although SPS has low SiO2 contents, the lightweight foamed concrete with SPS has superior strength and density, because it reacts well with CaO due to extremely fine particles. We conclude that it is possible to replace the high purity silica as SPS in the lightweight foamed concrete experimentally.

Effect of Mixture of Lactobacillus plantarum CECT 7527, 7528, and 7529 on Obesity and Lipid Metabolism in Rats Fed a High-fat Diet (Lactobacillus plantarum CECT 7527, 7528, 7529 혼합물이 고지방식이를 급여한 흰쥐의 비만 및 지질 대사에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Dae Hwan;Choi, Mi-Ran;Hong, Ji Eun;Lee, Jae-Yong;Lee, Soon Im;Jung, Su Hwan;Kim, Eun Ji
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.43 no.10
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    • pp.1484-1490
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    • 2014
  • In the present study, we examined the effects of a mixture of three strains, Lactobacillus plantarum CECT 7527, 7528, and 7529 (L. plantarum mixture), on body weight and lipid metabolism in Sprague-Dawley rats fed a high-fat diet. Rats were fed a high-fat diet and subjected to oral gavage with vehicle or the L. plantarum mixture (0.6×109, 1.2×109, 2.4×109 colony-forming units (CFU)/day/rat, respectively) for 8 weeks. In rats fed a high-fat diet, oral administration of 2.4×109CFU/day of the L. plantarum mixture significantly reduced body weight gain as well as weights of liver and epididymal fat. Leptin levels in sera were significantly reduced by oral administration of 2.4×109CFU/day of the L. plantarum mixture. The L. plantarum mixture (1.2×109 or 2.4×109CFU/day) also reduced the concentrations of total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol in sera when it administered orally. Further, the L. plantarum mixture significantly reduced the atherogenic index and cardiac risk factor. In addition, oral administration of 2.4×109CFU/day of the L. plantarum mixture markedly reduced levels of total lipids, triglycerides, and total cholesterol in the liver. The results of this study indicate that the L. plantarum mixture may exhibit anti-obesity and cholesterol-lowering effects, which suggest that the L. plantarum mixture has the potential to be a probiotic in the management of obesity and hypercholesterolemia.

Nondestructive Evaluation and Microfailure Mechanisms of Single Fibers/Brittle Cement Matrix Composites using Electro-Micromechanical Technique and Acoustic Emission (Electro-Micromechanical 시험법과 Acoustic Emission을 이용한 단섬유/시멘트 복합재료의 미세파괴 메커니즘과 비파괴적 평가)

  • 박종만;이상일;김진원;윤동진
    • Composites Research
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.18-31
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    • 2001
  • Interfacial and microfailure properties of the modified steel, carbon and glass fibers/cement composites were investigated using electro-pullout test under tensile and compressive tests with acoustic emission (AE). The hand-sanded steel composite exhibited higher interfacial shear strength (IFSS) than the untreated and even neoalkoxy zirconate (Zr) treated steel fiber composites. This might be due to the enhanced mechanical interlocking, compared to possible hydrogen or covalent bonds. During curing process, the contact resistivity decreased rapidly at the initial stage and then showed a level-off. Comparing to the untreated case, the contact resistivity of either Zr-treated or hand-sanded steel fiber composites increased to the infinity at latter stage. The number of AE signals of hand-sanded steel fiber composite was much more than those of the untreated and Zr-treated cases due to many interlayer failure signals. AE waveforms for pullout and frictional signals of the hand-sanded composite are larger than those of the untreated case. For dual matrix composite (DMC), AE energy and waveform under compressive loading were much higher and larger than those under tensile loading, due to brittle but well-enduring ceramic nature against compressive stress. Vertical multicrack exhibits fur glass fiber composite under tensile test, whereas buckling failure appeared under compressive loading. Electro-micromechanical technique with AE can be used as an efficient nondestructive (NDT) method to evaluate the interfacial and microfailure mechanisms for conductive fibers/brittle and nontransparent cement composites.

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Clinical Manifestation of Human Metapneumovirus Infection in Korean Children (소아에서 human metapneumovirus 감염증의 임상적 고찰)

  • Paek, Hyun;Lee, Yang-Jin;Cho, Hyung-Min;Eu, Eun-Jung;Jung, Gwun;Kim, Eun-Eoung;Kim, Yong-Wook;Kim, Kyoung-Sim;Seo, Jin-Jong;Chung, Yoon-Seok
    • Pediatric Infection and Vaccine
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.129-137
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    • 2008
  • Purpose : Human metapneumovirus (hMPV) was recently discovered in children with respiratory tract infection. The aim of this study was to determine the frequency and the clinical manifestation of hMPV infection in Korean children. Methods : From January to December, 2005, we collected throat swabs from 1,098 children who were hospitalized for acute respiratory illness at the Department of Pediatrics, Kwang-Ju Christian Hospital. hMPV was detected by performing reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). The medical records of the patients with positive results were retrospectively reviewed. Results : We detected hMPV in 25 (2.2%) of the 1,098 hospitalized children. The mean age of the hMPV infected children was 2.3 years, and 84% of the illnesses occurred between April and June. The most common diagnoses were pneumonia (60%) and bronchiolitis (20 %). The clinical manifestations included cough, fever, coryza, rale, wheezing and injected throats. Peribronchial infiltration and consolidation were the common chest X-ray findings. Four (16%) of 25 patients with hMPV infection had exacerbation of asthma. Coinfection with other respiratory viruses was found in six children (24%). Conclusion : hMPV is the cause of an important proportion of acute respiratory tract infection in Korean children. Additional studies are required to define the epidemiology and the extent of disease caused by hMPV and to determine future development of this illness in Korean children.

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