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  • 제목/요약/키워드: 유가 의존도

검색결과 501건 처리시간 0.029초

A Study on Error Control in Media Transmission and Applicability in wired and wireless Environment (미디어 전송에 따른 에러 기법 연구 및 유.무선 환경에서의 적용가능성)

  • Kim, Sung-Min;Kim, Ki-Wan;Park, Si-Yong;Lee, Seung-Won;Chung, Ki-Dong
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 한국정보처리학회 2002년도 춘계학술발표논문집 (하)
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    • pp.1567-1570
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    • 2002
  • offline에서만 이루어지던 미디어 컨텐츠에 대한 online 의존도가 높아지고, 여러 가지 미디어들의 실 시간적인 서비스에 대한 사용자들의 요구가 커짐에 따라 서비스 제공에 따른 여러 가지 제약조건의 극복이 필요하다. 일반적인 데이터와 다른 특성을 가진 미디어들의 요구사항은 다양하다. 압축에 대한 요구사항은 전송 에러에 대해 많은 문제점을 노출한다. 압축 정보의 손실이나 변질은 많은 정보의 손실과 변질을 가져오게 되므로, 에러 제어에 대한 필요성이 요구된다. 기존에 제시된 많은 에러 제어 기법들은 기법들간에 장 단점을 지니고 있다. 이런 기법들의 장 단점을 대역폭이 높고 낮음과 같은 특정한 특성을 가진 네트웍 환경에 도입하는 것은 중요한 의미를 가진다. 따라서, 본 논문에서는 이러한 기존의 제시되어 있는 에러 제어에 관한 여러 가지 기법들의 비교와 유 무선 환경에서 각 기법들의 적합성에 대한 분석을 통해서 환경의 특성에 맞는 적절한 에러 제어기법의 선택을 보여준다.

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Analysis for Division of State, Market and Family in Income Sources of the Elderly (한국 노인소득보장의 국가-시장-가족분담구조 분석)

  • Lee, Yong-Jae;Um, So-Young
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • 제15권5호
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    • pp.191-199
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    • 2015
  • This paper studies the composition of income sources of the elderly and the difference of sources of income by the elderly characteristics. First, the results of analysis on the structure of sources of income show the average income of the elderly appears 7.7million won the consists of 3.0million won from market, 2.5million won from nation, 2.2million won from family. Income sources of the elderly are dependent on business income, property income, earned income in the market. Second, the results of differences analysis in demographic characteristics, men get a lot of income through the market and nation, while women get through families. Market income is high younger and family income is the more older. Depending on where you live, family income and national income is higher relatively urbanized. Third, the results of analysis by depending on the income, level of national income and market income is higher, while family income is high-income the case less income. Fourth, differences in health status by analysis of the sources of income have higher levels of health status and market high and lower income families rely heavily on the private sector, such as can be seen. Therefore, market and family income is higher than another countries. and the complement of public income support system is required for vulnerable people.

Growth Inhibitory and Quinone Reductase Activity Stimulating Effects of Internal Organs of Aplysia kurodai Fractions on Cancer Cell Lines In vitro (군소내장 분획물의 in vitro에서의 암세포 성장억제 및 quinone reductase 유도 활성 증가 효과)

  • Shin, Mi-Ok
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • 제20권6호
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    • pp.877-884
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    • 2010
  • We investigated the growth inhibitory effect of internal organs of Aplysia kurodai (AK) on proliferation in cancer cell lines in vitro. The internal organs of AK were extracted with methanol (AKM), which were then further fractionated into four subfractions by using solvent partition method, resulting in hexane (AKMH), methanol (AKMM), butanol (AKMB), and aqueous (AKMA) soluble fractions. We determined the cytotoxic effect of these four fractions in four kinds of cancer cell lines - HepG2, MCF-7, HT29 and B16-F10 - by MTT assay. Among the four subfractions of AKM, AKMM showed the strongest cytotoxic effects on all cancer cell lines which were used. Morphological changes such as membrane shrinking and blebbing of cells were also observed in AKMM treatment in HepG2 cells. In addition, we also observed quinone reductase (QR) induced effect in the methanol layer (AKMM) of HepG2 cells. AKMM showed the highest induction activity of quinone reductase on HepG2 cells among the partition layers. The QR induced effect of AKMM was determined to be 2.4 at 100μg/ml level with a control value of 1.0. Although further studies are needed, the present work suggests that internal organs of Aplysia kurodai (AK) may be a chemopreventive agent for the treatment of human cells.

The Case Study of the Violation of Speed and Bunker Consumption Rate at the Time Chartered Vessel - Focused on the Bulk Carriers - (정기용선선박의 선속 및 연료사용 유지의무 위반에 관한 분쟁사례 연구 - 벌크선을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Dong-Yol;Song, Young-Soo
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • 제25권2호
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    • pp.231-246
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    • 2009
  • The time charterer depends on speed and bunker consumption rate of time chartered vessel because it is related charterers' benefit. It is important role of stipulated speed and daily bunker consumption rate at the Time Charter Party, it is generated any dispute against speed and daily bunker consumption rate deficiency. The case of dispute is a restricted word of stipulated speed and daily bunker consumption rate at Charter Party as "about", "good weather or good weather day", "smooth water", "ocean current" and "without guarantee". It happens a dispute against speed and daily bunker consumption rate because it is not well-educated as a vessel operator regarding Time Charter Party interpretation.

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The Role of Culture in Regional Innovation System : Focusing on the Cases of Yufuin and Yubari (지역혁신체계에서 문화의 역할 : 유후인과 유바리의 사례를 중심으로)

  • Chung, Jong-Eun;Han, Seola
    • 지역과문화
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    • 제6권4호
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    • pp.47-72
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this paper is to explore what roles can and should regional culture play in establishing a regional innovation system, which has been recently described as an essential factor for balanced regional development and specialized regional development. In doing so, we first investigated key concepts and discourses regarding regional innovation system and examined the success factors of a regional innovation system. We also explored how the Korean policy makers have developed the nation's regional innovation policy and regional cultural policy in order to understand the policy context and its limitations. After examining the theoretical background, we reviewed the representative cases of regional innovation in Japan, Yufuin and Yubari, to grasp the way in which 'culture' plays its roles in the formation of the regional innovation system. Since culture has a role as a unique sector, such as art and content industry, as well as a community's style of life, this study tried to explore the aspects and ways of how culture can contribute to the establishment of regional innovation systems considering these distinctive levels. In drawing the implications of the case study, we found that special attention is required for the 'process of formation' of regional innovation systems. We also confirmed that the success of the core activities at each stage heavily relies on the culture of the region; in order to fully understand the relations, it is necessary to re-establish the existing concept of culture and cultural policy with a more holistic perspective.

Antioxidative Activity of Streptomyces sp. BH-405 on Macrophage Mediated Modification of Human Low Density Lipoprotein[LDL) (Macrophage 유도 사람 Low Density Lipoprotein[LDL]의 수식에 대한 Streptomyces sp. BH-405 배양액의 항산화 활성)

  • 류병호;박종옥;김희숙;김민정
    • KSBB Journal
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    • 제15권2호
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    • pp.156-161
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    • 2000
  • This study was designed to investigate the antioxidative activity on oxidation of human low density lipoprotein(LDL) of band 2 fractionated from culture broth of Streptomyces sp. BH-405. Antioxidative activity of band 2 obtained from fractionation of BH-405 culture purification was measured against Cu2+ mediated human LDL oxidation by thiobarbituric acid reactive substance. CuSO4 mediated oxidation of LDL was degraded at a much higher rate than native LDL. Band 2 at a concentration of 100 or 200 !lg/mL inhibited the oxidation of LDL induced by CuSO4, The formation of conjugated dienes induced in the presence of 5 !1M CuS04 of the mouse macrophage and J744. The electrophoretic mobility of the LDL in addition of 200μg band 2 in the presence of 5μm CuSO4 was lower than that of native LDL. LDL modified by copper mediated or cell mediated uptake was degraded by macrophage at much greater than native LDL, and band 2 was found as potential inhibitor of modification of 125I-labelled LDL by macrophage. phage.

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Democracy and Confucian Philosophy of South Korea in the 21st Century - Focusing on the issue of heteronomy and autonomy - (21세기 한국의 민주주의와 유가철학 - 타율성과 자율성의 문제를 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Cheol-seung
    • Journal of Korean Philosophical Society
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    • 제148권
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    • pp.1-27
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    • 2018
  • The 10th constitution established in 1987 serves as the theoretical foundation of democracy in South Korea in the 21st century. Respect for human rights, resistance to injustice, and equality consciousness inherent in this constitution do not conflict with the content of Confucian philosophy. This means that the spirit of the constitution of South Korea in the 21st century was formed under the influence of the idea of democracy and Confucian philosophy. However, the 10th constitution attaches importance to the idea of the 'Basic free and democratic order', which was accepted in the Yushin constitution and inherited by the military forces. The Yushin constitution was affected by liberalism that prioritizes freedom over equality rather than supporting the compatibility between freedom and equality. Therefore, policies to expand the interests of the bourgeoisie rather than public welfare or the interests of the public have been implemented frequently. In particular, during the Lee Myeong-bak and Park Geun-hye regimes, many unequal phenomena were mass-produced. Confucian philosophy in the 21st century critically sees this unequal society. Confucian philosophy thinks that a sense of relative deprivation plays a role of alienating humans and emphasizes the importance of equal relationships. In addition, this constitution emphasizes the rule of law. However, the rule of law attaches importance to positive laws when the spirit of the constitution that contains natural law is applied to reality through systems. This rejects autonomous judgments and choices while inducing reliance on heteronomy. These heteronomous laws as such are accompanied by forcibleness. The positive laws as such can degrade humans into passive beings that indiscriminately adapt themselves to frames already set instead of active beings that think freely and creatively. Confucian philosophy regards and criticizes the rule of law as a system that makes humans into a means. Confucian philosophy regards humans as moral beings instead of tools. Confucian philosophy seeks to build a healthy society through morality accomplished through conscious realization of the principles of life. Confucian philosophy regards humans as originally free beings. Therefore, human beings are autonomous beings, not heteronomous beings. According to Confucian philosophy, humans beings that can realize the morality contained in their inner side by themselves to responsibly carry out their own judgments and choices. Therefore, Confucian philosophy, which considers human beings as beings to be trusted instead of beings to be distrusted, attaches importance to the realization of human decency through edification rather than by punishment through the law. This means that human values cannot be kept by the heteronomy termed positive laws but the identity of humans can be maintained by voluntary choices and judgments. As such, the comment of Confucian philosophy on the problems of liberal democracy and positive laws contained in the 10th constitution can be helpful in essentially solving the contradictions of modern South Korean society.

Research Trends and Future Directions for R&D Vitalization of Domestic Dairy Industry (국내 유가공산업의 R&D활성화를 위한 연구 동향과 방향)

  • Yoon, Sung-Sik
    • Journal of Dairy Science and Biotechnology
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    • 제29권1호
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    • pp.23-31
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    • 2011
  • Domestic dairy industry is now standing at the crossroad for planning next fifty years, mainly because economic and environmental situations surrounding Korean peninsula are fast changing. For the aspects of dairy consumption, fresh milk consumed less, while consumption of the other milk and dairy products is slightly increasing every year. In 2010, it is approximately estimated that 1,939,000 tons of raw milk was used and the supply would be short by about 35,000 tons, based on the amounts in the previous year. Currently, multilateral negotiations against US and EU are underway. When it will be in effect in the future, significant damage would be expected in the dairy and livestock sectors, leading to cut domestic milk supply. Quality of farm-gate milk is graded as 1A on average 90% or more, loaded with very low in microbial and somatic cell counts. Therefore, policy implications have to be placed toward switch currently the UHT processing method to Pasteurization or the LTLT technology, by which natural flavors and nutrients in milk mostly remain after heat treatment. Domestic cheese products comprise only 10% and the rest is occupied by the various kinds of imported natural products. The market size keeps increasing up to 65,423,000 tons last year. When it comes to vitalization of our natural cheese industry, cheese whey, which is a main by-product in cheese manufacture, is a critical issue to be solved and also "On-Farm Processing" would be combined with a growth of big dairy companies when few immediate issues among the relevant regulations will be eased and alleviated in the near future. Fermented milk market is recorded as a single area of gradual increase in the past 10 years, Korea. Fermented yogurts with health claims targeted stomach, liver, and intestine are popular and has grown fast in sales amounts. In this context, researches on beneficial probiotic lactic acid bacteria are one of the important projects for domestic milk and dairy industries. Labelling regulations on efficacy or health-promoting effects of functional dairy products, which is the most important issue facing domestic dairy processors, should be urgently examined toward commercial expression of the functionality by lawful means. Colostrum, a nutrition-rich yellowish fluid, is roaded with immune, growth and tissue repair factors. Bovine colostrum, a raw material for immune milk preparations and infant formula, can be used to treat or prevent infections of the gastrointestinal tract. Nanotechnology can be applied to develop new milk and dairy products such as micro-encapsulated lactase milk for consumers suffering lactose intolerance. Raw milk is suggested to be managed by its usage in the processing line because imbalance of supply and demand is structural problem in every country and thus the usage systems as in the advanced dairy countries is worth of bench-marking to stabilize milk supply and demand. Raw milk produced is desirable to divide into the three parts; domestic, import, and buffering purposes. It is strongly recommended that a domestic dairy control center as an institutional framework should be urgently established as is Dairy Board in New Zealand and Australia. Lastly, government policy should be directed to foster the highly-educated people who are majoring in Dairy Sciences or working in the dairy industry by means of financial support in studying and training abroad as well.

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Asymmetric Impacts of the Crude Oil Price Changes on Korea's Export Prices (국제유가 변동이 수출물가에 미치는 비대칭적 영향)

  • Hong, Sung-Wook;Kim, Hwa-Nyeon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • 제17권4호
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    • pp.663-670
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    • 2016
  • This paper analyzes the asymmetric pass-through effects of crude oil price changes on export prices in Korea's manufacturing sector using a nonlinear autoregressive distributed lag (NARDL) model. These pass-through effects are important for Korean companies that are highly dependent on exports. Because the effects differ by industry, eight sectors of the manufacturing industry were examined. The model is effective for separately testing the long-term and short-term differences between the export-price pass-through effects when crude oil prices increase and decrease. The estimation results show that there is positive pass-through to export prices as crude oil prices change, and there are asymmetric effects in some manufacturing sectors. Short-term asymmetries were detected in the export prices of five sectors that include general machinery and transport equipment, and significant long-term asymmetries were found for petroleum and coal products and for textile and leather products. The long-term export price of oil and coal products rose by 0.992% with a 1% increase in the oil price and fell by 0.977% with 1% decrease. Therefore, corporate strategies and government export policies should be established in accordance with these asymmetric pass-through effects.

Effects of the Soybean Powder with Rich Aglycone Isoflavone on Lipid Metabolism and Antioxidative Activities in Hyperlipidemic Rats (고지혈증 흰쥐에서 비배당체 이소플라본 고함유 대두분말의 혈청 지질 대사 영향과 항산화효과)

  • Lim, Ae-Kyoung;Jung, Hee-Kyoung;Hong, Joo-Heon;Oh, Jung-Suk;Kwak, Jung-Hoon;Kim, Yong-Hae;Kim, Dae-Ik
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • 제37권3호
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    • pp.302-308
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    • 2008
  • This study was performed to evaluate the effects of soybean powder with rich aglycone isoflavone through bio-transformation on lipid metabolism and antioxidative activites in diet induced hyperlipidemic rats. The rats were randomly divided into four groups: NO (basal diet normal group), CO (high fat diet control group), BFF10 (soybean powder with rich aglycone isoflavone 10% group), and BFF20 (soybean powder with rich aglycone isoflavone 20% group). After 7 weeks of BFF10 or BFF20 diets consumption, the concentrations in serum triglyceride, total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, and atherogenic index ratios were significantly decreased in the BFF10 and BFF20 diets groups compared with those in the CO group. The activities of alanine amino transferase and aspartate amino transferase were significantly decreased in the BFF10 and BFF20 than those in the CO group. Thiobarbituric acid reactive substance levels of serum were decreased in BFF10 and BFF20 groups compared to that of the CO group. The super oxide dismutase activites were increased in BFF10 and BFF20 groups compared to that of the CO group.