• Title/Summary/Keyword: 웹 통계

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Automatic Extract User Intention from Web Search Log (웹 정보 검색 이력을 이용한 사용자 의도 자동 추출)

  • Park, Kinam;Jung, Soonyoung;Suh, Taewon;Ji, Hyesung;Lee, Taemin;Lim, Heuiseok
    • The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.21-32
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    • 2009
  • This paper proposes a method to extract a user's intention automatically and implementation of intention map that support a user can appropriate search results using a user' information need accurately. It selects user intention based on searching history obtained from previous users' same queries and extracts user intentions by using clustering algorithm and user intention extraction algorithm, extracted user intentions are represented in an intention map base on a theory of knowledge representation. For the efficiency analysis of intention map, we extracted user intentions using 2,600 search history data which provided by a current domestic commercial search engine. The experimental results using the information intention map search when using general search engines represent more than satisfaction was statistically significant.

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QBS, the Smart e-learning Model (참여와 공유의 정신을 구현한 스마트시대의 이러닝 학습 모델 QBS)

  • Park, Jae-Chun;Lee, Doo-Young;Yang, Je-Min
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.208-220
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    • 2015
  • This study analyze Online class's current condition in Smart era. And suggest better operation model based on Internet Architecture. This study focuses the condition of e-learning operation model in University online class. Especially, 'Time Check Idea' that using for attendance on e-learning class has some side effects. So this study would applied 'Qualitative Check Idea Concept' on e-learning class. Question Based System, QBS is example model. QBS is leading a Learner's participation in e-class by Making Quiz. These quizs are shared with other students and refer to studing contents. Practically operating Qualitative Concept model QBS on university e-class, we can seek for the effectiveness of Qualitative e-learning model QBS.

Development of the Smart Autonomous Moving Air Purifier System (스마트 자율주행 공기청정기 시스템 개발)

  • Lim, Ah-Yeon;Shin, Hyo-Jin;Jeong, Eui-Hoon
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.109-114
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    • 2022
  • Recently, since fine dust has become a serious social problem, air purifiers are in the spotlight as a countermeasure against this. Therefore, in this paper, we conducted R&D on the Smart Autonomous Moving Air Purifier System. The developed Smart Autonomous Moving Air Purifier can improve the limitations of the standard used area of existing air purifiers and perform an air purification function efficiently. In addition, we developed App and Web-based programs together for convenient use of Smart Autonomous Moving Air Purifier. Easily operate three air purification modes (Selection mode, Autonomous highest zone mode, Autonomous instant purification mode) through the App and conveniently monitor statistical values (Recent data, Total data, Warning) anywhere through the Web. And, we showed through test that the proposed Smart Autonomous Moving Air Purifier is more efficient than existing air purifiers.

An Empirical Study on the Structural Relationship among Corporate Image, Quality Characteristics, Customer Satisfaction, and Customer Royalty in Internet Shopping Malls (인터넷 쇼핑몰의 기업 이미지와 품질특성과 만족도, 충성도의 구조관계에 관한 실증적 연구)

  • Jung, Lee-Sang;Lee, Seok-Yong
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.175-197
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    • 2009
  • Numerous researches related to internet shopping malls have been researched by numerous researchers. Such as, establishing criteria to evaluate service quality of electronic commerce, identifying factors affecting successful internet shopping mall operation, and examining relationships among the factors in electronic commerce based shopping mall needed to be focused on. However, most researches that have been undertaken only consider the service quality model or basic functional dimension. In accordance with this indispensability, the integrated structural relationship among variables, which are potentially inherent in customer's perception and affect personnel royalty on internet shopping mall needs to be acknowledged. The purpose of this study is to examine which factors should be able to facilitate performance of internet shopping mall. Based on the relevant literature, it has been empirically analyzed how corporate image, system quality, service quality and delivery quality affect customer satisfaction as well as customer royalty. The research's problem is that it was tested with data collected from 212 respondents. This study developed and empirically analyzed a model representing the relationship by using the Structural Equation Model. The major findings of this study are, firstly, that the higher corporate image is positively affecting the system quality and delivery quality. Secondly, the higher delivery quality is positively affecting the service quality. Thirdly, the higher service quality is positively affecting the customer satisfaction. Finally, the higher customer satisfaction is affecting the customer royalty.

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Adaptive Background Subtraction Based on Genetic Evolution of the Global Threshold Vector (전역 임계치 벡터의 유전적 진화에 기반한 적응형 배경차분화)

  • Lim, Yang-Mi
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.12 no.10
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    • pp.1418-1426
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    • 2009
  • There has been a lot of interest in an effective method for background subtraction in an effort to separate foreground objects from a predefined background image. Promising results on background subtraction using statistical methods have recently been reported are robust enough to operate in dynamic environments, but generally require very large computational resources and still have difficulty in obtaining clear segmentation of objects. We use a simple running-average method to model a gradually changing background, instead of using a complicated statistical technique. We employ a single global threshold vector, optimized by a genetic algorithm, instead of pixel-by-pixel thresholds. A new fitness function is defined and trained to evaluate segmentation result. The system has been implemented on a PC with a webcam, and experimental results on real images show that the new method outperforms an existing method based on a mixture of Gaussian.

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Statistical Ranking Recommendation System of Hangul-to-Roman Conversion for Korean Names (한글-로마자 인명 변환의 통계적 순위 추천 시스템)

  • Lee, Jung-Hun;Kim, Minho;Kwon, Hyuk-Chul
    • Journal of KIISE
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    • v.44 no.12
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    • pp.1269-1274
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    • 2017
  • This paper focuses on the Hangul-to-roman conversion of Korean names. The proposed method recognizes existing notation and provides results according to the frequency of use. There are two main reasons for the diversity in Hangul-to-roman name conversion. The first is the indiscreet use of varied notation made domestically and overseas. The second is the customary notation of current notation. For these reasons, it has become possible to express various Roman characters in Korean names. The system constructs and converts data from 4 million people into a statistical dictionary. In the first step, the person's name is judged through a process matching the last name. In the second step, the first name is compared and converted in the statistical dictionary. In the last step, the syllables in the name are compared and converted, and the results are ranked according to the frequency of use. This paper measured the performance compared to the existing service systems on the web. The results showed a somewhat higher performance than other systems.

A Study on Management System Development for Web-based Academical Achievement (웹기반 학업성취도 관리시스템 구축에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Jin-Young;Yang, Woo-Suk
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.11-17
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    • 2014
  • In this study we explain the necessity of a developing management system of academical achievement in a progrm running the accredited engineering program as an observation and management tool to assure students' succesive achievement of program outcomes, and also present an operation result of the constructed management system. Taking the electronic engineering program in our school as an object, we constructed a relating database to monitor the students' course work completions and achievement of program outcomes, to allow students to build their plans for course work and to enable professors to proceed customized counseling for assigned students. The constructed system also provide various statistics relating program outcomes to allow program professors to proceed effective management of outcomes in the program level. In this paper we show that it is possible to calculate and provide the various statistical indicators, which is needed to effectively run accredited engineering programs, by presenting the results relating successful construction of the system and its operation.

An Implementation of Optimum Tender Price Automatic Calculation System using Statistical Analysis Technique (통계분석 기법을 이용한 최적의 투찰가 자동 산출 시스템의 구현)

  • Kim, Bong-Hyun;Lee, Se-Hwan;Cho, Dong-Uk
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.33 no.11B
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    • pp.1013-1019
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    • 2008
  • Recently, various information and data are efficiently used by the rapid growth of its Internet in our real life. But, users have spent lots of time finding necessary information for the increased amounts of information. To solve this problem, it can be provided the speed, accuracy of information search with development of intelligent search engines, agent system etc. In this paper, we propose the method of getting the best tender price in the analysis of the construction bid information that needs its professionalism by on the purpose to maximize users' satisfaction. Of course, if it is not under the unit of a results in the future, we put target of this paper on part to heighten supreme successful bid success rate. Therefore, this paper embodies offered system of web based on producing tender price of most suitable through techniques to produce tender price about successful bid that compare with bidder fare by statistical analysis incidental and value approaching successful bidder fare by frequency analysis method.

Implementation of Open Source SOLAP Decision-Making System for Livestock Epidemic Surveillance and Prevention (Open Source SOLAP기반의 가축전염병 예찰 및 방역 의사결정 지원시스템 구현)

  • Kyung, Min-Ju;Yom, Jae-Hong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.287-294
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    • 2012
  • The spread of infectious diseases in the event of livestock is getting faster and the route of spread gets more varied. It is important for the responsible agency to detect early and establish a prevention and surveillance system. If the spread cannot be contained effectively, great damage and loss will be inevitable in terms of social, environment and economic aspects as well as the welfare of the farmers. At present in Korea, a web-based Infectious Livestock Diseases Statistics System (AIMS: Animal Infectious Disease Data Management System) has been already implemented for this purpose and the service is available to the general public. But this system does not provide geospatial information and does not provide support for decision making and does not provide multi-dimensional information. In this study, an open source-based SOLAP (Spatial On-Line Analytical Processing) technology is applied to enable many diverse forms of data analysis from many aspects to support decision making. The SOLAP system was designed to integrate geospatial information and the analysis of information has been largely divided into map-based analysis and table-based analysis.

Geographical Information System for Nuclear Disaster Prevention (원자력방재를 위한 지리정보시스템)

  • Lee, Gwang-Pyo;Lee, Yun;Kim, In-Hyeon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Association of Geographic Inforamtion Studies Conference
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    • 2007.10a
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    • pp.169-175
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    • 2007
  • 고리, 월성, 울진, 영광 등4개 원전부지와 하나로 연구용 원자로 부지에 대해 방사성물질의 대기 중 누출사고 발생 시 대축척 전자지도와 연계한 사고정보 파악, 예상피해분석, 방재시설 및 소개정보 활용 등을 통해 중앙정부 및 지방자치단체가 방사능 물질 피해지역관리 및 신속하고 효율적인 주민대응조치 수립을 위한 의사 결정 지원할 수 있는 방사능방재 지리정보시스템 구축이 필요하다. 본 연구에서는 고리, 월성, 울진, 영광, 대전지역의 원자력 발전소 및 연구용 원자로 반경 40km이내 지역의 행정경계, 도로, 등고, 수계, 건물 등의 일반지형지물정보와, 비상계획구역 내 마을의 상세정보, 집결지, 대피소, 교통통제소, 환경방사능감시기, TLD등의 방재시설물 위치 및 관련 상세정보, 관공서, 경찰서, 소방서, 보건소, 학교, 병원 등의 방재관련 지형지물 위치 및 관련 상세정보, 원전부지 내 인구분포, 보유 차량 분포, 농작물 재배 현황, 축산물 재배현황 등의 방재관련 사회통계정보를 포함하는 공간 및 속성 데이터베이스는 구축하였다. 이를 기반으로 방사선 피폭영향 평가시스템(FADAS)의 예상평가결과를 전자지도 상에 표출하고, 이에 근거한 예상피해를 분석하며, 소개단계 대상 마을 검색 및 바람장 분석을 활용한 소개경로 제시 등을 통해 주민보호조치 의사결정을 지원하며, 사고대응 및 소개현황 정보를 관리하는 웹 기반의 원자력방재 지리정보시스템을 확대 개발하였다. 방재시설물 및 방재관련 지형지물, 방재관련 사회통계자료의 검색기능 및 실시간 원전 바람장 정보조회, 실시간 ERMS 수집정보 조회, 수치예보 정보 조회, 온라인DB관리 등의 확대 구현을 통해 사고대응조치 및 피해분석업무를 지원하였다. 본 연구를 통한 원자력방재 지리정보시스템 완성을 통해 방사능 비상시 중앙본부와 지역본부 및 유관기관 간에 지리정보와 연계한 정확한 사고정보 및 방재정보의 신속한 공유를 제공하고, 적절한 비상대응조치 의사결정 및 주민보조조치 수행을 지원하여 효율적인 사고지역 관리 및 인적 물적 자원의 피해를 최소화하는데 기여할 것으로 기대된다.

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