• Title/Summary/Keyword: 원형적 상징

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Research for the Design Archetype of Dancheong -Through the Main Hall(Daewoong-jeon) of Mihwangsa Temple- (단청디자인 원형에 대한 연구 -미황사 대웅전을 중심으로-)

  • Oh, Chi-Gyu
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.11 no.7
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    • pp.142-152
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    • 2011
  • The 21st century is an age of design. The design has been developed and changed globally. At the same time, each country tries to find the archetype of its own design which represents its own identity. The object of this research is to show the identity of Korean design through the analysis of dancheong, Korean traditional decorative coloring on wooden buildings and artifacts for the purpose of style. Dancheong is an important clue through which alows us to understand Korean modelling. For the purpose, dancheong of Daewoong-jeon of Mihwang-sa, Haenam, Jeollanam-do, was analyzed. This study shows that, first, dancheong has a cultural value in terms of visual as well as space, symbolic, and figurative aspect. Second, dancheong at Mihwang-sa is an essence of the visual expression which shows the aesthetics of the age. Third, dancheong does not belong to any specific religions or beliefs but shows Korean's design archetype. This study shows that dancheong exists as an archetype of our beauty and it also links national identity.

An Analysis of the Archetypical Symbols of Children's Performance with Water During Sandplay Therapy (아동의 모래놀이치료에서 물(水)을 통한 연행의 상징 분석)

  • Goh, Eun-Kyoung;Chung, Kai-Sook
    • Korean Journal of Child Studies
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.185-202
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to understand the archetypical symbols present when conducting sandplay therapy with water from a hermeneutic point of view. The research participants were 6 children aged 8~9 who experienced problems in parent-children relationships. The result were as follows : The nature of archetypical symbols of present when working with water can be structured along two themes, vertical movements and horizontal movements. In vertical movements with three sub-themes, the meaning of 'to put in and boil out' is interpreted as 'mother's feeding baby', the meaning of 'to sink and bring out of water' is interpreted as 'resource acquisition', 'to swamp and float on the water' represents 'death and rebirth'. In horizontal movements consisted of two sub- themes, the meaning of 'to be swept away' is interpreted as 'initiation and conversion', the meaning of 'to wave and fix' is interpreted as 'to overcome the difficulties and create stability'.

Classification of Characters out of their Original Cultural Forms to Create Digital Contents : Focusing on Avalokitesvara (觀音菩薩) and Buddhist child (童子) (디지털콘텐츠 제작을 위한 전통문화원형의 캐릭터 분류 : 관음보살(觀音菩薩) 및 동자(童子)를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Young-Suk;Shin, Seung-Yun
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.27
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    • pp.153-176
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    • 2012
  • In the midst of the fusion era in digital contents, securing a variety of traditional cultural sources is important. Out of its long history, Korea has extensive spectrum of cultural contents in combination with conventional religions. Buddhist art has been a pillar of the traditional culture for a long time in Korea, by which we could secure new sources for cultural contents and classify them. This is aimed that we could bring the future brands into reality based on the traditional culture through Buddhist cultural contents. This study hired the original cultural forms in the viewpoints of traditional culture. Study on the implication through the symbols of Avalokitesvara (觀音菩薩) and Buddhist child (童子) in Buddhist art might allow to secure a foothold to create own characters. Thus, focusing on Avalokitesvara (觀音菩薩) and Buddhist child (童子) in the Buddhist sacred images as registered in Cultural Heritage Administration for national treasures, those traditional characters were reviewed through their own system of symbol. During the course, Buddhist characters were available to be classified into DB by their roles and materials지물. This study could help to exploit the complicated Buddhist culture of its symbolic meanings and to shape them into original forms of the culture. Also, through the meanings of the Buddhist sacred images, it could provide the digital contents pool with Korean traditional characters.

Jungian Interpretation of Creation Myths Focused on Egg Symbolism (분석심리학적 관점으로 고찰한 창조신화 : '알(卵)'의 상징성 중심으로)

  • Jin-Sook Kim
    • Sim-seong Yeon-gu
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    • v.27 no.1_2
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    • pp.28-70
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    • 2012
  • In Jungian psychology, creation myths regard as the story of unconscious and preconscious processes(projection of archaic identity) which describe not necessary the origin of our cosmos, but the origin of man's conscious awareness of the world. Therefore projections have nothing to do with matter itself but experience of one's own unconscious. Jung emphasizes importance to understand projection in individual's conscious experience rather than in philosophical doctrine. The purpose of this thesis is to explore unconscious process of creation myths with egg symbolism in clinical cases to present universal feature of Cosmic/alchemical egg. Psychologically, creation myths retold when human mind needs new order. Depending on the attitude of ego, it can be sudden expansion of consciousness or contamination of ego by unconscious. In this study, 'chaos(messa confusa)' in creation myths as archaic identity, experience of uroboros or infant, and nigredo state in alchemy. 'Separation of primordial parents' as beginning of consciousness refers to separatio operation in alchemical process. 'Light' as attainment of consciousness. Discussion of psychological meaning of egg starts with amplification which include the concept of cosmic/alchemical/philosophical egg. Egg symbolism in this study refers to emergence of egg, tapas/brooding of egg, and separation of egg. Emergence of egg as a state of preconscious totality, psychic wholeness conceived as the thing which came before the rise of ego consciousness. Discussion of conceptssuch as Shiva bindu, hiranyagharba, germ of gold, Tathāgatagarbha follows. 'Tapas/brooding of egg' as concentration of all psychic energy into one point for self reflection. Discussion includes The I Ching Hexagram 61, image of brooding egg identified with inner truth, Wonhyo's concept of jikwansasang, and Gnostic idea of Ennoia, introverted act of thinking, as well as the concept of 'Night Sea Journey'. 'Separation or hatching of egg' regarded as the idea of sudden illumination, Phanes, the shining God, and "sun-point," in alchemy. Birth of fledgling as birth of new personality. As a conclusion, psychological meaning of cosmic egg/creation myths is the story of separating from 'Not-I'(unconscious, object, undifferentiated) to 'I'(ego, subject, differentiated) which shares the same meaning as individuation process.

An Analytical Study on the Apparition of Virgin Mary of Rue du Bac: The Virgin Mary as the Incarnation of the Divinity (뤼 뒤 박 발현 성모상의 분석심리학적 고찰: 신성의 육화로서의 성모상)

  • Ki-Hwan Kim;Jung Taek Kim
    • Sim-seong Yeon-gu
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.45-111
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    • 2023
  • This paper examines the apparition of the Virgin Mary revealed in Rue du Bac, Paris, France, in 1830, from a perspective of analytical psychology. To do so, it amplifies the archetypal motifs manifested in the images of the Virgin Mary of Rue du Bac by introducing the medieval alchemical picture titled "Glorification of the body portrayed as the coronation of the Virgin Mary" from Reusner's Pandora (1588). This image of the Virgin Mary is full of archetypal motifs that show the process and end result of individuation, which is the main idea of Jungian psychology. These symbols that depict the individuation process, both in Reusner's Pandora and in the Mary of Rue du Bac, are expressions of mythologems, constituent elements of the collective unconscious. Jung noted that these mythologems are the ultimate base and matrix of all religions. Through examining the archetypal motifs, which appear in the Mary of Rue du Bac, the apparition of the Mary turns out to be the revelation of the archetypal image of the Self in a space-time continuum, which is constellated in the collective unconscious. That is, an archetypal figure revealed itself to a witness' ego-consciousness to whom a space-time continuum functions as a cognitive category. The Mary of Rue du Bac represents the union of the opposites of divinity and humanity, which lacks in the symbolism of the Cross in Christianity. In this regard, she is an image of the new savior, who opens the new aeon of the Aquarius. The revealed image of Mary shows that divinity originates from the inner realm of the human psyche, that corporeal human beings are the matrix in which the divine incarnates, and that human being is the subject of psychological redemption. The image of Mary awakens us to the value of divinity in the human psyche in the times when the spiritual values Christianity has retained declines drastically.

A Study of The world famous university's UI symbolic (세계 유명대학 UI의 상징성 연구)

  • Lei, Yu-Hong;Noh, Hwangwoo
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2014.11a
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    • pp.145-146
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    • 2014
  • 중국 대학의 글로벌화 및 경쟁력 강화를 위하여 새로운 UI 적용 및 자료 활용 방안으로 본 연구를 하고자 한다. 중국대학의 심불타입을 보면 비교적 원형의 심불과 단색, 중국문자의 특징 중에 하나인 상형문자를 이용하여 대학의 심볼을 나타낸 경우가 많았다. 이를 더 발전시키기 위해서는 새로운 UI 적용 시 기존의 형식에서 벗어난 학교, 문화, 역사에 맞는 상징물과 소재를 사용하며, 색상을 단색보다 다양하게 사용한다면 현재보다 더욱 글로벌화 된 모습을 표현 할 수 있다.

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Studies on the Spatial Organization and Interpretation of Prototype Landscape of Donggwanwangmyo Shrine in Seoul (서울 동관왕묘(東關王廟)의 공간구성 및 원형경관 해석)

  • Kim, Hyung-Suk;Jung, Woo-Jin;Sim, Woo-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.33-50
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to seek the spatial organization and prototype landscape through literature reviews, historical evidences, and field surveys for Donggwanwangmyo(東關王廟) shrine in Seoul. The results were as follows : First, the basic layout of the main buildings in Donggwanwangmyo which is the remains influenced by China had bilateral symmetry on the central axis between the north and south. Second, the Chinese forms and features were found at Jeong-jeon and middle gate in Donggwanwangmyo, and the symbolic elements of royal authority was also found in each space of Donggwanwangmyo. Third, spatial organization was classified as the entrance and the ritual area, and the entrance area was maintained by administrators and was used as the place of ritual ceremony preparation. Fourth, the original form of Donggwanwangmyo had been damaged due to the project for making urban park in the 1970s. The most of the existing trees and shrubs which are not suitable to the shrine should be removed to recover the original landscape of Donggwanwangmyo and chui-byoung(翠屛), pond, landscape facilities also needed to be restored. Fifth, Donggwanwangmyo needed to reorganize the pious atmosphere to recover of the shrine environment, and needed to be reclassified as historical site. Finally, some criticizes that Donggwanwangmyo is the result of Toadyism, but Donggwanwangmyo can be used as the valuable tourism resource through the awareness that Donggwanwangmyo was built under the situation of Joseon Dynasty, and organization and understanding that Donggwanwangmyo is a symbolic remains for the exchange between Korea and China.

Design Style Analysis of Jeju Naewotdang Musindo Folk 10 God's Paintings (제주 내왓당 무신도 10신위(神位) 디자인 형태 분석)

  • Kang, Younsim;Park, Youngwon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.15 no.9
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    • pp.61-71
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    • 2015
  • Developing cultural contents in cultural creativity industry is very practical process recently. Research about Jeju's legend and myth should be the basic theory for cultural contents development based on local cultures. Jeju Naewotdang Musindo 10 gods paintings are unique colored pictures, appointed as Jeju folklore material No.7 and national important folklore material No. 240. Jeju-Do is remained the springhead of absorbed into unique culture for a long time because of Jeju's geographical environment condition. Jeju Musindo could be related with the symbol of Jeju's myth images and the springhead of emotions of our typical country people. It would be analysed by Wucius Wong's design style theory for approaching visual image and symbolic meaning. This research about Jeju Naewotdang Musindo 10 gods paintings could provide design analysis methodology for further theoretical studies about Jeju's legend and myth for Jeju's unique cultural contents.

The research of China ancient mythical image's kindhearted and vicious role designs in the Role-playing game (롤플레잉게임에 등장하는 중국고대신화의 선악(善惡)캐릭터 디자인 연구)

  • Zhang, Zhile;Kim, Se-Hwa
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.903-908
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    • 2009
  • In this research, is take the foundation at deity appearing in China ancient mythology symbolic, the ideology of kindhearted and vicious to them is classified, and take the kindhearted and vicious role of the game at present compares. Pass such analysis, combine deity appearing in the mythology symbolic with tales of marvels, apply to role's design current situation of the present game, hope to find out the key element of succeed in designing the game role with culture intension.

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A Study of Myth of King Heokgeose, the Founder of Shilla Dynasty from a Perspective of Analytical Psychology (신라 시조 혁거세왕 신화에 대한 분석심리학적 연구)

  • Sang Ick Han
    • Sim-seong Yeon-gu
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.50-87
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    • 2013
  • C. G. Jung believed that universal and basic condition of human's Unconscious comes out from Märchen or mythology. We can easily experience these universality of human nature in dreams. Therefore, It is very important to interpret mythogens that appear in myths and märchen in analytical psychology to understand these 'big dreams' which could be seen in clinical practice. As I was interested in interpreting myths in analytic psychology, I tried to find universality of archetypes in Korea's traditional folk tales and took note of the birth myth of Hyeokgeose, the founder of Shilla dynasty, while examining the chater of the Unsual in history in the Heritage of the Three Kingdoms. Shilla was founded earlier than two other countries, but it was located in the very south of the Korean Peninsula, and it was behind times in politically, militarily, and culturally compare to Goguryeo and Baekje. However, Shilla achieved unifying the Three Kingdoms and it lasted 1000 years, the longest unified history in Korean history. I tried to examine archetypes in the birth myth if there are any backgrounds that are related to finding a Shilla Kingdom. It is noted that myth of the founder of Korean Peninsula's small Kingdom Shilla has complete story from before the birth to birth, birth of spouse, growth, marriage, accession, governing, death, after death, and succession. Symbols such as numbers 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 13 and 61, various azimuthes including north, west, south, east, and central, animals like tiger, white horse, hen, dragon, phoenix, and snakes, natures like main symbol egg, rock, gourd, lightening, spring water, stream, tree, forest, mountain, iron and goddess-image like seon-do Holy Mother gradually appears in the myth. These symbols could show a meaning of human experience such as birth of Conscious, growth and development of paternal and maternal love, and story of regeneration and extinction. Moreover, It could be seen as these progress eternally continues in next generation. I have found out that a word, a sentence or stories that looks meaningless in myth revealed its true symbolical meaning. In addition, interaction between Unconscious and Conscious repeats in different forms, and expressed in layered.