• Title/Summary/Keyword: 원자력격납건물

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An Advanced Design Procedure for Dome and Ring Beam of Concrete Containment Structures (콘크리트 격납구조물 돔과 링빔의 개선된 설계기법)

  • Jeon, Se-Jin;Kim, Young-Jin
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.817-824
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    • 2010
  • The concrete containment structures have been widely used in nuclear power plants, LNG storage tanks, etc., due to their high safety and economic efficiency. The containment structure consists of a bottom slab, wall, ring beam and dome. The shape of the roof dome has a very significant effect on structural safety, the quantity of materials, and constructability; the thickness and curvature of the dome should therefore be determined to give the optimum design. The ring beam plays the role as supports for the dome, resulting in a minimized deformation of the wall. The main issues in designing the ring beam are the correct dimensions of the section and the prestress level. In this study, an efficient design procedure is proposed that can be used to determine an optimal shape and prestress level of the dome and ring beam. In the preliminary design stage of the procedure, the membrane theory of shells of revolution is adopted to determine several plausible alternatives which can be obtained even by hand calculation. Based on the proposed procedures, domes and ring beams of the existing domestic containment structures are analyzed and some improvements are discussed.

Analysis Model on Risk Factors of RCB Construction in Nuclear Power Plant (원자력 발전 플랜트 RCB 시공의 리스크 요인에 관한 분석 모델)

  • Shin, Dae-Woong;Shin, Yoonseok;Kim, Gwang-Hee
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Building Construction Conference
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    • 2014.11a
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    • pp.212-213
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to suggest analysis model of RCB construction in nuclear power plant. For the objective, This study drew the risk factors of RCB construction from existing literature. The results of the study proposed analysis model made hierarchy in rebar, form, and concrete work. These will be baseline data for risk management in construction project of nuclear power plant.

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Analysis of EQ pH Condition and Fission Product Removal Capability for Nuclear Power Plant (원전의 내환경기기검증 화학환경 및 핵분열생성물 제거능력 평가)

  • Song, Dong Soo;Ha, Sang Jun;Seong, Je Joong;Jeon, Hwang Yong;Huh, Seong Cheol
    • Journal of Energy Engineering
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.186-190
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    • 2014
  • Nuclear Power Plants require the control ability of chemical condition (pH) because pH control during transient accident such as LOCA makes an able the fission product removal capability to be maintained, stress corrosion cracking of stainless steel equipment to be prevented and the production of hydrogen by aluminum and zinc to be minimized. An NPP is designed to control the pH of containment spray and sump coolant using the spray additives 30% NaOH in the event of loss of coolant accident. In this paper, the pH of sump coolant of an NPP during LOCA was analyzed and the fission products removal constant and decontamination factor were calculated according to Standard Review Plan 6.5.2 related to spray chemical conditions of pH. The calculated pH value of recirculation mode using the computer code corresponds to 8.09~9.67, which meets the chemical environment regulation requirements. The fission product removal capability caused by containment spray system is performed to provide input to radiation analysis.

A Study on Application Analysis Using RETRAN Computer Code for the Environmental Qualification Flood Analysis Following the Main Feed Water Line Break (주급수관 파단에 따른 내환경검증 침수분석용 전산코드 RETRAN의 적용 해석연구)

  • Park, Young-Chan;Cho, Cheon-Hwey;Hong, Sung-In
    • Journal of Energy Engineering
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.103-112
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    • 2007
  • Flood issue for nuclear power plants designed and built in 1970 is extremely severe for main steam header compartment and main feedwater line region of intermediate building and lower floor. A calculation for flood level at the main feedwater line isolation compartment is now performing by hand calculation. But, this methodology is quite conservative assumption. The goal of this study was to develop method to analyze flowrate using the RETRAN-3D computer code, and the developed method was applied to flood level analysis following main feedwater line break. As a result of analysis, flood level was low remarkably.

Dose Evaluation of Neutron within Containment Building of a CE type Nuclear Power Plant (CE형 원전의 격납건물내 중성자선량 평가)

  • Kim Tae Wook;Han Jae Mun;Kim Kyung Doek;Yun Cheol Whan;Suh Jang Soo;Kim Young Jae
    • Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology(JNFCWT)
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.23-30
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    • 2005
  • From measured results of the neutron fields at some principal places within the containment building in a CE type nuclear power plant in operation, the radiation exposure of a worker to the neutron at there was evaluated and the equivalent dose reflecting new recommendation (ICRP 60) was compared with that doing the old one (ICRP 26). The measured neutron field was also compared with calibration neutron field. From the analysis, the following conclusion was obtained: the average neutron radiation weighting factor according to new recommendation is 2.41 to 2.71 times higher than the old one. The average neutorn radiation weighting factor at the measured place was similar to that at calibration neutron field. The average neutron energy at measured place was between 42 and 158 keV and higher than that of calibration field of 500 keV. So, the measured equivalent dose in nuclear power plant could be overestimated compared to the real equivalent dose.

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Shell Finite Element of Reinforced Concrete for Internal Pressure Analysis of Nuclear Containment Building (격납건물 내압해석을 위한 철근콘크리트 쉘 유한요소)

  • Lee, Hong-Pyo;Choun, Young-Sun
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.29 no.6A
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    • pp.577-585
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    • 2009
  • A 9-node degenerated shell finite element(FE), which has been developed for assessment of ultimate pressure capacity and nonlinear analysis for nuclear containment building is described in this paper. Reissner-Midnlin(RM) assumptions are adopted to develop the shell FE so that transverse shear deformation effects is considered. Material model for concrete prior to cracking is constructed based on the equivalent stress-equivalent strain relationship. Tension stiffening model, shear transfer mechanism and compressive strength reduction model are used to model the material behavior of concrete after cracking. Niwa and Aoyagi-Yamada failure criteria have been adapted to find initial cracking point in compression-tension and tension-tension region, respectively. Finally, the performance of the developed program is tested and demonstrated with several examples. From the numerical tests, the present results show a good agreement with experimental data or other numerical results.

An Analysis of Investigation Movies of S/C Vent Area in the Unit 2 Reactor Building Basement floor of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (후쿠시마 제 1 원자력발전소 2 호기 원자로 건물 지하의 S/C Vent 관 조사영상 분석)

  • Cho, Jai-Wan;Jeong, Kyung-Min
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2013.05a
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    • pp.311-314
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    • 2013
  • 본 논문에서는 일본의 (주) 동경전력이 공개한 후쿠시마 제 1 원자력발전소 2 호기 원자로건물 지하에 위치한 S/C (Suppression Chamber) 주변의 Vent 관 조사 동영상들을 분석하였다. S/C 는 donut (환형) 모양의 구조물로 PCV (격납용기) 와 연결된 8 개의 Vent 관을 통해 원자로의 압력을 억제한다. 후쿠시마 사고 원자로의 용융 핵연료를 인출하기 위해서는 원자로 압력용기 및 PCV에 물을 채워서 방사선 선량율을 떨어뜨려야 한다. 물을 채운 후에 누설이 되면 안되기 때문에, PCV 와 S/C 사이에 연결된 Vent 관에 대한 방사능 오염수의 누설지점을 찾는 것이 중요하다. 이를 위한 사전공정으로 (주) 도시바의 4 족보행 로봇 탑재 카메라를 이용하여 8 개 Vent 관 모두를 육안 검사하였다. (주) 동경전력이 공개한 영상을 분석한 결과 고선량 감마선에 의한 Speckle 들이 관측되었다. 본 논문에서는 이러한 Speckle 분포의 특성을 분석하여 S/C 와 PCV 를 연결하는 8개 Vent 관중 방사능 오염물질이 많은 곳을 특정하고자 하였다.

A Response Time of the Nuclear Emergency Preparedness Robot based on the Gamma Ray Dose-Rate Constraints (감마선 선량율 제한조건에 따른 원자력 비상대응로봇의 대응시간)

  • Cho, JaiWan;Choi, Young Soo;Kim, TaeWon;Jeong, KyungMin
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2014.04a
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    • pp.807-810
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    • 2014
  • 로봇 시스템의 제어 및 이를 이용한 환경 인식에는 많은 전자 광학 소자들이 사용되고 있다. 로봇 제어회로에 사용되고 있는 Si CMOS 공정의 CPU, ASIC, FPGA 소자는 고 선량의 감마선에 취약하다. 환경정보 수집용으로 로봇에 탑재되는 CMOS/CCD 카메라의 관측영상에는 고선량 감마선으로 인한 speckle (백색잡음, white noise) 들이 나타나며, 이들이 카메라의 관측성능을 저하시킨다. 후쿠시마 원자력발전소 사고와 같이 원자력시설에서 제어불능의 심각한 사고가 발생되면 고선량 감마선이 방출된다. 이러한 고선량 감마선방출은 사람에 의한 사고수습을 불가능하게 하며, 사고 수습을 위해서는 로봇의 활용이 불가피하다. 그러나, 방출되는 고선량 감마선의 세기(선량율)가 지나치게 높을 경우, 로봇 전자회로가 장애를 일으키기 때문에 로봇의 적절한 임무수행이 가능한 감마선 세기에 대한 고려가 필요하다. 본 논문에서는 고선량 감마선 환경하에서의 로봇 탑재 CCD/CMOS 카메라의 관측 성능을 고려하여 100 Gy/h 를 감마선 선량율 제한조건으로 설정한다. 그리고, 재 가동 승인심사를 받기 위해 일본의 원전 운영자들이 제시한 PWR (가압경수로) 원전의 중대사고 대책 적합성 평가문서에 나타난 노심용융개시 시점의 원자로 격납건물내 감마선 선량율 추이 계산결과를 활용하여 로봇의 대응시간을 계산하였다. 문서 (PDF) 에 표현된 감마선 선량율 추이 그래프를 영상 판독하여, 격납건물내 감마선 선량율이 100 Gy/h 제한조건에 도달하는 시간을 계산하였다. 이를 로봇의 대응시간으로 설정한다.

Design and Test of ElectroMagnetic Acoustic Transducer applicable to Wall-Thinning Inspection of Containment Liner Plates (격납건물 라이너 플레이트 감육 검사를 위한 전자기 초음파 트랜스듀서의 설계 및 성능 평가)

  • Han, Soon Woo;Cho, Seung Hyun;Kang, To;Moon, Seong In
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Pressure Vessels and Piping
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.46-52
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    • 2019
  • This work proposes a noncontact ultrasonic transducer for detecting wall-thinning of containment liner plates of nuclear power plants by measuring their thickness without physical contact. Because the containment liner plate is designed to prevent atmospheric leakage of radioactive substances under severe nuclear accident, its wall-thinning inspection is important for safety of nuclear power plants. Wall-thinning investigation of containment liner plates have been carried out by measuring their thickness with contact-type ultrasonic thickness gauge by inspectors and needs a lot of time and cost. As an alternative, an electromagnetic acoustic transducer measuring precisely thickness of containment liner plates without any physical contact or couplant was suggested in this research. A transducer generating and measuring shear ultrasonic waves in thickness direction was designed and wave field produced by the transducer was analyzed to verify the design. The working performance of the suggested transducer was tested with carbon steel plate specimens with various thicknesses. The test result shows that the proposed transducer can measure thickness of the specimens precisely without any couplant and implies that swift scanning of wall-thinning of containment liner plates will be possible with the proposed transducer.

A Study on the Effect of Containment Filtered Venting System to Off-site under Severe Accident (중대사고시 격납건물여과배기계통(CFVS)적용으로 인한 사고영향과 결과 고찰)

  • Jeon, Ju Young;Kwon, Tae-Eun;Lee, Jai-Ki
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.244-251
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    • 2015
  • The containment filtered venting system reduces the range of the contamination area around the nuclear power plant by strengthening the integrity of the containment building. In this study, the probabilistic assessment code MACCS2 was used to assess the effect of the CFVS to off-site. The accident source term was selected from a Probabilistic Safety Analysis report of SHINKORI 1&2 Nuclear Power Plant. The three source term categories from 19 STC were chosen to evaluate the effective dose and thyroid dose of residents around the power plant and the dose with CFVS and without CFVS were compared. The dose was calculated according to the distance from the nuclear power plant, so the damage scale based on the distance that exceeds the IAEA criteria for effective dose (100 mSv per 7 days) and thyroid dose (50 mSv per 7 days) were compared. The effective dose reduction rates of the STC-3, STC-4, STC-6 were about 95-99% in the whole range (0~35 km), 96-98% for the thyroid dose. There are similar results between effective dose and thyroid dose. After applying the CFVS, the damage scale that exceeds the effective dose criteria was about 1 km (mean). Especially, the STC-4 damage scale was decreased from 26 km (mean) to 1.2 km (mean) significantly. The damage scale that exceed the thyroid dose criteria was decreased to 2~3 km (mean). The STC-4 damage scale was also decreased significantly as compared to STC-3, STC-6 in terms of effective dose.