• Title/Summary/Keyword: 원건축연구소

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Cause Analysis and Reduction of Safety Accident in Modular Construction - Focusing on Manufacturing and Construction Process - (모듈러 건축에서의 안전사고 원인 분석 및 저감방안 - 제작 및 시공단계 작업을 중심으로 -)

  • Jeong, Gilsu;Lee, Hyunsoo;Park, Moonseo;Hyun, Hosang;Kim, Hyunsoo
    • Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Structure & Construction
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    • v.35 no.8
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    • pp.157-168
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    • 2019
  • Modular Construction is regarded as having enhanced safety compared to traditional construction since most of modular manufacturing process in plants. Unlike general consideration for safety in modular construction, several industrial accident data and studies have pointed out that the accident rate of modular construction is not enough less as much as the practitioners have expected. It means that there is a clear need for improvement of safety management in modular construction. To enhance safety, it is necessary to identify the type and cause of accident through accident cases in order to prevent safety accident in advance. In this consideration, this study analyzed the types and causes of accidents through root cause analysis procedure with accident cases of U.S. OSHA. The classification was carried out in the order of process type, accident type and cause of accident. By following the classification criteria in this study, the causal factor was derived and the root cause map was created. Based on the analysis results, cross-analysis was conducted and it is shown that activity characteristics of modular construction are related to safety accidents. In addition, prevention methods to reduce safety accident by major activity are presented in terms of organizational, educational and technical aspects. This study contributes that the result can be used as the basic safety management in the manufacturing and construction process of modular construction.

Ensuring safety of temporary structures through on-site real-time structural analysis Construction Sites (가설구조물 구조검토의 실시간 현장 반영을 통한 안전성 확보)

  • Mo, Seung-Un;Moon, Seong Oh
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Building Construction Conference
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    • 2022.11a
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    • pp.19-20
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    • 2022
  • Based on the survey analysis of safety accidents at construction sites that occur every year, most of them are caused by temporary structures. While analyzing in detail, it is confirmed that the main factors for such accidents are the quality problem of temporary equipment, unstable construction, and arbitrary change. As temporary structure is installed only for the construction of main structure, the reality is that no attention is paid to the construction of temporary structures.

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Concept of 'original form' in architectural heritage and its relationship with conservation - Focusing on the critical analysis on the past practices of timber buildings in Korea - (건축문화재의 원형(原形) 개념과 보존의 관계 - 한국 목조건축문화재 수리 역사의 비판적 검토를 중심으로 -)

  • Kang, Hyun
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.49 no.1
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    • pp.120-145
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    • 2016
  • An understanding of 'original form' plays an important role as it is the starting point of heritage conservation. This paper delineated several types of understanding on 'original form' over times, and aims at analyzing the way how such concepts has provided a platform of repair works of timber buildings in Korea over times. Conservation in Korea was initiated by the attitude of the Japanese authority during the Colonial period and 'restoring into the earliest form', which had been set in the early stage of the Japanese conservation, has strongly influenced on Korean practice during the period. Such attitude has lasted even after the independence of Korea. In Japan, however, the attitude has shifted to taking a careful decision on the alteration of the existing form during the 1930s. In addition, examination and research in the repair work became essential steps to conduct along with the publication of the report of works. In Korea there has been lack of understanding on the importance of examination and research in repair works and the publication of report of the works has not been mandatory so that it has emphasized on the 'form' in conservation aiming at 'restoring the earliest form'. Such attitude has created the problem of replacing original material during the work which should aim at preserving and maintaining heritage in Korea. Because of these circumstances in preserving the architectural cultural properties in Korea, cultural buildings had succeeded in preserving the outer appearance but there are remaining questions on preserving the original states of them. This paper has pointed out that it is necessary to set out the principles of conserving 'original condition' through further study and discussion based on the careful consideration on both the international principles and Korean context.

Experimental Evaluation for Structural Performance of Hybrid Damper Combining Steel Slit and Rotational Friction Damper (강재 슬릿과 회전 마찰형 감쇠 장치를 결합한 복합 감쇠 장치의 실험적 구조 성능 평가)

  • Kim, Yu-Seong;Kang, Joo-Won;Park, Byung-Tae;Lee, Joon-Ho
    • Journal of Korean Association for Spatial Structures
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.101-109
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    • 2019
  • In order to develop the compatible damping device in various vibration source, a hybrid wall-type damper combining slit and friction damper in parallel was developed. Cyclic loading tests and two-story RC reinforced frame tests were performed for structural performance verification. As a result of the 5-cyclic loading test according to KBC-2016 and low displacement cyclic fatigue test, The hybrid wall type damper increased its strength and the ductility was the same as that of the slit damper. In addition, As a result of the two-layer frame test, the reinforced frame had about twice the strength of the unreinforced frame, and the story drift ratio was satisfied to Life Safety Level.

Habitability Evaluation of Two-way Void Slab for Vertical Vibration (이방향 중공슬래브의 연직진동에 관한 거주 성능 평가)

  • Jo, Seong-Woo;Choi, Sun-Young;Choi, Jong-Moon;Kim, Sang-Mo
    • Proceedings of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute Conference
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    • 2011.04a
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    • pp.458-461
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    • 2011
  • 이방향 중공슬래브 시스템의 구조특성 및 성능평가 연구의 일부로 실제 건축물에 적용된 이방향 중공슬래브의 연직진동을 측정 및 분석하였다. 캡슐형 경량체를 사용한 이방향 중공슬래브가 적용된 두 건축물에서 바닥 용도상 일상적인 진동발생원이라고 가정할 수 있는 75 kg 성인의 보행, 달리기, 제자리 점프에 대해 슬래브의 연직진동을 측정하였다. 두 대상 건축물은 각각 연구소와 교육시설 용도로 설계 및 건축되었다. 측정된 수직 가속도 데이터로 일본건축학회 환경기준에 (AIJES-2004) 근거하여 진동수 범위 3~30 Hz에 대해 1/3 옥타브 밴드 분석을 실시하였다. 이 분석을 바탕으로 AIJEES-2004에 제시한 기준에 따라 바닥의 연직진동에 대한 거주 성능을 평가한 결과, 측정한 세 건축물에 적용된 이방향 중공슬래브 모두 보행과 달리기에 대해서는 피진동자의 10% 미만이 인지, 제자리 점프에 대해서는 50~70% 미만이 인지할 수 있는 것으로 나타나, 이방향 중공슬래브가 바닥의 연직 진동에 대해 거주 성능이 양호함을 보여주었다.

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Research on non-welding door frame assembly method that allows on-site assembly (현장조립이 가능한 무용접 도어프레임 조립방식에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, Joo-Won;Lim, Bo-Hyeok;Lee, Gwang-Woo;Lee, Hae-Yeol
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Building Construction Conference
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    • 2023.11a
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    • pp.155-156
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    • 2023
  • In the case of steel door frames commonly found in general buildings, there are various assembly methods such as rivets, bolts, and welding, but the welding method is generally used. However, this welding joint method has many problems, such as distortion due to heat and damage due to external shock. In particular, when used as a fire door, problems may occur in the event of a fire due to distortion caused by heat from welding and the weak welded joint area. In the case of rivet or welded joints, when moved after assembly, joint loosening due to external shock may occur. Problems may arise where the bonding strength becomes weak. In addition, with the recent increase in high-rise buildings and larger buildings, when assembly is completed and brought to the site, a place is needed to store it, and in addition, there is a problem in that it has to be transported several times in small quantities to the installation site, which is another problem of time and cost loss. This is coming to the fore. In order to fundamentally solve this problem, we have researched and developed a non-welding door frame that can be assembled on site. We have researched and developed three assembly methods: screw-type, insert-type, and protrusion-type. Non-welded door frames are small in size and easy to package, making them advantageous for domestic and overseas exports.

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Seismic Retrofit of Spatial Structures Using Buckling Restrained Brace (비좌굴 가새를 이용한 대공간 구조물 내진 보강 설계)

  • Moon, Hee-Suk;Kim, Gee-Chul;Kang, Joo-Won;Lee, Joon-Ho
    • Journal of Korean Association for Spatial Structures
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.105-111
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    • 2018
  • In this study, the seismic performance and behavior characteristics of the upper truss structure of the large stadium are analyzed by nonlinear dynamic analysis. In the nonlinear dynamic analysis, the earthquake records were generated by site response analysis to simulate the nonlinear behavior of the relevant soil condition where the structure is located. Nonlinear dynamic analysis was performed using Perform-3D and the nonlinear properties of the substructure and the superstructure were determined in accordance with KISTEC guideline. According to the analysis results, excessive deformation occurred in the upper truss element, and plastic hinges exceeded the target performance in some members. Buckling-restrained brace is used for seismic retrofit of stadium structures and the analysis results shows the interstory drift satisfies the target performance level with dissipating the seismic energy efficiently.

Research and development of a three-stage door binder to improve the fire resistance of fire doors (방화문의 내화성능 향상을 위한 3단 문 결속기 연구개발)

  • Lim, Bo-Hyeok;Lee, Joo-Won;Cho, Dong-Hwan;Lee, Hae-Yeol
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Building Construction Conference
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    • 2023.11a
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    • pp.157-158
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    • 2023
  • Doors that are opened and closed when entering or exiting a general building are connected to the door frame and open and close. They are equipped with door locking devices of various structures, and are either locked to the door frame for the closing operation or released from the door frame for the opening and closing operation. Here, a single-stage door binding device having a door latch that is independently disposed at the center of one axis of the door is commonly used. On the other hand, if the size of the door is over a certain size or if the door is medium to large, the opening and closing operation may not be performed smoothly with only a single stage binder, or the closing state may not be achieved stably during the closing operation. In particular, in the case of the single-stage binding device provided in medium to large fire doors, the door is fixed to the door frame unstable, causing fatal errors in the fire prevention function of the fire door. Accordingly, in order to fundamentally solve these problems, we researched and developed a three-stage door binding machine that combines a top and bottom fastening structure with a single-stage fastening structure. This 3-stage door binder not only has the fire resistance performance of a fire door, but also has a T-shaped terminal in its fastening method, so if you eliminate the upper and lower fastening, it is a 1-stage binder like a regular product, but if you remove the door latch of the 1st-stage binder, it functions as an upper and lower 2-stage binder and forms a single mold. We researched and developed a three-stage door binder that can manufacture and produce three products at the same time, satisfying both product performance and price.

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A Study on Urban Regeneration Business Model Utilizing Idle Facilities in Old Town - Focusing on the City Center Revitalization Projects Using Empty Houses and Empty Stores in Japan - (원도심 내 유휴시설을 활용한 도시재생사업 모델에 관한 연구 - 일본의 빈집과 빈 점포를 활용한 중심시가지활성화 사업을 중심으로 -)

  • Song, Ki-Baek
    • Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Planning & Design
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.127-134
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to derive a model of urban regeneration business using idle facilities in the old city center. The scope of the study was set as empty houses and empty stores owned by private companies, and analyzed the 50 central city revitalization projects using idle facilities in 14 local cities in Japan. The results of this study are follows; First, as an urban regeneration strategy using idle facilities in the old town, it was a combination of other functions centering on commercial functions or introducing new functions required in the city center. Second, various financial supports have been provided to induce the utilization of idle facilities by the private sector, and different strategies have been implemented for businesses that need maintenance first. Third, based on the analysis results, it was possible to derive urban regeneration business model. Fourth, in order to operate smooth business, it is a need for an organization that is in charge of reviewing the consistency of upper-level planning and urban guiding functions such as urban revitalization plan, balance review of expenditure and revenues by cost subsidy and loan repayment, consultation among the business partners.

A Study on Landscape Formation Techniques of Summer Palace as Royal Garden in China (이화원 황가원림의 경관연출기법 연구)

  • An, Seung-Hong;Yoon, Sung-Yung;Yeom, Sung-Jin;Yoon, Sang-Jun;Lee, Won-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.18-27
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    • 2018
  • This study is a basic one analyzing the scenic characteristics that are created in Royal Garden in China while taking into consideration that Royal Garden in China is a fruit compiling all of the Chinese classical gardens. In case of Summer Palace in China, it adopted various kinds of landscape displaying techniques for fulfilling the desires of an Emperor who wanted to appreciate beautiful landscapes all the time. Accordingly, the scenic characteristics can be summarized as follows. First, Summer Garden creates various kinds of garden landscapes through various kinds of landscape creation techniques, such as, Borrowed Landscape, Central One, Background One, Symmetrical One, Axial One, Dividing One, Framed One, Window One and Complementing One, etc. Second, it was created in order for visitors to focus on appreciation of landscapes by allocating hard points while considering the symmetric structure, Structure of Long Corridor and Visual Physiology of a building on the basis of the South-North Pivotal Line. Third, it utilized the scenic spot transferring technique that introduces the landscapes of scenic spots in various regions of China to Summer Palace to be matched to the unique geological characteristics of Summer Garden. It was found that Summer Palace adopted the common landscaping techniques in Jiangnan Region of Ancient China since the landscape of Jichang Garden in Hangzhou and that of Shan Tang Jie in Suzhou are reproduced and transferred. It was found that 3 methods mentioned above have the effects that attract sightseers' eyes naturally and make their interests concentrated as well as reviving the feeling of space in a garden and creating abundant scenic beauty.