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The review about ultra long subsea tunnel design under high water pressure (고수압 초장대 해저터널에 관한 연구)

  • Jun, Duk-Chan;Kim, Ki-Lim;Hong, Eui-Joon;Kim, Chan-Dong;Lee, Young-Joon;Hong, Cheor-Hwa
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.829-843
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    • 2017
  • Subsea tunnel needs to be built over 50 km long to connect between nations and continents. However there are only 19 tunnels longer than 5 km until recently. And there is no history of constructing and operating tunnel longer than 50 km. In Korea, subsea tunnels with a length of more than 50 km are being planned, such as Korea~Japan, Korea~China, Honam~Jeju subsea tunnels. Because of the geographical conditions of Korea, most of these tunnels are inter-contry tunnels. So technology preemption for the subsea tunnel construction is getting more and more important. Most of these subsea tunnels are ultra-long tunnels under high water pressure conditions. So new technologies are required such as ventilation and disaster prevention of high-speed tunnels, securing of structural stability under high pressure conditions, and pressure reduction in high-speed conditions. These technologies are different from those of ground tunnels. Therefore, this paper describes the ultra-long subsea tunnel design under high water pressure of maximum 16 bars through the Honam (land) - Jeju (island) virtual subsea project. We proposed a reasonable solution to various problems such as securing structural stability in high pressure condition and ventilation disaster prevention system of ultra long-tunnel.

Street Transit Network Analysis and Evaluation (노면 대중교통노선 평가틀 구축에 관한 연구)

  • Shin, Yong Eun
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.28 no.4D
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    • pp.477-483
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    • 2008
  • If designed properly, street transit systems can provide many useful functions with the flexibility of serving an unlimited range of locations throughout an urban area. Over the last decades urban regions of Korea cities have seen rapidly changing travel patterns and urban conditions. Under this circumstance transit planners need frequent evaluations of its street transit routes so as to restructure or modify them rationally. It should be noted that the changing network influences passengers, operators, as well as the city itself. However, there is no proper framework with which to evaluate the street transit network comprehensively. This paper develops and provides a framework including criteria and indicators for evaluating street transit networks. Five criteria, such as network size, network structure, service requirements, efficiency of operation and the relationship to the city are presented. A number of indicators and measures representing each criteria are then suggested. As a practical example, an analysis and comparison of three minibus networks in Busan are presented, utilizing the developed measures and indicators. The results of this study will be of great use for planners responsible for transit route planning, particularly for planning of new or analysis of existing routes; their comparison with routes/networks of various cities.

Lifting Work Process Optimization Method in High-rise Building Construction Through Improvement of CYCLONE Modeling Method (CYCLONE 모델링 기법 개선을 통한 초고층 공사의 자재 양중 작업 프로세스 최적화 연구)

  • Hawng, Doowon;Kwon, Okyung;Choi, Yoonki
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.58-70
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    • 2017
  • The planning for material lifting operations is one of the key processes in high-rise building construction. Several previous studies have used rough calculations by referring to existing practices or establishing a target value for lifting cycle time or operating rate. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to propose a material lifting process optimization method for reducing the lifting cycle time and increasing the operating rate. In this study, we improve the cyclic operation network (CYCLONE) modeling method that considers the duration and zone information of each work task. This method can be used to hand over work tasks to another crew group in the work process. According to this methodology, this study optimizes the material lifting process, performs a sensitivity analysis, and evaluates the field applicability of the proposed material lifting process optimization method. Therefore, the optimized process was then applied to a high-rise building construction site. The lifting work process time and operating rate for the simulated as - is lifting process data, optimized process data, and field application result data were compared for each lifting height. From this comparison, the effectiveness of the optimization methodology was confirmed.

Estimation of Optimal Fare for Cloud Transportation System (클라우드교통시스템의 최적 요금 산정)

  • Ryu, Seong Beom;Bae, Sang Hoon
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.33 no.5
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    • pp.1969-1980
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    • 2013
  • The Traffic congestion is caused by the increasing traffic demand. Thus, economic losses have been increasing every year. To solve these problems, car sharing and rental car systems that are equipped with IT technologies emerge. Car sharing has many advantages-the alleviation of the traffic congestion, the saving of maintenance cost for cars, the reduction of car possessiveness, the solution for the hassle of car ownership, for business and personal duty, and the improvement of connectivity between public transportations-. The goal of the car sharing is to achieve low-carbon and eco-friendly transportation. In this study, we review papers related to the car sharing system and the cost system of traffic systems. We estimate the optimal cost of the cloud traffic system that is one of the car sharing services. We suggest a methodology to estimate operational cost and use cost through the analysis of cost system between similar traffic means. The range of the maximum and minimum cost was determined through the comparison and analysis of similar traffic means. Expected demand and the cost that people are willing to pay were estimated through optimized value pricing. The minimum cost per hour that was compared to the cost of rental car was estimated at 5,333 won and the maximum cost per hour that was compared to taxi cost was estimated at 17,700 won. The cost for users was estimated at 6,930 won. The cost of 50% demands was estimated at 6,550won. Future studies should analyze service hours of users, weather, demand pattern and trend and consider them into the cost estimation.

A Study of Big data-based Machine Learning Techniques for Wheel and Bearing Fault Diagnosis (차륜 및 차축베어링 고장진단을 위한 빅데이터 기반 머신러닝 기법 연구)

  • Jung, Hoon;Park, Moonsung
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.75-84
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    • 2018
  • Increasing the operation rate of components and stabilizing the operation through timely management of the core parts are crucial for improving the efficiency of the railroad maintenance industry. The demand for diagnosis technology to assess the condition of rolling stock components, which employs history management and automated big data analysis, has increased to satisfy both aspects of increasing reliability and reducing the maintenance cost of the core components to cope with the trend of rapid maintenance. This study developed a big data platform-based system to manage the rolling stock component condition to acquire, process, and analyze the big data generated at onboard and wayside devices of railroad cars in real time. The system can monitor the conditions of the railroad car component and system resources in real time. The study also proposed a machine learning technique that enabled the distributed and parallel processing of the acquired big data and automatic component fault diagnosis. The test, which used the virtual instance generation system of the Amazon Web Service, proved that the algorithm applying the distributed and parallel technology decreased the runtime and confirmed the fault diagnosis model utilizing the random forest machine learning for predicting the condition of the bearing and wheel parts with 83% accuracy.

Study on Optimization for Construction Vertical Lifting with Transfer Operation for Super High-rise Buildings (초고층 건축공사의 리프트 수직 환승운영 최적화 방안 연구)

  • Moon, Jooyong;Park, Moonseo;Lee, Hyunsoo;Jung, Minhyuk
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.53-62
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    • 2014
  • Recently, the number of super high-rise building projects have been increased after recovering from international financial crisis. In super high-rise building project, vertical lifting is critical to overall project productivity, due to its limited lifting equipments. Also for projects which buildings' height are higher than 400m, transfer operation in lifting is inevitable because of lifts' maximum lifting height. In transfer operation, setting a transfer floor is essential for saving lifting time of resources. In this research, using discrete event simulation modeling with AnyLogic 7.0 software and metaheuristic optimization with OptQuest software, the method of optimizing a transfer floor for workers during the morning peak time is proposed. Comparing to the result of the case which transfer floor is designated to the middle floor, setting optimized transfer floor significantly decrease the total lifting time of workers. By using proposed simulation and optimization tool, saving budget and time through increasing available working hour is expected.

A Single Allocation Hub Network Design Model for Intermodal Freight Transportation (단일할당 복합운송 허브 네트워크 설계 모형 개발)

  • Kim, Dong-Gyu;Gang, Seong-Cheol;Park, Chang-Ho;Go, Seung-Yeong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.129-141
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    • 2009
  • Intermodal freight transportation is defined as the movement of freight from origins to destinations by two or more transportation modes. When implemented in hub networks, it could enhance the efficiency of the networks because consolidated flows are transported by more suitable modes and technologies. In spite of this advantage, the intermodal hub network design problem has received limited attention in the literature partly because of the complex nature of the problem. This paper aims to develop an optimization model for designing intermodal hub networks with sin91e allocation strategy. The model takes into account various cost components of intermodal hub networks including transportation, stationary inventory, and service delay costs. Moreover, using transport frequency variables, it is capable of endogenously determining the transportation economies of scale achieved by consolidation of flows. As such, the model is able to realistically represent the characteristics of intermodal hub networks in practice. Since the model Is a complicated nonlinear integer programming problem, we perform model simplification based on the analytical study of the model, which could facilitate the development of solution algorithms in the future. We expect that this study contributes to the design of intermodal hub networks as well as to the assessment of existing logistics systems.

Preliminary Field Trial of Improved Train Control System Using on-board Control (선로변 시설물 차상 제어를 위한 차상중심 열차제어시스템 예비 현장시험)

  • Park, Chul Hong;Choi, Hyeon Yeong;Baek, Jong-Hyen
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.39C no.3
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    • pp.298-306
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    • 2014
  • The railway signalling system for safe train operation regulates the train speed to ensure the safety distance between consecutive trains by using wayside facilities such as track circuits and interlocking systems. In addition, this signalling system controls the trackside equipment such as a railway point along the train line. This ground-equipment-based train control systems require high CAPEX and OPEX. To deal with these problems, the train control system using the on-board controller has been recently proposed and its related technologies have been widely studied. The on-board-controller-based train control system is that the on-board controller can directly control the trackside equipment on the train line. In addition, if this system is used, the wayside facilities can be simplified, and as a result, the efficient and cost-effective train control system can be realized. To this end, we have developed the prototypes of the on-board controller and wayside object control units which control the point and crossing gate and performed the integrated operation simulation in a testbed. In this paper, before the field test of the on-board-controller-based train control system, we perform the preliminary field trial including the installation test, wireless access test, interface test with other on-board devices, and normal operation test.

Discharge Rate Prediction of a new Sandbypassing System in a Field (새로운 샌드바이패싱 시스템의 토출율 예측을 위한 현장실험 연구)

  • Kweon, Hyuck-Min;Park, Sang-Shin;Kwon, Oh-Kyun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.292-303
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    • 2011
  • A new type of sand bypassing system is proposed for recovering the eroded beach in this study. This system provides an added methodology to the soft defence which is main recovery method for the coastal shore protection in the world. The study proposes a conceptional design and manufacturing procedure for the relatively small size machine of sand bypassing. In order to get the discharging volume information, the power capacity of the system is tested in the field. The discharge rate of the new system shows up to the expected maximum of 618 ton/hr which is 9.6% lower than that by theoretical calculation. It gives a resonable agreement in this system when the flow is assumed to be of the high density. In this study, the delivering volume of sand is estimated according to the discharge rate. The combination of 300 mm(12 inch) intake and 250 mm(10 inch) discharge pipe line has the pumping capacity of 103m3/hr which is nearly the same as that of South Lake Worth Inlet sand bypassing system, Florida, U.S.A.. The proposed system added the mobility to its merit. The unit price of Florida's sand bypassing is $$8~9/m^3$ (US). The system would be economically suitable for small volume of sand because no additional equipment is necessary for the intake. The diesel fuel of 25~30 l/hr was consumed during the system operation. The multiple working system would be the next investigation target for large volume of sand.

Design of Experiment and Analysis Method for the Integrated Logistics System Using Orthogonal Array (직교배열을 이용한 통합물류시스템의 실험 설계 및 분석방법)

  • Park, Youl-Kee;Um, In-Sup;Lee, Hong-Chul
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.12 no.12
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    • pp.5622-5632
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    • 2011
  • This paper presents the simulation design and analysis of Integrated Logistics System(ILS) which is operated by using the AGV(Automated Guided Vehicle). To maximize the operation performances of ILS with AGV, many parameters should be considered such as the number, velocity, and dispatching rule of AGV, part types, scheduling, and buffer sizes. We established the design of experiment in a way of Orthogonal Array in order to consider (1)maximizing the throughput; (2)maximizing the vehicle utilization; (3)minimizing the congestion; and (4)maximizing the Automated Storage and Retrieval System(AS/RS) utilization among various critical factors. Furthermore, we performed the optimization by using the simulation-based analysis and Evolution Strategy(ES). As a result, Orthogonal Array which is conducted far fewer than ES significantly saved not only the time but the same outcome when compared after validation test on the result from the two methods. Therefore, this approach ensures the confidence and provides better process for quick analysis by specifying exact experiment outcome even though it provides small number of experiment.