• Title/Summary/Keyword: 운분포

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Organic Enrichment and Pollution in Surface Sediments from Shellfish Farming in Yeoja Bay and Gangjin Bay, Korea (패류양식어장 밀집해역의 퇴적환경내 유기물 분포특성 -여자만과 남해 강진만-)

  • Choi, Minkyu;Kim, Hyung Chul;Hwang, Dong-Woon;Lee, In-Seok;Kim, Young-Sook;Kim, Ye-Jung;Choi, Hee-Gu
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.46 no.4
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    • pp.424-436
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    • 2013
  • Organic enrichment was investigated in surface sediments from the Yeoja and Gangjin Bays of Korea, which contain dense shellfish farms, in order to evaluate the contamination status and temporal changes in shellfish farming along these coasts. The degree of organic enrichment was determined using geochemical indicators (chemical oxygen demand, ignition loss, acid volatile sulfide, total organic carbon in sediments, and total nitrogen in sediments, ammonium and nitrate in pore water, and bioluminescence inhabitation for sediments). Temporal changes in organic enrichment conditions were detected by comparing our 2012 data to those previously reported from a survey conducted in 1999/2000. Organic enrichment was significantly higher in September than in May and July, in Gangjin Bay than in Yeoja Bay, and significantly higher in shellfish farms than in reference sites not used to culture shellfish. Ammonium concentrations in pore water were two orders of magnitude greater than nitrate concentrations, suggesting that these bays represent nitrogen-reducing environments.

Distributions of Organic Matter and Trace Metals in Intertidal Surface Sediment from the Mokpo-Haenam Coast (목포-해남 연안 조간대 퇴적물중 유기물 및 미량금속 분포 특성)

  • Hwang, Dong-Woon;Kim, Pyoung-Joong;Jung, Rae-Hong;Yoon, Sang-Pil
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.46 no.4
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    • pp.454-466
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    • 2013
  • To evaluate the organic matter and trace metal pollution in intertidal sediment of the coastal zone, various geochemical parameters (grain size, ignition loss [IL], chemical oxygen demand [COD], acid volatile sulfide [AVS], and metals [Al, Fe, Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd, Cr, Mn, Hg, and As]) were measured for the intertidal surface sediment of the mainland and islands between Mokpo and Haenam in the southwestern coast of Korea. The surface sediments consist mainly of finer sediments, such as mud and silt. The concentrations of IL, COD, and trace metals in intertidal sediment were relatively high in the shoreline of the mainland than in that of islands and those in some stations exceeded the sediment quality guidelines (SQGs). Moreover, the concentrations of IL, COD, and trace metals (except As) in sediment showed relatively good positive correlations with mean grain size, indicating that the concentrations of organic matter and trace metals in intertidal sediment of the study region are dependent on grain size of sediment. Pollution evaluation for trace metals using geochemical assessment techniques, such as enrichment factor, geoaccumulation index, and SQGs, suggested that the intertidal sediments in the study region show light pollution with Cr and moderate pollution with As. More extensive interdisciplinary studies are required to determine the potential causes of As pollution in intertidal sediment.

Spatial and Temporal Features of PM10 Evolution Cycle in the Korean Peninsula (한반도내 미세먼지 발생주기의 시공간분포 특성)

  • Jang, Jae-Hoon;Lee, Hwa-Woon;Lee, Soon-Hwan
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.189-202
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    • 2012
  • Power spectral analysis for $PM_{10}$ observed at 10 cities in the Korean Peninsula from 2004 to 2010 was carried out to examine the spatial and temporal features of $PM_{10}$ evolution cycle. The power spectrum analysis proposed 9 typical cycles (0.5 day, 1day, 5.4day, 8~10day, 19~21day, 26day, 56day, 180day and 365day) for $PM_{10}$ evolution and the cycles are strongly associated with dilution and transportation due to the meterological influence. The spectrum intensity of 5.4day and 26day $PM_{10}$ evolution cycles mainly depend on the advection cycles of synoptic pressures system and long-term variation of climatological forcing, respectively. The intensity of $PM_{10}$ evolution with longer temporal cycles than one day tends to be stronger in La ni$\tilde{n}$a period in comparison with that in El ni$\tilde{n}$o period. Mean of typical intensity of $PM_{10}$ evolution in La ni$\tilde{n}$a period estimated to be 30% larger than El ni$\tilde{n}$o period. Thus the global scale meteorological phenomena such as El ni$\tilde{n}$o and La ni$\tilde{n}$a also can influence the variation of wind system in the Korean Peninsula and $PM_{10}$ evolution. but global scale forcing tends to influence different manner for $PM_{10}$ evolution in accordance with its temporal cycles.

Analysis on Meteorological Factors related to the Distribution of PM10 Concentration in Busan (부산지역 미세먼지 농도 분포에 따른 기상요소 분석)

  • Kim, Min-Kyoung;Jung, Woo-Sik;Lee, Hwa Woon;Do, Woo-Gon;Cho, Jung-Gu;Lee, Kwi-Ok
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.22 no.9
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    • pp.1213-1226
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    • 2013
  • $PM_{10}$ concentration is related to the meteorological variables including to local and synoptic meteorology. In this study the $PM_{10}$ concentrations of Busan in 2007~2011 were analyzed and the days of yellow sand or rainfall which is more than 5 mm were excluded. The sections of $PM_{10}$ concentration were divided according to 10-quantiles, quartiles and 90-quantiles. The 90-quantiles of daily $PM_{10}$ concentration were selected as high concentration dates. In the high concentration dates the daily mean averaged cloudness, mean daily surface wind speed, daily mean surface pressure and PBL height were low and diurnal variation of surface pressure and daily maximum surface temperature were high. When the high $PM_{10}$ dates occurred, the west and south wind blew on the ground and the west wind blew strongly on the 850 hPa. So it seemed that long range transboundary air pollutants made effects on the high concentration dates. The cluster analysis using Hysplit model which is the backward trajectory was made on the high concentration dates. As a result, 3 clusters were extracted and on the short range transboundary cluster the daily mean relative humidity and cloudness were high and PBL height was low.

Software Development Effort Estimation Using Partition of Project Delivery Rate Group (프로젝트 인도율 그룹 분할 방법을 이용한 소프트웨어 개발노력 추정)

  • Lee, Sang-Un;No, Myeong-Ok;Lee, Bu-Gwon
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.9D no.2
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    • pp.259-266
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    • 2002
  • The main issue in software development is the ability of software project effort and cost estimation in the early phase of software life cycle. The regression models for project effort and cost estimation are presented by function point that is a software sire. The data sets used to conduct previous studies are of ten small and not too recent. Applying these models to 789 project data developed from 1990 ; the models only explain fewer than 0.53 $R^2$(Coefficient of determination) of the data variation. Homogeneous group in accordance with project delivery rate (PDR) divides the data sets. Then this paper presents general effort estimation models using project delivery rate. The presented model has a random distribution of residuals and explains more than 0.93 $R^2$ of data variation in most of PDR ranges.

Study on the Characteristics of PM Distribution in Coastal and Inland Cities Correlation and Its Correlation (해안 및 내륙도시 내 토지이용도별 미세먼지 분포 특성 및 상호 관련성에 관한 연구)

  • Han, Seung-Wook;Lee, Soon-Hwan;Lee, Hwa-woon
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.24 no.11
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    • pp.1513-1523
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    • 2015
  • In order to clarify the characteristics of PM10 in coastal and inland cities and their variation statistical analysis were carried out using environmental and meteorological data observed at Busan and Daegu metropolitans during 4 year from 2010. Averaged PM10 concentration was higher in industrial area than any other land-use sites, and its maximum value reach on over $50{\mu}g/m^3$ at Jangrim site in Busan. Temporal and spatial variations of PM10 concentration in Busan were more sharply, since topograph and mesoscale wind pattern in Busan is more complicated than those in Daegu. Correlation of PM10 concentrations between sites within Daegu appeared strongly and maximum values $R^2$ is about 0.8. This indicate that because wind pattern induced by mesoscale forcing in Daegu are well unified, the variation of PM10 concentration tends to be similar in all sites within Daegu. However, due to complicate wind pattern induced by topography and coastal line, PM10 correlation of sites within Busan was weaker in comparison with in Daegu. And correlation of PM10 at same lane-use in Busan and Daegu tend to be related to the intensity of meteorological forcing, which can decide the intensity of wind pattern.

Discrimination Method of Brown Planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens(Stal) Nymphs by the Fluorescent Spots between Compound Eyes in Rice Paddies (벼논에서 벼멸구(Nilaparvata lugens Stal)약충 두부의 형광성 반점에 의한 식별법)

  • 조성래;이동운;추호렬;박정규;신현열;김형환
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.42 no.4
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    • pp.361-365
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    • 2003
  • Several species of planthoppers such as brown planthopper, N. lugens (Stal) (BPH), smaller brown planthopper, Laodelphax striatellus (Fall n) (SBPH), and white-backed planthopper, Sogatella furcifera (Horv th) (WBPH) are distributed in Korean rice paddies but not easy to discriminate them in situ. Accurate discrimination of them is an indispensable process in the forecasting for their outbreak and control. Especially, innovative discrimination method for BPH was required because BPH was one of the most important insect pest of rice. Nymphs and adults of BPHs, SBPHS, and WBPHS, thus, were examined their morphological characteristics in the paddies and laboratory. The nymphs of BPH had different characters from those of SBPH and WBPH. The nymphs of BPH had white fluorescent spot between bottom of compound eye and antenna, while there was no that spot the other two species. The white spot was the brightest at the nymphs just after hatching and getting weaker as the nymph developed. At last the white spot was totally disappeared at the adult stage. This white spot was innovative criterium to discriminate nymphs of BPH, SBPH, and WBPH in rice paddies.

Distribution of Ground-beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in Mt. Gabjangsan, Korea (갑장산의 보행성 딱정벌레류 분포에 관한 연구)

  • Yeon Hwa-Soon;Park Jong-Kyun;Lee Dong-Woon;Chung Ku-Min
    • Asian Journal of Turfgrass Science
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.47-55
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    • 2005
  • This study was conducted to carry out with the structure of ground-beetles(Coleoptera: Carabidae) community surveyed depending on altitude in Mt. Gabjangsan, Sangju, from August 2004 to October 2004. The 1,439 individuals in 15 species of 4 families were found in the survey. In the monthly taxa diversity, September of 697 individuals and 12 species was higher than August of 102 individuals and 8 species and October of 640 individuals and 5 families. The diversity index and evenness index were the lowest, but richness index was the highest in 800m altitude. The richness index was the highest in 400m altitude and evenness index was the highest in loom altitude. Synuchus cycloderus is a dominant species in 300-800m altitude and Synuchus nitidus is a dominant species in loom altitude. In these results, indicator insects for the evaluation of golf courses environment in mountain area construction were selected as S. cycloderus and S. nitidus.

Sampling and Distribution of Exomala orientalis (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) Larvae, in Golf Courses (골프장에서 등얼룩풍뎅이(Exomala orientalis) 유충의 표본추출과 분포)

  • 이동운;신종창;권태웅;추호렬;이상명
    • Asian Journal of Turfgrass Science
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.97-106
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    • 2002
  • The oriental beetle, Exomala orientalis, Is the most important insect pest of turfgrass in Korean golf courses. The study was carried out to get practical information on the sampling of E. orientalis in golf courses. Real numbers of E. orientalis larvae were compared with and observed numbers depending on sampling size (5$\times$5 cm, l0$\times$10 cm, 20$\times$20 cm, 30$\times$30 cm, and 40$\times$40 cm) and times (3 to 15 replicates) in Dongrae Benest Golf Club. Over 95% accuracy was obtained between real data and estimated data at the density of over 303 larvae/m$^2$ when the 20$\times$20 cm was sampled with 4 replications. Larval density of E. orientalis was different depending on year and course sites (tee, fairway, rough, green).

Distribution and morphological development of a Gnathophis nystromi (Congridae: Anguilliformes) leptocephalus collected from southeastern waters of Jeju Island (제주도 남동부해역에서 채집된 은붕장어, Gnathophis nystromi (뱀장어목: 붕장어과) 엽상자어의 분포특성 및 형태발달)

  • JI, Hwan-Sung;CHOI, Jung Hwa;YOON, Sang Chul;JOO, Hyeong Woon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.51 no.4
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    • pp.527-534
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    • 2015
  • The twenty six specimens of leptocephali (15.8-32.6 mm TL) of the family Congridae, collected from southeastern waters offshore of Jeju Island during August 2014, and were identified by means of morphology and genetics. Those specimens were identified as belonging to the family Congridae based on various combinations of morphological characters. An analysis of the partial 12S rRNA sequences (886 base pairs) of mitochondrial DNA showed that our specimens must be Gnathophis nystromi, because their sequences were concordant with those of G. nystromi adult (genetic distance= 0.001), furthermore their total myomeres being consistent with those of G. nystromi adult. Catch rates of G. nystromi leptocephali were higher in the offshore regions than coastal regions of Jeju Island. The smallest leptocephali (< 20 mm TL) were collected offshore from Jeju Island. We hypothesize that one of the spawning grounds of G. nystromi is located offshore in the Jeju Island. In conclusion, the hatched preleptocephali of G. nystromi might have been transported from offshore near Jeju Island to the Korea Strait by the Kuroshio Current and Tsushima Warm Current.