• Title/Summary/Keyword: 운동 능력 평가

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The Effects of Home Based Exercise Program on Balance Recovery in a Post-Stroke Population (뇌졸중 환자의 균형능력 회복을 위한 가정운동프로그램 효과)

  • Jang, Sang-Hun;Bang, Hyun-Soo;Jung, Byeong-Ok
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.12 no.7
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    • pp.297-304
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    • 2014
  • The present study was designed to investigate the effect of home based exercise program on balance recovery of stroke patients. In total, 20 participants were assigned to a control group(n=10) or exercise group(n=10) between September 2013 and December 2013. In addition to existing physiotherapy, the exercise group received home based exercise program consisting of weight transfer, training endurance, mobility, sensory retraining, lower limb exercise for 30 minutes, 2 times a week, for 8 weeks, every time for 30 minutes. Balance ability was assessed by measuring foot pressure(FP), limit of stability(LOS) and velocity sway(VS) by using Biorescue and by using the functional reaching test(FRT). To compare the improvement level of each group's balance ability, examination of independent sample T was done. Significant differences between control group and exercise group in LOS, VS of affect side and FRT were observed. This study showed that home based exercise program application was effective strategy on balance recovery in a post stroke population.

A Convergence study on effects of progressive proprioceptive motor program training on proprioception and balance ability in chronic stroke patients. (점진적 고유수용성 운동프로그램이 만성 뇌졸중 환자의 고유수용성 감각과 균형능력에 미치는 영향에 관한 융합적 연구)

  • Kim, Kyung-Hun;Jang, Sang-Hun
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.9 no.10
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    • pp.81-91
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    • 2018
  • This study to investigate the effects of proprioceptive motor program on proprioceptive and balance ability for patients with chronic stroke. Twenty nine subjects were recruited by means of a convenience sampling from Gyeonggi-do B hospital. The subjects were divided into two group: a proprioceptive motor program and general physical therapy(n=15), general physical therapy(n=14). The stimulation and exercises were conducted for 30 min per day, three days, per week for six weeks. All participants were assessed before and after taping training using proprioceptive, berg balance scale(BBS), timed up and go test(TUG), and balance ability was measured using a BioRescue. After training, the change values of the proprioception and balance ability in experimental group were significantly greater than control group(p<0.05). This findings show that progressive and proprioceptive motor program training convergence can be effective for stroke patients proprioception and balance ability. Continued development of convergence interventions for chronic stroke patients with proprioception and balance ability in the practice are suggested.

A Study of Articulation Abilities and Feeding Functions on the Children With Spastic Cerebral Palsy (경직형 뇌성마비 아동의 조음능력 관련 변인 연구)

  • Kim, Sun-Hee
    • Therapeutic Science for Rehabilitation
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.79-90
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    • 2020
  • Objective : The purpose of this study was to investigate the age, motor function, and characteristics of feeding and articulation in children with spastic cerebral palsy. Methods : This study included 34 boys and 27 girls who lived in Seoul, Gyeonggi, Daegu, Daejeon, or Busan, and were diagnosed with cerebral palsy by rehabilitation doctors. A total of 61 children with cerebral palsy were identified as dependent variables for verbal intelligibility, diadochokinesis speed and intelligibility. Multiple regression analysis was performed. Results : Verbal intelligibility among the articulating abilities of children with spastic cerebral palsy was significantly associated with the non-speech mechanisms of cup drinking, and spoon feeding. Diadochokinesis speed was significantly associated with the speech mechanism of porridge feeding, the non-speech mechanism of cup drinking, and motor function. Diadochokinesis intelligibility also showed significant results with regards to the speech mechanism of porridge feeding and the non-speech mechanism of cup drinking. Conclusion : It is useful to evaluate and treat eating function by considering speech and non-speech mechanisms and motor function, according to eating function, among the variables related to articulation ability in children with spastic cerebral palsy. In addition, it would be very useful to study the improvement of articulation abilities after developing and applying a feeding program for children with cerebral palsy.

The Protocol of Basic Body Ability for 4D Cycling System (4D 사이클링에 대한 기초 신체능력 프로토콜)

  • Kim, Ki-Bong;Lee, Sung-Han
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.11 no.11
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    • pp.313-320
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    • 2013
  • The four-dimensional cycle simulator, which can recognize whether the road is ascent or descent, its gradient, and status of its surface on Virtual Reality, is introduced in this paper. On the base of these recognitions, various virtual motion path situations are displayed on LCD monitor attached ahead. These various situations may support not only the sense of realty but also an interest in a game in opposition to previous exercise cycles that might be monotonous. In this paper both analysis and estimation of basic bodily abilities for the four-dimensional cycling are addressed.

A Study on Evaluation of the Key Functional Factors of Safe Driving in Elderly

  • Park, So-Yeon
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.26 no.11
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    • pp.191-199
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    • 2021
  • This study aims to present the need to supplement the driver's license renewal test for elderly drivers. In Korea, the proportion of elderly drivers is increasing as the elderly population increases rapidly. Overall the traffic accident rate is decreasing but the traffic accident and death rate from traffic accidents are increasing in older drivers. In this study the assessments and education conducted when renewing the driver's license for elderly drivers conducted in Korea were conducted to find out the necessary tests compared to the current situation of foreign countries. Although it is appropriate to evaluate the three key functional areas of vision, cognition, motor and somatosensory, we currently evaluate visual acurity in vison area. While MMSE-K and Clock drawing tests are not recognizable for mild cognitive impairment in cognitive areas. The motor and somato sensory function to perform driving are not evaluated at all. Therefore for safe driving of older drivers, the test to be conducted during renewal of the driver's license will need to supplement that the visual field and contrast sensitivity in vision area, cognitive function from mild cognitive impairments, and the endurance, functional range of motion and proprioception in motor function area.

Effects of Teratainment Taping and Footpad Exercise on the Improvement of Flat Foot in a University Student (테라테인먼트 테이핑과 발바닥 운동이 대학생의 평발 개선에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Jeong-Uk;Yoon, Young-Jeoi;Ko, Sun-Kun
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.369-375
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    • 2019
  • This study looked at the effects of teratainment taping and footpad exercise on the improvement of flat foot in a university student. We divided it into flexible flat foot taping group(n=13), flexible flat foot exercise group(n=14), rigid flat foot taping group(n=12), rigid flat foot exercise group(n=13) through a navicular drop test. After one hour's application of teratainment taping and footpad exercise, the height change of navicular, balancing ability and postural stability were evaluated. Change in the height of the navicular was measured before and after intervention, and the balancing ability was measured timed up & go test, and the postural stability ability was evaluated for stability limits in shoulder-width double leg stance, narrow base double leg stance, tandem stance. According to result, there was a statistically significant difference in the left and right foot of the flexible tapping group, right foot of the flexible tapping group, right foot of the rigid tapping group in the change in the height of the navicular in comparison pre- and post- intervention(p<0.5). There were no statistically significant differences in pre- and post- intervention comparisons intragroup and intergroup in balancing ability. There was a statistically significant difference in flexible flat foot exercise group and rigid flat foot taping group in tandem stance in comparison pre- and postintervention in the postural stability(p<0.5). And there was a statistically significant difference in tendem stance of the flexible flat foot exercise group compared to the rigid flat foot exercise group(p<0.5). The results of this study show that teratainment taping and footpad exercise have a significant effect on the improvement of flat foot in adults. Therefore, it is recommended to apply teratainment taping and footpad exercise to improve flat foot.

An Expert System for Exercise Prescription based on Knowledge Base (지식베이스 기반 운동처방 전문가 시스템)

  • Na Hong-Seok;Choi O-Hoon;Lim Jung-Eun;Choi Youn-Sik
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2006.06b
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    • pp.73-75
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    • 2006
  • 운동 처방을 목적으로 보급되고 있는 많은 시스템들이 단순한 처방식과 외국의 통계데이터를 기반으로 구현되어 있어, 많은 경우 운동 처방사의 주관이나 경험에 의존하여 개인에게 맞는 정확한 운동 처방을 제공하지 못하고 있다. 본 연구에서는 전문화된 운동 능력 평가 및 처방 지식에 대한 데이터베이스를 구축하고, 이를 기반으로 개개인의 특성에 맞는 체계적인 운동 처방을 도출할 수 있는 운동 처방 전문가 시스템을 개발하였다. 개발된 시스템은 현재 시범 운영중이며, 운동 처방에 관한 전문인력이 부족한 중소규모의 체육 시설에서도 객관적이고 전문적인 운동 처방 서비스 제공이 가능할 것으로 기대한다.

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Effects of Virtual Reality Program on Recovery of Functional in individuals Stroke: A Systematic Review and Meta Analysis (뇌졸중 환자 대상의 가상현실 운동프로그램이 기능회복에 미치는 효과: 체계적 문헌고찰 및 메타분석)

  • Park, Seo-A;Kim, Hye-Young
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.235-247
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    • 2019
  • This study was carried out to evaluate the efficacy of Virtual Reality(VR) program on recovery of functional in Stroke through systematic literature review and meta-analysis. The following databases were used to search the literature: RISS, KISS, KMbase. Keywords included 'stroke', 'CVA' 'virtual reality', 'rehabilitation', 'virtual reality program' and the evaluated articles were published from 2009 to November 2018. The statistical was used R program, the effect size of upper limb, balance and ADL were calculated by random-effects model. As a result, 9 RCT studies were meta-analyzed and were evaluated for the risk of bias by the RoB of Cochrane Collaboration; the overall risk of bias was low. The effect sizes of VR program was balance(g=.77), ADL(g=.80) as indicated by a "large effect size". Therefore, VR program is large effective in reducing balance and ADL in strokes. It is necessary to develop and apply a virtual reality-based program using more efficient program development.

Different of Physical Activity Using Visual Stimulation Smart Device on Children's Athletic Ability and Attention Concentration (시각자극 스마트기기를 활용한 체육활동에 따른 유아의 운동능력과 주의 집중력의 차이)

    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.415-420
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of physical activity using visual stimulation smart devices on the athletic performance and attention - The conclusion is as follows. The physical activity using visual stimulation smart device was applied to the infant. The pre - and post - experiment results showed that the infants of the experimental group were higher than those of the control group. Specifically, the ability of the infant to participate in physical activity using the visual stimulation smart device was improved by sit-up bending and centering ability. Also, physical activity using visual stimulation smart device helped to improve attention of infants. In other words, it was confirmed that information and communication technology (ICT) and physical activity affect both physical and cognitive development of infants. Therefore, in order to improve the athletic ability and concentration of children more effectively, it is possible to maximize the educational effect by teaching the contents using various contents that can motivate the infant rather than the same teaching method.

The Effects of Computer-Based Cognitive Rehabilitation Program(CoTras) for Visual Perception and ADL in Stroke (한국형 전산화 인지재활프로그램(CoTras)이 뇌졸중 환자의 시지각 기능 및 일상생활동작에 미치는 효과)

  • Jo, A-Young;Kim, Jung-Mi
    • The Journal of Korean society of community based occupational therapy
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.49-63
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    • 2012
  • Objective : The purpose of study was to verify the clinical effect of a Korean Computer-based cognitive rehabilitation program(called CoTras) for recovering the visual perception function and ADL in stroke. Methods : A CBCRT was applied to 14 Stoke patients who rehabilitation professional medical treatment hospital. All participant were evaluated with four standardized assessment tolls(Motor-Free Visual Perception Test; MVPT, Korean version of Mini-Mental State Examination; MMSE-K, Assesment of Motor and Process Skills: AMPS) before and after the planned computer based cognitive rehabilitation sessions. Results : A significant effect was confirmed (p<.05) from the CBCRT which visual perception function. By each entry comparative result, visual memory, figure ground, visual close, spatial relation, visual discrimination, were the order of treatment. Neither was found any significant effect in improving process skills from AMPS. Conclusion : These results indicate that CoTras have effects on improving visual perception and ADL performance in stroke patients. Will be able to present with the fundamental data CoTras will be able to contribute to increase visual perception function & ADL performance to the stroke patient who has visual perception dysfunction.

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