• Title/Summary/Keyword: 용접부 품질

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Friction Welding of Dissimilar Press Punch Materials and Its Evaluation by AE (신소재 금형펀치의 이종재 마찰용접 개발과 AE품질평가를 위한 연구)

  • 오세규;박일동;이원석
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.43-53
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    • 1997
  • The complete joining method for dissimilar press punch materials and its real-time evaluation method is not available at present. Brazing method has been used for joining them, but it is known that the welded joint by the brazing has the lower bonding efficiency and reliability than the diffusion welding. The friction welding with a diffusion mechanism in bonding was applied in this study. This work was carried out to determine the proper friction welding conditions and to analyze mechanical properties of friction welded joints of sintered carbide tool materials (SKNM50 for the blade part of press punch) to alloy steel (SCM440 for the shank part of press punch) using aluminum (A6061 for the interlayer material) as an insert material between the sintered carbide tool materials and the alloy steel. In addition, acoustic emission test was carried out during friction welding to evaluate the weld quality.

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Optimization on Bar-to-Bar Similar Friction Welding of Hydraulic Valve Spool Steels and the Weld Strength Properties and its AE Evaluation (유공압밸브스풀용 강재의 봉 대 봉 동종대 마찰용접의 최적화와 용접강도 특성 및 AE품질 평가)

  • 오세규;이경우;전태언;오명석;이원석
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.69-76
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    • 1996
  • In-process quality control and high reliability of the weld are the major concerns in applying friction welding to the economical and qualified mass-production. Experimental examinations and quantitative analysis were performed for the optimiaztion of similar friction welding of hydraulic valve spool steels(SNCM220, SCM435, SACM645, SCM415, ${\varphi}24). The quantitative correlations were found between the initial cumulative counts of acoustic emission(AE) occurring during plastic deformation periods of the welding and the fatigue life as well as weld strength and welding conditions. A real-time evaluation system was developed for the friction weld quality by AE.

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The Effect of Weld Line on the Mechanical Strengths and its Elimination Process in the Zr-4 Resistance Upset Welds (지르칼로이-4의 저항업셋용접에서 용접선이 기계적성질에 미치는 영향과 그 소멸과정)

  • Koh, Jin-Hyun;Lee, Jung-Won;Jung, Sung-Hoon
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 1991
  • The objective of this study is to investigate the effect of weld line on the mechanical strengths and the process of weld line elimination in the Zircaloy-4 resistance upset welding for the fabrication of heavy water reactor fuel rods. The weld current and the amount of upset increased linearly with the main heat, in which two relations between them were derived. It was found that the threshold to obtain sound weld was 50% of main heat in terms of weld upset size, mechanical strengths and weld line elimination. The weld microstructure of resistance upset welds of Zircaloy-4 comprsied basketweave, Widmanstatten and martensite respectively by changing the main heats. Dimples on uniaxially fractured surface at weld line in the Zr-4 welds were larger and deeper compared with those on biaxially fractured surface. It was also found that the process of the weld line elimination in the resistance upset weld of Zircaloy-4 could be divided into three stages in terms of the presence of many pores, their shrinkage and elimination, and the shrinkage of the original weld interface with increasing weld currents.

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Application of high efficiency SAW process in erection joint of ship (선체 탑재 이음부의 고능률 SAW 적용)

  • Yun, Kwang-Hee;Kim, Jin-Yong;Huh, Man-Joo
    • Proceedings of the KWS Conference
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    • 2010.05a
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    • pp.52-52
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    • 2010
  • 선박건조에 있어서 대형 블록의 조립이 이루어지는 선행 탑재 및 탑재 단계에서 Tank Top과 Upper Deck의 V 개선 용접은 FCAW+SAW의 복합용접이 실시되고 있다. 그러나 가장 범용적 모재 두께인 18~20t의 경우 SAW 시공에만 약 5~6Pass가 소요됨으로써 다급한 진수 일정에 많은 지장을 초래하고 있다. 또한 능률 향상을 목적으로 용착량 증가효과를 얻기 위해 철분말이나 절선와이어를 개선면내에 충진하고 용접을 수행하나 획기적인 용접능률을 기대하기 어렵고 용접사 기량에 따라 용접 결함이 발생될 수 있다. 이에 따라 용접패스 수를 줄이고 결함 발생이 없는 용접기법 개발이 절실히 필요하였다. 이를 위해 매우 간단하고 효율적인 위빙장치를 제작하여 선탑/탑재 아래보기 용접이음에 1~2패스의 SAW 용접법을 개발하여 용접생산성은 물론 용접품질까지 획기적으로 향상시키는 기술 개발을 완료하였다.

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A study on the effect to yongrak phenomenon of submerged arc welding depending on the plasma cutting surface characteristics (플라즈마 절단면 특성이 서브머지드 아크용접 용락 현상에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jeongtae;Jeong, Hyomin;Ji, Myoungkuk;Chung, Hanshik
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.37 no.6
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    • pp.589-595
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    • 2013
  • This paper was to study the effect to Yongrak phenomenon of I groove submerged arc welding depending on the plasma cutting surface characteristics, and how to reduce the causes and characteristics Yongrak phenomenon. Shipbuilding and marine structures is designed to use the thick plates and welded by high current to obtain deep penetration. Yongrak phenomenon has been occurred frequently depending on the quality of cutting surface and it makes degrade of the welding quality and modification of the welding. As a result, it was confirmed that I Groove plasma cutting characteristics get bevel form of 2 to 4 degrees to one side direction from the vertical position with Yongrak phenomenon. This is the main reason of Yongrak phenomenon in butt joint welding and 4 degree reverse bevel on the upper surface of base metal by submerged arc welding brought the effect of significant reduction of Yongrak phenomenon.

Tack welding for One Side $CO_2$ Arc Welding ($CO_2$ 편면 용접 의 가접 방법)

  • 김화연
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.1-3
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    • 1984
  • $CO_2$ 편면 용접은 편면 잠호 용접과 함께 작업 능률 향상, 작업 환경 개선 등의 잇점을 가지고 있어 국내의 조선소에서 많이 사용하고 잇는 용접 기법 중의 하나이다. $CO_2$ 편면 용접을 시공하기 위해서 가접보다는 strong back을 많이 사용하는데 strongback의 부착은 전 면과 후면에 부착시키는 2가지 경우가 있다. strongback을 전면에 부착할 경우 아아크는 strongback의 위치마다 중단된다. 후면에 부착할 경우 strongback으로 인한 아아크 중단은 없 어지나 용접사가 자세를 바꾸지 않고 한 번에 용접할 수 있는 최대 용접장은 1m정도이다. 이때 용접장 1m마다 아아크는 중단되게 된다. 이러한 아아크 중단부에는 용착 금속의 수축으로 인한 수축공(shrinkage hole)이 내재되어 용접 금속의 품질을 떨어뜨리므로 이를 제거하기 위해 용접 중 또는 용접 후에 gouging을 해야할 필요가 생긴다.

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The Weldability Estimation for the Purpose of Real-Time Inspection and Control (실시간 검사 및 제어를 목적으로 한 용접성 평가)

  • Lee, Jeong-Ick
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.605-610
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    • 2008
  • Through welding fabrication, user can feel unsatisfaction of surface quality because of welded defects, Generally speaking, these are called weld defects. For checking these defects effectively without time loss effectively, weldability estimation system setup is an urgent thing for detecting whole specimen quality. In this study, by laser vision camera, catching a rawdata on welded specimen profiles, treating vision processing with these data, qualitative defects are estimated from getting these information at first. At the same time, for detecting quantitative defects, whole specimen weldability estimation is pursued by multifeature pattern recognition, which is a kind of fuzzy pattern recognition. For user friendly, by weldability estimation results are shown each profiles, final reports and visual graphics method, user can easily determined weldability. By applying these system to welding fabrication, these technologies are contribution to on-line weldability estimation.

Study on the Image Quality Comparison between in Digital RT and Film RT (용접부에 대한 디지털 방사선투과영상과 필름 방사선투과영상의 상질 비교에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Sang-Ki;Ahn, Yean-Shik;Gil, Doo-Song
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.391-397
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    • 2011
  • Conventional film radiographic test has been generally and widely used in the inspection on the weldment for quality assurance. On the other hand, since the analog RT is well known for typical time and cost consuming method with complex process of inspection, the industry has researched various ways how to improve radiographic test technology. In this study, we verified the fact that digital RT provides a lot more benefit in effectively detecting defects, ever film details, through digital processing of image enhancement, compared to film RT. As a result, we reached conclusion that digital RT is positively able to replace the film RT in industry in part or in whole.

Development of Jig System to Improve the Weldability of Vehicle Seat Frame (자동차용 시트프레임의 용접성 향상을 위한 지그 시스템 개발)

  • Shin, Yun-Ho;Jeon, Euy-Sik
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.173-178
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    • 2007
  • Improvement of welding property of seat fiame is necessary for safety because seat frame is a unique connecting structural part between the rider and vehicle. Generally the robot and jig system for own use is used for welding of seat frame and unwelded zone can be inspected because of the geometrical interference between robot and jig system. In this study the unwelded zone of the conventional welding jig system is analysed and the 3D modeling and design change to solve the problem is discussed. As a result the weldability of system is improved and the manual welding jig is unnecessary because of the optimal jig system.

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Friction Welding of Sintered Hard Tool Materials to Metals and Its Quality Evaluation by AE (마찰용접에 의한 초경공구재와 금속간의 압접기술개발과 AE에 의한 품질평가)

  • 오세규;전태언;박일동;오명석;이주석
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.36-46
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    • 1996
  • This paper deals with determinig the proper friction welding condition and analyzing various mechanical properties of friction welded joints of sintered carbide tool materials(K20, P25, and SKDX5 for the blade part of drill or press punch) to alloy steel (SKH4, SCM440 for the shank part of drill or press punch), the alloy steel to aluminum(A6061 for the interlayer material between the blade part and the shank) and sintered carbide tool materials to alumminum. And also acoustic emission test will be carried out during fiction welding to evaluate the weld quality.

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