• Title/Summary/Keyword: 용인지역

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연구실 탐방 - 명지대 천연신기능성소재센터

  • Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies
    • The Science & Technology
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    • v.29 no.11 s.330
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    • pp.82-83
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    • 1996
  • 지난 3월 경기도 용인 명지대에서 발족한 천연신기능성소재센터는 산학협동을 통해 기술집약적이면서 고부가가치를 창출할 수 있는 소재를 공동 개발하기 위해 50여명의 젊은 연구원들이 활발한 연구활동을 펴고 있다. 명지대 용인 캠퍼스 30만평중 5만평의 연구단지에 세워지는 이 연구센터는 경기도와 제휴, 지역경제 발전에도 이바지하게 될 것이다.

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3 · 30대책 이후 아파트 꼭짓점 찍었나?

  • Kim, Yeong-Jin
    • 주택과사람들
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    • s.193
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    • pp.83-83
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    • 2006
  • 요즘 주택 시장에는 '버블 세븐'이라는 신조어가 나돌고 있다. '버블 세븐'의 주인공은 강남, 서초, 송파, 목동, 분당, 평촌, 용인 일대다. 이들 지역 아파트 값이 오르면서 청와대는 '집값 버블'을 거론하며 '버블 세븐'이라는 말로 이들 지역 아파트 값 상승에 쐐기를 박았다. 과연 3 · 30 대책 이후 아파트 값이 꼭짓점을 찍고 버블 단계에 들어선 것인지 살펴보자.

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Assessment on Environmental Characteristics of Organic Paddy and Conventional Paddy by Comparing Their Soil Properties and Water Quality (토양 및 수질 특성 비교를 통한 유기논과 관행논의 환경 특성 분석)

  • Lee, Tae-Gu;Gu, Bon-Wun;Park, Seong-Jik
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.38 no.9
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    • pp.504-512
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    • 2016
  • In this study, we investigated the environmental impact of organic and conventional paddy by monitoring soil properties and water quality. We sampled and analyzed topsoil (0~15 cm), subsoil (15~30 cm), and water of organic and conventional paddy fields in Yongin and Anseong, South Korea. The statistical significance between groups was determined by Duncan's multiple range test. The results show that T-P concentrations in both topsoil and subsoil of Anseong paddy were higher than those of Yongin paddy. The significant difference of T-P between organic and conventional paddy was observed in Anseong but not in Yongin. T-N of organic paddy soil was lower than that of conventional paddy in both Anseong and Yongin region. Water content for subsoil of organic paddy in Anseong was significantly different from others, which is consistent with the results of silt-clay content. pH and EC of water in conventional paddy were higher than those in organic paddy. In Anseong, COD, T-P, and $PO_4-P$ concentration of conventional paddy were higher than those of organic paddy. The regression analysis presented that there were no significant relationship between soil properties and water quality data except T-N.

Comparison of Growth and Developmental Characteristics of Northern Type Local Garlic Cultivars in Euiseong Region (의성지역에서 재배되는 한지형 마늘의 생육특성 비교)

  • Ha, Hyun-Tae;Hwang, Jae-Moon;Park, Youn-Moon
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.499-502
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    • 2000
  • Five local cultivars of northern type garlics (Allium sativum L.) and one of southern type were collected, and their growth and developmental characteristics and productivity were investigated to select a well adaptable cultivar in Euiseong region. Local cultivars used in this experiment were 'Euiseong', 'Yeochun', 'Danyang', 'Jungsun', and 'Yongin' as northern type and 'Namdo' as southern one. The growth characteristic of local garlic cultivars were differed with their ecotypes and 'Namdo', a southern type cultivar, showed higher growth rate at the early growing stage than northern types. However, no clear differences were observed among northern types. Incidence of bolting was low in 'Jungsun' and 'Yongin', while high in 'Euiseong' and 'Yeochun'. In the case of incomplete bolting, however, an opposite trend was showed, thus, high in 'Jungsun' and low in 'Euiseong' and 'Yeochun'. Secondary growth was remarkably low in 'Euiseong'. Considering yield factors, 'Yeochun' seemed to be most promising northern type cultivar in Euiseong region, which showed highest bulb weight and largest cloves with high growth rate at the maximum growing stage. 'Danyang', 'Jungsun', and 'Yongin' seemed to have relatively low productivity in Euiseong region.

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Research on the Residential Environment of New Town & Surrounding Area (대규모 신도시 및 주변지역 거주환경 비교분석 연구)

  • Cho, Young-Tae;Seong, Jang-Hwan
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2011
  • During the 1990's, five new towns were constructed around Seoul such as Bun-Dang and Il-San. These new towns are very popular since they were created based on systemic urban planning and they provide various residential amenities. Many people consider them livable cities. Taking such advantages, other small-scale new public and private developments continued around those new towns and consequently created 'agglomerated region with new development'. The most representative area is Bun-Dang and north-western Yong-In area which are formed along the Seoul-Busan expressway. This area is a mega-community having more than one million residents in 2005.Judging from recent development trends in the Seoul metropolitan area, it is expected that the formation of other 'agglomerated region with new development' would be continued for the time being. This study is aimed to analyze the residential environment of Bun-Dang and north-western Yong-In and find implications to the management of 'agglomerated region with new development'. The relevant existing studies have their limits, only focusing on analyzing current conditions and pointing out current problems. This study could be differentiated from the existing analyses in that it conducted comprehensive analyses on various factors that constitute urban residential environment. The conclusion of this study was derived from diverse analyses of current development condition, residential sites, regional transportation, awareness of residents, and oversee cases.

Stand Structure and Seedling Recruitment of Abies holophylla Stands in Yong-In Area, Gyeonggi (경기도 용인 지역 전나무 임분의 구조 및 천연 갱신)

  • Park, Pil-Sun;Jeon, Yoon-Goo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.99 no.1
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    • pp.153-162
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    • 2010
  • Abies holophylla Maxim. is a shade tolerant species that has potential to be used for continuous cover forestry system. Stand structure and natural regeneration of A. holophylla stands in Yong-In area located in the central part of Korea was investigated to estimate the self sustainability of A. holophylla plantation. Species composition, diameter at breast height (DBH) and height distribution of trees larger than 2 cm DBH were measured in ten stands in three study sites of Jeongsu-ri, Daedae-ri, and Hodong. Species and coverage of shrub layer, and A. holophylla seedlings were also investigated. While A. holophylla in non-managed stands (Jengsuri and Daedae-ri study sites) had the importance value of 40% and showed continuous diameter and age distribution, A. holophylla in Hodong site had narrow bell-shaped DBH distribution mostly concentrating between 25-35 cm DBH classes, and single canopy structure. Abies holophylla stands in Hodong have experienced occasional thinning and selective cutting. The correlation coefficient between age-DBH was significant but low ($R^2$=0.2, P=0.03), and similar aged A. holophylla had diverse DBH values. Continuos DBH distribution and multi-canopy structure of A. holophylla stands in Jeongsu-ri site show that natural regeneration of A. holophylla has been continuously occurred in this area. Seedling density of A. holophylla was between 2000 and 33000/ha, however, the number of trees in 2-5 cm DBH class was only 40-150 trees/ha, implying that the survival rate of seedlings is not high. Continuous natural regeneration and 0.6 cm/year of diameter growth rate of A. holophylla indicate that this area could be an appropriate habitat for this species, and A. holophylla plantation in this region seem to persist suggesting the possibility of managing the stands for continuous cover forestry system as well as selective harvesting practices.

Study on the Dietary Behavior and Local Products for Menu development of the Elerly in Yeongi Chungnam (충남연기군 장수노인의 식생활 및 지역 특산물조사 활용 노인정 식단개발)

  • Kim, Hae-Young;Lee, Hye-Jin;Park, Chan-Eun;Kim, Yang-Suk
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.775-782
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    • 2007
  • Dietary behavior of the elerly over 65 and local products in Yeongi Chungnam were studied during busy farming season and meal menu was developed based upon the information surveyed. In allowance, 45% of them lived with less then one hundred thousand won but 95% had their own residence(P<0.001). The dental health conditions of the male and female elderly did not show significant differences but had tendencies of bad conditions with 68% and 80%, respectively. Percentage of using denture at least one side was only 48%(P<0.05). Meal preparation was mostly done by 75% of the female elderly and only 64% of the elderly in the area took meals regularly. Recommended intakes(RIs) of calorie, protein, dietary fiber, calcium for the elderly were significantly very low(P<0.001), but those of sodium were high(P<0.05). Meal menu was developed for the meal service introduction in the pavilion of the elderly with considerations of the food habits, nutritional status, and local products studied.