• Title/Summary/Keyword: 요구분석기법

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A Study of Development of Transmission Systems for Next-generation Terrestrial 4K UHD & HD Convergence Broadcasting (차세대 지상파 4K UHD & HD 융합방송을 위한 전송 시스템 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Oh, JongGyu;Won, YongJu;Lee, JinSub;Kim, YongHwan;Paik, JongHo;Kim, JoonTae
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.767-788
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    • 2014
  • The worldwide transition from analog to digital broadcasting has now been completed and the need to study next generation standards for Ultra High Definition TV (UHDTV) broadcasting, and broadcasting & communication convergence systems is rapidly growing. In particular, high resolution mobile broadcasting services are needed to satisfy recent consumers. Therefore, the development of highly efficient convergence broadcasting systems that provide fixed/mobile broadcasting through a single channel is needed. In this paper, a service scenario and requirements for providing 4K UHD & HD convergence broadcasting services through a terrestrial single channel are analyzed by employing the latest transmission and A/V codec technologies. Optimized transmission parameters for 6 MHz & 8 MHz terrestrial bandwidths are drawn, and receiving performances are measured under Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) and time-varying multipath channels. From the results, in a 6 MHz bandwidth, the reliable receiving of HD layer data can be achieved when the receiver velocity is maximum 140 Km/h and is not achieved when the velocity is over 140 Km/h due to the limit of bandwidth. When the bandwidth is extended to 8 MHz, the reliable receiving of both 4K UHD and HD layer data is achieved under a very fast fading multipath channel.

Application of Linear Tracking to the Multi-reservours System Operation in Han River for Hydro-power Maximization (한강수계 복합 저수지 시스템의 최적 수력발전 운영을 위한 LINEAR TRACKING의 적용)

  • Yu, Ju-Hwan;Kim, Jae-Han;Jeong, Gwan-Su
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.32 no.5
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    • pp.579-591
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    • 1999
  • The operation of a reservoir system is necessary for establishing the operation rule as well as designing the reservoirs for water resources planning or management. Increasingly complex water resource systems require more advanced operation techniques. As a result, various techniques have been introduced and applied until now. In this study Linear Tracking model based on optimal control theory is applied to the operation of the largest scale multi-reservoir system in the Han river and its applicability proved. This system normally supplies the water resources required downstream for hydro-power and plays a role in satisfying the water demand of the Capital region. For the optimal use of the water resources the Linear Tracking model is designed with the objective to maximize the hydro-power energy subject to the water supply demand. The multi-reservoir system includes the seven main reservoirs in IIan river such as Hwachon, Soyanggang, Chunchon, Uiam, Cheongpyong, Chungju and Paldang. These reservoirs have been monthly operated for the past 21 years. Operation results are analyzed with respect to both hydro"power energy and water supply. Additionally the efficiency of the technique is assessed.sessed.

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HTTP Request - SQL Query Mapping Scheme for Malicious SQL Query Detection in Multitier Web Applications (Multitier 웹 어플리케이션 환경에서 악의적인 SQL Query 탐지를 위한 HTTP Request - SQL Query 매핑 기법)

  • Seo, Yeongung;Park, Seungyoung
    • Journal of KIISE
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2017
  • The continuously growing internet service requirements has resulted in a multitier system structure consisting of web server and database (DB) server. In this multitier structure, the existing intrusion detection system (IDS) detects known attacks by matching misused traffic patterns or signatures. However, malicious change to the contents at DB server through hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) requests at the DB server cannot be detected by the IDS at the DB server's end, since the DB server processes structured query language (SQL) without knowing the associated HTTP, while the web server cannot identify the response associated with the attacker's SQL query. To detect these types of attacks, the malicious user is tracked using knowledge on interaction between HTTP request and SQL query. However, this is a practical challenge because system's source code analysis and its application logic needs to be understood completely. In this study, we proposed a scheme to find the HTTP request associated with a given SQL query using only system log files. We first generated an HTTP request-SQL query map from system log files alone. Subsequently, the HTTP request associated with a given SQL query was identified among a set of HTTP requests using this map. Computer simulations indicated that the proposed scheme finds the HTTP request associated with a given SQL query with 94% accuracy.

Assessment of the FC-DenseNet for Crop Cultivation Area Extraction by Using RapidEye Satellite Imagery (RapidEye 위성영상을 이용한 작물재배지역 추정을 위한 FC-DenseNet의 활용성 평가)

  • Seong, Seon-kyeong;Na, Sang-il;Choi, Jae-wan
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.36 no.5_1
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    • pp.823-833
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    • 2020
  • In order to stably produce crops, there is an increasing demand for effective crop monitoring techniques in domestic agricultural areas. In this manuscript, a cultivation area extraction method by using deep learning model is developed, and then, applied to satellite imagery. Training dataset for crop cultivation areas were generated using RapidEye satellite images that include blue, green, red, red-edge, and NIR bands useful for vegetation and environmental analysis, and using this, we tried to estimate the crop cultivation area of onion and garlic by deep learning model. In order to training the model, atmospheric-corrected RapidEye satellite images were used, and then, a deep learning model using FC-DenseNet, which is one of the representative deep learning models for semantic segmentation, was created. The final crop cultivation area was determined as object-based data through combination with cadastral maps. As a result of the experiment, it was confirmed that the FC-DenseNet model learned using atmospheric-corrected training data can effectively detect crop cultivation areas.

A Study on the Determination of Setting Time of Concrete in the Determination of Slip-up Speed for Slip-Form System (슬립폼 시스템 상승속도 결정에 요구되는 콘크리트에서의 초기경화시간 결정을 위한 연구)

  • Kim, Heeseok;Kim, Young-Jin;Chin, Won-Jong
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.31 no.4A
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    • pp.295-302
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    • 2011
  • The setting time which is the important element for the determination of slip-up speed of Slip-Form system is the hardening time of early-age concrete when the in place concrete has minimum compressive strength before the concrete appears out of Slip-Form system. But it is very difficult to predict the setting time because it depends on not only the composition ratio of concrete but also various conditions of construction fields. Thus, the technique to estimate accurately and continuously the hardening time of early-age in place concrete during operating Slip-Form system is necessary to guarantee the safety of Slip-Form system and the maintenance of the shape of concrete. Ultrasonic wave-based nondestructive testing methods have the advantages which are accurate and continuous in estimating concrete compressive strength. Of such methods, the method using surface wave which propagates along the surface of material is effective for thick member such as a pylon. Thus, in this paper a study on the determination of slip-up speed for Slip-Form system using surface wave velocity is performed. The relation between the slip-up speed of Slip-Form system and the setting time is formulated, and the surface wave velocity is estimated from continuous wavelet transform of the numerical results for surface wave propagation. Finally, the accuracy of this method according to the distance between the wave source and receivers and the relation between the estimated surface wave velocity and the elastic modulus are investigated.

A Molecular Sex Identification Using Duplex PCR Method for SRY and ZFX-ZFY Genes in Red Deer and Elk (붉은사슴과 엘크에서 SRY와 ZFX-ZFY 유전자의 Duplex PCR기법을 이용한 성 판별)

  • Han, S.H.;Lee, S.S.;Ko, M.S.;Cho, I.C.
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.49 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2007
  • This study was focused on discriminating the molecular sexes of red deer and elk by duplex polymerase chain reaction(PCR) using two primer sets. Sex differentiation of mammals is primarily dependent on the presence or absence of sex determining region Y(SRY) gene encoded on Y chromosome which plays a key role for male development. Zinc finger X-Y(ZFX-ZFY) gene, one of X-Y homology gene group was found on X- and Y- chromosomes, respectively. At first, the nucleotide sequences were characterized for the intron 9 flanking region of ZFX-ZFY genes. The intron 9 of ZFX and ZFY is 529-bp and 665-bp in length, respectively. A transposable element sequence similar to bovine SINE element Bov-tA was detected only in ZFY gene of Cervidae. Sexing analysis was conducted by duplex PCR assay for amplification of SRY and ZFX-ZFY genes. Two differentially amplified patterns were found: one for females has a common band amplified only from ZFX as a template, and another for males had three bands(a common ZFX and two male-specific ZFY and SRY). On the separate tests using each gene, the results was identical to those from duplex PCR assay. Moreover, the results from PCR assays provide also identical information to phenotypic investigation of individuals of red deer, elk as well as their hybridized progenies collected from two isolated farms. These results suggest that it may be a rapid and precise method for determining the sexes by duplex PCR amplification using Y-chromosome specific SRY and X- and Y- homologous ZFX-ZFY genes showing sexual dimorphism in red deer and elk without any other controls.

The Water Circulation Improvement of Apartment Complex by applying LID Technologies - Focused on the Application of Infiltration Facilities - (LID 기술 적용을 통한 공동주택단지 물순환 개선 연구 - 침투시설 적용을 중심으로 -)

  • Suh, Joo-Hwan;Lee, In-Kyu
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.41 no.5
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    • pp.68-77
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    • 2013
  • Change in the Global Climate causes flood, drought, heavy snow, and rainfall patterns in the Korean Peninsula. A variety of alternatives related to climate change are considered. The foreign researchers are interested in Low Impact Development(LID); the utilization of water resources and eco friendly development, over 10 years ago. The research and development of related technology has been advanced to apply LID techniques in order to develop several projects in the country. However, sharing of technology or system that can be used easily in the private sector is insufficient. The performance of the elements of LID Technology has not been fully agreed. LID elements of this technology are easy to apply to Apartment complex. The elements are classified technology. The infiltration of elements performs the functions of apartment complex landscaping space technology applied to the target. The water cycle simulation(SWMM 5.0) and technology the implementation of the effectiveness is also verified. For this purpose, three different places in apartment complex to target by SWMM5.0 U.S. EPA conducted utilizing simulated rainfall and applying LID techniques before and after the simulated water cycle (infiltration, surface evaporation, and surface runoff) were conducted. The importance of green space in the LID techniques of quantitative and qualitative storm water control as well as the role of Apartment Housing is to promote Amenity. Remember that the physical limitations of apartment complex and smooth water circulation system for the application of LID integrated management techniques should be applied. To this end, landscapes, architecture, civil engineering, environmental experts for technical consilience between the Low Impact Development efforts are required.

DFT-spread OFDM Communication System for the Power Efficiency and Nonlinear Distortion in Underwater Communication (수중통신에서 비선형 왜곡과 전력효율을 위한 DFT-spread OFDM 통신 시스템)

  • Lee, Woo-Min;Ryn, Heung-Gyoon
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.35 no.8A
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    • pp.777-784
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    • 2010
  • Recently, the necessity of underwater communication and demand for transmitting and receiving various data such as voice or high resolution image data are increasing as well. The performance of underwater acoustic communication system is influenced by characteristics of the underwater communication channels. Especially, ISI(inter symbol interference) occurs because of delay spread according to multi-path and communication performance is degraded. In this paper, we study the OFDM technique to overcome the delay spread in underwater channel and by using CP, we compensate for delay spread. But PAPR which OFDM system has problem is very high. Therefore, we use DFT-spread OFDM method to avoid nonlinear distortion by high PAPR and to improve efficiency of amplifier. DFT-spread OFDM technique obtains high PAPR reduction effect because of each parallel data loads to all subcarrier by DFT spread processing before IFFT. In this paper, we show performance about delay spread through OFDM system and verify method that DFT spread OFDM is more suitable than OFDM for underwater communication. And we analyze performance according to two subcarrier mapping methods(Interleaved, Localized). Through the simulation results, performance of DFT spread OFDM is better about 5~6dB at $10^{-4}$ than OFDM. When compared to BER according to subcarrier mapping, Interleaved method is better about 3.5dB at $10^{-4}$ than Localized method.

Performance Analysis of Peer Aware Communications with CSMA/CA Based on Overhearing (Overhearing을 적용한 CSMA/CA 기반 대상인식통신 성능 분석)

  • Lee, Jewon;Ahn, Jae Min;Lee, Keunhyung;Park, Tae-Joon
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.39B no.5
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    • pp.251-259
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    • 2014
  • In this paper, we propose Low Energy Service Discovery (LESD) protocol for common discovery mode of IEEE 802.15.8 Peer Aware Communications (PAC). In order to minimize power consumption, Basic Repetition Block (BRB) is defined. Device is able to select operating mode and synchronize other devices through it. Proposed MAC procedure is Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA) based on overhearing technique. Even if device has not been received response signal since transmitted request signal, it is able to discover other devices of same group through the overhearing technique. IEEE 802.15.8 PAC has required that performances of common discovery mode are presented about discovered devices during the simulation time, discovery latency and average power consumption. By considering the number of devices per group and channel environment, two scenarios are evaluated through system level simulation and the simulation results of proposed scheme are compared with CSMA/CA in same simulation conditions. As a result, proposed scheme is able to get high energy efficiency of devices as well as increase the number of discovered devices during simulation time when the longer the number of devices is distributed over a limited area.

An Energy Consumption Model using Two-Tier Clustering in Mobile Sensor Networks (모바일 센서 네트워크에서 2계층 클러스터링을 이용한 에너지 소비 모델)

  • Kim, Jin-Su
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.12
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    • pp.9-16
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    • 2016
  • Wireless sensor networks (WSN) are composed of sensor nodes and a base station. The sensor nodes deploy a non-accessible area, receive critical information, and transmit it to the base station. The information received is applied to real-time monitoring, distribution, medical service, etc.. Recently, the WSN was extended to mobile wireless sensor networks (MWSN). The MWSN has been applied to wild animal tracking, marine ecology, etc.. The important issues are mobility and energy consumption in MWSN. Because of the limited energy of the sensor nodes, the energy consumption for data transmission affects the lifetime of the network. Therefore, efficient data transmission from the sensor nodes to the base station is necessary for sensing data. This paper, proposes an energy consumption model using two-tier clustering in mobile sensor networks (TTCM). This method divides the entire network into two layers. The mobility problem was considered, whole energy consumption was decreased and clustering methods of recent researches were analyzed for the proposed energy consumption model. Through analysis and simulation, the proposed TTCM was found to be better than the previous clustering method in mobile sensor networks at point of the network energy efficiency.