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Study on CuInTe2 Single Crystals Growth and Characteristics (II) (CuInTe2 단결정 성장과 특성연구(II))

  • You S.H.;Hong K.J.;Lee S.Y.;Shin Y.J.;Lee K.K.;Suh S.S.;Kim S.U.;Jeong J.W.;Shin Y.J.;Jeong T.S.;Shin B.K.;Kim T.S.;Moon J.D.
    • Korean Journal of Crystallography
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.48-58
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    • 1997
  • [ CuInTe2 ] synthesised in a horizontal electric furnace was found to be polycrystalline. Single crystals of CuInTe2 were grown with the vertical Bridgman technique. The photoconductivity and photoluminescence of the crystals were measured in the temperature range 20 to 293 K. From the photocurrent peaks measured for the samples both perpendicular and parallel to c-axis, the energy band gaps of the samples were found to be 0.948 eV and 0.952 eV at room temperature respectively. The energy difference of the photocurrent and photoluminescence peaks of the samples both perpendicular and parallel to the c-axis measured at room temperature was a phonon energy, and its values were 22.12 meV and 21.4 meV respectively. The splitting of the valence band due to spin-orbit and crystal field interaction was calculated from the photocurrent spectra of the samples, The ΔcrandΔso are 0.046,0.014 eV respectively.

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Characteristics of TiO2 and Ag/TiO2 optical thin film by Co-sputtering method (동시 스퍼터링법에 이용하여 제작한 TiO2와 Ag/TiO2 광학 박막의 특성)

  • Kim, Sang-Cheol;Hahn, Sung-Hong;Kim, Eui-Jung;Lee, Chung-Woo;Joo, Jong-Hyun;Kim, Goo-Cheol
    • Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.168-173
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    • 2005
  • Ag-doped TiO2 thin films were prepared by RF magnetron co-sputtering method, and their physical and chemical properties were examined as a function of calcination temperature. XRD results showed that the crystallite size of Ag-doped films was smaller than that of the TiO2 thin films. SEM results showed that the particle size of Ag/TiO2 film was smaller and more uniform than pure TiO2 film. The films had high transparency in the visible range. The films calcined at 600C were the anatase phase, and the films calcined at 900C were a mixture of anatase and rutile phases. The absorption edge of films calcined at 900C was red-shifted. This is due to the augmented absorption resulting from the phase transformation from anatase to rutile phase. And the transmittance of films decreased by the light scattering and absorption in the films. Photocatalytic activity of Ag/TiO2 thin films was higher than that of the pure TiO2 thin films.

Refractive index change of nonlinear polymer thin films induced by corona poling and quantitative evaluation of poling effect (코로나 극성배향이 비선형 고분자박막의 복소굴절율에 미치는 영향 및 배향효과의 정량화)

  • 길현옥;김상준;방현용;김상열
    • Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.181-187
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    • 1999
  • We prepared the side-chain type nonlinear optical NPP(N-(6-nitrophenyl)-(L)-prolinol) polymer films by spin coating method. Ellipsometric spectra were in situ collected by using spectroscopic phase modulated ellipsometer while the NPP polymer films were being corona poled at the temperature above glass transition. We calculated film thickness and the refractive index dispersion by modeling the spectro-ellipsometry data in transparent region. We also calculated the refractive index and the extinction coefficient of the polymer films by numerically inverting the spectro-ellipsometry data in absorbing region, while the previously determined film thickness was used. The independently determined extinction coefficient spectra from the analysis of transmission spectra were compared with those by spectro-ellipsometry and they showed an excellent agreement with each other. From the analysis of the complex refractive index change of the NPP polymer thin films induced by the corona poling, we could determine the vertical complex refractive index and the horizontal complex refractive index separately. Using the volume fraction of the vertical component f⊥, the degree of poling of poled NPP polymer films was quantitatively addressed. It is suggested that the present method can be used to quantitatively address the degree of poling in an absolute manner and to depth profile the poled fraction of thick polymer films. It will be useful to understand the structural change of polymer films and hence the poling mechanism during the poling process.

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Effect of Packaging Materials on the Postharvest Quality of Fresh Wild Garlic Leaves during Room Temperature Storage (포장재 종류가 산마늘 상온저장 중 품질에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Ji-Weon;Lee, Ji-Hyun;Kim, Chang-Kug;Lee, Jung Soo;Shin, Il Sheob
    • Proceedings of the Plant Resources Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2019.04a
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    • pp.109-109
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    • 2019
  • 2018년 5월 전라북도 남원군에서 재배하여 수확 후 0C 저장고에서 예냉을 마친 산마늘을 사용하였으며 외 포장 상자는 골판지로 구성된 통기공이 없는 골판지상자 1kg용을 사용하였다. 골판지상자와 함께 내부 포장으로 사용하기 위한 내포장 필름은 20μm 두께의 HDPE으로 된 필름 봉지, 흡습종이는 파라핀왁스 코팅 종이(32×35cm, 태영산업)를 이용하여 조합 처리하고 국내에서 개발한 기능성 필름2종으로 포장처리는 총 4가지로 (1) PE(관행) (2) PE+흡습지 (3) 기능성필름1(30×58cm, 기능성물질 1%+40,000OTR, 제조사: 신영산업사) (4) 기능성필름2(30×58cm, Key fresh, 제조사: 씨앤케이프로팩(주)) 각 처리당 1kg 씩의 산마늘 잎을 포장하였다. 실험은 포장 처리 후 상온상태로 전북 완주군 실험실까지 수송하였으며 실험실 도착 후 상온 실험실에 두고 2일과 6일 후 중량감소율, 색도, 엽록소, 손실률 및 종합선도 등 품질특성 변화를 조사하였고 각 포장방법별 온도와 상대습도 변화를 보기 위하여 산마늘 잎이 포장된 상자 내부 중앙 부분에 디지털온습도기록계(SP-2000-20R)를 고정한 후 측정하였다. 대조구로 사용한 PE필름 단용으로 포장한 산마늘 잎은 상온저장 6일 경과 후 중량 소율이 1.7%, PE필름+신선지 처리는 1.0%, 기능성필름1과 기능성필름2는 거의 중량감소가 없어 1% 미만의 변화를 보였다. 산마늘 잎의 SPAD 값에 의한 엽록소 수치와 색도를 측정한 명도(L)와 Hue angle 값의 변화는 기능성필름1과 기능성필름2가 유사하게 높게 유지되었고 반면에 PE필름은 저장 2일 후 부터 값이 감소하기 시작하여 6일 후 크게 감소하였다. 저장 6일 후 기능성필름1과 기능성필름2가 외관품위에서 높은 평가를 받아 상품성을 유지하고 있었으나 PE필름 처리와 PE필름+흡습지 처리는 상품성을 상실한 상태였다. 이러한 경향은 건전율에 있어서도 유사하였으며 기능성필름1(다공성 나노 물질이 혼입되어 있으며 산소투과율을 40,000cc/m2dayatm으로 조성한 필름)이 상온저장 6일 후 상품성을 유지하는 건전율이 83%로 가장 높았다.

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Effects of Shading on Growth of Maesa japonica Seedlings (차광 처리가 빌레나무 묘목 생장에 미치는 영향)

  • Min-Ji Park;Ju-Eun Yang;Chae-bin Lee;Yeon-Ok Seo;Byoung-Ki Choi;Eun-Young Im;Hyung-Soon Choi
    • Proceedings of the Plant Resources Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2021.04a
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    • pp.30-30
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    • 2021
  • 빌레나무는 국내에서 제주도 서부 곶자왈 지역에서만 자생하는, 어두운 환경을 선호하며 개체수가 희소한 종이다. 본 연구는 광 환경이 빌레나무 묘목 생장에 미치는 영향을 파악하고자 수행되었다. 서귀포시 난대아열대산림연구소 내 양묘장에 차광막을 이용하여 35%, 55%, 75% 차광 처리구를 설치하였고 노지에 비차광 처리구를 비교구로 설정하였다. 2019년 7월에 삽목 증식시킨 빌레나무를 2020년 5월에 각 처리구에 이식하였다. 2021년 3월에 각 차광 처리구의 모든 묘목의 묘고, 잎의 수, 줄기 수를 측정하고 생육이 건전하고 평균적인 묘목을 각 9본씩 굴취하여 건중량을 측정하였다. 35%, 55%, 75% 차광 처리구별 평균 묘고(cm)는 각각 53.2, 51.3, 41.4, 평균 잎의 수(개)는 41.3, 42.1, 24.4, 평균 줄기 수(개)는 3.1, 2.7, 2.2로 나타났다. 평균 묘고, 잎의 수, 줄기 수는 35% 차광 처리구와 55% 차광 처리구에서 75% 차광 처리구보다 높은 경향을 보였다. 건중량 분석 결과, 35%, 55%, 75% 차광 처리구별로 평균 잎 건중량(g)은 각각 11.3, 9.5, 5.5, 평균 줄기 건중량(g)은 5.6, 5.3, 2.6, 평균 뿌리 건중량(g)은 4.5, 3.6, 2.6으로 차광률이 낮을수록 증가하였으며 모든 부위별 건중량은 처리에 따른 통계적 유의성을 보였다(p<0.05). 지상부 대비 지하부 비율은 75% 차광 처리구에서 0.35로 가장 높았으며 35%, 55% 차광 처리구에서 0.27, 0.26로 나타났다. 한편, 비차광처리구의 모든 묘목들은 2021년 1~2월경 지상부가 고사하였다. 본 연구결과, 빌레나무 묘목은 노지에서 생존률이 불량하고, 차광 처리 시 차광률 증가에 따라 생장에 부정적인 영향을 받는 것으로 판단된다. 빌레나무의 건전한 생육 및 유무성증식을 통한 보급 증대에 기여하기 위하여 향후 온도, 수분 등 여러 환경 인자를 조절하는 연구가 필요한 것으로 사료된다.

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Thermal Environments of Children's Parks during Heat Wave Period (폭염 시 어린이공원의 온열환경)

  • Ryu, Nam-Hyong;Lee, Chun-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.44 no.6
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    • pp.84-97
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    • 2016
  • This study was to investigate the user's thermal environments of the children's parks according to pavements and sunscreen types during periods of heat waves. The measurements were conducted at the sand pits, rubber chip pavement, shelters, and green shade ground of the two children's parks located in Jinju, Korea(Chilam: N\;35^{\circ}11^{\prime}1.4{^{\prime}^{\prim}}, E\;128^{\circ}5^{\prime}31.7{^{\prime}^{\prime}}, elevation 38m, Gaho: N\;35^{\circ}09^{\prime}56.8{^{\prime}^{\prime}}, E\;128^{\circ}6^{\prime}41.1{^{\prime}^{\prime}}, elevation 24m) over three days during 11-13, August, 2016. The highest ambient air temperatures at the Jinju Meteorological Office during the three measurement days were 35.936.8C, which corresponded with the extremely hot weather. A series of experiments measured air temperature, relative humidity, wind velocity, black globe temperature, and long-wave and short-wave radiation of the six directions 0.6 m above ground level. The wet bulb globe temperature(WBGT) and the universal thermal climatic index(UTCI) were used to evaluate thermal stress. Surface temperature images of the play equipment were also taken using infrared thermography. Surface temperatures of the play equipment and grounds were used to evaluate burn risk through contact with playground materials. The results showed the following. The maximum air temperatures averaged over 1-hour period for three days were 36.639.4C. The sun shades reduced those temperatures by up to 2.8C(green shade) and 1.0C/2.3C(shelters). The minimum relative humidity values averaged over 1-hour period for three days were 44~50%. The sun shades increased those humidity values by up to 6%(green shade) and 4%/6%(shelters). The risk of heat related illness at the measurement sites of the children's parks were extreme and high in the daytime hours. The maximum WBGT values averaged over a 30-minute period for three days were 31.233.6C. The sun shades reduced those WBGT values by up to 2.4C(green shade) and 0.5C/2.1C(shelters) compared to sandpits, but would not block the risk of heat related illness in the daytime hours. The category of heat stress at the measurement sites of the children's parks were extreme and very strong in the daytime hours. The maximum UTCI values averaged over a 30-minute period for three days were 39.948.1C. The sun shades reduced those UTCI values by up to 7.8C(green shade) and 4.1C/8.2C(shelters) compared to sandpits, but could not lower heat stress category from extreme and very strong to strong and moderate in the daytime hours. According to the burn threshold criteria when skin was in contact with playground materials, the maximum surface temperature of the stainless steels(70.8C) surpassed three seconds 60C threshold for uncoated steel, that of the rubber chip(76.5C) surpassed five seconds 74C threshold for the plastic, that of the plastic slide(68.5C) and seats(71.0C) surpassed the one min 60C threshold for plastic, respectively. The surface temperatures of shaded play equipment were lower approximately 20C than those of play equipment exposed to the sun. Therefore, sun shades can block the risk of burns in daytime hours. Because of the extreme and high risk of heat related illness and extreme and high heat stress at the children's parks during periods of heat waves, parents and administrators must protect children from the use of playgrounds. The risk of burn when contact with play equipments and grounds at the children's parks during periods of heat waves, was very high. The sun shades are essential to block the risk of burn from play equipments and grounds at the children's parks during heat waves.

Deacidification Effect of Campbell Early Must via Carbonic Maceration : Effect of Enzyme Activity Associated with Malic-Acid Metabolism (Carbonic Maceration처리에 의한 Campbell Early 발효액의 감산 효과: 사과산 대사 관련 효소활성의 영향)

  • Chang, Eun-Ha;Jeong, Seok-Tae;Jeong, Sung-Min;Roh, Jeong-Ho;Park, Kyo-Sun;Park, Seo-Jun;Choi, Jong-Uck
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.795-802
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    • 2011
  • To determine the deacidification factor during carbonic maceration (CM), different temperature conditions were studied. The pH was higher in CM-35C and CM-25C and was lower in CM-45C. The total acid was inversely related to the pH. The malic-acid level decreased much more in CM-35C than in CM-45C while the lactic-acid level increased much more in CM-35C. The activity of the NADP-malic enzyme, which catalyzes the oxidative decarboxylation of L-malate into pyruvate, CO2, and NADPH, was higher in CM-25C and CM-35C while CM-45C showed no NADP-malic enzyme activity. The malic-dehydrogenase (MDH) activity was higher in CM-25C and CM-35C while CM-45C showed no MDH activity. The oxalacetate decarboxylase activity was similar to the NADP-malic-enzyme and MDH activities. Pyruvate decarboxylase activity was shown in all the CM treatments. The L-lactic dehydrogenase (LDH) activity was not explored in the fermentation of pyruvate to lactate via LDH in the grapes during CM. In this study, it was confirmed that carbonic maceration reduced the malic acid during fermentation and was affected by the temperature. Moreover, it was assumed that the deacidification during the carbonic maceration of the grapes was probably correlated with the degradation enzyme activity of malic acid.

Effects of Experimental Warming on Physiological Responses of Four Deciduous Tree Species Seedlings (실외 실험적 온난화 처리에 따른 활엽수 4개 수종 묘목의생리적 반응)

  • An, Jiae;Han, Seung Hyun;Chang, Hanna;Park, Min Ji;Son, Yowhan
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.105 no.4
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    • pp.510-516
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    • 2016
  • This study was conducted to investigate the physiological responses of newly-germinated seedlings of Fraxinus rhynchophylla Hance, Zelkova serrata (Thunb.) Makino, Betula costata Trautv. and Quercus variabilis Blume to open-field experimental warming. The seedlings in the warmed plots were warmed with 2.7C higher air temperature than those in the control plots using infrared heaters since April, 2015. Physiological responses (stomatal conductance, transpiration rate, chlorophyll content and net photosynthetic rate) to experimental warming varied with the species and the time of the measurement. Stomatal conductance (mmolm2s1) tended to decrease for F. rhynchophylla (Control: 158.97±42.76; Warmed: 42.07±8.24), Z. serrata (Control: 170.53±27.22; Warmed: 101.17±42.27) and B. costata (Control: 249.93±47.39; Warmed: 150.73±26.52). Transpiration rate (mmolm2s1) also decreased for F. rhynchophylla (Control: 4.08±0.62; Warmed: 1.74±0.39), Z. serrata (Control: 4.32±0.44; Warmed: 3.24±1.14) and B. costata (Control: 6.21±0.38; Warmed: 4.66±0.28). However, warming exhibited only minimal effects on stomatal conductance and transpiration rate of Q. variabilis seedlings. Chlorophyll content increased by the warming treatment while the effect of warming was not significant on net photosynthetic rate, since the warming treatment had a weak influence for changing net photosynthetic rate.

Sputtering방식을 이용한 Indium Thin oxide박막의 넓이에 따른 X-ray 검출기 특성 연구

  • Kim, Dae-Guk;Sin, Jeong-Uk;O, Gyeong-Min;Kim, Seong-Heon;Lee, Yeong-Gyu;Jo, Seong-Ho;Nam, Sang-Hui
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2012.02a
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    • pp.321-322
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    • 2012
  • 의료용 방사선 장비는 초기의 아날로그 방식의 필름 및 카세트에서 진보되어 현재는 디지털 방식의 DR (Digital Radiography)이 널리 사용되며 그에 관한 연구개발이 활발히 진행되고 있다. DR은 크게 간접방식과 직접방식의 두 분류로 나눌 수 있는데, 간접방식은 X선을 흡수하면 가시광선으로 전환하는 형광체(Scintillator)를 사용하여 X선을 가시광선으로 전환하고, 이를 Photodiode와 같은 광소자로 전기적 신호로 변환하여 방사선을 검출하는 방식을 말하며, 직접 방식은 X선을 흡수하면 전기적 신호를 발생 시키는 광도전체(Photoconductor)를 사용하여 광도전체 양단 전극에 고전압을 인가한 형태를 취하고 있는 가운데, X선이 조사되면 일차적으로 광도전체 내부에서 전자-전공쌍(Electron-hole pair)이 생성된다. 이들은 광도전체 양단의 인가되어 있는 전기장에 의해 전자는 +극으로, 전공은 -극으로 이동하여 아래에 위치한 Active matrix array을 통해 방사선을 검출하는 방식이다. 본 연구에서는 직접방식 X-ray 검출기에서 활용되는 a-Se을 ITO (Indium Thin oxide) glass 상단에 Thermal evaporation증착을 이용하여 두께 50μm, 33 넓이로 증착 시킨 다음, a-Se상단에 Sputtering증착을 이용하여 ITO를 11 cm, 22 cm, 2.7×2.7cm 넓이로 증착시켜 상하부의 ITO를 Electrode로 이용하여 직접방식의 X-ray검출기 샘플을 제작하였다. 제작 과정 중 a-Se의 Thermal evaporation증착 시, 저진공 3103Torr, 고진공 2.2105Torr에서 보트의 가열 온도를 두 번의 스텝으로 나누어 증착 시켰다. 첫 번째 스텝 250C, 두 번째 스텝은 260C의 조건으로 증착하여 보트 내의 a-Se을 남기지 않고 전량을 소모할 수 있었으며, 스텝간의 온도차를 10C로 제어하여 균일한 박막을 형성 할 수 있었다. Sputtering증착 시, 저진공 2.5103, 고진공 3105에서 Ar, O2를 사용하여 100 Sec간 플라즈마를 생성시켜 ITO를 증착하였다. 제작된 방사선 각각의 검출기 샘플 양단의 ITO에 500V의 전압을 인가하고, 진단 방사선 범위의 70 kVp, 100 mA, 0.03 sec 조건으로 X-ray를 조사시켜 ITO넓이에 따른 민감도(Sensitivity)와 암전류(Dark current)를 측정하였다. 측정결과 민감도(Sensitivity)는 X-ray샘플의 두께에 따른 1V/μm 기준 시, 증착된 ITO의 넓이가 11 cm부터 22 cm, 2.7×2.7cm까지 각각 7.610nC/cm2, 8.169nC/cm2, 6.769nC/cm2로 22 cm 넓이의 샘플이 가장 높은 민감도를 나타내었으나, 암전류(Dark current)는 1.68nA/cm2, 3.132nA/cm2, 5.117nA/cm2로 11 cm 넓이의 샘플이 가장 낮은 값을 나타내었다. 이러한 데이터를 SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio)로 합산 하였을 시 104.359 (1×1), 60.376(2×2), 30.621 (2.7×2.7)로 11 cm 샘플이 신호 대 별 가장 우수한 효율을 나타냄을 알 수 있었다. 따라서 ITO박막의 면적이 클수록 민감도는 우수하나 그에 따른 암전류의 증가로 효율이 떨어짐을 검증 할 수 있었으며, 이는 ITO면적이 넓어짐에 따른 저항의 증가로 암전류에 영향을 끼침을 할 수 있었다. 본 연구를 통해 a-Se의 ITO 박막 면적에 따른 전기적 특성을 검증할 수 있었다.

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Analyzing the Importance and Performance of Sanitation Management within Childcare Center Foodservice Facilities in Gyeongbuk Province (경북 지역 보육 시설 급식소의 위생 관리에 대한 중요도-수행도 조사)

  • Jung, Hyeon-A;Kim, An-Na;Joo, Na-Mi;Paik, Jae-Eun
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.385-391
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the importance and performance of sanitation management within childcare center foodservice facilities in Gyeongbuk province. The survey involved 248 people who participated in the food hygiene and safety education for childcare center managers in Gyeongbuk province from June to July 2010. A total of 236 survey papers were analyzed statistically by SPSS program. By the method, t-test and importance-performance analysis (IPA) was performed. Among the respondents, facility managers are 40s (41.9%) which accounted the most percentage, and for the type of facility, the largest amount was home (39.9%). The number of preschool children who are under 20 people accounted for 45.3% and food service staffs were accounted for 36.7%. No significant differences were observed for the four items on the IPA, except for the topics "the immediate deal with trash and leftover food" and "minimizing time (within 2 hours) for distribution after cooking" (p<0.001). The average score on the IPA was 4.14 points, and the average score for the importance of the evaluation was 4.49 points out of 5. Finally, childcare facility managers are aware of the importance that is lower than can be done. The results suggest that continuing education is necessary to administrators to manage the health care facility effectively.