• Title/Summary/Keyword: 온도장 측정

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Photothermoelectric Effect of Graphene-polyaniline Composites (그래핀-폴리 아닐린 복합체의 광열전 효과 연구)

  • Choi, Jongwan
    • Composites Research
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.434-439
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    • 2021
  • Graphene and polyaniline with thermoelectric properties are one of the potential substitutes for inorganic materials for flexible thermoelectric applications. In this study, we studied the photo-induced thermoelectric effect of graphene-polyaniline composites. The graphene-polyaniline composites were synthesized by introducing an amine functional group to graphene oxide for covalently connecting graphene and polyaniline, reducing the graphene oxide, and then polymerizing the graphene oxide with aniline. Graphene-polyaniline composites were prepared by changing the aniline contents in order to expect an optimal photothermoelectric effect, and their structural properties were confirmed through FT-IR and Raman analysis. The photocurrent and photovoltage characteristics were analyzed by irradiating light asymmetrically without an external bias and the current and voltage with various aniline contents. While the photocurrent trends to the electrical conductivity of the graphene-polyaniline composites, the photovoltage was related to the temperature change of the graphene-polyaniline composite, which was converted into thermal energy by light.

Performance Analysis of a Deep Vertical Closed-Loop Heat Exchanger through Thermal Response Test and Thermal Resistance Analysis (열응답 실험 및 열저항 해석을 통한 장심도 수직밀폐형 지중열교환기의 성능 분석)

  • Shim, Byoung Ohan;Park, Chan-Hee;Cho, Heuy-Nam;Lee, Byeong-Dae;Nam, Yujin
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.49 no.6
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    • pp.459-467
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    • 2016
  • Due to the limited areal space for installation, borehole heat exchangers (BHEs) at depths deeper than 300 m are considered for geothermal heating and cooling in the urban area. The deep vertical closed-loop BHEs are unconventional due to the depth and the range of the typical installation depth is between 100 and 200 m in Korea. The BHE in the study consists of 50A (outer diameter 50 mm, SDR 11) PE U-tube pipe in a 150 mm diameter borehole with the depth of 300 m. In order to compensate the buoyancy caused by the low density of PE pipe (0.940.96g/cm3) in the borehole filled with ground water, 10 weight band sets (4.6 kg/set) were attached to the bottom of U-tube. A thermal response test (TRT) and fundamental basic surveys on the thermophysical characteristics of the ground were conducted. Ground temperature measures around 15C from the surface to 100 m, and the geothermal gradient represents 1.9C/100m below 100 m. The TRT was conducted for 48 hours with 17.5 kW heat injection, 28.65 l/min at a circulation fluid flow rate indicates an average temperature difference 8.9C between inlet and outlet circulation fluid. The estimated thermophysical parameters are 3.0 W/mk of ground thermal conductivity and 0.104 mk/W of borehole thermal resistance. In the stepwise evaluation of TRT, the ground thermal conductivity was calculated at the standard deviation of 0.16 after the initial 13 hours. The sensitivity analysis on the borehole thermal resistance was also conducted with respect to the PE pipe diameter and the thermal conductivity of backfill material. The borehole thermal resistivity slightly decreased with the increase of the two parameters.

A Quality Assurance Study for the Application of Cook/Chill System in School Foodservice Operation (II) - Pork Bulgogi (Broiled Sliced Pork with Sauces) - (학교급식에 Cook/Chill System 적용을 위한 품질보증연구(II) - 돼지불고기 -)

  • Kwak, Tong-Kyung;Moon, Hye-Kyung;Park, Hye-Won;Hong, Wan-Soo;Ryu, Kyung;Chang, Hye-Ja;Kim, Sung-Hee;Choi, Eun-Jung
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.319-331
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    • 1998
  • The purposes of this study were to develop Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point plan applicable to cook/chilled Pork Bulkogi (broiled sliced pork with sauces) in school foodservice operations and to establish reasonable shelf-life limits by assessing food quality during chilled storage period of 5 days. During the product flow, time-temperature profile was recorded and microbiological analyses including mesophilic and psychrotrophic total plate counts, coliform, and fecal coliform and qualitative analyses of Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes were done. Chemical analyses (pH, acid value, total volatile basic nitrogen), sensory evaluation, and quantitative analysis of thiamin were conducted for 5 days of chilled storage. The number of mesophiles in raw pork (4.26±0.11LogCFU/g), seasoning mixture (5.97±O.04LogCFU/g) and marinated pork (5.56±0.21LogCFU/g) were below the microbial standards for "requires further cooking" food items. Listeria monocytogenes was detected in seasoning mixture. After heating, the number of mesophiles (5.17±0.04LogCFU/g) were slightly reduced but it did not meet the microbial guidelines of 5LogCFU/g for "ready-to-eat" foods. No other microbes including pathogens were detected. By reheating the menu item after chilled storage, the number of mesophiles were reduced in every phase of 1st day (4.62±0.22LogCFU/g), 3rd day (4.55±0.20LogCFU/g) and 5th day (4.25±0.16LogCFU/g) of chilled storage, and the number of microbes was below the standard limits for "ready-to-eat" foods. At the fifth day of chilled storage, pH (p<0.05), acid value (p<0.01) and TVBN (p<0.05) showed significant increases. Sensory evaluation results did not show any significant change for 5 days of chilled storage. Thiamin content showed a decrease for 5 days of chilled storage. Consequently, the ideal shelflife recommended for Pork Bulkogi was within 3 days of chilled storage. CCPs for Pork Bulkogi were purchasing and receiving of raw meat and some seasoning ingredients, heating, chilling, chilled storage, reheating, and distribution.

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Study on the effect of p-type doping in mid-infrared InAs/GaSb superlattice photodetectors

  • Han, Im-Sik;Lee, Yong-Seok;Nguyen, Tien Dai;Lee, Hun;Kim, Jun-O;Kim, Jong-Su;Gang, Sang-U;Choe, Jeong-U;Kim, Ha-Sul;Ku, Zahyun;Lee, Sang-Jun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2015.08a
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    • pp.170.1-170.1
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    • 2015
  • 안티모니 (Sb)를 기반으로 한 제2형 초격자 (Type II superlattice, T2SL)구조 적외선 검출기 연구는 2000년대 들어 Sb 계열의 화합물 반도체 성장 기술이 발전함에 따라 HgCdTe (MCT), InSb, 양자우물 적외선 검출기 (QWIP)를 대체할 수 있는 고성능의 양자형 적외선 검출 소재로 부상하였으며, 현재 전 세계적으로 활발한 연구가 진행되고 있다. 특히, 기존의 양자형 적외선 검출소자에 비해 전자의 유효질량이 상대적으로 커서 밴드 간의 투과전류가 줄어들 뿐만 아니라, 전자와 정공이 서로 다른 물질 영역에 분포하여 Auger 재결합률을 효과적으로 줄일 수 있어 상온 동작이 가능한 소재로 주목을 받고 있다. 또한, T2SL 구조는 초격자를 구성하는 물질의 두께나 조성 변화를 통한 밴드갭 변조가 용이하여 단파장에서 장파장 적외선에 이르는 광범위한 파장 대역에서 동작이 가능할 뿐만 아니라 구조적 변화를 통해 이중 대역을 동시에 검출 할 수 있는 차세대 적외선 열영상 소자로 알려져 있다. 본 연구에서는 분자선 에피택시(MBE)법을 이용하여 300 주기의 InAs/GaSb (10/10 ML) 제2형 초격자 구조를 성장하여 적외선 검출소자를 제작하였다. 제2형 초격자 구조를 구성하는 물질계에 p-type dopant인 Be을 이용하여 각각 도핑 농도가 다른 시료를 성장하였다. 이때 p-type 도핑 농도는 각각 1/5/10×1015cm3로 변화를 주었다. 성장된 시료의 구조적 특성 분석을 위해 고분해능 X선 회절 (High resolution X-ray diffraction, HRXRD)법을 이용하였으며, 초격자 한 주기의 두께가 6.2~6.4 nm 로 설계된 구조와 동일하게 성장됨을 확인 하였으며, 1차 위성피크의 반치폭은 30~80 arcsec로 우수한 결정성을 가짐을 확인하였다. 적외선 검출을 위한 410×410μm2 크기의 단위 소자 공정을 진행하였으며 이때 적외선의 전면 입사를 위해 소자 위에 300μm의 윈도우 창을 제작하였다. 단위 소자의 측벽에는 표면 누설 전류가 흐르는데 이를 방지하기 위해서 표면보호막을 증착하였다. 적외선 검출 소자의 전기적 특성 평가를 위해 각각의 시료의 암전류 (dark current)와 파장별 반응 (spectral response)을 온도별로 측정하여 비교 및 분석하였다.

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Effect of Temperature and Inosine Monophosphate on Spore Germination of Artificially Inoculated Bacillus cereus in Traditional Korean Fermented Sauces (전통 장류를 이용한 소스제품에 접종된 Bacillus cereus spore의 발아에 미치는 온도 및 inosine monophosphate 첨가 효과)

  • Lee, Min-A;Jo, Eun-Ji;Hong, Sang-Pil
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.46 no.4
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    • pp.522-525
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    • 2014
  • The effects of temperature and inosine monophosphate (IMP) on the germination of artificially inoculated Bacillus cereus spores in ganjang, doenjang, and gochujang sauces were investigated. The pH and salt concentration of the sauces were as follows: ganjang (4.84, 7.45%), doenjang (4.26, 5.07%), and gochujang (3.54, 3.24%), respectively. Treatment at 40C or 80C resulted in a B. cereus growth of 0.8 log CFU/g in ganjang sauce; this concentration increased to 2.25 log CFU/g and 1.21 log CFU/g, respectively, when 10 mM IMP was added. Compared with that for ganjang sauce, the germination effect was comparatively lower for doenjang sauce by 10 mM IMP+40C treatment (0.46 log CFU/g) and 10 mM IMP+80C treatment (0.85 log CFU/g). However, no germination effect was noted for gochujang sauce by any treatment in this study. Therefore, the results suggested that pH is an important factor affecting spore germination in sauces.

Fungicides for Dollar Spot Suppression on Creeping Bentgrass Greens (크리핑 벤트그래스 그린에서 동전마름병 방제)

  • Settle, Derek;Lee, Sang-Kook;Kane, Randy
    • Asian Journal of Turfgrass Science
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.43-47
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    • 2011
  • Creeping bentgrass (Agrosis stolonifera L.) is regarded to be the most widely used cool-season turf grass species grown on golf greens and fairways in temperate climates of North America. Creeping bentgrass is highly susceptible to the fungal disease 'dollar spot' caused by Sclerotinia homoeocarpa. Dollar spot is a foliar disease favored by conditions of high humidity, warm days, and cool nights. Studies using Aliette Signature (Fosetyl Aluminum formulated with a green pigment) mixed with another broad-spectrum fungicide do not always provide additional visual quality benefits compared to the fungicide alone. The exact mechanism for improved summer visual quality, when it occurs, is not known. Fertility management and environment likely contribute. The object of this study is to evaluate fungicide strategies for control of dollar spot and effect on visual quality during summer and on an L-93/G-2 creeping bentgrass green. Nine fungicide combinations were used for this study. Disease control and visual quality by fungicides was evaluated on an established G-2/L-93 creeping bentgrass green at 3-hole Sunshine Golf Course in Lemont, IL. All fungicide combination showed excellent dollar spot suppression except Fore throughout the study. Visual quality of greens by addition of Aliette Signature is enhanced when bentgrass growth is compromised and slow. Dollar spot levels in Fore plots increased to 30% on 14 August, and was no different than untreated plots. Unacceptable quality by Fore was due to lack of dollar spot control.

CO Observations Toward IRAS 07280-1829 and Its Related Clouds (적외선원 IRAS 07280-1829와 이와 관련된 분자운의 CO분자선 관측연구)

  • Lee, Chang-Won
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.402-410
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    • 2011
  • We present results of CO observations toward an infrared (IR) source, IRAS 07280-1829, and its possibly related molecular clouds. The physical parameters of this IR source such as its infrared slope (α=16) of the Spectral Energy Distribution and bolometric temperature (145 K) indicate that it is an embedded protostar. Its luminosity is 2.9×104L, typical of a massive star. The CO profile toward IRAS 07280-1829 has broad wing components, implying a possible existence of CO outflow. The excitation temperature and mass of a molecular cloud (Cloud A) which is thought to harbor the IR source are estimated to be 9~22 K and ~180 M, respectively, indicating the Cloud A is a typical infrared-dark cloud. Its LTE mass is found to be much smaller than its virial mass by more than a factor of 10 which is inconsistent with the fact that a protostar recently formed exists in the Cloud A. This may suggest that the environment of the cloud where the IR source is forming is dominant of turbulence and/or magnetic filed, making its virial mass estimated unusually high.

Identification and Characteristics of Sclerotinia homoeocarpa Causing Dollar Spot Disease in Zoysiagrass (한국잔디에 발생한 달라스팟 병의 주요 원인균인 Sclerotinia homoeocarpa의 동정 및 특성)

  • Park Dae-Sup;Kim Kyong-Duck;Yeom, Su-Rip;Oh Byung-Seog;Park Byoung-Sun
    • Asian Journal of Turfgrass Science
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.85-94
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    • 2005
  • A fungal isolate was newly collected from Zoysiagrass 'Anyang-Joongji' in small circular patches on a fairway ofa golf course in Korea, which seriously occurred during the early summer period of 2005. The isolate presented on PDAmedium, named Scz1, was closely identical to Sclerotinia homoeocarpa, a casual fungus of dollar spot disease, in cool season turf grasses such as creeping bentgrass. Hereby, this study was accomplished to characterize the isolate and compare it with the fungus, named Scb1, isolated from dollar spot-infected creeping bentgrass (Agrostis palustris Huds. cv Penncross). On PDAmedium, individual mycelial appearance of three isolates was very similar except for the pigment. Mycelial pigments of Scz1 and Scz2 (another analogous isolate collected) were light pinkish on the reverse side of PDA medium but that of Scb1 was dark brownish. In a microscopic study, three isolates were barely distinguishable in the appearance of mycelia. As expected, in the temperaturesensitivity assay, all pathogens were very delicate to 32circC above but not to 30circC below, in which was explained to be one of typical characteristics in S. homoeocarpa. In an artificial inoculation assay, disease symptoms including leaf spots in Zoysiagrass were appeared within 6-7 days after inoculation through the hand inoculation method with the isolate-infested soil. Then the fungus was re-identified from the infected leaf tissues. Interestingly, inoculation of isolate Scz1 gave rise to distinct symptoms in only Zoysiagrass but not in creeping bentgrass 'Penncross' and Kentucky bluegrass 'Midnight'. The observation might be involved in host specific pathogenecity of S. homoeocarpa Scz1 to Zoysiagrass. In a chemical sensitivity assay for the isolate, Scz1, showed a high mycelial inhibition against two fungicides, iprodione and propiconazole. All results described above suggest that S. homoeocarpa Scz1 is a primary pathogen of Zoysia dollar spot disease.

Characterization of (Bi,La)Ti3O12 Ferroelectric Thin Films on SiO2/Si/Si Substrates by Sol-Gel Method (졸-겔 방법으로 SiO2/Si 기판 위에 제작된 (Bi,La)Ti3O12 강유전체 박막의 특성 연구)

  • 장호정;황선환
    • Journal of the Microelectronics and Packaging Society
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.7-12
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    • 2003
  • The Bi3.3La0.7O12(BLT) capacitors with Metal-Ferroelectric-Insulator-Silicon structure were prepared on SiO2/Si substrates by using sol-gel method. The BLT thin films annealed at 650C and 700C showed randomly oriented perovskite crystalline structures. The full with at half maximum (FWHM) of the (117) main peak was decreased from 0.65 to 0.53 with increasing the annealing temperature from 650C to 700C, indicating the improvement in the crystalline quality of the film. In addition, the grain size and Rrms , values were increased with increasing the annealing temperatures, showing the rough film surface at higher annealing temperatures. From the capacitance-voltage (C-V) measurements, the memory window voltage of the BLT film annealed at 700C was found to be about 0.7 V at an applied voltage of 5 V. The leakage current density of the BLT film annealed at 700C was about 3.1×108A/cm2.

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Textural Properties of Gelatinized Model Food system (젤라틴화 된 모형식품의 조직특성)

  • Chang, Kyu-Seob;Lee, Seong-Ku;Chang, Dong-Il;Yun, Han-Kyo
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.310-316
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    • 1988
  • The gelatinized model food system were prepared by combining moisture, starch and protein, and the textural properties of their gels of different temperatures and times of heating were investigated by the use of Instron Universal Testing Machine. The hardness, springiness, cohesiveness, gumminess and chewiness of model foods had a high correlation with solid content and the regression equations between the hardness of model foods and moisture content heated for 20min. at 80C were as follows; H(PS4)=18.64053.8201M+0.1959M2,H(P1S1)=244.79335.692M+0.0332M2,H(P4S)=693.029216.6884M+0.1005M2, The correlation coefficients were 0.996,0.998and0.998, respectively. Total correlations between textural parameters and temperature and heating times were different according to model foods. The correlation between textural parameters was proportional to protein foods, but the hardness and cohesiveness of starch foods showed the relationship of inverse proportion. Under low solid content, the parameters of model foods appeared to decrease as protein content increased. Under high solid content, the parameters of protein foods were higher than those of starch foods above some level of protein content. The regression equation between the hardness and protein content heated for 20min. at 80C was as follows; Hardness(20%)=5.6858-13.5670P+9.7758P2 and the correlation coefficient was 0.95.

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