• Title/Summary/Keyword: 영재교육의 효과

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The Effects of Inductive Activities Using GeoGebra on the Proof Abilities and Attitudes of Mathematically Gifted Elementary Students (GeoGebra를 활용한 귀납활동이 초등수학영재의 증명능력 및 증명학습태도에 미치는 영향)

  • Kwon, Yoon Shin;Ryu, Sung Rim
    • Education of Primary School Mathematics
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.123-145
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    • 2013
  • This study was expected to yield the meaningful conclusions from the experimental group who took lessons based on inductive activities using GeoGebra at the beginning of proof learning and the comparison one who took traditional expository lessons based on deductive activities. The purpose of this study is to give some helpful suggestions for teaching proof to mathematically gifted elementary students. To attain the purpose, two research questions are established as follows. 1. Is there a significant difference in proof abilities between the experimental group who took inductive lessons using GeoGebra and comparison one who took traditional expository lessons? 2. Is there a significant difference in proof attitudes between the experimental group who took inductive lessons using GeoGebra and comparison one who took traditional expository lessons? To solve the above two research questions, they were divided into two groups, an experimental group of 10 students and a comparison group of 10 students, considering the results of gift and aptitude test, and the computer literacy among 20 elementary students that took lessons at some education institute for the gifted students located in K province after being selected in the mathematics. Special lesson based on the researcher's own lesson plan was treated to the experimental group while explanation-centered class based on the usual 8th grader's textbook was put into the comparison one. Four kinds of tests were used such as previous proof ability test, previous proof attitude test, subsequent proof ability test, and subsequent proof attitude test. One questionnaire survey was used only for experimental group. In the case of attitude toward proof test, the score of questions was calculated by 5-point Likert scale, and in the case of proof ability test was calculated by proper rating standard. The analysis of materials were performed with t-test using the SPSS V.18 statistical program. The following results have been drawn. First, experimental group who took proof lessons of inductive activities using GeoGebra as precedent activity before proving had better achievement in proof ability than the comparison group who took traditional proof lessons. Second, experimental group who took proof lessons of inductive activities using GeoGebra as precedent activity before proving had better achievement in the belief and attitude toward proof than the comparison group who took traditional proof lessons. Third, the survey about 'the effect of inductive activities using GeoGebra on the proof' shows that 100% of the students said that the activities were helpful for proof learning and that 60% of the reasons were 'because GeoGebra can help verify processes visually'. That means it gives positive effects on proof learning that students research constant character and make proposition by themselves justifying assumption and conclusion by changing figures through the function of estimation and drag in investigative software GeoGebra. In conclusion, this study may provide helpful suggestions in improving geometry education, through leading students to learn positive and active proof, connecting the learning processes such as induction based on activity using GeoGebra, simple deduction from induction(i.e. creating a proposition to distinguish between assumptions and conclusions), and formal deduction(i.e. proving).

Development of Fine Dust Robot Unplugged Education Program (미세먼지 로봇을 주제로 한 언플러그드 교육 프로그램의 개발)

  • Lee, Jaeho;Jang, Junhyung;Jang, Inpyo
    • Journal of Creative Information Culture
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.183-191
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this paper is to develop an unplugged education program that develops the 4C (Creativity, Critical thinking, Communication ability, Collaboration) and CT (Computational Thinking) competencies required in modern society. This study discovered "Fine Dust Robot" as a theme suitable for the unplugged education program, and designed the Unplugged 4-hour education program which can develop 4C and CT competencies. The first stage motivates learning, and the second and third stages develop unplugged activity to develop CT. In the fourth stage, the algorithms created through unplugged activities were programmed through the natural language instruction card and produced the output. We developed educational materials that can be utilized in the unplugged education program. Finally, education programs were conducted for elementary school students, and pre- and post-tests of computational thinking were conducted for general students and gifted students. Educational effective was found in both groups.

The Effectiveness of Purdue GERI Program on Science Learning and Creativity Development of Korean Gifted Students (미국 퍼듀대학 하계 GERI (Gifted Education Resource Institute) 프로그램에 참가한 한국 영재 학생들의 과학 학습과 창의성 개발에 대한 효과 분석)

  • Chae, Dong-Hyun;Kwon, Kyong-Ah;Son, Yeon-A
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.296-306
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the effectiveness of the summer enrichment programs on Korean gifted students' science learning and creativity development. This program is organized by Purdue University Gilled Education Resource Institute (GERI) in U.S.A. Researchers conducted semi-structured interview with 6 Korean students and observed 12 Korean students and GERI teachers for teacher-student interaction and teaching strategies during science-related classes. From the results, GERI program developed from Purdue 3 stage enrichment model that emphasizes creative teaching strategies, group discussions, and individual research were effective to foster creative thinking of Korean gilled students. Despite their language barriers, Korean gilled students found GERI program experience fun, creative, easy, relaxing, and thereby satisfying for their psychological and academic needs. They expected the level of stimulation in GERI program to be higher and the class to be organized more systematically; however, they reported that the broad range of topics and diverse content of GERI classes helped them develop creativity more than Korean classes. These findings will make contribution to the improvement of the quality of gifted education curriculum and programming in Korea.

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An Analysis on the Mathematical Problem Solving Strategies of Ordinary Students, Gifted Students, Pre-service Teachers, and In-service Teachers (일반학생, 영재학생, 예비교사, 현직교사의 다전략 수학 문제해결 전략 분석)

  • Park, Mangoo
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.419-443
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the problem solving strategies of ordinary students, gifted students, pre-service teachers, and in-service teachers with the 'chicken and pig problem,' which has multiple strategies to obtain the solution. For this study, 98 students in the 6th grade elementary schools, 96 gifted students in a gifted institution, 72 pre-service teachers, and 60 in-service teachers were selected. The researcher presented the "chicken and pig" problem and requested them the solution strategies as many as possible for 30 minutes in a free atmosphere. As a result of the study, the gifted students used relatively various and efficient strategies compared to the ordinary students, and there was a difference in the most used strategies among the groups. In addition, the percentage of respondents who suggested four or more strategies was 1% for the ordinary students, 54% for the gifted students, 42% for the pre-service teachers, and 43% for the in-service teachers. As suggestions, the researcher asserted that various kinds of high-quality mathematical problems and solving experiences should be provided to students and teachers and have students develop multi-strategy problems. As a follow-up study, the researcher suggested that multi-strategy mathematical problems should be applied to classroom teaching in a collaborative learning environment and reflected them in teacher training program.

The Growth of School Mathematics: Korean Secondary Gifted Students' Collaborative Problem Solving Using The Wiki (학교수학적 지식의 성장: 고등학교 영재 학생들의 위키(Wiki) 기반 협력 문제해결 활동을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Seoung Woo
    • Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.717-754
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    • 2015
  • As a design research, this study aims to identify students' collaborative problems solving patterns using the Wiki and design factors triggering MKB(mathematical knowledge building) in virtual environment. For 70 days, 14 Korean secondary gifted students, who enrolled in calculus II courses in one of gifted institutions in Korea, solved 10 math problems together using the Wiki. In this study, I considered five design factors; motivation, practice of LaTeX, norms of participation, epistemic agency, and two types of educational settings. The primary pattern emergent in students' collaborative problem solving process is identified as 'solutions and refutations' along the double helix consisting of the constructive line and the critical line, which is very similar to the pattern of 'Conjectures and Refutations'(Lakatos, 1976). Despite that most participants had difficulty in using LaTeX for mathematical expressions, this study shows that Wikis are valuable tools for providing Korean secondary students opportunities to learn social virtue such as humility and courage (Lampert, 1990), which is considered to be have been neglected in Korean educational environment but is emphasized as precious for doing mathematics in the field of mathematics education.

Effects of Collective Intelligence-Based SSI Instruction on Promoting Middle School Students' Key Competencies as Citizens (집단지성을 강조한 과학기술 관련 사회쟁점 수업이 중학교 영재학급 학생들의 역량 함양에 미치는 효과)

  • Lee, Hyunju;Choi, Yunhee;Ko, Yeonjoo
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.431-442
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    • 2015
  • SSI instruction can be an effective tool to promote key competencies for future citizens. Our assumption of the study is that applying the concept of collective intelligence in the context of SSI learning would facilitate the learning. Thus, we designed and implemented Collective Intelligence-based SSI instruction over almost a year and observed the effects of the instruction on enhancing students' collaboration, information management, critical thinking, and communication skills. Twenty 9th grade students enrolled in a science-gifted program voluntarily participated. Data was collected by administering a questionnaire to examine the skills before, in the middle of, and after the instruction, and by conducting classroom observations and focus student group interviews. The results indicated some degree of improvement in their targeted skills. First, they experienced the expansion of their thoughts by actively sharing information and ideas using the web platform. Second, they became more flexible and open to different points of views in order to accomplish a common goal. Third, they appreciated having independent time and space to explore their own positions on the issues and to search necessary information, and believed that the process encouraged them to more pro-actively participate and communicate in the group debates. Lastly, they positively perceived the values that collaboration with diverse group members could produce.

A Study on the Development and Effect of Korean Language Education Program Based on Multiple Intelligences (다중지능에 기초한 국어교육 프로그램 개발 및 효과검증)

  • Ku, Ji-Hye;Park, Seong-Ok
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.69-94
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was to develop and apply a Korean language education program based on multiple intelligences in a bid to foster the multiple intelligences, self-efficacy and achievement motivation of elementary schoolers in regular language arts class. It's basically meant to create the educational conditions for every child to exert his or her abilities. Two research questions were posed: 1. What should be the objectives, content and teaching-learning methods of a Korean language education program based on multiple intelligences? 2. What effect does a Korean education program based on multiple intelligences have on children's multiple intelligences, self-efficacy and achievement motivation? The subjects in this study were 58 Students in two different third-grade classes in M elementary school in the city of Daejeon. A Korean language education program based on multiple intelligences was implemented during a 4month period of time, and an inclusive approach of multiple intelligences and cooperative learning were applied. The major findings of the study were as follows: First, in order to develop a Korean education program based on multiple intelligences, the kinds of themes that could cover multiple intelligences in an inclusive way were selected in consideration of the learning objectives of the major units of a third-grade language arts textbook(second semester) of the 7th national elementary language arts curriculum. And then an inclusive Korean education program was prepared, which consisted of four stages: problem awareness, problem-solving planning, problem solving, and reflection/application/development. Second, the Korean education program based on multiple intelligences had a positive effect on the children's multiple intelligences, self-efficacy and achievement motivation and suggested some of new directions for school education that typically stressed linguistic and logical-mathematical intelligences only.

A Strategy using Writing based on STEAM Instruction for Information Gifted Students' Creative Problem-Solving (정보영재의 창의적 문제해결력을 위한 STEAM 기반 쓰기 활용 전략)

  • Jeon, Su-Ryun;Lee, Tae-Wuk
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.17 no.8
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    • pp.181-188
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    • 2012
  • In this paper, we propose an a strategy using writing based on STEAM Instruction for information gifted students' creative problem-solving. It is needed a complex and dynamic interaction of variety elements for creative problem solving. And it should be provided experience encompassing various disciplines thorough convergence education for leading to the these interactions and developing the ability to solve complex problems. Writing has already been verified educational effects in a variety subjects. And writing gives a positive impact on creative problem solving by helping awareness of the problem and encouraging critical thinking. In addition, writing can be used as an effective tool for improving problem solving based on similarities between problem-solving process. Learners will find algorithm thorough the process analyzing and writing experience with high-tech products like vending machines, mobile phones and can learn naturally the principles of various disciplines used in real life. Furthermore, learners will experience interaction, convergence of various thinking and cultivate creative problem- solving skills.

Development and Effectiveness Analysis of TRIZ Program for the Creativity of Elementary Students (초등학생의 창의성 신장을 위한 TRIZ 프로그램 개발 및 적용 효과 분석)

  • Im, Hye-Jin
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.467-482
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    • 2012
  • In this research, the TRIZ program was developed for the growth of creativity of elementary school students. As for the TRIZ program that was developed in this research, it reconfigured the 40 of principles of the TRIZ within current curriculum, so that it would be possible for all elementary school students to receive their education in school for the growth of creativity. In order to adopt the 4-stages-class model that was developed, I made sample kit for utilizing TRIZ, and developed lesson plans along with materials 13-worksheet for lower-grade students, as well as lesson plans along with materials 12-worksheet, for higher-grade students. This program was applied to 2nd grade students of Y elementary school and 6th grade students of J elementary school, and according to the DESK theory, I subdivided the creativity into fluency, flexibility, originality, and exquisiteness, and it was shown that all of fluency, flexibility, originality, and exquisiteness were developed in elementary students who participated in TRIZ program compared with non-participated students. In conclusion, it was possible to understand that TRIZ program was effective for the growth of creativity of elementary school students.

A Study of Solving Maze Escape Problem through Robots' Cooperation (로봇협동을 통한 미로탈출 문제해결 방안)

  • Hong, Ki-Cheon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.11 no.11
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    • pp.4167-4173
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    • 2010
  • ICT education guidelines revised in 2005 reinforce computer science elements such as algorithm, data structure, and programming covering all schools. It means that goal of computer education is improving problem-solving abilities not using of commercial software. So this paper suggests problem-solving method of maze escape through robots' cooperation in an effort of learning these elements. Problems robots should solve are first-search and role-exchange. First-search problem is that first robot searches maze and send informations about maze to the second robot in real time. Role-exchange problem is that first robot searches maze, but loses its function at any point. At this time second robot takes a role of first robot and performs first robot's missions to the end. To solve these two problems, it goes through four steps; problem analysis, algorithm description, flowchart and programming. Additional effects of our suggestion are chance of cooperation among students and use of queue in data structure. Further researches are use of more generalized mazes, application to real field and a talented curriculum.