• Title/Summary/Keyword: 여객통행

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An Analysis of Trip Chain of Freight Travel using Sequence Alignment Methods (Sequence Alignment 기법을 활용한 화물 통행의 Trip Chain 분석)

  • Joh, Chang-Hyeon
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.540-552
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    • 2011
  • Freight travel pattern has been less studied comparing with the field of passenger travel. Nonetheless, the importance of the freight travel has been increasing in urban travel sector, and the research needs on the freight travel demand hence is increasing. The current paper aims to identify, by tons of freight trucks and cargos, the characteristics of mean travel pattern, efficiency or performance, and the characteristics of freight trip chain regarding destination location, destination type and freight type. The study analyzed the nation-wide data of freight travel behavior survey. This study intended to set the starting framework of decision-making principle in freight travel, which has already been popular in passenger travel study. Findings suggest that those characteristics are clearly distinguished among trucks and cargos of different sizes of tons. The results are expected to provide important insight to the development of relevant transportation policy measures.

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Development of International Passenger Travel Demand Models for the ASEAN Region (아세안지역의 국가간 여객통행수요 추정모형 구축에 관한 연구)

  • Mun, Jin-Su;Park, Jun-Hwan;Jung, Ho-Young
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.7-15
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    • 2008
  • Due to the limitations in the statistical data, the existing studies adopted rough methodologies with strong assumptions in the estimation of international passenger travel demand forecast in the ASEAN region. This study aims to develop international passenger travel demand models using scientific methodologies. This study proposes a direct demand model using the immigration and emigration data between countries in the region. This is because of the difficulty of estimating trip generation and trip distribution separately due to the data limitation in the region. As there does not exist the mode choice model for the region, this study estimates a mode choice model using the Stated Preference technique. The mode choice model is separated into three categories of models according to the range of distance between the origin and destination of travel; this is to reflect the different behavior in mode choice according to the travel distance. The result of model estimations suggests that the estimated models produce resonable results statistically. It is expected that the proposed models are useful for the future travel demand estimation in the ASEAN region.

A Study on the Travel Behavior and Perception of Air Traffic in Jeju Island: Before Covid-19 (제주도 항공교통 이용 통행의 통행행태 및 인식 실태조사: COVID19)

  • Hur, Kyum;Lee, Hyunmi;Jeon, Gyoseok;Choi, Jung Yoon
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.207-218
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    • 2023
  • Jeju Island is a major area generates origin-destination trips, accounting for about 90 % of domestic air transportation, and popular tourist destination visited by more than 10 million domestic and foreign tourists annually. Travel behavior patterns of tourists in Jeju Island have great meaning for not only Jeju Island, but also the inland aviation, tourism, mobility industry. This study presented passenger travel behavior in Jeju Island based on a survey including foreign visitors and residents as well as domestic visitors. In particular, the survey was conducted in early 2020 prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, it is expected to be a major preliminary study for changes in tourist travel and air travel in Jeju Island before and after COVID-19.

An Activity-Based Analysis of Heavy-Vehicle Trip Chains (우리나라 대형 화물차의 통행사슬 분석:활동기반모형 적용)

  • Joh, Chang-Hyeon;Kim, Chan-Sung;Seong, Hong-Mo
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.192-202
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    • 2008
  • Typical activity-based travel analysis has been focused on passenger travel using household survey data. The current research focuses on freight transport using one-day travel survey data. Passenger travel can be seen as the outcome of traveller's subjective decision-making, whereas freight transport is the outcome of shipper or transport company's optimized scheduling. The research conducts an activity-based analysis of freight-vehicle trip chains. In particular, the research focuses on the difference in travel pattern between shipper-oriented private vehicle and transport company-oriented business vehicle. The research analyzed the travel diary of freight vehicles collected as part of the third national logistic survey in 2005. The diary is freight driver's one-day travel record including the information of loading capacity, item transported, destination, arrival time, etc. The analysis results show the difference between private and business vehicles in the travel pattern regarding the sequences of destination, destination type and item transported and the multi-dimensional information of the three sequences.

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Impact of Rail Station Relocation on Urban Traffic Patterns: Simulation Analysis of Busan Station Alternatives (여객역(旅客驛)의 입지(立地)가 도시교통체계(都市交通體系)에 미치는 영향(影響) -부산역(釜山驛)의 대안별(代案別) 모의화(模擬化) 분석(分析)-)

  • Lee, Gun Young
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 1982
  • Presently, most of rail stations are situated on the surface of dowl1town and thus result in heavy traffic congestion and inefficient use of land. This paper analyzes the impact of alternative locations of station On urban traffic patterns by simulating transportation systems, of Busan city. Since location of station has long-term effects on land use and transportation, 20 years forecast of land use change, trip generation, trip distribution, modal split and network assignment was performed for each alternative, and aggregate Impacts On passenger-km and passenger-hour were computed. The result indicated that Bujeon is the most desirable location of station in terms of traffic movement, compared to the alternative locations of Sasang and existing station. Relocation of rail station, however, should be decided with broader analysis including other aspects, such as urban development, environment, construction and operating costs, etc.

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Principles for Government Involvement in Urban Logistics Planning (도시물류정비를 위한 공공부문의 역할에 관한 연구)

  • 최창호
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.49-63
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    • 2001
  • The pattern of urban transport activity has two major components: the movement of people and the movement of goods. Roads in urban areas carry large number of trucks laden with goods that support urban economy and lifestyle. Therefore urban goods movement plays a vital role, but at the same time, urban goods movement are an important source of congestion, and a major contributor to the adverse environmental and social impacts of urban transport. In addition, the demand for goods movement is growing at a faster rate than personal travel in many cities, due to changes in industry logistics and consumer purchasing patterns. As a result, the significance of urban freight activity is increasing in terms of both its role in urban economy and its adverse impacts on urban amenity. This study is focused on the role and involvement scope of metropolitan government in urban logistics aimed at increasing its efficiency and reducing its negative impacts. The major suggestions of this study are (a) development of a measure of urban goods movement activity, (b) evaluation of data requirements and availability, (c) dialogue between the public sector and private sector, and (d) the role of metropolitan government.

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Comparison Between Travel Demand Forecasting Results by Using OD and PA Travel Patterns for Future Land Developments (장래 개발계획에 의한 추가 통행량 분석시 OD 패턴적용과 PA 패턴적용의 분석방법 비교)

  • Kim, Ikki;Park, Sang Jun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.113-124
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    • 2015
  • The KOTI(Korea Transport Institute) released the new version of KTDB(Korea Transport DataBase) in public. The new KTDB is different from the past KTDB in using the concept of trip generation and trip attraction instead of using the concept of Origin-Destination (OD), which was used in the past KTDB. Thus, the appropriate analysis method for future travel demand became necessary for the new type of KTDB. The method should be based on the concept of PA(Production-Attraction). This study focused on analysis of trip generation and trip distribution related to newly generated trips by future land developments. The study also described clearly the standardized forecasting process and methods with PA travel tables. The study showed that the analysis results with OD-based analysis can be different from the results with PA-based analysis in forecasting travel demand for a simple example case even though they used exactly same orignal travel data. Therefore, this study emphasized that a proper method should be applied with the new PA-based KTDB. It is necessary to prepare and disseminate guidelines of the proper forecasting method and application with PA-based travel data for practician.