• Title/Summary/Keyword: 에이즈 지식-태도

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Factors Affecting the Nursing Intention of Nurses for AIDS Patients (AIDS 환자 간호의도에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • Yang, Seung Ae
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.11 no.12
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    • pp.673-683
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    • 2013
  • Purpose : This study aimed to examine the causal relationships among knowledge, stigma prejudice, attitude, social interaction which are factors affecting the Nursing Intention for AIDS patients. Method : Data were collected from June 20 to August 10, 2012, 268 nurses in general hospital located in and outside of Seoul, who were selected using convenience sampling. For hypothesis testing, the collected data were analyzed using AMOS 19. Results : Analysis of the path coefficients in this study showed that 41% of the variation in Nursing Intention could be explained by variation in the model. Social Interaction and Attitude directly affected the Nursing Intention. Social Interaction was found to be the most important predictive factor to explain Nursing Intention. Conclusion : This study found that there are need to increase possibility of social interaction and make positive changes in attitude toward AIDS patient care in order to improve Nursing Intention.

The Comparison of Knowledge and Attitude of AIDS between the Sex Group with a Prostitute and the Non-sex Group in Unmarried Young Men (젊은 미혼 남성에서의 매춘부와 성관계를 한 경험이 있는 집단과 매춘부와 성관계를 한 경험이 없는 집단 사이에서의 에이즈에 대한 지식과 태도 비교)

  • Yeom, Chang-Hwan;Choi, Youn-Seon;Choi, Kyung-Hee
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.122-129
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    • 2001
  • Purpose : After Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is known to be a fatal disease, efforts and studies are made to determine the cause, treatment method and method of preventing infection. However, no treatment method is present and vaccine development has not been made. Therefore, the most effective treatment method is prevention, and almost 100% prevention is possible when correct preventive measures are taken. We suggest effective prevention education by comparing knowledge and attitude of those unmarried men who had sexual encounters with prostitutes (high risk group) and those with no sexual encounters with prostitutes (low risk group). Methods : From January 1, 2000 to June 30, 2000, a survey was done in 516 unmarried soldiers and college students. With the collected data, chi-square test was used to compare and analyze the demographic characteristic, knowledge on AIDS, and attitude on AIDS between the high risk group and low risk group. One-way ANOVA test was used to compare and analyze the scores on knowledge between these two groups. Results : Among 516 unmarried men, 256 men (49.6%) fell into the high risk group and 260 men (50.4%) into the low risk group. Both groups showed that they heard of AIDS during their middle school years. The main route of obtaining knowledge on AIDS was through TV programs with 124 men(48.4%) in the high risk group and 167 men (64.2%) in the low risk group (P=0.002). Among 20 items, the average score on knowledge was $13.9{\pm}1.9$ in the high risk group and $14.1{\pm}1.8$ in the low risk group with no statistical difference between these two groups (P=0.191). Two items showed statistical significance in the low risk group compared with the high risk group; these were the item of AIDS being transmitted through transfusion (P=0.014) and through mosquitoes (P=0.009). As for attitude, statistical significance was present in the item stating that AIDS patients should be isolated in the high risk group compared with the low risk group (P=0.029). Conclusions : The present study showed that both the high risk group and low risk group obtained knowledge on AIDS through TV. No statistical difference was present between the two groups other than the high risk group showed statistically high results in two items on knowledge and one item on attitude. Thus, these results showed that exposure to AIDS can be lowered with better knowledge and the attitude of those with a low risk of infection was more positive.

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The Effect of Activity-oriented AIDS Prevention Education on the Knowledge and Attitudes of Middle School Boys (활동중심 에이즈예방교육이 남자중학생의 에이즈에 관한 지식과 태도에 미치는 효과)

  • Lee, Hyun-Jeom;Hwang, Sun-Kyung
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.17-27
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    • 2010
  • Objectives: The aim of this study was to compare the knowledge and attitudes about AIDS between an activity-oriented and a lecture-oriented AIDS prevention education in middle school boys. Methods: Each of 60 middle school boys in M city, Gyeongsangnam-do, was assigned to the experimental or control group. The activity-oriented AIDS prevention education in experimental group and the lecture-oriented education in control group were provided for a 45 minutes class per week for 4 weeks, respectively. Date were collected with questionnaires and analyzed through $x^2$-test, t-test, and repeated measures ANOVA. Results: The experimental group and control group were homogeneous in knowledge and attitudes about AIDS prevention before the study. In AIDS prevention knowledge, there was no significant interaction of times by groups (F=0.033, p=.930); but the main effect of times was significant (F=63.950, p<.001). In attitudes toward AIDS, there was a significant interaction of times by groups (F=8.892, p<.001). Conclusion: The activity-oriented AIDS prevention education was an effective teaching strategy to foster positive attitudes toward AIDS prevention in middle school boys. Therefore, systematic and sustained development of AIDS prevention education reflecting learners' characteristics is required.

Nurses' Knowledge about and Attitudes toward AIDS and Patients with AIDS (간호사의 AIDS에 대한 지식과 태도)

  • Son Jung-Tae
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.544-558
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    • 1999
  • With the increasing incidence of AIDS, it is probably inevitable that nurses working in hospital and community settings will come in contact with patients with AIDS. Nurses, more than any other health care profession, are on the front line of AIDS patient care. The purposes of this descriptive study were to gather information about registered nurses' knowledge and attitude regarding AIDS. and to provide a basis for the development of continuining education programs for the nurse. Data was gathered in 1988 using self-administered questionnaires given to a convinience sample of two hundred seventy registered nurses from two university hospitals, school nurses and postgraduate students of nursing. Data was analyzed with SAS. The results were as follows. Above 90% of the nurse knew well about definition of AIDS and routes of transmission but nurses relatively lacked knowledge about transmission of HIV in breast milk(69.3%). Less than half knew that drug abuser(44.1%) and sexual partner with IV drug abuser(39.6%) are at high risk for contracting AIDS. Above 70% of the nurse showed reluctance to provide care for surgery. delivery of child birth and hemodialysis of patients with AIDS. The results showed that, given a choice. 41.7% of the nurse would refuse to care for AIDS patients and 48.3% claimed that they should have a right refuse to care for AIDS patients. Reluctance of nursing patient with AIDS appeared to be principally associated with general fear of becoming infected with HIV. 41.8% exhibited a sympathetic attitude toward individual AIDS patient. The study findings suggest that it is necessary to examine the correlations between knowledge and attitude and to develop continuing education programs that alleviate the fear of contagion of the nurse.

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A Study on Soldiers' Knowledge, Attitude and Health Belief about AIDS (일반 사병들의 에이즈에 대한 지식, 태도, 건강신념에 관한 연구)

  • Moon, Eun-Sue;Choi, Eun-Sook;Jung, Hye-Sun
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.298-307
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    • 2004
  • Purpose: This study purposed to investigate the relationship between soldiers' general characteristic and their knowledge, attitude and health-belief about AIDS. Method: This study conducted a survey of 197 soldiers using a structured questionnaire. Data were collected from the 10th to 30th of May 2003. Result: The average age of the participants was 21.6 years, 78.2% of them were undergraduates of universities, and by religion the number of Christians was largest. In addition, 81.2% of them had lived with their parents and siblings before they joined the army and most of them were unmarried. Of the subjects, 75.1% finished education about AIDS, 64.5% experienced a sexual intercourse and 6.3% experienced a venereal disease. The participants' knowledge level about AIDS was 14.6 out of 20 points and their attitude about AIDS is 3.96 out of 5 points on the average. Their health-belief about AIDS was 4.0 out of 5 points in 'perceived benefits,' 2.9 in 'perceived barriers,' 2.6 in 'perceived seriousness' and 2.6 in 'perceived sensitivity. Among the subjects' general characteristics, religion was found to be a statistically significant variable for their knowledge level about AIDS. A variable that is statistically significant for the subjects' attitude toward AIDS was families they had lived together before joining the army. Statistically significant variables for the subjects' health-belief about AIDS were perceived sensitivity and experience in venereal diseases, perceived benefits and AIDS education and perceived barriers and marital status. The subjects' knowledge about AIDS was in a statistically significant correlation with their attitude toward AIDS, and their attitude toward AIDS with perceived benefits. Conclusion: According to the results of this study. those who had had AIDS education appeared to have high attitude and health-belief concerning AIDS. Thus it is necessary to execute AIDS education systematically and continuously in order to have right attitude and high health-belief concerning AIDS.

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College Student's Knowledge and Attitudes toward AIDS in Taegu and Kyungbook areas (대구 경북 지역 일부 대학생들의 에이즈에 대한 지식과 태도 조사)

  • Sin, Yeong-Hui;Hong, Yeong-Hye
    • The Korean Nurse
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.94-103
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    • 1996
  • Given the global impact of the AIDS pandemic, it is necessary to take every measure to prevent an epidemic of this disease in Korea. The only available strategy is prevention. Considering college students as a potential risk group, this study examined their knowledge of, and attitudes toward AIDS. In this study, a self-report questionnaire was administered to 167 students from three colleges in Taegu and Kyungbook province area. Findings indicated that most of the students had lacked knowledge about the AIDS. While knowledge about the modes of transmission and prevention improved, some respondents still believed that AIDS could be transmitted by sharing cups (17.4%), by coughing or sneezing(29.3%), and by moskito (25.7%). About 10% of the students reported that they had received some instruction about AIDS, and 87.3% indicated a desire to know more about the disease. Most of the students reported that they obtained AIDS information from media devices such as TV and newspaper. To the questions designed to examine attitude towards AIDS patients, the students showed a tendency to view AIDS patients as responsible for their own illness (85.6%). Interestingly, they showed sympathy to their imaginary friends and relatives suffering from AIDS (78.4%-90.2%). Eighty percercent of the respondents felt that they personally were not at risk. The study findings suggest a need for the development of AIDS educational programs for college students.

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Knowledge and Attitudes Towards AIDS in a General Population (일반인의 에이즈에 대한 지식 및 태도)

  • Kim, So-Young;Lee, Jin-Seok;Park, Sue-Kyung;Kim, Yong-Ik
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.13-28
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    • 2008
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to assess general population' AIDS knowledge and attitudes towards AIDS. Methods: Using a multistage area sampling and random digit dialing method, a random sample of individuals aged 19-59 years, living in 16 different area in Korea during September 2007 were interviewed by telephone. Results: In all, 1,087 respondents completed the survey. In most items, respondents displayed a fairly good degree of knowledge about AIDS. However it was lower than that in developed countries. Respondents' attitudes towards AIDS were found to be negative. The knowledge and attitudes towards AIDS were more positive for respondents who were young, educated, office worker or students, higher in income. The higher level of knowledge, the more positive attitudes towards AIDS. Conclusions: In general AIDS related knowledge was relatively low and people showed negative attitudes towards AIDS. Incorrect knowledge and lack of information on AIDS would lead to unnecessary negative attitudes and there need to be addressed by health education programs and campaigns using mass media.

A Survey of Sailors Knowledge, Attitudes and Preventive Behaviors about AIDS (선원들의 에이즈에 관한 지식, 태도 및 예방행위에 관한 조사연구)

  • 문정자;김재호
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Navigation
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.103-116
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    • 1997
  • This study was to assess Korean sailors' knowldege, attitudes and behaviors about AIDS. The subjects of this study were 379 safety-trainee sailors. Data were collected by self reporting on a questionnaire during February to March 1996. The results were as follows : The mean score on AIDS knowledge was 17.3 out of a possible maximum score of 24.0. With respect to diseas transmission , only 45.6-86.5percent of the sailors correctly indicated that causal contact does not lead to contraction AIDS. The younger, unmarried , and educated groups had a higher level of knowledge about AIDS. With respect t sailors' attitudes about ADIS, 85.2 percent of the sailors reported that the AIDS is as big a problem as the media suggested, and over half of the sailors(53.8%) reported that they are being afraid of getting AIDS. One attitude, which was most pervasive(903.1 percent agreeing) was that it is important for sailors to receive AIDS education as a part of social education classes. In attitudes , there was statistical significance by age group, marital statistical signifiacance by age group , marital status, and educational level. With respect to sailor's preventive behaviors about AIDS, the mean score was 7.1 out of a possible maximum score of 9.0. It was shown that the older age, married groups had a higher level of preventive behaviors about AIDS.

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The Influence of AIDS Health Education upon Elementary School Students' Knowledge and Attitudes toward AIDS (에이즈 보건교육이 초등학생의 에이즈에 관한 지식과 태도에 미치는 효과)

  • Bae, Seon-Mi;Cho, Kyoul-Ja
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.193-203
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    • 2002
  • This study examined changes of elementary school students' knowledge and attitudes toward AIDS after AIDS health educational programs were conducted. The experiment was executed from November the 28th, 2001 to February the 6th, 2002. Study examinees were 156 fifth year students of 2 elementary schools located at S City. A preliminary inspection was implemented. The post-examination was conducted by a questionnaire survey 2 weeks and 9 weeks after the program was finished. The measurement instrument was the questionnaire developed by Yun, Hyun Sik(1997) and modified by this researcher. Collected data were analyzed with SPSS program package, $x^2$-test and t-test, Repeated Measure ANOVA. Findings of study are as follows; 1. Hypothesis 1 ; the hypothesis 1 is "The points of AIDS knowledge are different at each moment, before conducting the educational program, 2 weeks after conducting the educational program, and 9 weeks after conducting the educational program". After the above hypothesis was examined, interactive actions were shown among different periods in both groups (F=267.241, p=.000), so that this hypothesis 1 was approved. 2. Hypothesis 2 ; the hypothesis 2 is "The points of attitudes toward AIDS are different at each moment, before conducting the educational program, 2 weeks after conducting the educational program, and 9 weeks after conducting the educational program". It was closely examined, and the findings are that significant differences between two groups were found, whereas any interactions were not shown between two groups(F=3.753, p=.055), after controlling the attitude scores that showed differences before the education by covariable, and examining the results. so that this hypothesis 2 was rejected. The above study tells that the AIDS health education for elementary school students made their knowledge and attitudes change significantly, but the education was not effective for changing students' attitudes. Elementary school students need more systematic and continual AIDS health education.

Sexual Orientation, Knowledge and Attitudes toward AIDS among Military Personnel in Korea (일부 군 사병의 성 의식과 에이즈에 대한 지식 및 태도)

  • Kim Nam Cho;Oh Jeong Ah;Han Hye Ja;Kim Mee Hye;Kim Joon Kweon;Lee Hye Ja;Kim Mee Jung
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.225-238
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this descriptive study was to assess sexual orientation and Knowledge and attitudes with regards to AIDS in military personnel, and to provide basic data for developing a further sex education program for them. The data were collected in June 2002 on 242 service members of A Branch of the Ground Army located in Chung-Chung Do Region. They responded to a survey questionnaire that consisted of 68 items: 14 items on sexual orientation. 39 items on knowledge about AIDS, and 15 items on attitudes toward AIDS. The data were analyzed using SAS program. The study results are as follows: 1. Sexual orientation of the military personnel 1) In terms of sexual orientaion, harassment and assault, only $26.4\%$ of the subjects responded as, 'know well'. Appropriate awareness of the legal liability was reported by $21.6\%$ of the subjects regarding sexual harassment and $78.1\%$ of the subjects regarding sexual assault. 2) Pre-marital cohabitant was supported by $89.2\%$ of the subjects. 3) The Korean military personnel showed liberal attitudes toward sexuality as $46.4\%$ of them reported having sexual-relationship with the dating partner is acceptable. 4) The attitudes of the most subjects toward homosexuality was found to be unfavorable. 5) Subjects were m the need of appropriate sex education. of which substantial knowledge on sexual intercourse was the most needy area. 2. Knowledge and attitudes toward AIDS of the military personnel 1) The subjects' level of knowledge on AIDS was relatively low, showing the average score of $22.31\pm7.23$ points (range: 0-39 points). The higher level of knowledge was reported by those who had high level of education, father alive. and less number of brothers in their family. 2) The subjects' attitudes toward AIDS was relatively positive. The attitude toward AIDS was also found to be more positive in those who had high level of education and less number of brothers. 3) There was a positive but weak correlation between knowledge and attitude toward AIDS. The study finding showed that the sexual orientaion of the Korean military personnel was moderately positive and liberal. However, their awareness of sexual harassment and assault and AIDS was still found to be low. As Korean enlisted military service men are likely to be in the ages with strong sexual desire, it may be important for them to have appropriate sexual orientation and attitudes toward AIDS. Therefore, it is recommended to develop further practical and sound sex education programs within the military unit in order to meet their education needs as well as to utilize sex education specialists as the instructors of those programs.

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